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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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in ingushetia, security forces completed a special operation in karabulak, a group of militants that was blocked in one of the houses was eliminated, and the cto regime has now been abolished. bulat shakiev found out details about the special operation. the entire counter-terrorism operation took the law enforcement agencies less than a day; they introduced the regime in karabalak the night before. the first shots were fired
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after an attempt to detain the militants; they occupied one of the apartments of a multi-storey building, this greatly complicated the situation, the police were forced to evacuate the residents, under they were sent as cover to a nearby school , a temporary security center was set up there, when it became clear that there was no one left inside except the terrorists, the fsb special forces began preparing for the assault, the militants had barricaded themselves by this point and kept opening fire, the shootout was accompanied by grenade explosions, a fire started in denmark, and the terrorists tried to take advantage of the smoke screen and, under the cover of darkness, wanted to escape from the encirclement, but all these attempts were stopped by the security forces and today they were able to eliminate the entire personality cell of the bandits previously identified, according to available data they were adherents of the international terrorist organization isis. this is an organization banned in the russian federation and was involved in a number of terrorist acts, including an attack on a traffic police post. the murder of three
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police officers in march 2023, three of them, including the leader, were in federal rozoski, thank god, there were no casualties among law enforcement officers during the assault , there were no casualties among the civilian population, during the inspection of the clash site an automatic weapon, ammunition for it, of course, grenades and an improvised explosive device were discovered. stripe kyiv, news. russian army units have been improved. 18 vzo attacks repulsed their position in several directions, zelensky’s formation lost over a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers , three tanks and nine other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 17 gunships, self-propelled guns and missile systems, mostly of american polish origin, 143 combat drones were destroyed, about the situation on the front line anton stepanenko, here are the firing points in the case.
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this is the enemy. the front in this area has not moved for the second year, although zaporozhye is about 40 km away. take the regional center head-on, only to lose people, while the dnepr group of troops, and this is its area of ​​​​responsibility, is working on more promising sectors of the front, exhausting the enemy. everyone knows their job, we try.
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short flashes of the flashlight, so as not to give away the position, restore aiming, ready, ready, working, mortar, load, shot, shot! worked on targets where they have oporniks, which means they are equipped, and literally just recently there were trenches there, so they quickly camouflaged everything, everything, well , you have to stir them up, because they are constantly trying to get through this crane to the nearest forest camp; during the great patriotic war, when soviet troops
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were preparing to liberate zaporozhye, the front line passed approximately in the same places, then they were liberated, history repeats itself, anton stepanenko, valery venokurov, news, zaporozhye front. the german defense minister called the leak of an audio recording in which german generals are discussing strikes on the crimean bridge and military warehouses of russia, and they blamed moscow in full and kept silent about the fact that the generals were discussing a plan that could drag germany into war, and this, judging by the words of chancellor scholz , contradicts the national interests of germany, that is, we are talking about treason, about vanity, about the bundesphere elizaveta kharamtsova. two eternal russian questions, who is to blame and what to do, have become key, at least for the german government. those who are to blame for the scandal are trying to shift their anxiety onto the entire people. german newspapers, leaked conversation officers about the supply of taurus missiles and
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the preparation of attacks on the crimean bridge are called a disgrace to the country and a disaster for the luftwaf. television began talking in unison about propaganda, but no one called the audio recording itself a fake. there are questions about why such dangerous political topics are discussed in this way. they didn’t come up with anything better than resorting to hackneyed historical parallels. in his column , the publication's chief robert schneider writes that scholz will no longer be world chancellor because the head of the cabinet has forgotten his lessons
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history, because after forty-five, reliable deterrence helped avoid a major war. the journalist directly calls on berlin to threaten moscow precisely with the supply of taurus missiles. with disappointment. on the verge of despair, the topic is picked up by a military observer of the same newspaper, julian roebke sighs: after the victory in ovdeevka, russia continues to show high professionalism, and the disarmed ukrainian armed forces have to change tactics. ukraine is trying to do something with the help of technology, it is being restored by robots and drones, because on the one hand there is not enough western technology, on the other hand, there are not enough soldiers, something still needs to be done so that ukraine as a country survives. for germany. may also result in problems with nato partners, writes wol street journal, because the negotiations proved that the american, british and french military are already in the conflict zone, although this is denied by western politicians. in addition, the holiday came on the street of scholz's opponents. an opportunity arose to cure him of his
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worst sin - unwillingness to help kiev. the chancellor told parliament to supply taurus it is impossible, because bundeswehr employees will have to go with them to ukraine and will be engaged in training. ukrainians, but from the leak it becomes obvious that the ukrainian armed forces could cope on their own, what is obviously striking in this conversation is the unity of the waffe backlash on the topic of the possibility of sending taurus missiles to ukraine without sending german soldiers, this certainly contradicts what scholz said, explaining his refusal of supplies. for this lie, which the deputies politely called a distortion of facts, shkholz will have to answer at a meeting of the defense bundestag committee on march 13. opponents of the head of government are now saying that the revealed truth may only be the tip of the iceberg. elizaveta khramtsova, news. in the lugansk republic, marad khusnulin discussed the overhaul of residential buildings and the modernization of communal infrastructure, the theme outlined in the president’s message, with
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the regional administration. as part of his working trip, the deputy prime minister visited lugansk, severo-donetsk, rubezhnoe and lisichansk. among other things, i checked boiler rooms and social facilities. we want to finish kindergarten soon time, we looked, and saw a wonderful sports school that everyone did. we sent a large consignment of equipment for the units of the center group and paratroopers, including delivery of uazs, atvs, copters, rap equipment, radio reconnaissance and equipment, we collected it all.
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victory at the world youth festival in sirius, a large educational cultural program, famous politicians and media representatives, cultural figures and athletes became guests of the forum. about the most interesting events of this day, anastasia panko. today is the second day of the world youth festival, in total it will last 5 days , each will be held under its own specific theme, today, for example, the theme sounds like multinational unity. participants realize and study the diversity of peoples , cultures, traditions, and today, for example, at
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the festival they opened a repository for the future sirius library, and it is replenished by the festival participants themselves; they specially brought with them books in advance that they want to see as a legacy of the festival, and and some foreign participants share works of russian world classics, published specifically in their own language, and participants from russia, accordingly, bring books to...
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which i know, and it’s amazing to receive this book in the original language here in russia. i really am a fan of books, and this is just magical for me. today is a day full of other events, there are a lot of lectures, discussions, conferences, for example, the chief editor of the russia today media group , margarta simonyan, held an open dialogue with the festival participants, and talked about how be in the information field, how to distinguish lies from truth, how to resist fakes, and guys. they could ask the speaker absolutely any questions, there were a lot of future colleagues, those who are now studying
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at the faculty of journalism, there were also doctors, volunteers, political scientists, about a thousand people in total, very touching , very sincere, honest, cool, and one can see such interest of people, very real in those issues that concern us all, also today the valdai international discussion club held its own specially... for the wfm the first, specifically a youth conference called “voldai club world in 2040”. it was attended by russian foreign experts, as well as young specialists, graduate students, graduates of leading universities in the field of international relations from brazil, egypt, india, indonesia, china, france, and in general the goal of this club is to ensure the continuity of generations in understanding world processes, and experts noted that the young participants of the conference have... circumstances,
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experts and youth, and i am encouraged by the quality of their expertise, their involvement, motivation, curiosity, optimism, involvement in discussions on international relations are at a very high level and mature. news from the federal territory of sirius. in seoul, over 30,000 doctors came out to a protest rally, demanding a review of the reform of medical education. the authorities want to
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almost double the number of students and doctors, but the doctors themselves believe that this will lead to a drastic change. competition will increase and, accordingly, salaries will fall, they say that there are enough medical workers, and it is better to start paying people decent salary. about 9.00 interns and residents have already quit in protest. the unions refuse to negotiate until the government reconsiders the reform. the large-scale international and multi-sport tournament of the games of the future, which lasted 2 weeks with a colorful closing ceremony, ended in kazan.
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spectacular, spectators from more than 100 countries watched competitions at the intersection of traditional and e-sports, and we gave the sport an indelible impression of incredible competitions. 2 weeks of competition in twenty-one disciplines, like one mi, well-known traditional sports, their digital counterparts, computer shooters and lasertac. drones and robots, speed games and even a mixture of real virtual martial arts, an impressive scope and more than 2,000 participants in total. the event is solemn, but a little sad. for 2 weeks our capital was in the attention of the entire world community, and of course, the games of the future, they revealed a lot of
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interesting things, and many people in the world learned. what it is? during the closure, the organizers fantasized about possible participation cheburashkas in video games and made fun of the robotic dog fijik, who was already tired at the opening ceremony. i watched the opening ceremony online and was very delighted with the costumes and the format in general, so we are still waiting for some very interesting ideas at the closing ceremony. it was done very well, we are impressed, everything is fair without exaggeration, we are a team from laos. we performed in the discipline of mobile games mlbb, we met serious competition, but what sank into our souls was , first of all, the hospitality and high level of organization, clearly done with love. a great social dance, when no one in the hall remained indifferent, as the quintessence of the ceremony and yet another proof that the impossible is possible. i will be very glad
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that it will be -
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everyone is delighted with the taste of aromatic freshly brewed coffee, tasty and to the point, favorite cappuccino, as well as raf flat wide, hot chocolate and desserts in the cafe. alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback. i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors. if it seems that the cold cannot be stopped, fight the symptoms, fight the viruses. anvimax when the cold is getting worse. holiday discounts in magnet. 749. this is the same hair dryer, the same hair dryer, and also top quality discounts up to 50%, a robot vacuum cleaner for only 16.99. under the silver
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70%. give yourself and your loved ones a completely new technology. inspiring sale of electronics on avito. new yandex browser. give me neurosil to make any text better. a true legend is immediately visible, almost impossible to touch. but not for you, this is your legendary credit card alfabank. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive
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a super cash in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, the legendary bid! this is big hit, big hit, only in a tasty way. cselen helps relieve nasal congestion, now in a large family pack at an affordable price. csilen - one package, four bottles. order from zdrav city. the head of state addressed the annual a message to the federal assembly, in which he set a number of tasks for the government, including in the social sphere, in the field
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of training qualified personnel, educating the younger generation, and improving the quality of increasing the life expectancy of russians. these and other instructions voiced by the president, of course, need to be taken under control as quickly as possible and... the government will allocate more than four billion rubles to support certain categories of mobilized and contract soldiers. military personnel who, before mobilization or conclusion of a contract, were pensioners of law enforcement agencies will receive monthly compensation equal to the amount of their long-service pension. the government will finance the purchase of medicines for people with hiv and hepatitis b and c; they will be issued free of charge with a prescription. in the next 3 years , more than 1 billion
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rubles will be allocated for this annually, and more than 360 million rubles will be allocated for transporting medicines to the regions. we are talking about drug provision under the program of 14 high-cost nasologies, which provides for the provision of expensive medications of people. additional education of citizens in the budget in 2024 , more than 6 billion rubles are provided for retraining. to the current
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program. new categories of russians have been added: people with disabilities, citizens looking for work, and those on parental leave to care for a child under 3 years of age. this can be not only the mother or father of the child, but also any other relative or guardian. rub 12 billion will be allocated to modernize municipal infrastructure systems in the regions. the money will also be used to upgrade utility networks, repair of boiler treatment facilities, which in turn. will reduce accident rates and improve the quality of public services provided to residents. i am confident that thanks to such support , russian regions will be able to more effectively modernize utility networks, which is very important for our people. all the most important things in life are in our hands. fulfill a childhood dream.
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gain new knowledge, feel inspired, build a career, realize your plans, start a family, recreate life, pass on traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights, it’s in our hands to choose our future and... the future of the whole country, together, we are strong, we vote for russia, yes, alekich, this is a priority task, i’m accelerating as best i can, now i ’ll speed up the process, everyone is delighted from the taste of aromatic
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