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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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don’t move, for some reason i trust you, ann medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website. in ingushetia, security forces completed a special operation in karabululak, a group of militants that was blocked in one of the houses was eliminated, and the cto regime has already been abolished. bulat shakieev found out the details of the special operation. the entire counter-terrorism operation took the law enforcement agencies less than a day; the regime was introduced in the karabalak the night before, and then the first shots were fired. they occupied one of the apartments
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in a multi-story building, which made it very difficult situation, the police were forced to evacuate the swindlers, under cover they were sent to the nearest school , a temporary emergency was organized there, when it became clear that there was no one left inside except the terrorists, the fsb special forces began preparing for the assault, the militants by this time barricaded themselves and every now and then opened fire, the shootout was accompanied by grenade explosions, a fire started in the building, terrorists. tried to take advantage of the smoke screen and , under the cover of darkness, wanted to escape from the encirclement, but all these attempts were stopped security forces and already today they were able to eliminate the entire cell of the identity of the bandits , having previously established that, according to available data, they were adherents of the international terrorist organization isis, an organization banned in the russian federation, and were involved in a number of terrorist acts, including an attack on a traffic police post and the murder of three police officers in march...
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with new branches you won’t immediately see the formidable weapon. camouflage is one of the main components of success. the command to fight has been received. geocinth begins to move. to the artillerymen the grouping of troops center near avdeevka needs to dismantle another enemy fortified area. geocinth is perfect for this. shoots far. the target range is 23 km and accurate. two sighting guns are already hitting the target. a lot comes and we work day and night, the intensity is such that the enemy literally does not have time to raise his head, our artillerymen noted long ago, the enemy practically does not respond, the enemy can just fire a couple of shots, the answer is no more, but the fact that he leaves is yes , since according to these positions have received less fire lately, so i think he is rolling back and commanding the crew.
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camouflage the installation before the command is sounded shelter shelter - this is like this . after shooting, you need to have time to re -tunnel a few meters underground camouflage. here you immediately feel the warmth, but the most important thing is how it was done, because they cut through this clay rock, they weren’t lazy, how everything was arranged, they made themselves such a sunbed, and of course the stove, it’s warm, good, a clean towel, wash, the soldier will be clean, shaved hid, the crew is hiding here to bide their time, there was no response, there is a thunderstorm over the hyacinth’s positions, radio...
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to react, he is lost in space, then we act further, or we shoot him down with something using our own manual methods, or he sits down on his own. in the last month alone , about twenty enemy birds have been lost in a thunderstorm. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. the german defense minister called the leak of an audio recording in which german generals discussing strikes against crimea. war, and this, judging by the words of chancellor scholz, contradicts the national interests of germany, that is, we are talking about treason, about vanity, the bundeswehr, elizaveta
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khramtsova. two eternal russian questions, who is to blame and what to do, have become key, at least for the german government. your anxiety. those who are to blame for the scandal are trying to shift the blame onto the entire people; german newspapers call the leaked conversation between officers about the supply of taurus missiles and the preparation of strikes on the crimean bridge called a disgrace to the country and a disaster for the luftwafe. television began talking in unison about propaganda, but no one called the audio recording itself a fake. i had to be content with the usual cliches that arti is the kremlin’s ideological weapon. and the moscow correspondent of the cdf found it.
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came up with bilt in his column, the editor-in-chief of the publication, robert schneider, writes that scholz will no longer be chancellor of the world, because the head of the cabinet forgot the lessons of history, because after forty- five, reliable deterrence helped to avoid a major war. the journalist directly calls berlin is threatening moscow precisely with the supply of taurus missiles. with disappointment bordering on despair on his face, the military columnist of the same newspaper picks up the topic. julian röbke sighs: after the victory in avdeevka, russia is still showing great results.
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for the participants of the world youth festival in sirius, dozens of events, awards, exhibitions, meetings with famous people, for example, pranksters vavan and lexus told how they manage to find an approach to politicians so that they start talking, alexandra perfileva heard the secrets of pranksters. the session itself i was in the atom hall, this is one of probably a dozen halls that are located here at the university.
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it is possible at this moment to ask one of the pressing questions, today at the session they showed one of several examples, they said that they managed to communicate five times.
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in the lugansk republic, major renovations of residential buildings and modernization of communal infrastructure, topics outlined in the president’s message, were discussed by marad khusnulin with the regional administration. as part of his working trip, the deputy prime minister visited lugansk, severo-donetsk, rubezhnoe and lisichansk. among other things, checked boiler rooms and social facilities. we want to finish the kindergarten soon . we looked and saw a wonderful sports school that was built in severo-donetsk, i remember how it was in ruins, today i even managed to play volleyball and tennis with the guys, already in the new renovated hall, the kids were very nice and very good. in siula , over 30,000 doctors came out to a protest rally, demanding a review of the medical education reform. the authorities want to increase the number of medical students.
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the next games will take place in the twenty-fifth year and the desire to accept them was publicly voiced by the presidents of kazakhstan and uzbekistan. now we can officially say, the first games of the future, which were so tasty and brightly organized. the capital of tatarstan is completed. a large-scale project that combined two stories, cyber classic sports and opened the doors to the whole world. alexander makrizin, sergey kuznitsov, karen melikyan, vesti kazan. she will appear now. well, what's there? a card that earns itself. gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. are your items faded after washing? use
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gel weasel. it maintains fabric strength and restores color. things look like new three times longer. no, i wash with affection, holiday discounts in the magnet, mas on mr. rico 109.99 on avita inspiring sale of electronics and discounts up to 70%. add more energy to your game, longer battery life with the new generation of gp ultra+ batteries, up to 200% more energy with the new gtec technology. try the new gp ultra batteries. plus gp batteries, i saw it, buy it, panic, let’s do without panic, there’s beeline’s internet, let’s go , better motels, with beeline’s smart network, you have connections in a variety of situations, again i’m sparing everyone, with such and such an internet on your side, where else
10:19 pm
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robot vacuum cleaner for only 1699, halve the price on the yandex market, discounts up to 50% when paying with an alphabank card if cards. order a free alpha debit card and buy it at half price. what was your first impression when you met vladimir putin for an interview? it seemed to me that he was nervous. and i was very surprised by this. it seemed to me that he looked like... a man who thought everything through, even too much, who had a plan, but i don't think this is the right approach for any interview, it is my firm belief, and i have many years of experience conducting them, that it is better
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to be aware of your thoughts and express them as frankly as possible, so as not to get confused in your own lies, and just be yourself, and i he seemed to approach this like an overprepared student, and i kept wondering why he was nervous, i guess it was because... he thought that many people would see it, and also, in all likelihood, he was prepared teach you a complete lesson stories of what he did. i was absolutely shocked and very annoyed by this because it seemed like an attempt to avoid the topic, that is, as usual, i asked him the most obvious and stupid question: why did you do this? and he gave the answer in his speech, which i think is worth reading. i don't speak russian, so... i didn't hear it in the original, but he said that at the outbreak of the war, he made an appeal to the russians, in which he set out in
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full the reasons for his actions. in that speech he said: "i am afraid that nato, the west, the us, the biden administration will strike us preemptively." and i thought: well, that's interesting , i can't judge whether this fear is based on reality or paranoia, but i thought: well, here's the answer. i touched on this in my question , and he, instead of answering, launched into a long, from my point of view, tedious story, similar to the hit parade of russian history. and the subtext, as it seemed to me, was this: ukraine is ours, or eastern ukraine is already ours. and to me it seemed like he was doing this to avoid answering to the question. the last thing you want when interviewing someone is to be interrupted. i didn't want to be interrupted , so i politely interrupted him a couple of times , i thought, but he didn't approve, so i thought, you know what, i'm not here to prove that i'm a great interviewer,
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it's kind of like not in me, i want to know who this guy is, i think the western audience, the general audience, has the right to know more about this guy, so just let him talk because i don't feel like my reputation is at stake, people have already made up their minds about me, i guess, to the extent that they could, i... those opinions don't interest me, so just let him talk, so i calmed down and just let him talk, i guess that it was very interesting, whether you agree with it or not, whether you think it has anything to do with the war in ukraine or not, that was his answer, so it's very important, you said he was nervous, and you were nervous, you were afraid, this is vladimir putin? i was absolutely not afraid or nervous. i'm 54 years old, my the children have grown up, i believe in god, i almost never get nervous. i was just interested, i mean i'm interested in soviet history, i studied it in college, i've been reading about it all my life. my father's work was related to the cold war, and it was
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a constant topic of conversation. and to find myself in the kremlin, in the room where stalin made a decision, be it a military decision or a decision to kill his own population, i simply could not accept it. we were in molotov's old office, and for me it was simply stunning. i thought i knew a lot about russia. it turned out that i knew a lot about the soviet period, about the chist. seventh year about the famine in ukraine, i knew quite a lot about it, but i really knew nothing about modern russia, less than i thought, as it turned out, but yes, i was just shocked by where we ended up, and this is one of the main driving forces at this stage of my life, that's why i do what i do , because everything is interesting to me, and i want to see as much as possible, try to draw conclusions from it as much as possible, all this is me it was very absorbing, but no, i wasn’t nervous, what was the goal? stick with that, what was the purpose of the interview, what did you think about it and how did you imagine success when you went into it? to bring more information, just information, to the public, yes, that's exactly it, i mean, i'm very much.
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what is happening not only in ukraine or russia, but throughout the world, i assume that a reset is happening in the world, and to the detriment of the united states, and it seems to me that most americans do not realize this, this is my opinion, i expressed there's a lot of it times because it is sincere, but my goal was to bring more information to the west so that people can decide for themselves whether it is good. position, that is , i simply reject all the prerequisites for a war in ukraine that are put forward on the american side, and which boil down to the fact that a tiny group of fools in washington decided to do this for reasons that they cannot explain. you have absolutely no part in this, as american citizens, as the person who pays for it and whose children may be drafted into war, shut up and submit. i completely reject this. i think i'm probably just a child of a different era. to some extent i am a child.
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this war, this victory, as indeed always before, does not have an exact definition, nothing ever has an exact definition, this statement signals that at its core lies a lie, but ukraine is on the verge of victory, but i don’t know , i mean, i'm hardly a tactician or a military expert, for the fifth time i'm saying, i'm not an expert as for russia or ukraine, i just looked at wikipedia, russia has 100 million more people than ukraine, it has a much more powerful industrial potential,
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the potential of a military resource. than all nato countries combined. for example, russia produces artillery shells, which are of great importance in a land war, at a ratio of 7:1 compared to all nato countries combined, which is all of europe. russia produces seven times more artillery shells than all of europe combined. what? this is an amazing fact and it turns out to be a very significant fact, in fact, a significant fact. but if you...ask the average person in this country, even a fairly well-informed one, who 's just trying to understand what's going on, who 's going to win this war? well, of course , ukraine will win, they are on the right side, they think so, because our media, which actually serves the interests of the us government , period, they are state media in this sense, and so they have been telling them about this for more than two years years. last summer i was in hungary and talked with prime minister viktor orban, who, no matter what you think about him, is a very smart person, his intelligence is
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on a scale that we are not used to. it's a tiny country compared to russia, russia has a wartime economy, ukraine has no economy, just compare the population , he looked at me like i was a fool and i told him i think most americans believe this because nbc news , cnn all the news channels, everyone keeps telling them about it because all this... and it's so dishonest that it doesn't even matter what i want or what i think is going to happen is just a distortion of what's going on, and if i have any job, which i don't seem to have at the moment, it 's just trying to be honest, it's all a lie, but there is a more detailed discussion of what victory could look like, you are right, the nuances are not discussed, but ukraine can, in quotes...
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win thanks to the united states. i believe the conversation needs to start with defining terms. and the key term is victory. what does it mean? peace, cessation fire. who owns what land? sit down at the negotiating table with the parent, as you call it, the united states. and then use leverage in negotiations to ensure fairness. amen. well, of course, and i must repeat that. emotionally, and so i look at it purely from our point of view, from the point of view of what is good for us, but also as a person and as a christian, i hate war, in my opinion, anyone who hates war should not have power , so i...


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