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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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in an assumed and approved manner, but nothing should be ruled out in the dynamics, we will send official ground troops and do everything necessary to ensure that russia cannot win this war. oh my god! in history, france has more than once done everything to prevent russia from winning the war. everyone knows that in 1812 napoleonic army of seven hundred thousand was defeated in russia in less than six months, and russian cossacks then entered paris. in the middle of the century before last, the french and the british wanted to seize crimea from us, but crimea remained ours. at the same time the anglo-french squadron tried to land on kamchatka, but it was a bummer there too. a lesser-known
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episode within the framework of foreign intervention is the capture of odessa in december 1918. here is the french cruiser merobo at the head of the french squadron in odessa. then the army of the directorate of the ukrainian people's republic of simon petliura and the french presented an ultimatum. petliura retreated. here is the unloading of french tanks in the odessa port. 15 also landed
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. the interventionists were crazy about her. true, already on april 2, when otaman grigoriev approached, went over to the bolshevik side. the french announced an urgent evacuation, and the gali rooster's tour ended. having vigilantly submitted, france fell to its knees in 40 days, but when germany moved towards the ussr, 12 thousand french volunteers were recruited right at the grand building in paris, an infantry regiment of the german army and a group center. thus a legion of french volunteers was formed against the bolsheviks. ima was driven by goebbels’ successfully fueled revenge for napoleon and the supposed mission of succession.
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before departure, the legionnaires were sworn in with simple text. i swear before god to unquestioningly obey the head of the german and allied armies, adolf hitler, in the fight against the bolsheviks and am ready at any moment, as a brave soldier, to sacrifice my life. before the formation, these words were spoken by the commander of the legionnaires, roger labon, and the legionnaires yawned fervently, having driven through hael, they were sent east on a train from paris to moscow. with chalk inscriptions, long live the french legion, heil hitler, and long live france. we rode happily and even decided that at the parade in moscow they would march in napoleonic shakos for forso. however, everything turned out differently. the french legion really invaded the ussr as the first of the foreign units together with hitler, and near smolensk field marshal von klug addressed them “my good french.” recalling
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the historically common enemy of russia. then everything was much more prosaic. from the book of the french nazi, a member of that legion, marc ogier, volunteers. and so they went deeper into us. major henri lacroix took the binoculars. russian soldiers walked calmly along the road to dyutkova. it seems that the moros have nothing to do with it. bow-legged bears in sheepskin coats. lacroix looked around at the legionnaires and noticed that they were all... holding their pants at stomach level with their hands, what was wrong with them, they were sick, at a temperature below -20, they were not able to button and unbutton the buttons, zhanne explained. the majority have dysentery, they have to urgently lower their pants every now and then. so they don’t fasten them, holding them on their belts with their elbows. in this state, we had to enter into battle with the red banner saratov rifle division of colonel viktor polosukhin. the french were warmed up with high-explosive flamethrowers. hundreds
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they burned, general moroz took half of them, the germans did not involve the rest in battles since then, taking them to belarus to protect villages from the partisans, there the legionnaires behaved... terribly, the slogan of the good french was the motto, let them castrate us, but don’t stop us from doing that , what we want, and this means violence and mockery of women, the legion ended completely ingloriously, at the end of the war the germans poured the remnants of volunteers into the french division of charlot magne, guarded hitler’s headquarters, and here the red army finished them off. but now liberated berlin, quite like a master inspected by marshal zhukov with a delegation of soviet military leaders. inspection on may 3 after the fall of the berlin garrison.
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brandenburg gate at parisen platz. soon a picture of stalin will appear here. history is right on the coattails, hence the phobias, hence the new revanchism, hence the desire to move against russia again on the side of the nazis. these are the strings the americans are playing on today, and the same us secretary of defense loy dostin, of course, can attribute what he said to the rising infections of the genitourinary system, and now urine.
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germany began helping the ukrainian reich with sleeping bags, and now tauras missiles are on the hot agenda. scholz seems to be in no condition, but he has to hold the blow more and more difficult, but how long will scholz himself survive? the political situation in germany is clearly not in his favor, but the animal fear is still stronger. taurus missiles won’t bring any good to germany itself, because technically you won’t have to launch them yourself. it is this scholz that scares the french and british with their scalps and at the same time, stormshade is watered. these are very long-range weapons and what the british and french are doing in terms of tracking targets and escorting them cannot be done in
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germany. anyone who has dealt with this system knows this. and while he says one thing, the bundeswehr is developing another, and this time in practice. in germany the recording has already been recognized as authentic, that is, once again german generals are planning military operations in russia using the most modern air-to-ground missile weapons, and they are doing it in cold blood,
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working out in detail and hoping to evade responsibility, so that germany would not get it for it, the meeting was chaired by the commander of the bundeswehr air force, general...
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a possible option is to provide planned technical support, theoretically this can
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be done from a büchel, subject to the creation of a secure connection with ukraine. if this were available, then further planning could be carried out. this is the main scenario, at a minimum, provide full support from the manufacturer, support through user support services, which will solve software problems. in principle, everything is the same as it happens here in germany. lieutenant general. gerhards understands the risk of such direct control of missile launches and offers his own version of conspiracy to control the missiles from the headquarters of the manufacturer mbda in straubenhausn. it will look like just a technical consultation, and the bundeswehr has nothing to do with it at all. wait a minute, i understand what you're saying. politicians may be concerned about direct, closed communication.
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interlocutors, do not pop up in their heads pictures of the best bridges in germany, in this rather cramped country, of course, there are no such long ones as the crimean one, but still too... there is something to look at through a rocket sight. here, for example, is the femer sound road-railway bridge in the baltic sea. the length is just under a kilometer, but it allows ocean liners up to 23 m high to pass underneath it. what is an unrequited target for our hypersonic zircon? but if the germans want to destroy our
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crimean bridge along its entire length, and not just make holes in it, which was also discussed, then they will have to. pay attention to other bridges in germany, in order to get retaliatory damage in linear meters, then we also add the ryuginsky bridge, the total length is about 3 km, one of the parts is adjustable to allow large ships to pass through the stralizont strait, but in terms of footage the ryuginsky bridge will not be enough, then we’ll pay attention on the hohenzollerno railway bridge in cologne itself. across the rhine, 1,200 trains pass through a day, there will be a traffic jam, anyway, in terms of footage we still don’t reach it, then the cherry on the cake, the magdeburg water bridge, the length of the main the span is about a kilometer, the width of the channel is 34 m, the depth is 4.5, the waterway connects the internal
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river port of berlin with the ports in the arena, it began to be built before the second world war , it was completed in the 21st century, it will be a pity, but what can we do, our crimean bridge is named after it’s not a pity, i’m sure that after the published audio recording of a meeting of bundeswehr generals with the goal of destroying our crimean bridge, our general staff will conduct its reconnaissance regarding similar retaliatory targets in germany, high-precision hypersound will solve the problem inevitably, well, with what... by the way, our the beautiful crimean bridge was built by the whole country , it became an inspiration for a transport artery and an architectural masterpiece, suddenly some unfinished germans are sitting and aiming at it, and even planning to hide their involvement, which means counting on impunity, but not disgusting, dirty and deceitful, because not it must
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not be like this, this is how our old man turned out. russia and the world majority on the one hand, and the west on the other, set completely different, apparently irreconcilable goals, but as they say, history does not teach, it punishes, so it will happen this time. well, continue the topic already from germany itself, mikhail antonov. german experts have confirmed the authenticity of the recording of negotiations between four high-ranking members of the german ministry of defense on the supply of taurus cruise missiles to ukraine, which was published by the russian media on friday. this is a very serious matter, so now this issue is being clarified very carefully, intensively and quickly, this is necessary. on sunday afternoon
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, the german defense minister interrupted the long pause, which he probably needed to recover from shock. didn't give it all some kind of confused comment, without questioning the authenticity of the recording itself, pistorius managed to accuse the russians of disinformation. this is part of the information war that putin is waging, there is no doubt about it, this is a hybrid attack, disinformation, division, the goal is to undermine our unity, so we need to react carefully, but no less decisively. without waiting for expert opinions, which once again indicates the validity of their conclusions. the federal directorate of military counterintelligence began to block those accounts on social networks who posted the recording, began an investigation into how classified information ended up in the hands of the russians, the vevex internet platform, which was used for negotiations, is under suspicion, while one of the participants in the conversation on february 19 was in a hotel in singapore, which does not exclude direct wiretapping
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of numbers. the german media seized on the spy story, what else might the russians know that... they shouldn't know, that goes beyond berlin's officially stated position. this is what she looks like today. at the rockets taurus has a range of 500 km, and if used incorrectly, they can hit a very specific target somewhere in moscow. you need to know exactly what lands and where. in our case, this would mean that we must participate in order to be able to do this. i find this impossible. it is possible to control the use of taurus only if luftwaf specialists enter the target coordinates into the navigation system. and this is already a war with russia. and the same thing if you don’t control it, because kiev. without hesitation will direct them into the strategic depths of russian territory, where the british stormshadow and the french scalp cannot finish off. at the same time, paris and london, located
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relative to berlin, are still in the rear of nato, are trying to push scholz for supplies. the argument that the germans are already the first after the united states in terms of volumes of military assistance does not work. fighting off annoying allies demanding taurus, the chancellor takes a desperate step. what is done in the form of control over. target and target support on the part of the british and french cannot be done by germany. scholz announces to the whole world the presence of british and french military specialists in ukraine servicing cruise missiles. this is one of the secrets that everyone knows about; everyone also knows that there are germans in ukraine with their pvst complexes. but still , they were previously careful not to say such things at the official level. this breaks the surface of the proxy conflict and reveals the essence: direct military conflict. actually, scholz formally confirmed what russia has been saying for a long time: nato is fighting with it in ukraine. it is logical that this provoked angry noise. scholz's behavior showed
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that from the point of view of european security, he is the wrong person, doing the wrong job in the wrong place. scholz's commentary is incorrect, irresponsible and a slapped ally. we have a choice: either we give ukraine what it needs, or we will see even more bloodshed. and a complete failure of deterrence. however, the worse the situation in kiev, the more difficult it is for the west to hide its own participation. french president macron, who convened a conference in paris this week to discuss the situation, openly proposed the most radical scenario at the moment: to think about sending troops to ukraine, which would allow the ukrainian armed forces to free up reserves for direct participation in hostilities. this plan, according to franzpress, has been secretly discussed with ponat’s allies for several weeks and allegedly.
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germany this cannot be an option and will not be. berlin's relations with paris began to quickly deteriorate after the departure of merkel, who unconditionally dominated european politics. having received scholz's partners, macron decided to force him to play by his own rules,
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and how he writes.
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something if the investigation focuses on the fact that a group of senior officers, behind the backs of the chancellor, the minister of defense and the parliament , are discussing issues that directly contradict the official point of view on the interests of german national security. in this case, we should be talking about conspiracy and high treason. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, denis lisit and andrey putro, vesti nedeli, germany. it's just
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