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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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so i’m asking you at a gas station.
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heroes, the future depends on them today , for whom the national project has already started, the time of the country, they are the ones who should become its real elite, and for those who conceived unkind relations with russia, the president reminded of the fate of all... interventionists of past eras, only today there are consequences could be more tragic for them, our strategic nuclear forces are in a state of full readiness for guaranteed use. well, defense minister shaigu in an interview with our program emphasized that russia has everything to meet an enemy who will try to encroach on its territory. in general, at the presidential address, we learned and saw more than others, as putin said, we all know him.
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strikes on our territory, they choose what they think are the most effective means of destruction, they must ultimately understand that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory, and that they are coming up with everything now, which scares the whole world, that all this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, which means the destruction of civilization, why don’t they do they understand?
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she does everything in order to meet any adversary, any enemy who encroaches on our territory. february 29, 24, this is what putin said in february of twenty-two to the same macron, who is now talking about sending troops to ukraine. at that time, these statements by the russian president were called aggressive and belligerent in the western press. this means that a military confrontation will arise between russia and nato. why should we fight with nato? but i also want to ask you, is there a second one?
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sending ground troops, but in the future nothing should be ruled out, we will do everything necessary to ensure that russia cannot win this war, what he is now voicing, that he will direct someone, this has already happened a long time ago, we are those who were there well, as they say , they put them in
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their place, let’s say, it could have been a little rougher, most of them left the front line as cargo 200, most of them didn’t even leave anywhere at all, they were left lying around, as they say in the ground. in a state of full readiness for guaranteed use strategic nuclear forces are located, troops have been delivered and the first serial heavy ballistic missiles sarmat. we will soon demonstrate them in operational deployment areas. russia says directly what it has. the united states is now making false statements about moscow’s desire to place nuclear weapons in space; these false statements, in the opinion of the russian leadership, are in order to resume the dialogue on weapons.
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there is nothing to expect, they will try to defeat us, well, that certainly won’t work, our position is clear, if you want to discuss important issues of security and stability that are important for the entire planet, then it is necessary to do this only in a single complex, including all those aspects that affect our national interests. the president arrived at gostiny dvor at 12:13, and that is, a little later than planned, it is clear that at that moment... the anticipation around the world only intensified. in essence, they would like to do to russia the same thing that they have done in many other regions of the world, to bring discord into our home and weaken us from within. but they miscalculated and faced the firm position and determination of our
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multinational people. this is a colossal all-conquering force. i thank everyone who is now fighting for the interests of the fatherland, who is going through the crucible. military trials , the whole people bows to your feat , mourns the dead, and russia will always remember its fallen heroes, a minute of silence is announced, a 120 shell just flew in, hit a lot of wounded, it turns out, and my arm was torn off, there was someone in the leg is not in the leg. well, it’s hard to remember that the hero of a special operation is here too guests of honor at every other point in the country. we are already attracted to these events, we conduct lessons in courage in schools, but the social status of heroes should be even
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higher. putin announces the immediate launch of a special personnel program so that future mayors, governors and ministers will emerge from the participants in the special operation. time of heroes, this idea, i won’t hide, came to my mind when i met with students, participants in a special military operation in st. petersburg. dad brought up what we have the homeland, it must be defended, that’s it, everything left like that, we were born men, well, we have to fulfill our duty, since our generation has been dealt this way, well, that means we have to go do it, it’s nice to meet you, thank you very much, bow deeply to your parents, for the fact that they raised such young people as you, it ’s generally in the character of our... people at a difficult moment for the homeland, not to feel sorry for yourself, no matter who says anything, about what kind of youth we have, that’s all, life is always everything puts it in its place. father couldn't leave home when bombs and shells are flying at our neighbors, and they are dying. i organized my own brigade,
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extinguished houses, all these fires, my mother washed his things. zakhar said the following: “i’m proud of my father.” great, the whole country is proud of you. and should take leading positions in the education system, youth education, in state-owned companies, business, in state and municipal administration; such people who think about the country, live by its destiny, can be transferred in the future and entrusted to russia. you know that the word elite is in many ways itself discredited by those who, having no merit to society, consider themselves some kind of caste with special rights and privileges, especially meaning those who... in previous years, they filled their pockets due to all sorts of processes in the economy in the nineties, they are
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definitely not an elite, i repeat, a genuine, real elite - these are everyone who serves russia, workers and warriors, reliable, proven, by deeds, who have proven their devotion to russia, worthy people, i believe in our victories, in success in the future of russia, this is precisely the message president... it is clear that extremely close attention is being focused, and not only because of what is happening in the world, but because this message, in fact, setting tasks not for a year, but for 6 years ahead, perhaps putin’s speech has never been so voluminous in the literal sense of the word, the largest paper clip had to be torn off with force, along this corridor the president of russia will enter the stage, let 's walk with you, i repeat, these interesting... ordinary interiors, here are a few steps, a few seconds, and we by you in the hall at the main stand, in the hall
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a huge number of guests, i think that several hundred people have already gathered , the president walks through this scenery, here is the stage, on it in advance, the operator of our program installed an additional small camera, then returned and double-checked the functionality, and the operator of a large television broadcast considered that is this what it is? our program has angles on the main events that are more interesting than others, the longest presidential message, be patient, it’s just beginning, situations where the world literally behaves like the wild west to degeneration, instilling pseudo-values, and we choose life. russia is launching a new large-scale national family project, news about the maternity capital program, extending
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it at least until 2030. preferential mortgage for families with children up to 6 years old inclusive, for them the preferential loan rate will remain the same 6%. another national project, a long and active life. huge money for the construction and renovation of hospital clinics, an additional more than a trillion rubles. amounts in each initiative. this presidential decision can be attributed to 2/3 the regions' debts on budget loans, a flurry of applause, well, because this amount is about a trillion rubles, this money will be used for the needs of the regions. from the point of view of infrastructural development, everything has been calculated, the plans are big, expenses will also
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need 17 trillion rubles for new national projects, yes, they are ambitious, but they are realistic, that’s for sure, calculated to the ruble, provided with financing, the youth of russia, another national project and more personnel, 25 new students were planned towns in the regions, there will be 40 campuses. we can never stop in this area; we will allocate
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at least 700 billion rubles for its implementation, another national project, the data economy. yes, the russian economy feels confident, but the main thing is that the implementation of all planned plans today directly depends on our soldiers, officers , volunteers, all military personnel who are now fighting at the front, rising to the attack... moving forward with fire, sacrificing themselves for us , for the sake of the fatherland, it is they, our soldiers, who are creating today the absolutely necessary conditions for... for the future of the country and for its development, low bow to you guys , i thank all the citizens of russia for their solidarity , reliability, we are one big family, we are together, so we will do everything as we plan and want to do as we dream, everything we will overcome, together
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we can do everything, immediately after the completion of the message , putin... headed to the kremlin to work on the tasks that he set for everyone and for himself. the most striking details of the president’s week, unexpected angles and an exclusive interview can be seen first in zarubin’s telegram channel. join us necessarily. 10 years ago, the west staged a bloody coup in ukraine. all agreements on a peaceful settlement between the government and the opposition, which only yesterday were guarantored by the western countries themselves, were thrown out. garbage dump, chaos , anarchy began in ukraine, blood began to flow, which a few years later led to the fact that russia, in order to protect the people of donbass from ukrainian neo-nazis, was forced to launch a special military operation. today the west pretends that it does not remember whose hands created this conflict, but we, as i said putin, we have not forgotten and will not forget. and therefore
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, now, in those days when the coup in ukraine marks exactly 10 years, we are... we remember in detail how events developed then, and many fragments from that past are now very useful for many to remember. it's hard to even believe how it all started. do you want to live like in paris? we want it, let's sign it, whoever said it, let's read it. the west supported the unconstitutional coup d'etat. why are you splitting the country? just let yanukovych not use force, but he did not use it. and armed the opposition in kyiv carried out a coup. like this? to understand who you are in general, try to explain to farmers in - in france, in germany, in spain, in greece, in portugal, in the countries of southern europe, that they need to tighten up a little in the interests of ukraine, i’ll look at their reaction, but not just some functionaries, these are the robots
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who work on earth, words spoken exactly 10 years ago, shots taken once again, the last months and days. the ukrainian crisis, which entered an acute phase exactly 10 years ago, now determines life the entire continent, and in many ways, the whole world. it's hard to even believe how it all started. it would seem that from the technical decision of president yanukovych to postpone the signing of the agreement on.
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partner of russia. russian-ukrainian negotiations brought sensational news today; events developed as follows: literally until the very last moment it was not known at all what documents would be signed today. and then, 5 minutes before the start of the ceremony, we were given lists of documents to be signed, and we saw that the fourteenth and very last point is a document called an addendum to the gas purchase and sale contract dated january 2009, which gives gazprom the opportunity, which it... intends to do, to sell gas to ukraine at a price of $268.5 per thousand cubic meters, now this price is about 400 dollars, one might say, in order to support the budget of ukraine, the government of the russian federation decided to place part
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of its reserves from the national welfare fund in securities of the ukrainian government. us$15 billion. i want to attract your attention. and i want to reassure everyone, today we did not discuss the issue of ukraine joining the customs union at all. putin said these words because ukrainian society was already pretty warmed up by the promises of association with the european union, interaction with the customs union, that is, with russia, is presented there as a kind of way back. the first rallies begin in kiev. kiev, get up! kiev, get up! kiev, get up! ukraine is europe! ukraine - they say that the dream of the ukrainian people is being taken away, but if look at the content of these agreements, then many may simply not live to see this dream,
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not live up to it, because the conditions are very strict, it is very easy to speculate on these issues, if you want to live like in paris, we want, let’s sign, but come on, who would say, let 's read it, have you read what is written there, no, have you read this paper, no, but let's do it in such a way that enterprises don't close tomorrow, machine-building ones, so that shipbuilding stays afloat, so that aviation doesn't die,
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so that the space industry doesn't die , all these markets and cooperation in russia, these shots are sorted out second by second, because they record truly fateful moments, the leaders of the european union countries, who for years before this have been talking about democracy and the right to choose, many residents of ukraine and russia are perplexed about more and more new shots from kiev, rallies are becoming more and more aggressive in the center
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of the capital, militants are beginning to act openly. everything that is happening now suggests that this is not a revolution at all, but well -prepared actions, and these actions, in my opinion, were not prepared for today's day, they were preparing for the presidential election campaign. spring of 2015, well, it’s just a small false start, but these are all preparations for the presidential elections, a well-prepared and trained group of militants, in fact, are you for or against ukraine signing an association agreement with the european union? we are neither for nor against, this is not our business at all, this is the sovereign right of the ukrainian people, the ukrainian leadership, the president, parliament and government. now, if, if...
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this topic, agree with the proposal and i would believe that it is necessary to depoliticize president yanukovych and to talk properly and thoroughly about all these topics in a trilateral format. the building of the european commission on many tvs marked hot news constantly broadcasts from ukraine. january 1914 the leadership of the european commission calls on yanukovych to show restraint.
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and now power has been seized in half the country, donbass is then silent, watching, waiting for order to be restored according to the law. russia also hopes for normalization of the situation in brotherly country. the olympic games, for which russia has been preparing for 7 long years, are starting in sochi. public control. how many cameras are they filming here? no, cameras are needed so that voting can be observed. there are observers at the site, and all important places are under constant video surveillance. tables of members of the election commission, places of issuance, storage, movement of all ballots into cancellation bags, voting boxes and places for counting ballots, and completed ballots are sealed in safe bags and stored in
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separate safes. or metal cabinets? i wonder who watches these videos? the broadcast can be watched by candidates, parties, public observers, and if necessary, the recording can be rewinded and watched again. everything is transparent and under control.
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hello, i am boris akilov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years.


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