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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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yes, although, unfortunately, this is quite the case, he turned out to be a bloody comedian. mr. president, the world’s attitude towards syria has changed, the arab world has turned its face to syria again. this is a very important move, but at the same time syria did not make concessions, syria did not betray itself. what lesson can be learned from this?
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the first lesson, perhaps the only big lesson, although there were many, is that by adhering to national interests and principles, you have to pay a price, you learn, you may lose in the short term, but in the long term in the long run you will receive a dividend. including in the form of national unity. circumstances change. and new conditions emerge for its strengthening. studying relations with america, using the example of the shah and iran, and after him, i understand that relations with the west are temporary ties. if you give the westerners everything they want, they will take advantage of you, perhaps help you. however, when you
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fail to perform your functions, you will be finished. this happened to the shah of iran and many others from different countries, whose names i i don’t want to mention it now, because for some this is a sensitive issue. especially in light of their belonging to arab countries. they were with america in all adventures. but the west is simply taking advantage. he doesn't adhere to principles. when you defend national interests, people appreciate it. even if i don’t agree with your policies in everything, i don’t think that all the people support all the actions of president putin without exception, but everyone appreciates his patriotic position, this cannot be denied, disagreements about details is one thing, disagreement about the national idea is quite another, the national idea unites people, the first lesson: do not change or abandon national interests in exchange for external support.
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but at the same time you say that you need to listen to the people, and they say that you need to listen to them, so who is the tyrant now, and how to determine the leadership of the country, are they tyrants or are they servants of the people? western countries are ruled by capitalist regimes, regimes.
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the state serves companies, companies hire citizens, but does not directly serve the people no, everything is aimed at profit for the company. you may have observed that in recent times, the middle class in the west has been greatly reduced, to please the richest corporations. a citizen has only one right: he can go to the ballot box. this is democracy, western democracy is identified with the ballot box, it doesn’t matter how many demonstrators took to the streets of western countries against the war in iraq, more than 20 years ago, how many demonstrations there were in recent months in support of the palestinians, changed these protests at least partly? have not changed, you can
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say what you want, but in indirect elections, we will tell you who we will choose, there is always only one choice, there are few options. on the other hand, the media and famous people will do their job, and it will seem to you that the one you wanted was chosen. as for the dictatorship of democracy, it is impossible to imagine that countries that have killed tens of millions of people since the second world war, i am not talking about world wars, from the korean war to the present day, that have killed tens of millions of civilians and innocent people, occupied iraq and afghanistan. talk about law or values, after hearing their speech, it is not democracy, human rights or international you can distinguish it from the conversation of a street person in a nut, their
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words are worth nothing, this is true, there is no need to waste time on their analysis, at least, you should not listen to that. who really makes politics behind the screen of who will win the elections is one player, the lobby, the media, financiers and bankers, weapons and oil, that’s who will win in any case, thank you, mr. president, now advertising, we’ll continue after that.
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the military-political situation in the middle eastern region as a whole is tense; in order to ensure the national interests of russia , a grouping of forces of the armed forces of the russian federation has been deployed and continues to carry out the tasks of the grouping forces of the armed forces of the russian federation on the territory of the seriskojrad republic. at the beginning of this year , three control points were destroyed and five illegal objects were hit. formation, more than seventy militants were eliminated, including the odious leader of the radical salafi group, who was involved in the terrorist attack at the station metro, the technological institute of the city of st. petersburg in april 20 remained extremely, it was destroyed in 2017. in the central and
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south-eastern regions of syria, we systematically carry out air strikes on open targets of illegal armed groups. in maritime areas, we continue strategic deterrence measures to ensure the safety of maritime shipping. in the eastern part of the mediterranean sea, with the naval forces of the navy, along with combat missions, we solve humanitarian problems, based on the results we carry out humanitarian and medical monitoring of the situation. that is, this is the most beautiful post, the most beautiful post, and it is located directly nearby - on the bravo line on the dutch heights, the settlement of hadar.
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we are now at the first observation post, what is the point of the service? the meaning of the service is to be located, to demonstrate the russian military presence along the bravo line, in 2012, when the conflict began, all united nations observers left the area and there were a lot of refugees, until 2018 years together, government troops, together with our russian... advisers, cleared this territory of militants, that is
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, there were militants here, yes, yes, and it was decided in 1818 to set up observation posts of the military police, as much as they could, everything here is equipped , it’s significant what i’m saying, two t-34 tanks were dug up here, which in 1974, on the syrian side, took part in the six-day war, now we’ll go there, it’s right there. they stand like that, they stand here, that’s it, we serviced them there , painted them, put up the russian flag, so if god forbid, they will still work, that’s right, this is exactly the thirty-four, yes, yes, this is a tank from the time of the six-day war, here when setting up posts in 1818 - they started digging communication passages, respectively firing positions, and underground under volcanic rock they came across these tanks, well, i see they are in good condition, they dug them up, right? cleaned, prepared for painting, painted and checked the cannon,
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there is a cannon, but they didn’t check it, i didn’t know what year it was made , it’s scary to even imagine, well, these are our russian ones, that is, ours, well, judging by the soviet union, they supplied these tanks, well, this modification was already welded, the caps, they already came up with this themselves. somewhere they learned russian well in penzi, in the city of penzi, 5th year higher artillery school
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of the red marshal, the knowledge was useful, and as it is now, the stop economic conditions are very difficult, all economic conditions basically remained in the north, here is idlip and where the east is where the rezor is where the american one is.
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why they began to listen to the russian soldier, this is a very old friendship between the white soviet union and syria, so basically our people found out.
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the permanent basing of naval ships in the port of tartus dates back to 1971, when the father of
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syrian president bashir assad was on a visit to moscow and met with the general. the central committee of the cpsu lionich brezhnev and asked for the presence of soviet armed forces on syrian soil. after this, an agreement was concluded on the maneuverable basing of ships of the fifth operational squadron in the port of startus, while minor ship repairs of our ships were provided in the port of tartus using soviet floating workshops in the port of tartus. september 30, 2015 by decision of the supreme commander of the armed forces. vladimir vladimirovich putin, to assist the syrian government in the fight against terrorism, the fifty-fifth aviation group was formed from a deployment at the khmiminin airfield. as part of this group, the tactical direction of the port artus base was allocated. submarine ufa, project 636, anniversary for the tenth corps of the navy,
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fourth corps for the pacific. in march of the twenty-second year it was launched, within a year the crew skated to... weapon control, depth control of the submarine, control of all general ship systems, the commander’s workplace, well, that is, you catch a big one there, but here you have, yes, we can also
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see the distance, we can record it on a perescope depth survey. looked, recorded, measured the distance, well, that’s it right next to it, the first compartment is residential, residential, it’s also the battery compartment, it’s also the torpedo compartment, here are the living quarters for the officers, the commander’s cabin, that is, this is your place, yes residence, the commander lives in the closet. a cheerful green color, exactly like that, that is, even when you are standing at the pier, still start, no, no, it is forbidden to live on a submarine, only the watchman on duty remains on a submarine - this is a supporting shift, and the crew is in the barracks, that is, in the evening after a working day they go to the barracks, it is provided here in the normal way, here is the officer’s cabin and
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how long do you have to spend the night like this, well, what is the maximum length of the transition , a month and a half, a month and a half, a month and a half, it won’t be six months, well now we are not six months, you normally get used to the regime and it doesn’t matter where to sleep, well, when you want to sleep doesn’t matter anymore, when you want to sleep doesn’t matter. here we have meals, meetings, which means that in emergency cases, our cabin company acts as an operating room, that is, here everything is hung sterile, combat orderlies, a surgeon and necessary , an operation is being performed here on the table, this is from the maritime assembly of the republic. november twenty-second year, which was first raised on the ship, right
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there is his memorable address, this is the model of the ship, the mortgage board, also from the republic of bashkartastan, souvenirs, admiral ushakov helps, of course, is always with you, the third residential compartment, which means here midshipman's personnel live with us, well, it should be noted that. better swordsmen than the officers, because they cleaned up the factory until they had four left, there were six, that’s right, competent guys, you can’t fool us , our personnel live here, which means this is our living cabin for 11 people, it’s also a dining room, that is, these two bunks go up, here we have a folding table, shower room. in such conditions , and here steven seagal works for you , exactly like that, here we have a galley, don’t scare us,
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we already believe you, don’t scare, such beautiful knives, this place has enough, enough, what they like to eat, only tasty, faithful, they don’t eat fish, they eat it, is it ours? on the contrary, the fish submariners' diet is the fourth standard, at sea there is even wine at 100 g per day, chocolate, fish, the submariners' diet is good, and our cooks are great, that is, the fourth compartment, a diesel generator, here we have the heart, two kolommensky diesel generators, they are basically the same on steam locomotives, turbocharged diesel engines, in-line eight, uh, we float up , start up the diesel generators, energy is generated, charge the battery , we charged it overnight , we turned off the diesel engines, we loaded up and we go to the batteries, low noise, very quiet, on this project already installed
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desalination plant, that is, in addition to the supply of water that we take with us to desalinate, what this day in history is remembered for, we’ll tell you right now, hello, on march 4, 1813, the russian army triumphantly... entered berlin, this was an important moment of the so-called sixth war coalition, it was formed after the russian army had already destroyed napoleon's great army. prussia was the first to join russia, under the command of general field marshal mikhail kutuzov and peter wittgenstein, a united russian-prussian the army entered berlin, then the capital of prussia, occupied by the french. napoleon's troops, realizing that they would not be able to hold the city, especially in conditions of severe hostility. their townspeople left him less than a day before the arrival of the russians, the king of prussia, in gratitude, presented kutuzov with the highest award of the kingdom, the order of the black eagle and a precious snuff box. he was offered
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an estate in prussia as a gift, but kutuzov refused. the russians first took berlin in the 17th century during a seven-year war. now this happened in the 19th century. just a proverb appeared: a russian warrior from polin took berlin twice, but in the 20th century. during the second world war, russian troops took berlin for the third time. on march 4, 1877 , the first ballet by pyotr ilyevich cheikovsky, swan lake, was staged at the bolshoi theater, although at that time it was believed that serious composers should not write ballet music. cheykovsky accepted the order. the script proposed to the master was based on fairy tales about enchanted girls turned into swans. and a few years before that , the composer visited bavaria and saw...
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after the composer's death in st. petersburg in 1895, his brother remade the librett, and two outstanding choreographers, marius pitepa and lev ivanov, conducted the now famous scenes. ivanov gave the stage swans their appearance, removed the fake wings, and introduced hand dances and the dance of little swans. the author of the now well-known hand pose of swans was the dancer and future teacher agripin. voganov, whose name the famous ballet academy now bears. the mariinsky theater literally exploded with applause and the triumphant procession of swan lake began around the world. 4 on march 1919, on the initiative of vladimir lenin, the communist international camintern, an international organization uniting communist parties of different countries, was established. the task of the komentern was to spread the idea of ​​revolutionary
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socialism in other countries. the motto is a call to the proletarians of all countries, unite. the founding congress of the new movement was held in moscow. 52 delegates from 21 countries of the world chose the soviet revolutionary grigory zenoviev as the first leader. the organization got too free. to moscow for congresses were constantly attended by foreign participants who did not always agree with the general line of the party. istalin kumenter did not like him. and with the beginning of the great terror in '37, some sections were liquidated. their leaders were arrested and repressed. among them were the head of the yugoslav comptia, milan gorkic, the famous hungarian revolutionary, bella kun and many others. the last leader of the komentern was the bulgarian revolutionary georgi dimitrov. in 1943 the organization was officially dissolved, this was the condition of the western allies in the anti-hitler coalition to open the name of a second front. on march 4
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, 1961, soviet designers and military personnel were the first in the world to demonstrate a missile defense system, and affectionately called it annushka. on that day, the b100 anti-missile missile developed by the fakel design bureau intercepted the warhead of a medium-range ballistic missile for the first time in history. the problem of pro in those years was more relevant than ever. the missiles became more powerful and could fly longer distances. carry a nuclear charge, but there were no weapons against them, they didn’t know how to shoot down in flight back then. soviet scientists set out to solve this problem. a testing ground was created especially for testing the pro system, under the leadership of chief designer grigory kisunko, in kazakhstan in the area of ​​lake balkhazh. the scale is colossal, 150,000 people. military builders and industry representatives created many objects, including the giant danube-2 radar with huge 150-meter antennas. was created. a complex
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system that was controlled by a digital computer for the first time in the ussr. tests 4 march sixty-first were successful, the creators of annushka were awarded the lenin prize and the system began to be developed. this is what this day in history was like.
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