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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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an attempt on the life of the governor of the zaporozhye region was discovered and prevented; the kiev special services were going to use military chemicals. to support stability in oil markets, opec plus countries have extended additional voluntary production cuts. the games have ended in kazan. russian special services
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uncovered a large-scale attempt by kiev special services on the governor of the zaporozhye region , yevgeny baletsky, as well as on our military. the nationalists were going to use a military chemical made in the usa for this; explosives were included in the backup plan, but our security forces carried out a skillful counter-game.
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and the olga kopralovs, whom he himself had recruited and who were later also taken by fsb officers, who, on kogut’s tip, took homemade bombs from a cache in a grave in the krasnogorsk cemetery of melitopol under the guise of power banks, and spent them in juice boxes. the juices contained an explosive substance in the form of waste, a remote control for it, and then sasha said that it was intended for evgeniy.
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that it will be extremely difficult for the west to ignore the conclusions that have been drawn here regarding toxic chemicals seized from ukrainian agents. the ukrainian curator kogut sent the vampire agent, that is, kurshutov and his accomplices, an analogue of the toxic chemical biz, which is controlled by the chemical weapons convention, code ia3167. only americans can produce such poison. what has now been discovered, yes, is a substance of a similar class. bizet, a toxic
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substance, listed, in addition to this substance , precursors were found that are used in its manufacture, it was created in the vedvor arsenal of the united states america, this poison can be used in the form of an aerosol and dissolves in water, in any drink containing liquids, it works very well and works most effectively. this is the development in a person of a state of madness, when he does not understand where he is, he does not understand what he is doing, decorative such deep schizophrenia, this is the dose that takes a person out of standing, it is very small, such poison can kill, it all depends on doses, it is very difficult to determine this substance in the body; symptoms are similar to food poisoning, here is a fragment of negotiations between kogut and kurshutov , during the same operational game , discussing a sabotage plan in the dining room. what
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to do with the ampoules, maybe throw them somewhere in the canteen, they should be somewhere in the food, in the food, yes. that is, the states supply toxic chemicals they produce to ukraine, bypassing all international conventions, and kiev uses them for sabotage, but the kurshuts and kapralovs will not poison or blow up anyone, criminal cases have been opened, a terrorist attack and the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction, these are serious prison sentences , and ukrainian the curators have already forgotten about the failed performers. anton potkovenko, evgeny turchak, sergey velichko, lead. in the artyomovsk direction, russian snipers destroyed the nationalists with precise fire. the militants were spotted when they tried to approach our troops in a small group. the posyri paratroopers chose the optimal shooting position. after this, the spotter gave
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the sniper all the necessary information, for example, the direction of the wind and the distance to the nationalists. taking these factors into account , the enemy managed to eliminate as much as possible promptly. then the paratrooper. changed positions , i’m here because, well, there are russian people here, and there are children here, but for me it makes no difference, my children, other people’s children, for me all the children are ours, i want them not to grow up when shells explode, so that they can walk safely to school so that this bullying would end, but they didn’t choose anything, they are the most defenseless, just like the old people, i realized, well, that this nonsense must be defeated, and i cannot leave here without victory. twice they said i need to go home and rest, but i can’t, i i will not return without victory and i ask, well, as if i want to meet her only on the battlefield, nothing else. in germany, there is a new kind of scandal due to information leakage; deputies sent a statement to the prosecutor general's office to initiate a criminal case against bundeswehr officers
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who discussed military strikes against russia. journalists note that the minimum term under this article is 10 years. meanwhile, the german ministry of defense is conducting an internal check to see if anyone will be punished? anton dadykin figured it out. german defense minister only in 3 days commented on the scandalous audio recording. boris pistorius immediately tried to hush up the scandal, saying that the air force commander and his subordinates allegedly simply talked about different scenarios of taurus missile strikes on the crimean bridge and weapons depots. and it is impossible to say that this was a plan, although judging by the recording, the generals were just having a detailed discussion of the strikes, analyzing the problems, among other things. they were deciding how best to cover their tracks. pistorius habitually blamed everything on moscow. this is about undermining our unity. this should reinforce that we are working on a war against russia, which is completely absurd. germany must not fall for this. we must respond decisively but cautiously. pistorius did not even
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condemn the conversation of the generals, although the implementation of their plan could drag germany into war. and this, judging by the words of chancellor scholz, is contrary to the national interests of germany. that is , in fact, we are talking about treason. it is noteworthy that most german politicians who spoke out on this topic carefully avoided the very essence of the issue, the planning of german military strikes against russia. we we know that russia is trying in every way to destabilize our work, our democracy, hacking and spying. we are vigilant. moreover, the largest opposition faction in the bundestag is demanding a special meeting of the defense committee. they intend to force the chancellor to hand over long-range missiles to the kiev regime; they are also unhappy that scholz revealed information that nato troops have been fighting in ukraine for a long time; germany’s allies were outraged by this. he revealed the presence of french british troops there, which
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caused an active diplomatic response from these countries. in general, responsibility for all this lies with the chancellor. mps also called for more money to be allocated to combat espionage and for courses on how to use secure devices. communications for bundeswehr officers and only a few german politicians had the courage to talk about the illegality of the generals' actions. plans by senior bundeswehr officers to use taurus cruise missiles to attack russian territory are contrary to the german constitution and international law. this madness must be stopped immediately. this symbolic act would plunge germany into a deep war. no at taurus rates. against the backdrop of the wiretapping scandal in the bundeswehr in berlin. carried out a large-scale operation, which largely diverted the attention of the press from the criminal plans of the german generals. 130 special forces cordoned off the microdistrict, the movement of electric trains on four lines was stopped, they were looking for two leaders of the terrorist organization red army faction. she operated in the 20th century, including
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killing and kidnapping people. on the faction's account the red army, which collectively numbered several dozen people, carried out several high-profile murders, for example, ulrika meinhov practiced. so-called stroller terrorism, which means she dressed with a young mother, took a baby stroller, but instead of a baby in the stroller there was a machine gun or a submachine gun, and thus there were several large german businessmen and officials. before this , the ringleaders of daniela klette were arrested, she had been wanted for more than 30 years for the attack on the us embassy in bonn and the bombing of a prison, and she lived quietly in berlin. a kalashnikov assault rifle and ammunition were found in her apartment. 30 years spent underground show, on the one hand, how strong the spirit of left-wing extremists is still in germany. according to the german media, it was the secret service agents who learned about the possible location.
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a rare phenomenon. residents of one of them witnessed a fire tornado close to houses on one of the remote railway sections. rescuers are doing everything possible to prevent the fire from reaching the villages in the area. a special fire safety regime has been introduced. economic news. co. maria filippova joins me. good morning mash, russia will continue its voluntary reduction in oil production. good morning, roman, opec plus is extending the agreements and details below. participants in the opec plus agreement, including the largest, russia and saudi arabia, announced the extension of an additional voluntary reduction in oil production into the second quarter of this year. the total volume exceeds 2,100,000. average export levels
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for may june 2023, and this is in addition to the voluntary reduction of 5,000 barrels in day, which russia announced last april. in a statement by alexander novak published on the government website , it is said that our country will continue to work with secondary sources in order to increase the accuracy and reliability of their assessment. the measures taken are aimed at... stability and balance of oil markets. farm products are occupying more and more shelves in russian retail chains; how to make it easier for small farms to access retail was discussed in kaluga at the third federal conference of partners in the field small business that organizes x5 groups. the most sensitive issues were discussed at a panel discussion with the participation of senators, state duma deputies, representatives of the federal tax service, the chamber of commerce and industry, relevant ministries and departments. and the x5 retail chains held hundreds of negotiations with small medium-sized entrepreneurs on the sidelines of the conference, and
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dozens of cooperation agreements were signed. their result: local farms will receive wider distribution channels for their products, thanks to various support tools from large retail. this is a consequence of a complex of factors, including the fact that the state is actively encouraging them to do this, and... market conditions are such that they must have local goods, since now the consumer is very strongly focused on eating such products as consumer goods patriotism, in order to be... a chain's competitor must have a local product; cooperation between retail chains and farmers through agro-aggregators is also now actively developing, this is a format that helps build supply chains from field to shelf, provides small businesses with warehouses and helps with logistics, so farms will be able to supply their products to the aggregator, and then they will be distributed to chain stores. there are
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various formats and farm islands, when... entrepreneurs unite and sell their products, there are formats of agricultural aggregators, where they also unite and make deliveries, all this together, of course, has a certain effect on the market. turetian businessmen are going to file lawsuits against american officials due to problems in settlements with russia, local media reported this. previously, they wrote that employees of the us embassy and consulate general visited turkish companies and threatened with sanctions. if they continue to do business with russia. according to entrepreneurs, such pressure has no legal basis. ankara did not join the restrictions against moscow, and the un did not impose any sanctions. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 91 rubles 33 kopecks. euro 98 rub. 72 kopecks novel. marey, thank you. we continue. in the kupinsky
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direction, russian fighters received an important cargo. a huge kamaz truck arrived at the position with letters and parcels. from home, in the units we received messages not only from relatives, but also from schoolchildren and other complete strangers . such envelopes are sent to the svo zone every day. igor pikhanov will explain why this is so important. on broken front roads , a kamaz from the filteriger postal service of the ministry of defense is driving towards the positions of the russian military. while driving , the driver not only monitors the forest road, but also the sky. there may be enemy drones there, powerful ones. more than once saved soldiers from ukrainian drone attacks. the car is passable, it has all-wheel drive, and an engine with a lot of power allows it to pass any obstacles. the truck arrives at the unit for the soldiers who are in the kupinsky direction of the front; specialists from the filliger service delivered important cargo, letters and parcels from home. in some cases , the distance from the addressee to the sender
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is several thousand kilometers. soldiers unload correspondence. at the front, soldiers live in well-fortified positions, dugouts are dug underground, the ceiling consists of a concrete slab of logs in three rolls, in such a shelter enemy artillery is not capable of harming people, a private with the call sign forester received a parcel from a house in the pskov region, his wife and children are waiting for him there, the man was also given letters from russian schoolchildren, it even touches his soul, write more letters like this, it’s very nice for us, we really need to read it on... and grandmothers write letters, well, it ’s like people write good letters. the soldiers say that for them, arrival by mail is always a holiday, letters and drawings from schoolchildren help brighten up the harsh everyday life of frontline life. almost all military personnel have children at home, so they are sensitive to drawings and letters from schoolchildren; they are placed in the most prominent places of honor;
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children from all regions of the country write here. a private with the call sign blind writes a letter home to the vologda region, where he has a husband. and three children, he says that in the front-line zone you cannot use cell phones, this can give away the location of a soldier, the well-coordinated work of the military post office makes it possible to constantly be in touch with family and friends, it’s a joy to find out that everything is fine at home, they also rejoice very much, every time they receive letters, to find out that i’m alive, healthy, that everything is fine with me, the most basic feeling is joy, the military post works like a well-coordinated mechanism, letters to soldiers are delivered with the help of...
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the tiger postal service picks up letters from soldiers, despite the dangerous difficult road, news from the front will definitely reach the recipients. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, lead the kupinsky direction of the front. decline in production, delays in wages, endless. uncertainty, we have left all this behind, we choose new jobs, we choose convenient digital services, we choose, confidence in the future: i want more, because other needs appear, and this is absolutely normal, together we choose the future of russia,
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i will remove, no. leave it, zhirinovsky’s cause lives on, slutsky, a candidate for the presidency of russia, the wealth of russia should belong to the people, and taxes for the rich should be increased, the poor should be freed from taxes, housing and communal services should be in the hands of the state, yes, raising pensions age should be abolished, the state must. for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. my
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grandfather is a world-famous chemist; in the nineties they called him abroad, but he always refused, saying that the donankovs had only one homeland - russia. i want us to be proud of our scientists and respect our teachers. therefore, investments in science education should double. fishing line the moscow dynamo footballers
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will make their houses out of cardboard and use recycled mattresses to defeat moscow lokomotiv with a score of 2:1 in the match of the nineteenth round. russian premier league. the home team quickly opened the scoring thanks to an accurate strike from the brazilian bithell. during the break, the locomotive made only one shot on target. in the fifty- eighth minute, dynamo midfielder denis makarov scored what would ultimately prove to be the winning goal. lokomotiv had more control of the ball during the match, but the railway workers did not have any truly dangerous moments until the 85th minute, when midfielder arifat jamaleddinov hit the dynamo goal with a long-range shot, which, having won, extended the unbeaten streak to 10 matches and pulled up from the standings to the leader. hockey iuska equalized the series score of the first round of the khl playoffs with torpedo. the army team won the second match in the second overtime with a score of 3:2. i attended this meeting. people without four spectators, this is a new record for attendance at matches in hockey arenas. at the end of the second period, the referees canceled ska's goal, as the puck was scored after the playing period
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had expired. the home team scored in the first overtime. the referee also overturned the goal because the puck crossed the line after the referee's whistle. the series score of up to four wins became 1:1. the team from nizhny novgorod won the first match with a score of 5:2. the third meeting of the confrontation will take place on march 5 in nizhny novgorod. in other matches of the day , avangard also beat lado 3:2 in overtime, and took a 2:0 lead in the series. but amur for the first time in its history won an away victory in a khl play-off match, defeating metallurg 3:2. the series score for these teams is tied 1:1. in the national hockey league, washington lost to arizona 2:5. capital captain alexander ovechkin scored a goal with the transfer, he extended his scoring streak to three matches, now he has 45 points in 57 matches of the season. three kaprizov goals helped his minnesota beat san jose 4:3 in the morning. this trick was already the third performed by kiriel this season. forwad
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tied the wilds' record for most hit tricks in a single season. in total , in the current regular season , the twenty-six-year-old russian has 66 points in 55 matches. on sunday , the first and second rounds of the aeroflot chess festival were played at the capital's carten hotel. in the international tournament was attended by 142 chess players from eleven countries, and the stage of the russian children's cup brought together 329 young athletes. before the start of the first round , the participants were greeted by officials, and the first deputy chairman of the state duma of the federal assembly of russia, alexander zhukov, made a symbolic move in the grishchuk-alexandrov party. after the first day of play , 10 chess players scored two points out of two, including rating favorite alexander grischuk and thirteen-year-old artem uskov, who achieved victories over
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it was already correctly said here that at one time in the early 2000s, when it was just beginning, a record was set for the number of grandmasters who took part, well now, if you look at the composition of the participants, we see that there are champions here world, and olympic champions, the games of the future ended in kazan, the closing ceremony, how the competitions themselves were held in the format of the evening. the main awards were also presented there, and stas radikultsev will tell you how it all went and who became the winner. tears of joy and bitterness, defeats, emotions of victories, surprise at what was seen, all these are games of the future, games that delighted, fascinated and immersed athletes and spectators in the unique world of figital sports. to see how football players who can give a beautiful performance on the field, how well they look in a game of fifa, roughly speaking, is very cool, in fact, it
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adds up. i really like the points, it’s very interesting, the first champion in physical football in history was the uruguayan penarol, by the way, the classic first in football the uruguay team became the world champion, the russian locomotive took silver, and the mexican team won bronze. i have been in professional football for more than 10 years, but what i saw here is the highest level, an incredible tournament, a great honor and pride that we became winners of the games of the future. we’ll take home the brightest memories, and although we are athletes, today, perhaps, we’ll celebrate success in incredible kazan, the plan is, a shot or a kilo of shots, and don’t forget to buy souvenirs for the family. a bright show performed by the best extreme skaters on the planet, spectators watch with bated breath the virtuoso tricks, and teammates are worried, and this is actually possible to repeat in a computer game. the latina gang team , the winner of fitzital skateboarding, was so
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imbued with russia that they changed the traditional... baseball caps for earflaps, and the skateboarders of the russian team got the opportunity to compete on equal terms with the best riders in the world, there are not unrealistic emotions here, because it is the game that is most important thank you to everyone who supported us, because without you nothing would really have happened, we if we hadn’t made it through the finals, the skatepark is very cool , european level, i really like it, there has never been such a skatepark, it seems to me in russia that a special contribution to the organization of the games of the future was made by volunteers, people sacrificing... time for the benefit of others. 2.0 volunteers from 20 countries came to kazan. the volunteer movement was created in our country just on the eve of the universiade in kazan and the games in sochi. and now millions of guys give up their time to help people. here at these competitions you showed the face of a new, modern russia. games future competition is not only the intersection of virtual reality and physical culture, but a competition of intelligence and technology.
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which will become familiar tomorrow, bright and dizzying drone races, a sparkling battle of robots, cybathletics, competitions between people not with disabilities, but cyborgs, at the games in kazan there was a place for everyone, more than sports, brighter than virtual reality, games of the future made in russia they lovingly opened a new, not even a chapter, but a whole volume in the history of human sports competitions. stasis redikulians, ivan lavrikov and karen melikyan, news from kazan, republic.
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hello, i am boris sakinov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future
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in the next 40 years.


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