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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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the likelihood that military leaders will be held accountable. our economists will tell you how much it costs europe to maintain ukrainian refugees, and why western politicians are so afraid of kiev’s defeat. disassemble and reassemble. there is a large-scale modernization of gres in kostram. now each of the updated power units can single-handedly cover all the city’s energy needs. russian special services uncovered a large-scale attempt by kiev special services on the governor of the zaporozhye region, yevgeny baletsky, as well as on our military. the nationalists were going to use for this purpose, a combat chemical made in the usa, explosives were included in the backup plan. but our security forces carried out a skillful counter-game, which anton potkovenko will tell you about. ukrainian
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agent vampire communicates with the intelligence officer who recruited him, independent alexander kogut, footage of the so-called operational game, this is when an exposed agent of the enemy, in this case delyavershutov, whom the fsb detained back in the fall, is ready to cooperate and serves under one duck to reveal the enemy’s plans. no, today i have this thought, in short slept, sash, you want to be offended, you want, don’t be offended, i will refuse, the only option is that i only need some person.
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danish people will explode, as if, he said, this is war. initially, the ukrainian special services planned to poison the governor of the zaporozhye region, baletsky. in the cache there were also ampoules with a colorless liquid labeled “biasparin” for camouflage. the ampoules, of course, do not contain any probiotic, they contain poison, our scientists have found out which one it is. this is a russian laboratory accredited by ozo, an organization for banning chemical weapons, and this is especially important because it will be extremely difficult for the west to ignore the conclusions that have been drawn here. regarding toxic
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chemicals seized from ukrainian agents. the ukrainian curator kogut sent the vampire agent, that is, kurshutov and his accomplices , an analogue of the toxic chemical bizzet, which is controlled by the chemical weapons convention cat and a-3167. only americans can produce such poison. what has now been discovered, yes, is a substance close in class to bizet, a toxic substance, listed, except for this substance. found the precursors that are used in its manufacture, it was created in the bucket arsenal, united states of america, this poison can be used in the form of an aerosol and dissolves in water, in any drink. it is mastered very well in liquids containing spiota and acts most effectively; this is the development in a person of a state of madness when he does not understand.
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is, he doesn’t understand what he’s doing, decorative of such profound schizophrenia, this is the dose that takes a person out while standing, it is very small, such a poison can kill, it all depends on the dose , it is very difficult to determine this substance in the body; the symptoms are similar to food poisoning, here is a fragment of the negotiations between kogut and kurshutov, during the same operational game, they are discussing a sabotage plan in a canteen in melitopol, where do the russian military go, what do you... do, maybe throw them somewhere, they need to be in the canteen, somewhere for food, for food, yes, there, there, there is poison, yes, yeah, that is, the states supply toxic chemicals they produced into ukraine, bypassing all international conventions, and kiev uses them for sabotage, but the kurshuts and kapralovs will no longer poison or blow up anyone, criminal cases, terrorist attacks and acquisitions have been initiated.
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we will now discuss the latest news from donbass with the head of the donetsk people's republic denis pushilin, he is in direct contact with the studio, denis vladimirovich, hello, hello, daria. last week, the president addressed the federal assembly, what conclusions were drawn from this message in the donetsk people's republic and which of the announced initiatives in it’s easier to implement in your region, but some are more difficult. you know, we received a message for... of course, we received some additional
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ones within the framework of the constituent entity of the russian federation, here are the tools to improve the lives and well-being of our people, we made a lot of such accents, and... from the message there was already the possibility of it and analyze it further and for yourself - let's say, switch everything into the mode of ae instructions and have already started directly on this, well , for example, and the family project, i beg your pardon, an infrastructural, i beg your pardon, national project, family, it will allow us to pay more attention to large families, as well as receive additional opportunities for support.
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is quite serious among our residents, so of course we will use it, we will use it, the infrastructure component is unconditional, and budget infrastructure budget loans will of course be in demand and of course we will definitely use them in order to improve our cities, our districts and i think this is absolutely correct, yeah, but also during the address of the federal assembly. on february 29, the president announced that the new elite of our state should be participants in a special military operation and announced the start of a program, the personnel program time of heroes, already phenomenal figures show the number of participants in this program; in the first day of accepting applications
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, more than 14 thousand applications were submitted, here speaking directly about the donetsk people's republic, how do you see the implementation of this programs in the dpr, how relevant it is for residents.
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osenizh, this is really great, we have already partially come into contact with such experience within the framework of the revival leaders project, and i will tell you, many of the guys, finalists, semi-finalists, are already directly occupying positions, these are managerial positions in the donetsk people's republic, so here we are all intact we support the president’s initiative here and of course we will be here. we can help you participate in this program in every possible way. well, one of the main questions that will come in the near future the donetsk people's republic has been facing years, perhaps even decades, this is, of course , a question of restoration, full-scale restoration of destroyed cities , last week deputy prime minister marat khusnulin visited avdeevka, personally inspected kaksakhim,
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any decisions have already been made based on the results of this trip, what can you share the news, statements have already been made that... the restoration of ovdeevka will begin, what are the details? daria, here you still need to look more restrained in the sense that that... that is very important for us, that it was already possible to see with our own eyes and not only at the regional level, but when i myself could assess the situation, the power engineers there could already, let’s say, calculate various options, that is there are other specialists there to take further steps to restore electricity, but marachyanovich khusnulin was also able to take a professional look at the next steps, what needs to be done, but now... it’s worth waiting for it to be done there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but in the literal sense of the word, because there is a lot of work to be done on demining
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, moreover, the line still needs to be pushed back, so now preparatory work is underway, and plans are being made here, for this or that department, but we really have a lot to do there mine clearance, electricity supply, water supply, gas supply, and of course we already have experience in... working with liberated settlements, of course, we will fully use it, so they will work all the relevant departments , well, won’t work, they are already working, taking into account the fact that avdeevka has been liberated and avdeevka is now part of a full-fledged donetsk people’s republic, yeah, and what is the situation now with the shelling of residential areas, so i’m looking at the last message of the forum agency this night, dpr settlements were shelled 13 times.
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germany, who talked about the supply of taurus missiles to ukraine and their use, well
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, including on the crimean bridge, how the donetsk people's republic reacted to this the publication of this conversation and what can you say is that the publication, well, let’s say, the interception and publication of this conversation quite sensitively took place, this is a failure of counterintelligence, of course, but on the other hand. allows us to draw not only conclusions, but to once again make sure that germany, the current leadership of germany, unfortunately, is aimed at various types of escalation, that is, in the form of replenishment, with various types of weapons, despite the fact that they declare their officials in the information field, to unfortunately, we see that this is how germany behaved... as a guarantor country, meaning in the implementation of the minsk agreements, then they admitted that they were simply
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stalling for time, and we also see that now they are declaring that that they are not ready and will not supply taurus missiles, but at the same time they are talking about practical use , in particular in the direction of the crimean bridge there, and we see cynicism, we see those, let’s say, that unfrank position that does not allow now...
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participants, as well as another 30 waves as well involved from the donetsk people's republic within the framework of this forum, and there is a lot of communication, a lot, the guys manage to visit and communicate in various ways there with various public figures, journalists , political figures of our country, well , yesterday, for example, they talked with margarita simonyan, they could thank her for her participation in the life of the republic, for her support, and we saw that
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kiriyenko told a very interesting story about the fact that our guys...
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new horizons, russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events.
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everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition. another updated power unit was launched at the kostroma hydroelectric power station. there are eight of them in total, each one is fully capable. provide energy to the entire city. after the reconstruction , the power unit’s power has increased; it now takes less to produce 1 kilohour fuel. benefits for both the economy and the environment. the topic will be continued by maria golovkina. an accelerated video of the work on modernizing the power unit takes less than a minute. in reality, 100 specialists worked at kostromskaya gres
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for a whole year, in three shifts. they first had to dismantle the structure, which was the height of a five-story building, and then reassemble it. more than 400 tons of equipment, 78 tons of pipelines and 10 km of cables were installed to control turbine operating parameters. the power unit that has now received a second life was built back in 1972, it worked more than 300,000 hours and generated 69 billion kw of electricity. this volume is enough to supply all consumers in the kostroma region for 20 years. modernization made it possible to increase capacity. turbines by 10% to 330 mw. 10% is the energy consumption of several cities, such as sharya, makaryev, this will be covered with interest. this is already the fourth power unit modernized under the presidential program. four more turbine units built in the seventies are in line for
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renewal. but already now our thermal power plant is capable of producing this amount of electricity. which will allow all 146 million residents of russia to simultaneously charge mobile phones. maria golovkina, news from kostroma. who will ensure development? who guarantees stability? who unites us? who are you confident in? only in it.
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russia! vote for someone who can be trusted with the country. in germany , scandals over information leaks are gaining momentum. the deputies sent a statement to the prosecutor general's office to initiate a criminal case against bundeswehr officers who discussed strikes against russia. journalists note that the minimum the term under this article is 10 years. meanwhile , the german ministry of defense is conducting an internal review. anton dadykin was looking into whether there was a chance that someone would be punished. the german defense minister commented on the scandalous audio recording only 3 days later. boris pistorius immediately tried to hush up the scandal, said the commander of the air force and his
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subordinates allegedly simply talked about different scenarios of taurus missile strikes on the crimean bridge with an armory and it was impossible to claim that this was a plan, although judging by the recording, the generals were just conducting a detailed discussion of the strikes, analyzed problems, including deciding how best to cover their tracks. pistorius as usual. blamed everything on moscow, we are talking about undermining our unity, this should reinforce the fact that we are working on a war against russia, which is completely absurd, germany should not succumb to this, we should react decisively, but cautiously. pistorius did not even condemn the conversation of the generals, although the implementation of their plan could drag germany into war, and this, judging by the words of chancellor scholz, is contrary to the national interests of germany, that is, in fact, we are talking about treason, it is noteworthy that the majority. german politicians who spoke on this topic carefully avoided the very essence of the issue, the planning of german military strikes against russia. we know that russia
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is trying in every way to destabilize our work, our democracy, hacking and spying, we are vigilant. moreover, the largest opposition faction in the bundestag demands a special meeting of the defense committee, intending to force the chancellor to hand over long-range missiles kyiv regime. they are also unhappy that scholz revealed information that nato troops have been fighting in ukraine for a long time. germany's allies were outraged by this. he revealed the presence of french british troops there, which caused an active diplomatic reaction from these countries. in general, responsibility for all this lies with the chancellor. mps also called for more money to be spent on combating espionage and for courses in the use of secure communications for bundeswehr officers and only a few german politicians. had the courage talk about the illegality of the actions of the generals, the plans of high-ranking bundeswehr officers to use taurus cruise missiles to attack russian territory are contrary to
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the german constitution and international law, this madness must be stopped immediately. this symbolic act would drag germany into a deep war, no at taurus's bets. against the backdrop of the wiretapping scandal in the bundeswehr , a large-scale operation was carried out in berlin, which largely diverted the attention of the press from '. were looking for two terrorist leaders organization of the red army faction, it operated in the 20th century, including killing and kidnapping people. the red army faction, which collectively numbered several dozen people, was responsible for several high-profile murders, for example, ulrika mainhov practiced so-called wheelchair terrorism, she means.
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according to the german media, it was from kletta that the intelligence services learned about the possible whereabouts of her accomplices in the red army faction, but two figures in the top ten most wanted criminals of the eu in the said the area was never found. anton dadykin, ekaterina radaeva, lead. dear men, the holiday is coming soon, i’ll tell you a secret. on ozone, 3% cashback on sbp for everything, and it doesn’t matter what you want to give, buy gifts on azon on sbp at a profit, register on, a new game.
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meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin! your brother is in donbass, it is necessary go there, you go, just ride here as a passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you’ll go there, into the gray zone, beyond this line you’ll become different, and then what? there was my childhood and youth, and
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now there is darkness.


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