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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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protect everything, everything left like that, we were born men, well, we have to fulfill our duty , since this is what our generation has been dealt, well, that means we have to go and do it, it’s nice to meet you, thank you very much, i bow deeply to your parents for what they raised young people like you, it’s generally in the character of our people at a difficult moment for the homeland, not to feel sorry for yourself, no matter what anyone says about what kind of youth we have, life always puts everything in its place, my father couldn’t leave the house...
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they'll give it to them, so they should go to the leading positions in the education system , youth education, in state-owned companies, business, in state and municipal administration, such people who think about the country, live its destiny, can be transferred in the future and entrusted to russia, you know that the word of the elites has largely discredited itself those who , without any merit to society, consider themselves some kind of caste with special rights and privileges, especially... i mean those who, in previous years, filled their pockets due to all sorts of processes in the economy of the nineties years, they are definitely not the elite, i repeat , the genuine, real elite are everyone who serves russia, workers and warriors, reliable, proven, by deeds, who have proven their devotion to russia, worthy people, i believe in our victories, in successes, in the future of russia .
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it is to this message from the president that, understandably, extremely close attention has been focused, and not only because of what is happening in the world, but because this message, in fact, sets goals not for a year, but for 6 years ahead. perhaps never before has putin’s speech been so voluminous in the literal sense of the word, the most the large paperclip had to be torn off with force. it is along this corridor that the president of russia will enter the stage. let's walk together with you, i repeat with these. interesting , unusual interiors, here are a few steps, a few seconds, and we are in the hall near the main stand , there are a huge number of guests in the hall, i think that several hundred people have already gathered, the president is walking through this scenery, here is the scene, she is not a cameraman in advance of our program installed an additional small camera, then returned and double-checked the functionality, but the operator is big tv broadcasts. we watched what it was
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, the president came out on stage, our program has more interesting angles on the main events than others, the longest presidential message, be patient, it’s just beginning, in a situation where the world, in the literal sense of the wild west, is leading itself to degeneration, instilling pseudo values , russia is launching a new large-scale national family project, news about the maternity capital program, extending it at least until 2030. preferential mortgages for families with children under 6 years old inclusive, for them a preferential loan rate 6% will remain the same. another national project, a long and active life, huge amounts of money for the construction and renovation of hospital clinics, an additional more than a trillion rubles.
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yes, the russian economy feels confident, but the main implementation of all planned plans today directly depends on our soldiers, officers, volunteers, all military personnel who are now fighting at the front, going on the attack, moving
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forward under fire, sacrificing themselves for us, for the sake of the fatherland, it is they, our warriors, who are creating today absolutely. necessary conditions for the future of the country and for its development, low bow to you guys, i thank all russian citizens for their solidarity, reliability, we are one big family, we are together, therefore we will do everything as we plan and want to do, as we dream, we will overcome everything, together we can do everything right after completion. putin headed to the kremlin to work on the tasks that he had set for everyone and himself. the most striking details of the president's week, unexpected angles and an exclusive interview can be seen first in the telegram channel for rubin. be sure to join. 10 years ago
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, the west staged a bloody coup in ukraine. all agreements on a peaceful settlement between the authorities and the opposition , the guarantors of which only yesterday were the western countries themselves, were thrown into the trash, chaos and anarchy began in ukraine , blood began to flow, which a few years later led to the fact that russia, in order to protect the people of donbass from the ukrainian neo-nazis, was forced to launch a special military operation. today the west pretends that it does not remember by whose hands this conflict was created, but we, as putin said, have not forgotten and will not forget. and that’s why now, in those days when it’s exactly 10 years since the coup d’état.
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how to understand this, who are you anyway, try to explain to farmers in e in france, in germany, in spain, in greece, in portugal, in the countries of southern europe, that they need to tighten up a little in the interests of ukraine, i’ll look at them reaction, but not just some functionaries, like fishermen, who work on the land. words spoken exactly 10 years ago, shots taken in once again. last months and days. the ukrainian crisis, which entered an acute phase exactly 10 years ago, now determines the life
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of the entire continent, and in many ways, the entire world. it’s hard to even believe how it all started, it would seem, with president yanukovych’s technical decision to postpone. russia's main strategic partner. russian-ukrainian negotiations brought sensational news today, events developed as follows, literally until the very last moment it was not known at all what documents today will be signed. and then, 5 minutes before the start of the ceremony, we were given lists
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of documents to be signed and we saw that the fourteenth and very last item was a document called an addition to the gas purchase and sale contract dated january 2009, which makes it possible. gazprom, what it intends to do, sell gas to ukraine at a price of $268.5 per 100 cubic meters. now this price is about 400 dollars. in order to support the budget of ukraine, the government of the russian federation decided to place part of its reserves from the national welfare fund, amounting to 15 billion us dollars. i would like to draw your attention and want to reassure everyone, today we did not discuss the issue at all. ukraine's accession to the customs union. putin says these words because
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ukrainian society was already pretty warmed up by the promises of association with the european union; interaction with the customs union, that is, with russia, is presented there as a kind of way back. the first rallies begin in kiev. ukraine. dream, but if you look at the content of these they say that they are taking away from the ukrainian people agreements , then many may simply not live to see this dream, not live up to it, because the conditions are very strict, it is very easy to speculate on these issues, if you want to live like in paris, we want, let’s sign, but come on, who would say, let’s read, you have you read what is written there, no, you have read this paper. no, no one reads a damn thing, well, at least you know how to read, look at what
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’s written there, open markets, no money, introduce european norms and trade and technical regulations, well that means industry it needs to be closed, but this is someone’s choice , well, okay, if you count all this, weigh it, then young people can quite understand it and say, yes, we want european... standards, but let’s do it this way, so that enterprises do not close tomorrow, machine -building enterprises, so that shipbuilding remains afloat , so that aviation does not die, so that the space industry does not die, all these markets and cooperation in russia, these frames are sorted out second by second, because they record truly fateful moments, the leaders of the european union countries, before this, for years they had been talking about democracy and about...
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many residents of ukraine and russia are perplexed about more and more new personnel from kiev, rallies are becoming more and more aggressive in the center of the capital, militants are beginning to act openly. everything that is happening now suggests that this is not a revolution at all, well-prepared actions, and these actions, in my opinion, were not prepared for today, they were preparing for the election campaign of the spring of 2015, well, it’s just a small false start, but these are all preparations for
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presidential elections, well-prepared and trained militant groups, are you really for or against ukraine signing an association agreement with the european union? we are neither for nor against, this is not our business at all, this is the sovereign right of the ukrainian people, the ukrainian leadership, the president, parliament and government. now, if, if they told us that ukraine was joining nato, then we would really be against it, because moving the infrastructure of a military bloc closer to our borders poses a danger for us. economic issues once in a while at the same time, putin emphasizes, is a sovereign matter of the ukrainian leadership, but it is impossible not to take into account the very serious ties between the enterprises of russia and ukraine. i would ask our friends in brussels to refrain from harsh expressions that in order to... they will like it, we need to strangle entire sectors of our economy, and i would believe that we need to depoliticize
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this topic, agree with the proposal of president yanukovych and in a trilateral format, to discuss all these topics properly and in detail. european commission building on many tvs with mark hot news there are constant broadcasts from ukraine. in january 1914, the leadership of the european commission called.
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imagine how our european partners would react if, at the height of the crisis , say, in greece or cyprus, at one of the anti-european rallies, our minister of foreign affairs appeared there and began making some appeals, our european friends, only that they appealed to the president, there to the government, not to allow the use of force and so on, the use of force is always a last resort, i i absolutely agree with them. what’s the point in going to kiev and smashing the government and further arguing that in our house blacks, muscovites, that is, russians and jews, don’t command, you know, this is a region, firstly, it’s surprising that this is done by a representative,
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which means a religious figure, and secondly, this is an extreme manifestation of nationalism.
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straits and assault in cherkasy. and now power has been seized in half the country, donbass is then silent, watching, waiting for order to be restored according to the law. russia also hopes for normalization of the situation in brotherly country. the olympic games, for which russia has been preparing for 7 long years, are starting in sochi. ukrainian, belarusian, russian
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athletes all live together in the olympic village. the belarusian team at the olympics will be supported by president alexander lukashenko. since the coup in kiev, this is the first big public comment by the russian president about what happened and is happening, this is
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an unconstitutional coup and an armed seizure of power, and what was simpler? to say at that moment in time, you carried out a coup there? no, we are the guarantors, after all, the minister foreign affairs of poland, france and germany, as guarantors signed a document of agreement between president yanukovych and the opposition, after 3 days it was all trampled, and where are the guarantors? ask them where they are, these guarantors, why they didn’t say: come on, please, go back, everyone, come back, yanukovych, bring him back, and carry out the constitutional one.
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i won’t hide it, it’s no secret, i expressed some concern, said whether it was possible to leave the capital in such a situation, he replied that he considered it possible, since
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there was a document signed with the position and the minister foreign affairs of the european countries acted as guarantors of the implementation of this agreement , well, let's say even more, i answered him that i doubt that everything will be like that... good, but that's his business, he is, after all , the president, and he feels the situation, he knows better what to do there, but in any case, it seems to me that it is impossible to withdraw all law enforcement forces from kiev, i told him, he said, yes, of course, i understand that, he left and gave the command to withdraw all law enforcement forces from kiev, handsome too, i believed in decency foreign intermediaries, i was not only deceived, i was cynically deceived, but not... i was not deceived, the entire ukrainian people were deceived. yanukovych has practically already surrendered to his power. he agreed to everything the opposition demanded. he agreed to early
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parliamentary elections, early presidential elections, and agreed to return to the 2004 constitution. you will calm yanukovych there, and we will calm the opposition. yanukovych did not use, as the americans asked us, not the armed forces, not the police, but the armed opposition. in kyiv carried out a coup d'etat, how do we understand this, who are you anyway? i don’t want to be here, the camera is working, showing certain gestures, yes, but you understand what gestures i want to show now, that’s what they showed us, they realized that they couldn’t finally bend ukraine to themselves solely by political means, and they carried out a coup d’etat, deprived us of chances to build relations in a normal political way. with this country, they acted and went, as our people say, excuse the maviton, in lawlessness, the civil war
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and chaos have already begun, who cares, why did this have to be done, if yanukovych already agreed with everything, we had to go to the polls, and the same people would now come to power, only through legal means, we would pay like idiots 15 billion, which they promised would keep gas prices low and would continue to subsidize the economy. gave an adequate answer, we did not create this crisis, we were opponents of such a development of events, it was not we who handed out pies to the rebels in this regard, yes, we understand that there are
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complex processes there, but not in the same way we need to decide where, right next to our borders, but where you are thousands of kilometers away, and we are here and this is our land, what do you want to fight for there? you don’t know, but we know, and we are ready for it, i would never have done this if i didn’t think that we were obliged to do exactly this way, as for the chronology of events, first there was a coup d’etat, the seizure of power, and from this from this moment, from this moment our views and paths with the leadership of ukraine, they became diametrically opposed from this moment we separated... but after that crimea returned to the russian federation, and not vice versa, so our relations
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with ukraine deteriorated. a normal country with a normal government, no, they never did this, they didn’t even keep it in their heads, but why did western countries support the coup d’etat, from now on for us power in ukraine is the source of power , the coup d’etat, and not the will of the people, where do you get this from? it is known, very simply, because, because the people who live in ukraine, we have a thousand things in common with them contacts. overthrew yanukovych , how they were supported, how much they were paid, how they trained , in what territories, in what countries, who these instructors were, we all know, you respect the sovereignty of ukraine, of course, but we would like other countries to respect the sovereignty of other countries , including
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ukraine, but respect sovereignty.
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and i suspect that it is no coincidence that they needed this conflict, as a result the united states severed ties between russia and europe, sparked an armed conflict between fraternal peoples, but dealt such a blow to its position in the world, from which the once global leader is unlikely to ever recover. pavel, what is known about the president’s plans for the next week? a lot is known, so our next issue will be interesting again. strive
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to change this world, make it better, everything is in your power, the president will talk with participants in the world student youth festival this week, of course, congratulate women on international women’s day, and this is always informal, as long as i live, i will pray to them, love is a different delight i prefer, the lord has revealed to us a woman is like a miracle, entrusted to the world. in addition, the president will continue a series of regional trips and the most striking details, before the rest, of course, in the zarubin telegram channel, subscribe so as not to drown in other similar feeds, well, in the next episode of our tv program sunday you will see more than the rest. thank you, pavel, see you in a week.
12:00 pm
mass murders using poison were planned by the kiev special services, the target was the governor of zaporozhye evgeniy baletsky and the russian military. how did you manage to reveal criminal scheme? the german ambassador was summoned to the russian foreign ministry on the agenda of a leaked conversation between german officers about strikes against russia. we are waiting for our correspondent to broadcast directly from smolenskaya square. plaster is crumbling, chandeliers and furniture are shaking. an earthquake of magnitude more than six occurred in kazakhstan. let's ask our correspondent in central asia about the consequences. dozens of lectures from creative laboratories, from the history of paintings to the latest achievements in robotics, are included in the program and speeches by federal ministers of russia.


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