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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:25pm MSK

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the kremlin said that the recording of a conversation between german officers about the attack on the crimean bridge indicates the involvement of western countries in the conflict between russia and ukraine. everyone has already been able to get acquainted, and not supposedly, where the attacks on the crimean bridge were discussed, but where they were de facto discussed? it seems to me that the wording here is very important. germany.
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germany, both are very bad, and both once again emphasize the direct involvement of countries, the so-called collective west, in the conflict around ukraine. preparatory preparations are underway in ovdeevka work to restore communal infrastructure, stated the head of the dpr denis pushil. according to him, work will begin
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later, after demining the city, it is very important for us that now we could see with our own eyes, and not only here at the regional level, but when i myself could assess the situation, power engineers there could already, let’s say , to calculate various options, that is, their next steps to restore electricity, there are other specialists, but marachlyanovich khusnulin was also able to look at it with a professional look look. regarding further steps , what needs to be done, but now you shouldn’t expect that this will be done there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but in the literal sense of the word, because there is a lot of work to be done on demining, moreover, the contact line still needs to be moved back, so now preparatory work is underway, and plans are being made here, for this or that department, but we really have a lot to do with mine clearance, with electricity supply, with supply...
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the arbitration court of crimea has registered a claim for recovery from ukraine of damage to the regional budget due to the energy blockade of the peninsula. we are talking about an amount of more than 3 trillion rubles. the head of the crimean parliament, vladimir konstantinov, spoke about this on air from studio 5. we have 51 volumes of 31 pages, can you imagine the amount of work the working group did, thank you very much , i want to say to all the federal ministries that participated in helping to form this list, and this is a claim only on the budget of crimea, a claim against the institutions of ukraine, this cabinet of ministers. ministry of fuel and
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energy, ukrenergo, they are defendants in this, in this lawsuit, the amount is 3.156. billion rubles we are preparing further as a working group, so to speak, preparing a claim from crimean enterprises that suffered damage as a result of the energy blockade, and the accounts chamber is independently preparing from the people of crimea to compensate for damage to individuals. now footage from the presidential press service. please.
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opened, a large ring metro line, the high-speed diameter works very well, today we are already transporting on the bkl per day 1,300,000 people, in terms of speed diameter - 400 - thousand cars daily, even if you look at the economic return, for example,
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the federal budget has already received more than a trillion rubles at the expense of the bcl in the non-budgetary funds of the economic effect, budgetary effect. from the moment work began , no, from the moment construction began, because when self-construction is underway, he already receives taxes from vat, well, we introduced them in parts over several years, so there are direct benefits, and so does the city budget investments are developing, which, well, if you look at what happens to them, of course, different years differ in different ways, but if we take larger periods, three years, for example, from the ninth... to the eleventh year, then we have the volume of investments from 2 trillion increased to 17 , that is, even at comparable prices, this is 3.7 times, this includes housing, buildings, cars, equipment that is purchased, and intellectual property, that is, the city - demonstrates very high dynamics ,
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thanks to your government support and, of course, to muscovites who are actively working and do not lose optimism, we understand that the threats that... at the end of february, the russian special services, were governor evgeniy baletsky and a number of russians
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in the zaporozhye region, which were prevented by the military. this became known through interrogations of detained saboteurs and interception of conversations with curators from kiev. according to the investigation, the attackers were going to use it. chemical made in the usa. with details anton podkovenko. ukrainian agent vampire ties with those who recruited him independence intelligence officer alexander kogut. footage of the so-called operational game. this is when a discovered agent of the enemy, in this case the delyavershutov, whom the fsb detained back in the fall, is ready to cooperate and serves under a garden duck to reveal the enemy’s plans. today i slept with this thought, in short. sash, do you want to offend?
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an agent of the kurshuts, together with gennady and olga kopralov, whom he himself had recruited and who were later also taken by fsb officers, took a claw from a cache in a grave at the krasnogorsk cemetery on a tip melitopol. zaporozhye region baletsky. in the cache there were also ampoules with a colorless liquid labeled
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biasparin for camouflage. the ampoules, of course, do not contain any probiotic, they contain poison, our scientists have found out which one it is. this is a russian laboratory accredited by ozo, the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. and this is especially important because it will be extremely difficult for the west to ignore the conclusions that have been drawn here about the toxic chemicals seized from ukrainian agents. ukrainian curator. kohut sent agent vampire, that is , kurshutov and his accomplices, an analogue of the toxic chemical bizet, which is controlled by the chemical weapons convention, code ia3167, such a poison can only be produced by americans, what has now been discovered, yes, this substance is close in class to bizet, a listed toxic substance , in addition to this substance , precursors were found that are used in its ... manufacture, it was created in the edward arsenal, united states
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of america, this poison can be used in the form of an aerosol and dissolves in water, in any drink it dissolves very well in liquids containing spioto and acts most effectively. this is the development in a person of a state of madness, when he does not understand where he is, he does not understand what he is doing, decorative of such deep schizophrenia. this is... the dose that makes a person restless, it is very small , such a poison can kill, it all depends on the dose, it is very difficult to determine this substance in the body, the symptoms are similar to food poisoning, here is a fragment of the negotiations between kogut and kurshutov during everything the same operational games are discussing a sabotage plan in the canteen in melitopol, where the russian military go, what to do with the ampoules, maybe they should be planted somewhere in the thick, they should be in the canteen
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in the wrong place... that is, the states supply the toxic chemicals they produce to ukraine bypassing all international conventions, and kiev uses them for sabotage, but the kurshutovs and kapralovs will not poison or blow up anyone , criminal cases have been opened, a terrorist attack and the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction, these are serious prison sentences, and the ukrainian curators, about failed performers, have already forgot to think. anton potkovenko, evgeny turchak, sergey velichko, lead. pentalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. dear men, a holiday is coming soon. i’ll tell you a secret, on ozone there is 3% cashback on sbp. everything, and it doesn’t matter what you want to give, buy gifts for ozone posbp at a profit, register on
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1:15 pm
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sports - an invincible car, let's go, go send mom a star from the sky into space. to be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, to turn the department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication. work into a dream, tradition into innovation, only here, in a country on which the sun never sets. sinkhov, 40 million customers in the largest country in the world. i opened the application, selected the car brand, avito will select everything for it,
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now it will appear. that there is a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. in early voting for the presidential election tens of thousands of people took part, these were fishermen, hunters living in remote villages, reindeer herders leading traditional practices for the northern peoples. way of life, as well as the sailors behind the scenes, who willingly talk about everyday life. the only one who agreed to talk to us was feodosia, her grandfather founded the village and gathered a community from all over the country. they have been living here for more than 60 years, observing their own rules and traditions. so being a city dweller here is uncomfortable, in what way, we have no communications here, firstly, television
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is also prohibited here, so that’s what more? began in advance on february 25, all in order for the territories, the election campaign in them , so that every resident of the huge region could fulfill their civic duty and vote in the presidential elections of the country. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva, news, krasnoyarsk
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region. strong earthquake in kazakhstan , tremors with a magnitude of more than six were felt in almaty. the epicenter was only 30 km from the city. we will learn more from the chief of our central asia bureau, robert frantsev. about 11 o'clock almaty time residents of the city felt strong tremors for about 15-30 seconds, which, of course, was enough to greatly frighten everyone. after that, the warning systems went off, and people left the buildings to the sound of sirens. it must be said that now different data are being received about the characteristics of this earthquake, it is reported that the magnitude was about 5.5, the epicenter was on the territory of kyrgyzstan, approximately 35 km from almaty, 190 km from bishkek,
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these tremors were felt most strongly in almaat to bishkek to karakol, palpability amounted to four, if we talk about kyrgyzstan. in kazakhstan, in almaty, the sensitivity in the city was estimated from five to 5.5; it is reported that these tremors did not cause any serious destruction in the city, but residents share videos on social networks that show how, for example, ceilings in office premises are crumbling , glass collapsed in some buildings, well , there really is no such global destruction , an earthquake occurred in almaty, do not panic, after the end of the vibration, leave the room, go to the nearest points reception of the population. trust information only from official sources, when you hear the siren signal, pay attention to everyone, turn on the available means of notification, by now the situation in the city is calm, but at the same time. representatives of special services ask residents not to return to their homes until 16:00 local time, the almaty metro is also not working now, second shifts of classes in schools and universities have been canceled,
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while now residents are actively comparing their feelings from this earthquake with the last strong tremors that were recorded in the same territory at the end of january of this year, residents share interesting observations, if then the earthquake was felt at night as a very strong rocking, here is a video with swinging chandeliers in apartments, falling cabinets, but now the sensations from earthquakes are described as vertical tremors from the bottom up , perhaps this is due to the depth of the epicenter of these tremors, then in january it was approximately 65 km, now the depth of the earthquake is 10 km, but it must be said that in comparison with the same after the january earthquake, now the warning systems and other services have worked quite clearly, so there was no panic, as there was in january on the streets of almaty. robert.
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