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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm MSK

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they loudly for all to hear they remained in crimea when russia came there, no one talks about the referendum, they declare that...
2:06 pm
the principle of territorial integrity written in the un charter, and very soon, or rather not soon, but before that , before that, without any referendum in 2008, they declared western countries to have completely justified questions, but how did you decide to do this, if you violated territorial integrity, they said, no, this is different, what is important here is the right of a nation to self-determination.
2:07 pm
the following text was adopted in the large declaration, which was a consensus at the highest level, unanimously approved by everyone. it says there, and the neo-nazis did not represent either the crimeans or the southeast of ukraine, probably
2:08 pm
no one will argue with this. this is why multipolarity is fully built on the current principles of the un charter, fair principles. if only everyone is ready to respect what the new components, new pillars of the multipolar world are doing, these are many regional structures, on the eurasian continent - this is the eurasian economic union, this is the shanghai organization cooperation, asean, chinese belt and road project, ibid. the cooperation council of arab states is located in eurasia, working relations coordinate their agendas, ensuring that complementarity helps to avoid, avoid unnecessary actions,
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unnecessary duplication, this is exactly the kind of interaction process that president putin had in mind when he formulated his vision of the formation:
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all this too thrown away, everything useful that was produced then was thrown into the trash by the west, they again declared that they would live only according to your own rules.
2:11 pm
where the sunnis predominated, the majority of the officers of this army, finding themselves without work, formed the backbone of the islamic on the brink, in syria the americans are creating a quasi-state of the kurds, stealing the oil and food that is produced in the territories they occupied, which is why it is multipolar. should still now rely on integration structures,
2:12 pm
i mentioned eurasia, i’ll briefly say that we have a solution to our problems, the problems of our regions ourselves, this is a very healthy trend, in addition to regional integration processes, there is also a global integration process called brix, which has been taking shape.
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i’m saying, what did they promise you, in return , let’s say, well, suppose you say, well, i
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’ll vote there at the un, somehow i won’t impose sanctions, what they promised in return, they say, they won’t give anything in return they promised, they said this, if you do not listen to us, we will punish you with sanctions, we will take away some loans that, in accordance with that historical reality...


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