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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 4:00pm-4:26pm MSK

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the west is obliged to respond, the german ambassador was summoned to the russian foreign ministry today in connection with the leak of negotiations between german officers about the impending attack on the crimean bridge, what statements were made in...
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the spring temperature regime has established itself in the european part of the country, should we expect a return to minus values, about this find out in our weather section. vladimir putin had a meeting with sergei sergei sobyanin. the mayor of moscow spoke about economic development. the big circle line and other
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major projects, as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov previously noted, the head of state pays increased attention to the largest region of our country, so they regularly check their watches with the mayor of moscow. sergei sabyani began his report with a report on the economic development of the capital. according to the mayor, the engine of moscow's economy is the manufacturing industry. at the end of last year, the capital achieved absolute production of electric vehicles. and growing demand stimulates the enterprise to expand and modernize lines, increase production volumes. in addition, last year the volume of shipped industrial goods enterprises in the capital amounted to more than 10 trillion rubles, which is 55% more than in 2016. another dangerous center of domestic microelectronics is the city of zelenograd.
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where a number of important projects are being implemented at the technopolis moscow sites, for example, the production of photonic integrated circuits and microelectronic components, as well as photo masks. the moscow government plans to actively develop microelectronics, and total investments until 2028 will amount to almost 184 billion rubles. and the important years of real estate, we can’t help but talk about renovation program, which has been operating in the capital since 2007, its implementation in m2. basically involves the demolition of old housing stock to provide citizens with new modern housing. the renovation program included more than 5,000 houses, home to approximately 1 million people. it is noted that more than 4 million square meters have already been put into operation . to date, modern housing has been received, he said that special attention today is paid to improving the quality and accessibility of capital education. key technological... tool
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is the moscow electronic school. this is a unified digital educational environment for teachers, students and parents, covering all schools in the capital. mash's key services are electron.
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in general, throughout modern history, there has been good growth in all indicators, in production indicators that are important to us, such as pharmaceuticals, automotive industry, microelectronics, growth from 25 to 40%. the growth dynamics are really impressive; the mentioned pharmaceuticals, for example, added more than 40%. at the allabushev site especially economic technopolis moscow zone, a new pharmaceutical complex has been opened. for the production of more than two dozen drugs for the treatment of oncological, autoimmune and other diseases, and this means independence from imported supplies of vital drugs. by the way, in the same technopolis, the most important projects in the field of microelectronics are being implemented; in december , a production line for
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packaging microcircuits for troika transport cards with russian chips was launched. those projects that we opened, the large ring metro line, the high-speed diameter it works very well, today it’s already on bkl. cars every day , even if you look at the economic return , the federal budget has already received more than a trillion rubles at the expense of the bkl ; . vat tax account, well , we introduced it in parts over several years, so here the benefits are direct, the benefits for the budget are benefits directly for muscovites. the russian capital is one of the safest megacities in the world and
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the city’s video surveillance system makes a decisive contribution to crime prevention. even attempts to break the law do not go unnoticed. and moscow is a region of the highest social responsibility, new kindergartens. just a center of science and education and the commissioning of real estate of more than 15 million square meters last year alone, with one half being housing, the second being social facilities and, of course, commercial space, in other
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words, jobs, total investments in the creation of which will exceed a trillion rubles. anastasia efimova, lead. how do you like it, are we going on vacation? class and we're going. this is the third year and you still haven’t started saving, so open a vtb savings account. the rate is 16%, save up faster and transfer your salary to vtb, it will be even more profitable. let's go to the bank, mountains, skiing, speed. you accumulated faster than you descended. vtb, get everything together.
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4:11 pm
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we're going on vacation, cool, and we're going, this is the third year, and we haven't started saving yet, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster and transfer your salary to vtb, it will be even more profitable, let's go to the bank, mountains, skis, speed , you have accumulated faster than you descend, everything will work out now about the progress of the special military operation, our troops have improved the tactical position in the kupinsky direction, and also continued to occupy more advantageous positions in the avdeevsky direction, the ministry of defense reported this. and we’ll find out more about the progress of the special military operation from my colleague denis alekseev, he’s in direct contact with us, denis, tell us how the situation is developing at the fronts. how is our military progressing in general? yes, greetings, well, let's start with
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a story about the difficult fate of american tanks. the ukrainian command kept them in reserve until the last moment, and when it became impossible to live without them in magata, they began to release them onto the battlefield little by little, until everyone’s life, like a carbon copy, turned out to be short-lived. here is fresh footage, our fighters of the center group destroyed under avdievka is another abrams tank, the result of coordinated work, first the infantry...
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well, in other directions , units of the vostok missile forces on the southern donetsk front destroyed a hangar with ammunition, the destruction was confirmed by reconnaissance drone operators. in this area , there were more than 300 casualties in the ssu per day. in the krasnolimansky direction, russian pilots bombarded the positions of the military aircraft with controlled aerial bombs, in pairs. there are enough of these for the damage to be felt. kupinsky direction, tactical has been improved there situation, in the tabaevka area the militants abandoned part of their positions. news is coming from the rabotina area. our military is increasing the use of fpb drones , attack aircraft are making their way to the center of the village, ukrainian command obviously not all armed forces are betting on their unmanned aircraft against the backdrop of problems with armored vehicles and artillery pieces , it is reasonable, but it is stupid to believe that we know nothing about this, russian intelligence is holding such things are under control, and therefore, within 24 hours, two more
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control points for uavs in the dpr were eliminated, and drones were eliminated by our air defense shot down again, about a hundred, well, in total for the whole...
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the remote control for it fuses, then sasha said that it was intended for yevgeny balitsky, so i asked, i said, well , if i say, civilians will explode, as he would have said , this is war. initially, the ukrainian special services planned to poison the governor of the zaporozhye region, baletsky. in the cache there were also ampoules with a colorless
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liquid labeled biasparin, we found out which one it was. organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, and this is especially important because it will be extremely difficult for the west ignore the findings that have been made here regarding the toxic chemicals seized from ukrainian agents. ukrainian curator kogut sent agent vampire, that is, kurshutov and his accomplices, an analogue of the toxic chemical bzet, which is controlled by the convention on the prohibition of chemicals; this substance is close in class to bizet, a poisonous substance. in addition to this substance, precursors were found that are used in its manufacture, it was created in the vedvar arsenal in the united states of america, this poison can be used in aerosol form and dissolves in water or any drink. in spioto-containing liquids , it dissolves very well when he does not
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understand where he is, he does not understand what he is doing, decorative for such profound schizophrenia, this is it... the dose that makes a person rest, it is very small, such a poison can kill, that’s all depends on the dose, it is very difficult to determine this substance in the body; the symptoms are similar to food poisoning, here is a fragment of the negotiations between kogut and kurshutov during the same operational game , discussing a sabotage plan in the canteen in melitopol, where the russian military go, what to do with the ampoules, maybe they should be thrown somewhere, they should be in the canteen. that is, the states supply toxic chemicals they produce to ukraine, bypassing all international conventions, and kiev uses them for sabotage, but terrorist attacks and the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction mean serious prison
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sentences, and ukrainian curators have already forgotten about the failed performers. anton potkovenko, evgeniy turchak. sergey velichko, news. remember, we voted for zhirinovsky and ldpr. i will raise russia from its knees. i will defend the russians, the great one. not a single unemployed, homeless, hungry person. all these years, zhirinovsky, the ldpr fought for you, defended your interests. be true to yourself. vote for the ldpr, vote for sludsky. it is difficult to find a person in russia who would not dream of justice and a better life. few people know that at our national enterprises the salary is more than 100,000 rubles. free medicine, they played at capitalism and that’s enough, for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. my name is vladislav
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davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be happy and confident in the future. i am running for the presidential election so that we all live with dignity and freedom, in a modern and peaceful country, live with love and the future, live. in a new way vladislav davankov , candidate for the presidency of russia, number one on the ballot, it’s time for new ones, to pave new paths into space, but not to leave the ground, to choose a route , hold the helm tightly, speak not loudly, but make people hear, listen, only he can , in whom we are confident, we are unique. involved in the war, the consequences of the scandal with the publication of bundesfer negotiations on strikes on the crimean
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bridge turned out to be much more unpleasant for germany than one might have expected. in berlin they say that heads will soon roll, but in moscow they demand specific answers. moscow’s position is unequivocal, the leaked conversation between german army officers and the entire west is an involved party in the ukrainian conflict. therefore, both berlin and the west must answer for the destructive actions that they planned and in many respects have already been implemented. this is a statement from the official representative of the russian foreign ministry , maria zakharova. according to her, denocification in germany is not completed. if the germans do not change the situation, there will be consequences for germany. quote: terrible. the german ambassador was summoned today to our foreign ministry in the kremlin for negotiations, everyone was able to get acquainted, and not supposedly where the strikes on the crimean bridge were discussed, but where they... de facto were actually discussed, it seems to me that the wording here is very important, a certain demash was undertaken by us and caused ambassador of the federal republic of germany,
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the record itself suggests that plans for striking the territory of the russian federation are being discussed substantively and specifically in the bowels of the bundeswehr, this is not necessary, mr. scholz said that a quick and complete effective check will be carried out in this regard, hopefully we will somehow... find out somehow, i mean even through the media. let me remind you that the entry was published last friday by margarita simonyan, editor-in-chief of the russia today media group and arti tv channel. and in this in the recording, several high-ranking bundesferen officers can be clearly heard discussing how they will bomb the crimean bridge with taurus cruise missiles. us and british officers are also mentioned. well, in germany itself, after this publication , the real one. a political storm, both in the press and in government structures, bundestag deputies are demanding the resignations of all officers involved in the scandal, so a political publication writes that heads can roll in
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the scholz government, including the ministry of defense. and here is the head of the ministry of defense, boris pistorius actually admitted, because german soldiers would have to be sent along with the missiles, and this, quote, will not happen. we will continue to discuss this topic, about the intercepted german negotiations , with the head of the center,"
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they say, to ensure this connection, the money has been allocated, but it is not clear where it went , exactly a year has passed, and it was then that the accusation of russia as spies led to the reduction of consulates and so on, it turns out that there is a department, but there is no protection, so this is not so much a question now for the ministry of defense, but for the head ministry of internal affairs, what does her federal department do for... information protection, they were obliged to do this, well , there will probably be internal investigations, master his chair, he is so
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unsinkable. and uh, confident in himself, yes, that he will continue to continue the assistance to ukraine that he planned, but probably the officers will be left at their posts, he doesn’t abandon his own, his loyal subjects, but he’ll probably receive some kind of penalties , and most importantly, no one wants to discuss the main message geopolitically.
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