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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 4:30pm-4:53pm MSK

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his chair, he is so unsinkable , self-confident, yes, that he will continue to continue the assistance to ukraine that he planned, but, probably, the officers will be left at their posts, he does not abandon his own, his loyal subjects, but, probably, will receive some kind of penalties, and most importantly, no one wants to discuss the main geopolitical message, you can’t supply taurus in ukraine, because... this could lead to an unpredictable development of events, a possible direct conflict between nato and russia, everyone is saying only about, let's protect our means of communication from the russians and let's find out who is to blame for this, that they overheard us, in your opinion, is it possible to judge that it is germany that cannot be judged that it is they who play the key role? let's
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look at the numbers. from the twenty-second year, from the beginning of the special military operation to mid-february, according to estimates from the kiel institute of world economics, germany allocated about 28 billion euros, multiply by 10%, you get, add 10%, you get dollars, of which 17.7 billion are military help. and france, according to this institute’s estimates , allocated only 600 million, well now macron says that it’s a little more, naturally , when you allocate such large sums, probably the one who allocates participates in coordination, and is monitored and controlled, and i don’t i exclude, there is no evidence, i emphasize, there is no evidence, and i do not exclude that, naturally, the bondusver is in close cooperation.
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with the armed forces of ukraine, training soldiers, participating in discussions at the decision-making center in western germany, which includes the american base ramstein, therefore, countries are coordinating the appropriate steps and so on with the armed forces of ukraine. to what extent this is related to specific operations, well, let’s leave the question open, limiting ourselves to the fact that germany, even before the deliveries of the taurus, i hope they don’t happen, is participating in a hybrid, as they say, proxy war against russia, in my opinion , mr. pistorius in one of the interviews with the taurus, tell me, scholl actually said that they are not going to convey, do you think this is political rhetoric, or is it still, uh, actually for this is worth something else, whether they are going to transfer them or not, which means the first, uh, chancellor, uh,
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so it is quite possible that his decision is the social democratic party of germany, final, but nevertheless, the development of the political situation in germany may ...
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thank you very much for your interesting comment, we spoke with the head of the center for german studies at the institute of europe, vladislav belov.
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hello, i am boris akilov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with the experts we... investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money. the amounts are serious , there is a clear and clear signal in russia , is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how it went, is russia ready to change, is
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evolution taking place in any structure? we believe in the best, we care and give warmth, and we overcome difficulties together. together we are strong, we vote for russia. speaker of nizhny novgorod is on an official visit to moscow chamber of parliament of kazakhstan irland kashanov. today, chairman of the
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federation council valentina matvienko met with him. she noted that in russia there is an absolute consensus on strengthening and expanding ties with kazakhstan. our country, according to her, is connected by a common history and spirituality. they are not politicized, they are very interesting for young people, they are modern, they took place in kazakhstan. the friendly atmosphere can already be felt from the first minutes of your stay on russian soil, you said correctly, we are brothers, we are a friendly country, i also want thank you for your kind words addressed to
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kazakhstan, to our president, i remembered with warmth, i remembered how you were when you were colleagues together. and conveyed very warm greetings, vyacheslav volodin met with erlan kashanov in the state duma today, they discussed the development of inter-parliamentary relations between russia and kazakhstan, economic cooperation and interaction in the humanitarian sphere. as the chairman of the state duma emphasized, the dynamics of relations between our countries are set by the presidents of russia and kazakhstan. we are not only strategic partners between you and russian federation. and kazakhstan is more than 7,500 km. we are obliged to develop relations more dynamically, and of course, achieve results so that the people of our states only benefit from this. the basis for our development is strong,
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and our presidents make a huge contribution to this. therefore, as far as the parliamentary dimension is concerned, here we are, our reliable partner, ally and good neighbor. this is always emphasized by our heads of state, and today a truly trusting political dialogue has been established between our countries. nine years ago, the claim was filed by the state council of crimea. let me remind you that after crimea was reunited with russia, ukraine caused interruptions in the supply of electricity to the peninsula. so in november 2015, crimea... completely lost electricity after the explosion of a power line in the kherson region, then
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2 million people were left without electricity, interruptions continued by the council of crimea vladimir konstantinov, damage from the actions of the ukrainian side, i calculate the quote: to the last penny, they are preparing and other lawsuits, that's what konstantinov said on our air tv channel. we have 51 volumes, 3100 pages, regarding the institutions of ukraine - this is the cabinet of ministers, the ministry of fuel and energy, ukrenergo, they are defendants in this, in this lawsuit, the amount is 3 trillion 156 billion rubles. we are preparing further as a working group, so to speak. a lawsuit is also being prepared from crimean enterprises that suffered damage as a result of compensation for damage
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to individuals. and on another topic, the administration of koluniev, where actor mikhail efremov is serving his sentence, approved his applications for parole release. this was announced by the chairman of the moscow public monitoring commission, georgy volkov. according to him, now everything depends on the upcoming trial. let me remind you that in september 2020, mikhail efremov was recognized. super tuesday, which will take place on march 5, is the day when primaries take place in 15
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states at once. and the most unfavorable forecasts concern the us ambassador to the un, niki haley, because her campaign will most likely be completed. the fact is that last weekend in the states of idaho and missouri, trump dealt crushing blows to his rival, gaining 85 and 100% of the votes, respectively. so it is quite possible that soon trump will be the only one left. the outcome of the primaries is already clear today, the undisputed winner of the republican primaries is donald trump, he is supported by the overwhelming majority of republican voters throughout the united states, in all the states, here is the recent vote in the district of columbia, where niki haley won, which proved her rules. because the population of the district of columbia is fundamentally different from the population of all other states
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in the united states. but who doesn’t expect surprises from super tuesday is democrat joe biden, because he has no competitors in the party. however, the current leader of the united states needs to be on alert, because biden’s approval rating has now fallen to the lowest level during his entire presidency. 3% of americans are dissatisfied with his policies, and 48% are for trump. and the fact that instead of jubai.
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the fascists who control it are the real threat to democracy in this country. they fight texas, they come there, they tear down fences, that are supposed to deter migrants, they are simply destroying our country. i want to put it.
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vacancies increased by an average of 18.5% compared to the beginning of last year. these are the job search service data provided by the news. a significant increase in salary offers is recorded in the field of beauty and health by 27%, by 21% in the service sector. an interesting increase in vacancies for applicants without experience and internship offers by 23%. experts cite a lack of personnel as the main reason. this trend in the labor market. last 2 last year and amounted to 18.5% year-on-year, and most likely it will slow down a little during this year, but nevertheless, wages relative to last year will grow again; according to data, last year the country lacked almost 5 million workers, in january of this year unemployment in russia was 2.9%, this is
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the lowest level for all time of observation, while the labor market... has a new level and new knowledge, in some cases the number of necessary personnel is being compressed, simply because they are being automated, but at the same time the requirements for qualifications are increasing, of course, this applies more to technology sectors, but also to ordinary service sectors too. among the reasons for the increase in salary offers this year, inflation and an increase in the minimum wage are also cited. from january 1 in 2023 they began. light industry, clothing production, production of metal products and electrical equipment. the smallest growth was recorded in the field of postal services and delivery, fishing and logging, approximately 8-9% everywhere. personnel shortage provokes employers' interest in specialists who are ready to retire. the same qualified personnel that we now
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see in many areas of industry, as you know, for example, last year increased by 2 and a half times. vacancies have increased for people of pre-retirement age in many regions, especially in the manufacturing industry, because it is impossible to train young people, and personnel are needed now. the “professionality” project helps solve this problem. by 2028, it is planned to train about a million specialists for high-tech industries, but a nominal national project. more than 600 billion rubles will be spent on construction and repairs. educational infrastructure until 2030, for headaches there is askafen at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askaffen when you give tickets to the russian tray.
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also rising from the ice jam, which is currently being removed by blasting. the flood situation in the bryansk region is becoming more complicated. 16 households were flooded in the debris. sections of two roads also went under water, in the rognedinsky and mglinsky districts. one car was seriously damaged. people are lucky at this moment. neither in the car nor near it did not have. there is still a lot of snow in the middle zone. in narafaminsk, near moscow, they managed to dig a tunnel right in a huge snowdrift that had formed on the side of the road over the winter. how this structure has not collapsed yet is a mystery. today, the synoptic map of the russian plain is represented by the following pressure formations: over the polar urals , the first portions of arctic cold have begun to arrive in the north. charges of snow will reach perm in the evening. volgovyad region and vologda region, across central russia from the lower reaches of the don and the volga, through the black earth region, central russia and the north-west of our country, stretches a field
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of high atmospheric pressure, with a characteristic predominance of sunny, dry , spring-like warm weather. in the caucasus, in the zone of cyclonic depression, the sky will become gloomy and there will be light rain in some places, a cold bag of cold that will affect the middle latitudes. the dynamics of the shift of the daily zero isotherm on the forecast map is clear. demonstrates how the thaw will retreat almost 1.00 km from the shores of vyatka and the northern dvina, to the gum, voronezh and the middle volga. in the north-west of our country , the anomalous heat has already subsided, but until the middle of the week, for example, in pskov, the air will warm up to +1 +4 during the day.
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