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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. russian military chemists caught the united states by the hand. what kind of poison did the ukrainian vampire agent have to poison the governor of zaporozhye , balitsky, and what does the us edwood arsenal have to do with it? another abrams destroyed by the russian military. they put the car on a harp, took off its shoes and finished it off with a blow to the track. the work of the same
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team, whose fighters had previously opened the account for american tanks: mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic, already the third territory of ukraine is contaminated with the toxic contents of shells. military actions are literally killing fertile land, but what about kiev’s dreams of feeding all of europe? non-refundable ticket to okuo. those who don't want to are beaten to death by the authorities. the most desperate ones run to the border and jump into the ditch. why not save yourself, your best friend, faithful until the last second, a dog named dunce, died protecting his comrades from a kamikaze drone, a story of a real feat that will not leave anyone indifferent. let's start with big news from scientific center number 27 of the russian ministry of defense. and
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whose employees were able to establish the exact the origin of chemical warfare agents that the zelensky regime intended to use for massacres in the zaporozhye region. let me remind you that according to the junta’s plan, our military, as well as the governor of the region, yevgeny balevsky, were to become victims. execution, according to tradition, was entrusted to recruited saboteurs, dastardly terrorist attacks were planned for the end of february, but were stopped in time by the federal security service, but if the goals of the ukrnazis have not surprised anyone for a long time, then the means in this... case are especially noteworthy, since, as it turned out, we are talking about an extremely toxic chemical produced in the usa, and the existence of this particular formula was actually officially documented for the first time, as soon as the states transferred it to kiev. what are the likely consequences of poisoning with such poisons and what general conclusions arise here, let’s figure it out with the help of anton potkovenko. anton, hello, but it turns out that conventional military assistance to washington is no longer enough. yes, greetings, and he transmits. toxic
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toxic substances, in fact, military poisons, thereby supporting and encouraging the sabotage and terrorist activities of kiev, how exactly this is happening, let’s look in detail: they were preparing an assassination attempt on the head of zaporozhye, yevgeny baletsky, and the russian military, using american poison. ukrainian agent deliver kurshutov, with the call sign “vampire”, whom fsb officers uncovered that fall, received instructions from a full-time intelligence officer nearby.
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these ampoules are intended for the military, so they should be added to catering establishments, if possible, if it were good it would be said if it was added to a large cauldron there with food or in compote, uh, and so that more military personnel would be poisoned. kurshutov , together with residents of melitopol gennady and olga kopralov, whom he himself had recruited and who were later also recruited by fsb officers, took the poison on a tip.
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i understand, yes. evgeniy baletsky was not surprised when he learned about kiev’s sabotage plans revealed as a result of the operational game. as for the assassination attempt, well, in general. systemic, you just need to get used to them, my life is not worth more than the life of anyone a soldier on the front line or an administration employee, we understand perfectly well, we knew what we were doing, but in this war we only need victory. the poison that the kurshuts were supposed to use appears as a colorless liquid in ampoules labeled biasparin. well, this was written for disguise, of course, they could have at least written aspirin there. kogut. sent kurshutov and company an analogue of the toxic chemical bzt, which is controlled by the chemical weapons convention: a psychochemical toxic substance, here is its formula: poison created by americans, russian scientists found out where exactly? in these samples they
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found an analogue of the chemical warfare agent vz. this analogue was developed at the eldzhevsky training ground, it has a name:
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in october last year , sent to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons again, well , there is no correction, they completely fell under the united states of america in all decisions, if this does not change, then the organization will completely discredits himself. poisons used by ukrainian saboteurs, including the one which was seized from kurshutov and company, the effect was absolutely terrible, in the literal sense. drive you crazy at a dose that is, well, a gram per person, this is incapacitation for at least 72-80 hours, when people are inadequate, they do not make decisions, and a small overdose is death, moreover
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, it is disguised as various, well household poisoning, but the kurshut corporals will no longer be able to poison anyone, criminal cases have been initiated under the article... failed performers mean no more to them than broken ones matches. and toenko and international terrorism. well, i’ll add, tomorrow the role of kiev’s western masters in the use of dangerous taxins by ukrainian militants will be brought up for discussion by the russian side during a session of the executive council. as the official representative of russia at the organization, deputy head of the ministry of industry and trade kirill lysogorsky, emphasized, nothing will prevent you from providing indisputable evidence of the participation of the united states from western europe in pumping ukraine, now also with chemical weapons. during the upcoming
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105th march 5 session from the half-council of the uzo, we, of course, we will definitely raise questions about the systemic use of toxic chemicals by ukrainian militants. we will demand that the organization give a proper assessment of this criminal activity from the point of view of international law. for obvious reasons , we foresee that ukraine will interfere with an objective, impartial consideration of the issue at the opc site. let's see what will happen next. within 24 hours, units of the southern group of russian troops destroyed up to 360 ukrainian militants in the donetsk direction of the special operation. to the enemy. it was especially difficult in the areas of kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka, georgievka and maksimil'yanovka, where our military carried out massive fire damage; on the southern donetsk front in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the vostok group , more than 320 vsushnikov were eliminated. report by alexander katsuba about the situation. a lightning
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attack at the same second, a dizzying maneuver to exit the line of fire. the second one enters the battle. airplane. a pair of su-25 attack aircraft from the south group of troops breaks the defensive lines of the ukrainian armed forces militants. the shells landed very heap. airplanes are knocked out. from russia they take the opposite course, going, as they say among pilots, along the tops of trees. the extremely low altitude will help us, so that in case we do not enter the zone of the damaged missile system. extremely low altitude is the basis for attack aircraft. another aircraft pair is preparing for a combat flight on the runway. su-25 attack aircraft, rook, so nicknamed for the characteristic shape of its nose. the most powerful weapons.
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support the advance of our infantry from the air. the launches proved to be very effective unguided rockets from pitching up, which we brought to good results and the ground confirms our defeat. enemy forces, enemy military equipment, and the enemy does not expect this strike, and the sound comes only after some time, when the missile is already on the ground. the su-25 attack aircraft is also called a flying tank; the pilot in the cockpit is protected by an armored capsule, and the main elements and parts of the aircraft are also protected by armor. in a matter of minutes, the pair reaches the target. an air strike struck breshva. took up defensive positions, waited
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main forces, let's move on, assault, speed, arrogance, the defense of the ukrainian armed forces is bursting at the seams and breaking, our fighters are pushing back the enemy along the entire front line. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev, lead. continuation of the topic, almost 500 personnel were disabled. usu has four infantry fighting vehicles, three of which are bradleys, 12 vehicles and two tanks, including the american m1. these are today’s reports from the russian ministry of defense from the avdeevsky section of the northern military district, where in an almost everyday tone, well, one might say, casually, they confirmed the disposal of another abrams. actually, here he is, with the torn off track of the objective control device, he looks downright pitiful, and the open hatch shows that the ukrainian crew threw an expensive nato handout and hastened to retreat if he...
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i don’t welcome him, well, are they putting a good face on a bad game? alexey, hello, it’s true that all responsibility really lies with kiev and, in particular, with the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. another abrams destroyed in the avdeevsky direction near the village of berdychi, a tank, russian soldiers, as they say, they put me on a gusle and hit me with an rpg, damaging the track. due to active hostilities, the enemy was unable to subdue the work of the fighters of the thirtieth motorized rifle brigade, much less evacuate the vehicle, who decided to send gifts to the russians.
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tons in the avdeevka area, and it becomes a real target for russian fighters, this is the same calculation, let me remind you that earlier they hit the first american tank in the rear, sending a drone under the turret. the car stopped, then the russian military sent a second drone, after which the ammunition detonated. he rode for 2 years and fought for 20 minutes, there were three people in the crew, one was evacuated, possibly a heavy one. 300 and they managed to get away, we still had a priority goal, which was to hit
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the combat vehicle directly. then the piranha drones operated, one enemy crew member was wounded so much that his colleagues had to drag him, trying to get away from the tank as quickly as possible. it’s interesting that none of the damaged american tanks had any protection against drones, i mean the so -called barbecue visors, which welded on top and hung with additional dynamic protection units. the tank was driving very slowly, for some reason, very slowly, it drove out into the open area, the guys probably really believed in themselves, the fact that they were simply invulnerable was not at all difficult. hit him absolutely, we stopped him with the first drone, we finished him off with the second drone, the abrams will continue to burn, they must continue to burn. the echo from the explosions of the burned abrans hit the shares of the manufacturer geengineer dynamics for some time. americans, let me remind you, redirected all questions to kiev, refusing to comment on the losses of their
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tanks. on paper, the characteristics of this tank are very formidable, the damage is obvious. the reputation of the manufacturer, the reputation of this type of armored vehicles was damaged and continues to be damaged, since the myth about leopards, which suffered heavy losses, was completely destroyed, at the same time a company was launched in the states, designed to in every possible way justify the equipment supplied from the usa, they say that life in ukraine is like this, shells are hungry, although they wrote the same thing earlier about the lack of aviation, for sure soon a version will appear in the western media that there are not
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enough... there are not enough of them for everyone. in the vdeevsky direction of abrams, the engineering equipment that was made on their basis has become, as experts say, real magnets that attract to themselves all the means of fire destruction that russian fighters have, and, as practice shows, they cannot withstand this onslaught not a single armor, neither german nor the vaunted american. evgeniy
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nipa, are you american trash? the arbitration court of crimea registered a claim for recovery from ukraine's damage to the region's budget due to the energy blockade of the peninsula. we are talking about an amount of more than 3 trillion rubles. - speaker of the state council of crimea vladimir konstantinov said on our channel. we have 51 volumes, 31,000 pages. can you imagine the amount of work the working group did? i want to say a big thank you to all federal ministries. who participated in helping to form this list, and this is a claim only regarding the budget of crimea, a claim against the institutions of ukraine - this is the cabinet of ministers, the ministry of fuel and energy, ukrenergo, they are defendants in this, in this lawsuit,
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the amount is three 3.156 billion rubles. we are preparing further working group. great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia,
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where are you going? i... for my brother, now i have to find him, love is like proof of life , happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, in a couple of days you will go there, to the gray woman, go, i will come back for you, do you hear, call sign passenger, scary , no, soon! who will ensure development? who guarantees stability? who unites us? in whom are you confident, only in him
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, russia, vote for the one who can be trusted with the country, my grandfather is a world -famous chemist, he said that the donankovs have only one homeland - russia, i want us to be proud of our... terrible the consequences for the world's food supplies are inevitable, because the breadbasket is poisoned by catchy quotes from quite resonant, frankly, panicky material in the american media about the future. ukrainian land, which, as stated, will never again give generous shoots, and if it does yes, then instead of normal agricultural products, solid carcinogens will grow there, and
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russia is to blame, supposedly our actions in the special operation zone cause irreparable damage to the vaunted unfallow black soil, polluting it with lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury. in short, according to the authors of the publication , quite a lot is taking place, a catastrophe, and so large-scale that the entire planet will suffer, that is... the already familiar manuals about the supposed indispensability of ukrainian grain for global markets were used, and secondly, there is another round of demonization of russian troops, in the spirit as if they are almost purposefully carrying out a grandiose ecocide, and in this case the horror story seems to be supported by some scientific calculations, but should we believe them, we find out from evgeny teshkovets, evgeny, hello, and what why did scientists come up with all this? good evening, alexey, mostly ukrainian , so the articles follow. perceived as pure propaganda. they decided to remind the western audience again who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. russia is destroying the environment
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unfortunate ukraine is an old song of american and european publications. this time, the assessments of a certain joint ukrainian-swiss-british project, which supposedly studies the impact of military operations on the soils of the independent land, are taken as a basis. there are zero real data, zero measurements, only estimates by eye. scientists do. work, say real ecologists, naturally, the works of ukrainian ecologists in quotation marks, immediately begin to publish, comment on, and replicate in foreign media, primarily english-language ones, but the sauce is already here another, namely, let's force russia to compensate for environmental damage, what we see now, including these publications in the western press, they are not aimed at ecology, but at an attempt to gain another lever to put pressure on russia. from scientific
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assessments in the texts of the mention of four pollutants, these horsemen of the chemical apocalypse swing from article to article. they appeared in 2022 and 23 on the pages of dolce and the bbc, as well as others. hummed: arsenic, mercury, cadmium lead, you can’t argue that each of them really toxic, deposited in the soil wherever military operations take place, and even end up in groundwater, is it scary or does fear have big eyes? of course, there is harm, but it is very much overestimated, as for the notorious cadmium, arsenic, artuti, there are absolutely wonderful ones for them... a method called phytoremediation, roughly speaking, planting special plants that suck out of the ground with their roots everything harmful, it allows square kilometers,
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tens of kilometers to clear land in 2-3 years almost to good original condition. the publications are very strange: the western media seem to be doing their best to create horror, but at the same time they do not mention chemical weapons. which the mtr has proven to use against russian military and civilians, as well as combined uranium , which is fired by nato tanks, and yet everyone has before their eyes a living example of the consequences of the use of uranium ammunition in the countries of the former yugoslavia, which now suffer from a sharp increase in cancer diseases and still eliminate the consequences of nato radioactive bombings, if scientists wrote articles, they would not have forgotten about this , there are various publications... in the foreign press that the land of ukraine will be unsuitable for farming there, i think this is another one of
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environmental methods. over the past 30 years, states have been providing dollars for these purposes. firstly, they spent a little over four billion on what, and secondly, in ukraine right now hundreds of billions worth of american equipment is rotting on the ground, but there is silence about this. and also in context, what great americans are, laos, cambodia and vietnam are mentioned, supposedly washington also helped them with mine clearance. here we can only shrug our shoulders.
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has the author really forgotten? who bombarded these countries so generously with bombs and mines? the americans are behaving extremely hypocritically and you know, yes, that they are engaged in demining supposedly, in quotes , those territories that they themselves have mined, the results are quite deplorable, people are still dying in the same loos in 2022, according to statistics, about 50 people died from unexploded ammunition, so what did they clear the mines there, i want to ask and... the only value of such articles is that they clearly demonstrate priorities. western media does not shed as many tears for ukrainians as for the fertile ukrainian soil. this is the only thing they truly feel sorry for. but, returning to ecology, the harm from military actions in the nezalezhny, of course, will be measured and eliminated when the north military district achieves its goals. but obviously russia will do this. the only one who is interested in a clean ukraine. evgenia tishkavets and...
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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"investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general , here's how to achieve what you want have you reached, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went ready? is russia going to change, is evolution taking place in any structure? we always.


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