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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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cherkizov's own farms. find yourself in a universe of taste. cosmically delicious. cherkizovo! we are going on vacation , and we are going, for the third year, so a vtb savings account will be opened, the rate is 16%, save up faster, the russian mit announced a demarche to the german ambassador in connection with the discussion by the country's officials of the strikes on russia on smolensk square from the diplomatic representative of the federal republic of germany they demanded clarification about. rates kiev of taurs cruise missiles and practical assistance from berlin in matters of their use, the german chancellor has to explain his decision, to whom both the allies and the opposition had questions. towersgate is monitored by elizaveta khramtsova. with such passwords, enemies are not needed, the statement
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of defense minister pistorius regarding the leak of a recording of a conversation between luftwaf officers, his service uploaded to a cloud server for the convenience of journalists. the link was sent to journalists. the file was protected with a password that you don't need to be an intelligence genius to crack (1, 2, 3, 4), but the russians are still to blame for this attitude towards security. just a week ago, this would have been a tired joke. after the attack by russian spies on the bundeswehr, this is extremely awkward. however, the taurus case has already turned into major problems for chancellor scholz, who explained the refusal to supply long-range missiles by the need to send more bundeswehr employees to ukraine, and this is almost direct.
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i'll get to russia. berlin is behaving like it was caught red-handed, or is keeping silent; the german ambassador, summoned to the russian foreign ministry, did not talking to journalists, or shaking off preparations for a clash with moscow. it is absolutely clear that such claims that this conversation supposedly proves that germany is preparing for war with russia is
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absurd, disgusting russian propaganda. and these words are similar to scholz’s attempt to use perhaps the last argument against sending taurus to ukraine, which has been published. the conversation between high-ranking officers is not only a substantive discussion of attacks on the crimean bridge, it is another reason to remember that taurus can fly to the moscow agglomeration, and scholz does not want this. here, of course, it remains to be seen whether the bundeswehr is doing this on their own initiative, then the question is how manageable the bundeswehr is, or is this part of the state policy of the federal republic of germany? both are very bad, and both once again emphasize direct involvement. countries of the so-called collective west into the conflict around ukraine and although it has long been confirmed that technical specialists from the ssu at the front are helping western countries, the words of the french president , who did not rule out the possibility of sending european soldiers to the conflict zone, still have not met with widespread support, calling emmanuel
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macron a grandmaster in the matter of putting himself on display, the publication writes politics in the dna of the french president there is a habit of seeking someone else's favor without doing anything , and once the closest. ukraine's partner, poland, refuses to believe in the myth of russia, which wants to conquer all of europe. the poles are fed cheap pro-war propaganda. leading politicians and publicists unanimously they repeat the false mantra that ukrainians are also fighting for us, that this is our war and that we are already participating in it. this is all a consistent, well-researched and simply vile lie. and the german chancellor in public still adheres to the argument “not my war,” but to it is added “hidden distrust of the armed forces of ukraine. it cannot be that they supply a combat system that has a very long range of action, without thinking about how to exercise control over her. and if you want to control, and this is only possible if the germans participate military, then this is completely excluded. in addition, berlin is not yet in a hurry to make personnel
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decisions in connection with the scandal ; it is unknown whether any of the participants in the conversation were fired or those responsible for the confidentiality of the conversations. and hold an emergency meeting of the bundestag defense committee. mps are in no hurry to answer the topic of taurus missiles before members of parliament; chancellor scholz will only have to answer in a week and a half. elizaveta khramtsova. news. zaunivnye. music in the background and rows of graves almost reaching the horizon, video from the chernihiv region ukraine, thanks to which it is easy to understand exactly how the kiev regime pays the west for military handouts and imaginary victories. it’s even difficult to count the number of burials of armed forces personnel under yellow-blue flags, and this is only in one locality. according to the city public pages of kharkov, the size of local cemeteries has already doubled in 4 months, so in response to the assurances of zelensky and his gang that losses in the armed forces of ukraine are minimal, they appear in the form. the facts were filmed in various regions of the country. only published in the last few days footage from zhitomir, sumy, krivoy rog, everywhere
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the same picture, thousands of graves decorated in the national colors of the square. naturally, such videos are accompanied by captions, but it seems that those who perished in the counterattack are the price of some kind of freedom. but for some reason few people are willing to pay this price. moreover, those who want to be put into the ground for the sake of the kiev regime are resisting more and more actively - evgenia petrukhin will confirm. evgenia, greetings. fighting with military commanders is already a common thing in ukraine. yes, alexey, hello, it looks like almost every second video is a fight with tskashniks, or it’s about to start. the line of combat contact on the ukrainian side, apparently, is becoming more and more like richeteau. zelensky’s plans to catch 500,000 people and throw them into the trenches seem impossible to fulfill, no matter how hard the ukrainian military commissars try, but they are committing atrocities. here is odessa, a brawl over everything.
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31 thousand died, this is not true, it means that the army has a million, but if 200-3000 are fighting, then where 700 thousand are mobilized, it’s quite possible to guess where they, taking into account what the sushniks themselves say on ukrainian television, they say, in order not to lose even more territory, ukraine needs mobilization, the military is exhausted, so i’ll say, mobilization. so, i’ll say this, mobilization is needed so that it’s not what we have, but for the military i’ll say, well, guys, this needs to be done for
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many reasons, one of them is that the people who really have losses there, they’re running out of everything , they are exhausted, the nazis are veres, and others like that, and the mobilization propagandists who appear on ukrainian television, in general, they give two arguments, in general, the first is... that if there is no mobilization, then there will be a failure at the front, the second point that they focus on, the second argument, is that mobilization is needed for rotation or even for demobilization of those who are now in the trenches, that is, those dry soldiers who, as veres says, are exhausted, they want to rotate , exchange for these people, one of the potential... military doesn’t want to get out of the tree, so as not to end up in the hands of tc. in the cherkasy region the military registration and enlistment office in general
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is going to issue subpoenas around the clock, that is, come, i don’t want to. men just sit at home, men hide, go wherever they can, hide in holes, as they say. naturally, they just have to play cossacks and robbers, catch up with men on the streets who randomly appear there. in a good way, ukraine doesn’t even have 500,000 in principle. in the territories controlled by kiev, and the kiev regime, in order to mobilize them, the mobilization limit is 23,000 people, unless expanded as much as possible. and against the backdrop of this massive catching ukrainians like spring snow, zelensky’s legitimacy is melting, his term as president ends on march 31, by this day, apparently, the verkhovna rada is delaying the adoption of a new bill on mobilization in ukraine. previously announced
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that it would be adopted in early march already. now, according to new data, it will be postponed until... to the end of the political term allocated to the current president zelensky. for the very end of zelensky’s term, the audience seems to be being prepared from...
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the sky, the anti-drone especially helps radar, this monitors the sky within a radius of 3 km, if somewhere close the radar indicates its cleanliness , the red button lights up, it’s already turned on, yes, it’s on now, now our field is clear, our equipment is really being hunted, confirmation is right under our feet , unexploded ammunition and
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the shank from it, all this was brought here by the enemy baba yaga, enemy drones are hunting for our... rocket launchers, palych competently camouflages vehicles, the senior officer of the battery is treated exclusively like this, an entrepreneur from yekaterinburg, in his sixties, palych left his business and came to the front, no one cheats here, sometimes you don’t even need to speak, that is, a person understands half a word, half a glance. in avdeevka itself, our soldiers are inspecting every house, somewhere there were people left until the last, and they told ours how the ukrainian army was retreating. they held a human shield, with the help of civilians, we met a woman, tamara, a civilian, she was shocked that the ukrainians were doing this to her, and accordingly she was waiting for us. there's not a single survivor on this street home, militants were running away along it. the enemy held this street to the last, because all other roads converge here, this is
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a convenient radial link, it was possible to either attack or look for an escape route. all local residents. are being evacuated to temporary accommodation centers; the empty streets of avdeevka will remain for a long time exclusively a field of work for sappers. pavel prikopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. we'll be back after a short commercial, and here's what i'll tell you about. best friend, loyal until the last second. dog nicknamed dunce died defending his comrades from a kamikaze drone. history of the present. a feat that will not leave anyone indifferent. a real legend is immediately visible, it is almost impossible to touch it, but not for you, this is your legendary alfabank credit card. order
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a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a super cash in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. what men are silent about, painful urination, cheese problems. qi is symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langitaza against prostatitis. when speeding along the motorway, you will easily fly past this sign. and in the new children's clinic there is something to see besides him. this sign is modestly hidden behind the loud victories at the built stadium. and you certainly won’t have time for him against the backdrop of great talents in the renovated house.
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returned 2% of the rate with sber thank you bonuses. hurry up to get a loan with cashback savings with prime is more profitable. new yandex browser, give me neurosil. make any text better. download the new yandex browser and be amazed at your neural powers. she saved the lives of several military men when she exploded herself , stories from the donetsk animal shelter, and without attraction, the heroic deeds that front-line soldiers perform in their zone dog. this is an ordinary mongrel named koketka, who served in the artyomovsk direction during the movement. group, it was she who discovered the enemy mine, as a result she was seriously injured, her paws and muzzle were crushed, but the fighters were alive, thanks to this
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animal, this was their, one might say, savior angel, they remained alive, after the wound, the fighters themselves took the dog to the rear treatment and now, according to the director of the shelter, they regularly visit him to thank him for his life, in general, in this case, he was lucky, but... yes, it turned out more tragic the fate of a dog named balbes, who became famous after the events at the kherson site of the special operation. the combat dog, without hesitation, risked herself to protect the russian military from the ukrainian kamikaze drone, which was flying straight to the position. the story of the military friendship between a man and a dog will be told by stanislav bernval, stanislav, greetings, but how did the dunce even realize that the drone was a threat. alexey, this is inexplicable, but apparently, because the soldiers always ran away, he understood that... the drone poses a threat began to defend his friends, call him a dunce, he can’t help but say that, although he had such a nickname, which he received for his hectic character, a loyal friend
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who... beat not for anything, but because he simply loved, warned barking loudly when enemy drones appeared in the sky, warmed his owner with his warmth in a cold trench, died heroically, grabbing a ukrainian fpv drone with his teeth, preventing it from flying into the shelter where its owner was at that moment, dedicated to the memory of a faithful friend, about the dog nicknamed dunce now the whole of russia knows that a german shepherd dog has attached itself to our soldiers on the front line, the dog has developed a special love for a soldier with the call sign eric, they became inseparable, noticing that the soldiers were running away from the kamikaz drones, he clearly regarded this as a threat the next time, when another ukrainian drone flew into the position , the idiot rushed to defend his own , rushed at the drone, grabbed it with his teeth and died, not allowing the position to be attacked, i just saw this post, my heart broke out, i cried, to be honest, because there are many many animals through me
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such people have passed who... really saved the lives of our military, this is what will come to your aid in difficult times, when it’s hard for you, she will console you, when you are hurt, she will caress you, when you are scared, she will protect you, this was the hardest loss for all the guys from the unit, because the dunce was , without exaggeration, a member of the family of a large fraternal military family, it was hardest of all, of course, for eric, having lost his friend, as he himself admits, he became even more embittered. on the enemy, now believes he must destroy the enemy with ammunition drops signed in honor of the hero dog. these pictures dedicated to the hero appeared on the internet. ordinary people, having learned about the heroic deed of the dunce, write poems in his memory. famous artists read these poems. there is hell for the people there, but like the furry brothers, because they don’t understand anything, again a person will pray
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for a fight for the dog. for the fact that god sent him, he was a faithful friend, a shabut, but still they divided the rations exactly between two, the drone was defeated, a chill passed through the skin, the dunce died while saving his own, animals perform feats, obviously this dog will definitely go down in history , because it’s a miracle, a wonderful thing, what he did is worth something great, it’s a pity that he died, but - the collection of signatures for petitions has begun on the internet, calling for the installation of a monument in honor of heroic dog, deputies of the state duma of the russian federation also thought about this. dogs very often sacrifice themselves in order to cover a fighter, that is, to save him, or to pull out the wounded, for example,
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that’s why i.
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the capital of russia demonstrates consistently high rates of development despite all sanctions, and at the end of last year the results were among the best in modern history. the mayor of moscow shared these assessments at a working meeting with vladimir putin today. sergei sobyanin noted that among the industries with the leading growth , pharmaceuticals, automotive manufacturing and microelectronics stand out, and not only the city itself, but also the country as a whole benefits from this. key statements in the material by polina eermalayeva. one of the most successful. last year became history for moscow, about this sergei sobyanin tells vladimir putin at a meeting in the kremlin. vladimirovich must tell you how to do it, despite the actions of enemies, all kinds of sanctions, we have more friends, i don’t know about others, but everything is going very well for us, there is one more thing.


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