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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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and a lever for putting pressure on russia. from scientific assessments, the texts mention four pollutants. these horsemen of the chemical apocalypse rock from article to article. they appeared in 2022 and 23 on the pages of dolcea veli and the bbc, as well as other sing-alongs. arsenic, mercury, cadmium lead. and you can’t argue that each of them is truly toxic and is deposited in the soil wherever military operations are taking place. still gets into groundwater, is it scary or does fear have big eyes? of course, there is harm, but it is very overestimated. as for that as for the notorious cadmium, arsenic, artuti, then there is an absolutely wonderful method for them, which is called phytoremediation, roughly speaking, planting special plants that with their roots suck out everything harmful from the ground, it allows kilometers. square
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tens of kilometers to clear land in 2-3 years to almost a good initial state. the publications are very strange: the western media seem to be doing their best to create horror, but at the same time they do not mention chemical weapons, which have been proven used in the ussr against the russian military and civilians, as well as united uranus, which is fired at by nato tanks. but everyone has before their eyes a living example of the consequences of using uranium.
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floors of western countries in order for more money to be allocated to ukraine, weapons to be supplied, despite the fact that the same weapons will reign over the same land, but such a paradox. i note that the authors of the articles very quickly move away from pseudo-ecology into outright propaganda. for example, one, having thought a little about square, suddenly declares: the usa, by the way, is, quote: the main sponsor of humanitarian mine clearance in the world. over the last 30 years, the states have spent a little over four billion dollars on these purposes, firstly, there is no point at all, and secondly, in ukraine right now hundreds of billions worth of american equipment is rotting in the ground, but there is silence about it. and also in the context of how great the americans are, laos, cambodia and vietnam are mentioned, supposedly washington also helped them with mine clearance. here we can only shrug our shoulders. has the author really forgotten who bombed these countries so generously? and minami,
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the americans are behaving extremely hypocritically, and you know, yes, that they are engaged in demining, supposedly, in quotes, those territories that they themselves, as it were , have mined, the results are quite deplorable, people are still dying, in the same loos , in 2022, according to statistics, about 50 people died from unexploded ordnance, so what did they clear the mines there, i want to ask, the only value of such articles is that they clearly demonstrate the priorities for the ukrainians of the west... the media does not shed as many tears as for blessed ukrainian soil. this is the only thing they truly feel sorry for. but, returning to ecology, it is unlikely that military actions in the square will, of course, be measured and eliminated when the north military district achieves its goals. but this will obviously be done by russia, the only one who is interested in a clean ukraine. well, by the way, from fictitious damage to real, the arbitration court of crimea registered a claim. recovery
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of large compensation from ukraine for the energy blockade of the peninsula. we are talking about an amount of over 3 trillion rubles. why exactly did they count? so many? speaker of the state council of the republic vladimir konstantinov spoke on our channel. we have 51 volumes of 31.00 pages. can you imagine the amount of work the working group did? i want to say a big thank you to all the federal ministries that participated. in helping to form this list, and this is a claim only regarding the budget of crimea, a claim against ukrainian institutions - this is the cabinet of ministers, the ministry of fuel and energy, ukrenergo, they are defendants in this, in this claim, the amount is 3 - 3.156 billion rubles. we are preparing further working group. so to speak, a lawsuit is being prepared
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from crimean enterprises that suffered damage as a result of the energy blockade and the accounts chamber from the people of crimea is independently preparing to compensate for damage to individuals, well now back to the reports of the northern military district, the effective counter-battery fight west of avdeevka in the dpr allowed the russian military hit the akatsiya self-propelled gun, the mstab howitzer, the sau-gvozdika, as well as three d-30 guns, all this in just the last 24 hours; in the meantime, evacuation measures and large-scale work continue in ovdeevka itself on demining, the progress of which is monitored by pavel prokapenko. close combat from the first person, so meter by meter our attack aircraft take more and more new positions, going down into the trench, they notice a wounded ukrainian armed forces soldier. stop, lie down, lie down, evacuate, move to a safe place, provide assistance. putting
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even one such pencil in a pencil case is difficult in the literal sense, one missile of the ognyagrad salvo launch system weighs 80 kg, and... there should be 40 of them in the pencil case. the vehicle drives to the position, the gunner sets the firing parameters using a bead. sight 626, level 30. honor four fire, four fire, yes, just recently these positions, just recently these positions were not yet available to us, we are now already in the liberated territory, the hail is working near avdeevka, due west. in the calculations of the jet fighters of a group of forces, the center is always the one who monitors the sky, the anti-drone radar is especially helpful, this one controls the sky within a radius of 3 km, if it hits somewhere close , the radar shows its cleanliness, the alarm with a red
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button lights up here, it’s already turned on and it’s on now , now our field is clean, then there is mischief, our equipment is really being hunted, confirmation is right under our feet, not exploded. the shank is from him, all this was brought here by the enemy woman-ega, enemy drones are hunting for our rocket launchers. properly camouflages palych's cars. this is the only way to address the senior battery officer here, an entrepreneur from yekaterinburg. in his sixties, palych left his business and came to the front. nobody cheats here. sometimes, you don’t even need to speak, that is, a person understands half-word, half-look. in avdeevka itself ours. the soldiers were inspecting every house, somewhere there were people left until the last, they told ours how the ukrainian army was retreating, they were holding a human shield, with the help of civilians, we met a woman tamara, a civilian, she was shocked that the ukrainians
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were doing this to they do it, and accordingly she was waiting for us. there is not a single surviving house on this street; the militants were running away along it. the enemy held this street to the last, because this is where they converge. all other roads are a convenient radial connection, it was possible to attack, so look for an escape route. all local residents are evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. the empty streets of avdeevka will remain exclusively a field of work for sappers for a long time. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. ominous music in the background and rows of graves, almost to the horizon, a video from the chernihiv region of ukraine, thanks to which. it is easy to understand how exactly the kiev regime pays the west for military handouts and imaginary victories, the number of burials it’s even difficult to count the sushniks under the yellow-blue flags, and this is only in one locality. according to the city public pages of kharkov, the size of local cemeteries has already doubled in 4 months, so in
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response to the assurances of zelensky and his gang that the losses of the armed forces of ukraine are minimal, video evidence appears, filmed in various regions of the country. in just the last few days , footage has been published from zhitomir, sumy, roga, the same picture everywhere, thousands of graves decorated in the national colors of the square. naturally, such videos accompany signatures like those who perished in the counterattack are the price of some kind of freedom, but for some reason few people are willing to pay this price. moreover, those who want to be put into the ground for the sake of the kiev regime are resisting more and more actively, evgenia petrukhina will confirm. the line of contact on the ukrainian side, apparently , is getting larger. are like a sieve. zelensky’s plans to catch 500,000 people and throw them into the trenches seem unrealistic, no matter how hard the ukrainian military commissars try, but they are committing atrocities. here is odessa, brawl all over visibility in the military registration and enlistment office with the participation of the police, of course, the tetskashniks and law enforcement officers, if
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you can even call them that in this case, attacked one guy en masse. but mukachevo, transcarpathia, several people in military uniform, forcibly held by their hands by their legs. drags the victim into the minibus, desperate screams, and then they kicked him. if before the wildest examples. we saw in the southeast, it was a deliberate policy, but now in western ukraine there are a lot of these incidents, transcarpathia, mukachevo, these are hungarian territories by and large the hungarians have an ethnic advantage there, but they didn’t go there before, they were just tzkashniks, military commissars, because they were rebuffed, but if giving back to the whole village is not an option, then the ukrainians run, run to the moldovan border, like these guys , they jumped into the anti-vehicle ditch, just to escape from mobilization, but... it didn’t work out, the detainees were probably detained in the trench without a turn, you act very harshly,
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by force, mocking the conscripts, they are forcibly sent to the line of combat contact, and it must be said, absolutely without training, without providing, zelensky deceives and says that only 31 thousand died, this is not so, he says that... the army has a million, but if 200-3000 are fighting, then where are the 700 thousand mobilized, one can easily guess , where are they, considering what the landowners themselves say on ukrainian television, they say, in order not to lose even more territories, ukraine needs mobilization, the military is exhausted, so i’ll say mobilization, so i’ll say it, mobilization is needed so that what we have there is, but for the military i’ll say, well, guys, this needs to be done from many reasons, one of them: that the people who really have losses there, they are running out of everything, they are exhausted. nazi veres, and
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others like that, mobilization propagandists who appear on ukrainian television, they basically give two arguments, in general: the first is that if there is no mobilization, then there will be a failure at the front, the second point is that they focus attention, the second: the argument is that mobilization is needed for the rotation or even demobilization of those who are now in the trenches, that is, those high-tech soldiers who, like veres says they are exhausted, they want to rotate exchange for these people, one of the potential military men does not want to come down from the tree, so as not to end up in the hands of tsk. in the cherkasy region, the military registration and enlistment office is generally going to issue summonses around the clock, that is, come. men just sit at home, men hide, go wherever they can , hide in holes, as they say,
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naturally they just have to play cossacks and robbers, catch up with men on the streets who randomly appear there, in an amicable way no 500,000 even in principle ukraine does not have the resources in the territories controlled by kiev and the kiev regime to mobilize them, and the mobilization limit is 230,00 people, unless the scope is expanded as much as possible. and not to drive away young guys, against the backdrop of this mass capture of ukrainians, zelensky’s legitimacy is melting like spring snow, his term as president ends on march 31, by this day, apparently, the verkhovna rada is pushing up the adoption of a new bill on mobilization in ukraine, earlier announced that it will be adopted in early march already, now according to new data will be postponed until the second half of march; most of the amendments are, in general, intended to be delayed.
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why does nato call the albanian bridgehead
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a strategic investment? in the report by denis davidov. the first landing of nato fighters at the alliance's first strategic base in the balkans, f-16s and f-35s flew in from neighboring italy for the celebration. politicians flew in with them. some defense ministers are at the ceremony. bloc, american diplomats, the entire albanian leadership, which only manages to take advantage of them. this base important to the mission is the assistance that albania will provide to neighboring countries.
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or in the russian manner, stalingrad. the leader of socialist albania, enver hoxha, admired stalin. in honor of his idol, he named the city and opened a monument in the center. then, in the late fifties, the soviet union built a military base there along with all the infrastructure. today nato fighter jets are buzzing over the aged khrushchev buildings. f-16, f-35, eurofiter, everyone flew in just for the ceremony. they will remain at the base in albania for now. in solemn speeches they do not remember those who built the base 70 years ago, albanian journalists talk about certain volunteers. the broadcast footage diligently does not include old soviet aircraft, which
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remain there after the base comes under the wing of nato. the mig-19 is the most popular aircraft in the albanian air force in the second century. in the half of the 20th century. the soviet union placed more than seventy of them here. there were dozens of others: migov, yakov, ilov. the museum has an impressive exhibition of soviet heritage. by the way, all this equipment was fueled with local fuel; oil was extracted not far from the airfield. and there are dozens of such towers along kuchevo. the city literally runs on oil, but it began to develop only under socialism, when industrial enterprises, housing for employees were massively built here, and how then... the soviet union built a lot of things here, recalls fryderyk tashko, the son of a famous diplomat, who in the late forties was appointed the first ambassador of albania to the ussr. the development it was in was very, very low, it lagged far behind
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the soviet union at that time, it lagged behind the whole world, from the union. they brought everything they could, even hay for horses, mules, military, was brought from there. then it depended on one union, now on another. nato member albania, speaks in unison with the western anti-russian chorus, takes an active part in the development of sanctions, recently held a summit in ukraine, southeastern europe. various issues of collective assistance were discussed. ukraine, ukraine, on the part of these specific states, the restoration of the military-industrial complex in the balkan countries, is aimed at producing weapons and ammunition specifically for ukraine. all this is in the future, in the present, albania has nothing special to do to help ukraine. she handed over cartridges for kalashnikov assault rifles, which remained with her from the time of friendship with
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the ussr. today, having given up the former soviet airbase, the country's authorities offered nato... and a naval base on the mediterranean coast, which was also built by the soviet union. denis davidov, diana schastlivaya, anastasia zorina and denis sokolov, news from albania. we'll be back after a short commercial, and here's what i'll tell you about. best friend, loyal until the last second. a dog named goofy died protecting his comrades from a kamikaza drone. story a real feat that will not leave anyone. indifferent. for heartburn ames. unlike many remedies that treat symptoms, ames reduces acid production and fights the cause of heartburn. a loan with cashback
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of several military personnel when she blew herself up, stories from the donetsk animal shelter, and the inexaggeration of the heroic deeds that front-line soldiers perform in their zone dogs. this is an ordinary mongrel named koketka, she served in the artyomovsk direction, and while moving her group, she was the one who discovered the enemy. mine, as a result she was seriously injured, her paws and muzzle were crushed, but the fighters were alive. thanks to this animal, this is their, one might say, savior angel, they remained alive. after being wounded, the soldiers themselves took the dog to the rear for treatment, and now, according to the head of the shelter, they regularly visit him to thank him for his life. in general, in this case i was lucky, but where the fate of the dog was more tragic. nicknamed dunce, who became famous after the events at the kherson special operation site. the fighting shepherd dog, without hesitation, risked itself to protect the russian military from the ukrainian kamikaze drone, which was flying
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straight to the position. the story of the military friendship between a man and a dog will be told by stanislav berdvalt. calling him a dunce boggles the mind, although that was his nickname, which he received for his boisterous character, a loyal friend who loved not for anything, because he simply... loved, warned with a loud bark when enemy drones appeared in the sky, warmed his owner with his warmth in a cold trench, died heroically, grabbing a ukrainian fpv drone with his teeth, preventing it from flying into the shelter where its owner was at that moment. dedicated to the memory of a faithful friend. all of russia now knows about the dog named dunce. the german shepherd joined our soldiers on the front line, and the dog developed a special love for a soldier with the call sign eric. they became indispensable. noticing that the fighters were running away from kamik's drones, he clearly regarded this as a threat already in the next time, when another ukrainian drone flew into the position, the idiot rushed to defend his own, rushed at the drone, grabbed
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it with his teeth and... died, not allowing the position to be attacked, i just saw this post, my heart was crying, to be honest, because many, many animals have passed through me, who really saved the lives of our military, this is what will come to your aid in difficult times, when it’s hard for you, she will comfort you, when you are in pain, she will caress you when you are scared, she will protect you. it was a terrible loss for everyone. guys from the unit, because dunce was, without exaggeration, a family member of a large fraternal military family. the hardest thing is, of course, for eric. having lost his friend, as he himself admits, he became even more bitter towards the enemy. now he believes he must destroy the enemy with ammunition drops signed in honor of the hero dog. these pictures dedicated to the hero appeared on the internet. ordinary people, having learned about the heroic deed of goonie, write poems in his memory. famous
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artists have these poems. they read: there is hell for people there, but like a furry brother, after all, they don’t understand anything, again the man will pray with a crucifix for the dog, for the fact that god sent him, was a faithful friend, shabut, but still they divided the rations exactly between two, the drone was defeated, a chill passed through the skin, the dunce died , when he saved his own , animals perform feats, obviously this... will definitely go down in history, because well , it’s a miracle, wonderful, what he did is worth something great, it’s a pity that he died, but his memory will live on for a very long time . the collection of signatures has begun on the internet for a petition calling for the installation in one of the russian cities monument in honor of the heroic dog. deputies of the state duma of the russian federation also thought about this. dogs very often sacrifice themselves in order to provide cover.
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a fighter, that means saving him, or pulling out the wounded, for example, so, it seems to me that it would be more correct to discuss the issue here, for example, of installing a monument to those service animals who, together with our guys, are heroically fighting today to defend our country, and this here's the dunce's daughter, her name is mulya, she's all so busy, she's not in place sits... and the guys protect her now more than ever. there are sapper dogs, signalmen and even supply dogs; they always provide peace of mind to the soldiers, not allowing their hearts to become callous. and often, while fulfilling their own combat missions, they die in war like real heroes. run along the rainbow, balbesh, eternal memory and low bow to the earth. contract military personnel receive regional support measures.
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combat veteran status. exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and others benefits from the state, everything is fair here, serve under a contract, you need to create the future yourself and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, com.
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more than 340 million trips in just the first year of operation, this is about the large ring line of the moscow metro. vladimir putin discussed with sergei sobyanin the most important news from the capital, not only about the development of transport, but about the growth of production, investment, and the construction of the most modern housing and technology parks. the main focus now is on residents of the special economic zone. technopolis moscow, manufacturers of the latest medicines, microcircuits for space satellites, robots.


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