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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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more than 340 million trips in just the first year of operation, this is about the large ring line of the moscow metro. vladimir putin discussed with sergei sobyanin the most important news from the capital, not only about the development of transport, but about the growth of production, investment, and the construction of the most modern housing and technology parks. the main bet now is on residents of the special economic zone, the moscow technopolis, manufacturers of the latest medicines, circuits for space satellites, robots, sapiors and electric vehicles. over the year, of all regions, moscow’s contribution to overall growth industry is the largest, this despite all attempts to interfere. i must report to you, despite the machinations of enemies, all kinds of sanctions. we have more friends, i don’t know about others, but everything is going very well for us. there is another famous one.
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years, i think, in moscow, some of the best in general in modern history, good growth, in all indicators, in production indicators that are important for us, such as pharmaceuticals, automotive industry, microelectronics, grew from 25 to 40%. real estate investment continues to grow, commercial real estate, housing construction, we continue the renovation program, the city is showing very high dynamics, thanks to your support, the government and of course muscovites who are actively working and do not lose optimism, we understand that the threats that they are trying to create for us are not empty after all , and we must keep this in mind.
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houses as part of the national project housing and the urban environment, andrei vorobyov launched a new boiler house near the ice palace, it will power almost 90 residential buildings in which they live about 18 thousand residents, as well as seven kindergartens, four schools and a clinic. this year, in addition to klin, another new and one updated boiler house will be commissioned in voskresensk. we are demonstrating one of the large boiler rooms.
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which today is opening for 20,000 people with the potential for growth and development, in december the same one was opened here, and we are opening 10 more block-modular boiler houses during this year . there are small settlements in the moscow region, it is very important to have efficient boiler houses so that people did not pay excess money, therefore, we are implementing a comprehensive modernization program throughout the entire territory. in syria , the russian presidential elections are awaited with genuine interest, as syrian leader bashar assad said in an exclusive interview with tv channels. vladimir putin has done a lot for syria, and his assistance in the fight against terrorism is valued very highly in the country. anything that serves the struggle today is a priority. president putin is the main part of this fight, he decided to start it. on the other
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hand, if you look at russia as a country that is fighting with us in syria against terrorists, then, of course, this topic affects us, and we cannot see it solely as an internal issue. for us, the person who decided to fight back against terror in syria, of course, matters; his continued presence or absence in office is also very important. naturally, we will be affected by any changes. 70 paintings by italian masters from the largest russian collections, including the armitage, peterhof and pavlovsk. and in the pushkin museum the first country exhibition of italian still life. the works that in the baroque era decorated the city palatios and country villas of rome, florence, venice and genoa are a reflection of not only everyday life, a whole worldview, but for russia, at least for the general public, these are also new names.
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spain, which had a huge. success and interest, this year we are opening this exhibition. the company's mission is not only to preserve the historical heritage of our country, but to popularize world art. the italian instrument is little known, practically unknown in our country. but there are a lot of works of this genre in different museums, so we decided to make such an exhibition to show that this genre was not the only one. holland, not only in the countries of northern europe, but in italy, and in italy it was more diverse, more complex. after the advertisement on air , the russia 2062 program, its authors oleg stepanov and boris akimov, discussed the features of russian
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thank you. hurry up to get a loan with cashback. it's more profitable in sberbank with prime. we take loans. is it easy to apply? we are in a softconk. we take loans. and they are kind. our project and program on the channel is called russia 2062, yes, but i think that many do not really understand where this figure came from, but i would like to remind you that in 862 the russian state was formed, in 20162 we will all turn 1,200 years old, this is such a big big anniversary that we are going to and we imagine in every, that means in every program, in every episode we imagine a...
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therefore, today we will be with our guests to discuss the question of what is the russian view of science and discuss the future of russian science, we will be with our guests today, this is archpriest kirill kapeikin, teacher at st. petersburg university, physicist, philosopher, i’m afraid of this word, archpriest kirill kopeikin, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, candidate of theology, rector of the church of the holy apostles peter and paul at st. petersburg state university, alexander mikhailovich. dryavtsev, uh, biologist, geneticist, member, correspondent, academy of sciences.
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artyom moganov, online with us, chemist , professor of the russian academy of sciences, crystallographer, hello, we all know the basics of chemistry, we know that there was a very lucky man, and this is a man from you know the country of mendeleev, who managed to make a discovery that definition is.
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what do we occupy in the universe? there was such a wonderful american mathematician, convoy
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, he recently died from the coronavirus and convoy together with kuushin, again both in mathematics , please note, not in physics, but they simply analyzed the mathematical apparatus of quantum theory, adding the theory of relativity there specifically, they discovered the following amazing: the fact is, they discovered that if a person has free will, then a quantum object also has freedom and will, and convoy said that... he seems to be saying that the whole world is alive, all matter is alive, he says: yes, this is very strange, i cannot prove it, but i cannot resist this result, and the theorem that they proved is, well, a little more than 10 happened years ago, it is called the theorem of free will, so
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you understand, when physicists say that well , we launched a nuclear reactor and this says that we know the truth, they mean a very specific thing: if the reactor created by our hands works, that means those principles by which, as we understand , nature is structured at a fundamental level, but they, well, at least are not false, but you know, i have such a desire to philosophize a little, after all, the search for truth, here it is, it is possible then, when scientists are generally driven by conscience. if not, and not the situation , because the external situation is pressing , maybe it’s not even some kind of strong ideological position, but simply the prevailing circumstances, they can do something a little bit at a time sometimes, and somewhere for a person of science shift from search and i actually i wanted to ask to what extent conscience and the search for truth are for a scientist - well, they stand side by side, one
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directly follows from the other, i would say so, well, let’s start with what it is: what is the same thing, that is, for us it is something , what unites us, who came to us from somewhere, a certain whole, for them this is a certain knowledge that they shared in a circle, by the way, in the russian language there are two words conscience consciousness, but our consciousness is their conscience, this is necessary understand if we talk about relationships of thinking
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russian man is actually european. but if we rely on the fact that for us conscience is some kind of news that came from somewhere, then it is quite possible that it did not come from the material world for a russian person, yes, that’s why our brain works differently, we are constantly we listen to this message, in accordance with it we build the order of our earthly affairs, and for science it is the truth.
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well, confirmed by many experiments, and in general for biology, well, such a constantly repeating experiment with a completely unambiguous result, this is that we all live and then die, yes, but is it clear in biology why death occurs, that is, as if there is a result of the experiment, but is there actually a discovery, that is, if you look.
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showed that the brain, it turns out , they showed this in animals, it is possible to revive its functionality after several hours, although before that it was considered 7 minutes and the human brain dies, that is, you understand, the criteria for death, even this is a very relative point, we we don’t fully understand what life is, because again but to the end i mean not as biologists, but as philosophers. but the question of what life is is connected with the question of how life appeared, again it is not clear what forms life has, we probably don’t all know.
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that is, there is a lot of experience in this sense, so is there any special national, scientific view of the world? yes, of course, well, i also worked for almost 11 years in europe, in britain, then in switzerland, then in america for a few more years, i also regularly visit china, in total i lived there for more than two years of my life, in general, science is an amazing activity , when you're in debt. you come across people from the most different countries, the most different cultures , even here in moscow, in my laboratory there are people from the most different countries, it would seem that
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everyone who can isolate russia, nothing like that, here i have iranians, chinese, an italian, a dreamer , by the way, to move to russia forever, and it’s very interesting when you come across people of other cultures, with different educational background, a different educational system.
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just be yourself, and if your culture is distinctive, then you are automatically by default can offer something that others can offer. russian culture, of course,
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is original and the russian educational system is original, although it was copied from the german one, but the deep fundamental education that exists here is generally valued in the world. father kirill, i have a question for you, also one of the signs of science.
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you are a priest, that’s what you think , is there a place for a miracle here, that is, a miracle is a violation of the law of physics, mary of egypt walked on water, well, any physicist will probably predict that she will drown, that’s how, as with be this? well, first of all, a miracle is not a violation. therefore, all the laws of this world are distorted, in a miracle what should have been in the original plan is revealed, and so the paradox
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is that... newton, being a theologian, he created such a physical picture of the world in which there is room for there was no god , because firstly, this is a deterministic world, secondly, this is a materialistic, deterministic world, so that it is absolutely clear to everyone, this is a definite, strictly defined world, and this means that, firstly, we have there is no freedom, there may be an illusion of freedom, but there really is no freedom, so it seems to me that maybe i am making some kind of choice there, in fact there are just laws, i just don’t know something, yes, god doesn’t have any the ability to intervene in the universe, because everything is deterministic, when quantum physics arose at the beginning of the 20th century, it turned out that at a fundamental level there is probability in the world, and randomness, that is, you understand, in fact, this is what exists in the quantum world an accident on
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the situation is that, well, at school, we study physics of the 16th century, right? well, about quantum mechanics, well , at best they mention it, about the theory of relativity too. well, by the way, i would give a link here for tv viewers, actually, yes, that in school in my time, at least, they went through, they passed by the schrödinger equation, this equation of state, yes, and there are such these are the psi-functions that actually exist. describe that uncertainty, that probability, with which state will come to one point or another, that is, this is a fundamental uncertainty , this is an absolutely amazing fact, quantum mechanics arose almost centuries ago, there is still no news, disputes about the interpretation of quantum mechanics do not subside, in general, if you think about it, this is a paradox, true, there is a mathematical apparatus, it perfectly describes reality, quantum mechanics
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is the most accurate of all... physical theories there is not a single experiment that would contradict quantum mechanics and at the same time not debates are subsiding about what it means, what kind of ontological meaning is behind those mathematical constructs with which we describe reality, today in schools, well, you must admit, we study the physics of the 19th century, however, and, accordingly, the worldview , which we have today, which is formed from school, is the worldview of a person of the 19th century, materialistic... deterministic, if the world is material, then it is as if inert, it does not react to anything, therefore what summerset called morality arises looking at the policeman, do anything so as not to be noticed, stole money, no one saw, and it’s normal, you can enjoy this money, every thing has its price, but nothing has value, so where it’s good, there’s homeland, after all, many people
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live like this, however, when we understand that... reality, it, well, in some sense of the word , answers us, then we understand that it’s not that if we stole, we even thought about steal, this will already cause a certain response from the universe to our thought, we we understand that different places in this world have different values, this implies responsibility for our thoughts, for our actions, a much deeper responsibility than when living in the material world, and receives...


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