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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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live, however, when we understand that reality, well, in some sense of the word , answers us, then we understand that we are not the same as if we stole, even thought about stealing, this will already cause a certain response of the universe to , well, this is our thought, we understand that different places in this world, they have different values, this implies responsibility for one’s thoughts, for one’s actions, a much deeper responsibility than... life in the material world, it turns out that science , she’s kind of inside herself, she has that part that allows her to say that yes, this is all your religion in general - this is obscurantism, but in modern physics nothing contradicts, hello, you can win your smart prize in a magnet, what is seething with the desire
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have 2062 in russia. the concept of a state of religious consciousness at the peak of a secular state, this may be just that very russian, some kind of russian science, a scientific russian view. to the world, it lies in the fact in order to destroy these borders, and go to the truth to the end, maybe i just came up with this for myself, if we see a secular state, a state without god, yes, then what tasks will such a state set, well, for example, from the point of view of biology , i
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think the task will be set approximately as follows: since we are again returning to this topic of death. here is this transhumanism, the task of which, in fact, is this: science is not looking for truth, here, science is looking, looking for practically concrete practical results associated with good health, with a long life, that is, what is sold, this, by the way, is the second
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point, in general science costs money, someone pays, who now pays for modern science, transnational corporations, in general, by and large.
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an optimist is talking about the onset of the era of singularity, and he clearly says that man does not evolve biologically, yes, but precisely due to the fact that man merges with some technical element, this will become the third leg in evolution, yes with which a person will step into the future.
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there is some kind of harmony, such beauty and that the world is still a living organism, not a mechanism. human activity is woven into this organism, it can, of course, disrupt something, yes, change something, which seems to us for now to be a violation, but maybe, well, in the future it won’t seem that way, yes, that’s
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what -that is, vitality and organicity, we must understand that, of course, a person significantly modifies the environment in which he lives. surface of the earth, but one can hardly consider the influence of man globally to be great, if we are talking, let’s say about the core of the earth, where human hands cannot reach, it is unlikely, when...
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almost the only time in the foreseeable past, for example, in the fourteenth century there was a sharp cold snap, the juvenile period, all these things, we don’t understand why, but this definitely has nothing to do with co2 emissions, which were minimal at that time, so the human impact on the environment, i repeat, cannot be underestimated, but it should not be exaggerated either, it is not always easy. simply isolate a person's influence from others factors, as, for example, in the case of climate,
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and it seems to me that it is permissible to make any moral assessments only if we are talking about a decrease in biodiversity or harm to us, even homo sapiens, or a violation of some direct moral standards , and if a person has broken through a tunnel, this is not bad, but even physically, we are actually very closely connected with the cosmos, because... well, our bodies mainly consist of organic substances, this is hydrogen, carbon in the first place, and hydrogen first born there are a few minutes after the big bang, and then carbon is the rest of the heavy elements, they are born in the depths of stars, when hydrogen , under the influence of gravity, gathers into stars, they begin to burn, nuclear reactions occur there, the energy levels of carbon, they are structured this way. that a little more carbon is formed in a star than
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it decays in these reactions, therefore, when the star burns out and explodes to the end, then some of the carbon, it ends up in the surrounding space, then from this carbon, we build our bodies, that is, every carbon atom in our body, it was once born in the depths of some star, we are literally the children of stars, today we understand that if the universe were smaller, then in it there just wouldn't be enough stars.
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in recent decades, the western type of science, thinking, and culture in general has come to our country, and we have also practically switched to these. we are interested in businesses investing, co-financing, and which business will co-finance fundamental science, yes, yes
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no, that is, this is a certain peculiarity, but our domestic scientists. i can say this absolutely unequivocally, they still strive to engage in fundamental science, i think this is such a fundamental difference, not even that they are only practitioners, and we are only fundamentalists, but we have shifted this aspect a little in relation to to european science, father kirill, i liked that artyom said that the greeks, who are also orthodox, they also have this moment, i am absolutely.
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who strived for such a holistic in my opinion, is an outstanding physicist, the creator of the st. petersburg school of theoretical physics, academician vladimir aleksandrovich fock, who, well, in fact, has not a single nobel result, and it just happened that he did not become a nobel laureate, so fock does not have a russian surname, and it seems that he is not russian, in fact he is russian-german, probably yes, they were originally scots, who later moved to holland.
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arrange it in such a way that we first talked about truth, one might say, about truth as a subject of science, yes, and then we talked about the integrity of the scientific worldview , the scientific search in general, yes, well, in the end we talked about the peculiarities of the russian view of the world, the scientific view of the world, as a search for this truth and integrity, yes, which in our opinion, and apparently in yours look, you shouldn’t lose it, tell me, what did you bring? take with you to russia 20162 . artyom, we ask guests to show or bring something with them, something that you would take if you immediately teleported to 2062. um, i brought my talisman with me, i'm actually not superstitious at all. human. and the talisman - i put it in quotation marks, such bold quotation marks. this is the talisman. i don’t
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know why, but when i was little, i decided that this means stacka. i came up with some kind of, you know, children come up with, i came up with this story when in the first grade they asked me to tell a story about the war, about my grandfather, grandmother, who was at war, which means it’s a story that for some reason i’m sacred even in it myself believed that on victory day all the soldiers drank vodka and threw the glasses behind their backs, and my grandfather had a leather glass, everyone the glasses broke, but my grandfather didn’t, but... the teacher was so shocked, she even called my parents to school to brainwash them that i was telling such a wiring in the first grade, and this is just a glass for...
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an argument against probability interpretations of quantum mechanics, well, god still throws dice, there are probabilistic factors in quantum mechanics, and i, too, following god’s example, like to throw dice in a game of backgammon, i carry this thing with me everywhere, so i took it to 2062 for example it would be her. thank you artets kirill, and father kirill promised to amaze us with something. this is one
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of the most perfect biological forms, and on the one hand, this is a biological egg, it must be strong enough so that a new organism can form in it, on the other hand, it must be fragile enough so that... then it could break through, and the egg, in all cultures, was a symbol of integrity on the one hand, on the other hand a whole new life, it seems to me that such an egg is a symbol of what we should to try to see the world as a whole in perspective, not as a collection of disparate elements, to grasp the whole, but in addition , in this...
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there is such an episode when he asks god to appear to him, then at first there is a roar, but not in the lord rumbles, then a whirlwind, but not a whirlwind, the lord, and then - it is said differently in different translations, but i like martin buber’s translation the most, the voice of dispelled silence, that is presence.
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it’s important that this is what i felt in a special school; usually in a regular school they say: guys, everything is clear, the world works like this, simply, we will tell you how everything really works, we were told the following, the world is an amazing riddle, a mystery, and together with you we comprehend the secrets of the universe, this is just an amazing quest, in which we participate together, so there was a feeling that we , together with the teachers, were walking along this... road of searching for some new discoveries, we were exploring a reality that had not yet been fully discovered, thank you, father kirill, and
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you are alexander mikhailovich, and i would take with me in the sixty-second year, simple bread, well , there are several reasons, first, i myself am an agronomist by training. breeder, agronomist of field crops, all my life i have been studying the genetics of wheat and what can be done from this wheat, and what can be made into bread. the second point is that we are somehow accustomed to the fact that bread is something very simple, but if we even remember the history of the 20th century, we will remember how people fought for pieces of bread somewhere. somewhere on the contrary they shared it, that is, it immediately becomes difficult, and i’m thinking, if i can take the year sixty-two to russia bread or in russia in sixty-two
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there will be bread. it means everything will be fine there , well, the last moment, father kirill, maybe he can say it better than me, the liturgical meaning of bread, when they serve litia, what they ask for for the country, for the multiplication of bread, bread, that’s why i would like in the sixty-second take bread with you every year, by the way, i always tell the children, well, we always cut black bread for soup, and white bread, too, i say: if people in russia stop eating black bread, we will stop being special people a little bit, this is some part of the culture, after all, yes, black bread, white bread, we eat a lot of bread, this seems to me very cool, thank you very much, conversation, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, artem, russia.
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12:00 am
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