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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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we look before everyone else, where? let go mura, vosnetsova, i’m in real life right now, you know, i’m not very comfortable, did they kill someone again? what ’s wrong with you, you don’t have any sleep or rest, let’s sign up and take a look. today vladimir putin met with sergei sobyanin in the kremlin, the mayor of moscow spoke about the pace of socio-economic development of the city, the president and mayor were in an excellent mood.
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which we opened, the large ring metro line, the high-speed diameter works very well, today we already transport 1,300,000 people per day on the bkl, according to high-speed diameter - 400 thousand cars daily, even if you look at the economic impact, the federal budget at the expense of the bcl has already received more than a trillion rubles into the federal budget, extra-budgetary funds for the economic effect of the budget. budget effect, well, i, as a person living in moscow, like everyone present here, can say that it is now quite obvious that there is no better metropolis in the world, in terms of the quality of life, the quality of services provided, the quality of guests in our studio, there is no better metropolis in the world, not even poland, well, there are more megacities, there are more, but i am grateful that even from st. petersburg they come to us. to the studio, this is
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especially pleasant for us. europe is up today , we have two guests from st. petersburg. europe is on the warpath with russia; in fact, this is just a familiar path trodden by them. moreover , trampled in both directions, they always go straight back along the highway, leaving trophies and strewing the roads with corpses. then i teach our children french and other languages ​​for decades, apparently, the son of laber is a frenchman poor, so that the child would not be tormented, apparently macron decided to replenish the regiment of home tutors, but the tutor would have been tutors, and french tutors with some past military experience, but he doesn’t feel sorry for his own, he doesn’t feel sorry for him, well, then we certainly won’t feel sorry for them, if... a couple of years ago in the west
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they thought that they could deal with us with the wrong hands, now it will become clear that the time is coming for direct participation. well, of course, the baltic tigers play a special role, completely indistinguishable from - what was the name of this tabaki jackal? yes, absolutely indistinguishable here, lithuania declares that 600,000 reservists are needed to ensure its own security. i don't want to offend them. where will they get 600,000 reservists? well, even if you want, this is the only option to take the dead as biden voters, well, only, but only if you re-take them from the cemetery, they have an entire adult male population, you will dig up land, yes 700,000, no, well, there are also women there, but women are no, but i don’t know, they still respect women, they are unlikely to let women in, these are not ukrainians who they let their women in. germany uses it.
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yes, of course, well, at the end of the war, at the end of the war, yes, there is a fine line between war and self-destruction, which some especially russophobic states do not see, preparations for war with russia take place under the close supervision of the anglo-saxons, they are used to it. british ground forces arrived in germany to participate in exercises in poland. it is characteristic that the arriving english brigade proudly bears the name “desert rats”. nato rats are very...
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the west is not at war with russia, the west is only supplies weapons, then it turns out that there are western citizens there, they say yes , but they are mercenaries, they retired from military service, it is doubtful, in the vast majority of cases, and then they began to say that some kind of instructors should be there, because that the technologies are too, too serious,
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the ardent participants who were supposed to ensure their implementation, let me remind you that the minsk agreements became part of the global legislative field after the un security council adopted a resolution, as it became known, angela merkel, your predecessor in some ways, your boss, theoretically at some point in time, albeit not directly, deceived everyone by declaring that she did this exclusively.
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the nazi who raised you, and my grandfather , people like your grandfather, destroyed, destroyed, because you creatures came to our land, and you killed us, there is no germany, you
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violated the signed agreements, therefore the german democratic republic must be restored , and what kind of western spittle is there. germany we must withdraw recognition of the existence of the current state, because it is necessary to state the fact that the federal republic of germany committed an anschluss... by taking over the german democratic republic, which was a purely anti-nazi state and carried out prohibitive measures against anti-nazis, so berbock, i’ll tell you what, i have a favorite family photo, my grandfather, a lieutenant colonel, much younger than i was in may with...
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a rewarding mission in the global world, and there is no doubt that this mission will be fulfilled. here our president spoke precisely and succinctly about our borders: russia’s borders do not end anywhere. these are very good words. i want to say obvious things that our friends and allies understand very well.
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before or after, why did we even need this? was it necessary to defeat the enemy and
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eliminate the direct military threat? yes, so that there is no doubt, the footage behind dmitry anatolyevich’s back is not footage of a military chronicle. vitalich, well, for today’s youth we need to explain, i’m talking about yours there dreams you say. that in another 5-10 years this kind of heavy stuff there in the west in western europe and in the east too in its current form, they will completely erase, and so already most of what the russian soviet soldiers left on the walls, columns of aisttaku has already been destroyed, a few remain there
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- a scalpel is an aircraft, now bupulaat, no, i scalpel with a lancet, lancet, you mean, okay, here 's a scalpel, a lancet is a good idea, yes, okay, in this pile with a lancet just right, yes, a lancet or tweezers , yes, no, there’s more of me, then there is no joy, it saddens me, what was really predicted by sober minds
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in our country, including those who are standing in this studio, everything is happening, it’s just disaster.
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yes, if the russian people think that this macron went to some kind of mother, we can do it and echo habitually answered: mother, mother, mother, you have a powerful team, order a study from tsoma, yes, i know, these studies are what you want find out what these russian people are about europe, are you serious now, seriously, vitaliyevich, well, you talk to the russian people, they will tell you, and you think i’m with them i communicate less than you, i’m sure of this,
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that is, besides, there’s no doubt at all, i understand that you have connections that the king will be in charge of?
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when something hits them, specifically while on the territory, the french, lithuanian, german people will come to their senses, they will do something different from what their current rulers are doing, but i think that this is not necessary, it is necessary to strike at the headquarters of those units that will be sent , they must be destroyed, and no matter what city these headquarters are located in, paris - paris, lisbon - lisbon. if the portuguese want to send , not only because they like this game, your feelings, i understand, no, this is fundamental, they entered the war, period, based on this, their territories should be
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subjected to the most severe military influence, nevertheless , well, in my opinion , everyone has already admitted that four high-ranking german military officials with the rank of general, even a couple there, discussed how to fix it. i constantly advised you to hit these same people, now wait a minute, do you seriously think that the voiced telephone conversation the supreme
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commander -in-chief, the chief of general staff, the minister of defense should comment, is it a great honor, he could not have commented, he could have commented, the foreign ministry commented harshly, they called the ambassador, they put a full basket on him there, but you didn’t give in for not obeying, but to these generals.
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ukraine and experts there put forward different versions, but officials did not say anything, so he said that novorosiya or
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russia is on both banks of the dnieper. this is the first time i have heard from a russian official that the right side, farthest from us, is more the western one, where, by the way, the old part of kiev is located, this is also russia, and most importantly , to where, that’s simple, to where, further to the danube it goes there, like why, well, because after all, from ega to the british seas, so probably finish your drink somewhere, and then go to india, i understand, i understand that dmitry anatolyevich is now playing the role of a bad cop.
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strategic course, especially with the addition of today’s words, or yesterday he said, well, in general, it doesn’t matter what medvedev’s words are today, it’s more or less clear, but actually that’s how it was is clear in this direction, there is also asia , the east and so on, but still , i repeat, in my opinion, it is obvious that this historical process is inevitable with restoration, the baltic sea needs to be freed for russian ships, tourists,
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cargo and everything else . the black sea needs to be liberated before the same thing, and the black sea fleet - the mediterranean fleet has always been in russia, plus the caucasus, too , dual power in the caucasus has never led to anything good and will not lead to anything good, but there are problems with the internal political course, i’ll just list them and leave it at that. from time immemorial, the law reigned in russia , the people, princes, and governors chose together, this approach is democratic, the elections of authorities are public, we keep to this day, filling out the ballot, choose traditionally only innovatively, progress helps us, improving the process, december is truly a godsend , votes quickly, clearly, from a smartphone laptop, millions across russia, for people that without conviction there is a convenient solution to call
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elections. taking my box portable there is a mobile voter in a swinging way of life the traveler votes freely anywhere, so that we can comfortably make plans freely, we choose a candidate on a date convenient for us, be calm at the polling station , there is video control, in addition to the cameras at the polling station , like heroes from a fairy tale, observers are standing by, monitoring the rule of law, in general, everything is technologically advanced, you can see for yourself at the site by looking at... the cic rf website flowers, money and fire, a fatal fire in the capital's flower warehouse, the fire lasted 2,500 km, a fire at a flower warehouse in moscow occurred on november 20, 2022, flames
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instantly. hangar , i heard cries for help, thank god, the three of us managed to run out, the temperature was very high, everything that was inside was destroyed, seven people were trapped, burned alive, everything burned, well, even the bones, there was nothing to know there, another raid begins, and information also appeared that the publications stole a safe with 20 million rubles, i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, live with this for the rest of my life, with the feeling that he killed people, what caused the fire ? a trifle led to grave consequences, why people died and how the flower business works in russia, we took up this matter and conducted our own investigation.
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vladimir vladimirovich in his message, which you discussed here, but i was not here.


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