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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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excellent place , we should immediately drop this story in the rada, especially by indicating the number of the barracks and the place where we would like to continue the work, especially against the backdrop of the current delegitimization of zelensky, you are talking about what is legitimate in ukraine, what is illegitimate, that’s absolutely, it is not at all by chance
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that parliament is beginning to collapse, and this parliament, to which, in theory , the right to perform the duties of governing the state should be redirected, yes, that is, today this is also spreading, scattering into different ones.
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participation in hostilities on the territory of ukraine, the headquarters of a foreign region becomes a legitimate goal for us, we have many legitimate goals, it’s time to implement this law, and here in fact, and berlin, do you mean the capital of the german democratic republic? because of course we are obliged to approve agreement 24 , and that’s it, after germany violated this and i don’t understand at all what a person pretending to be an ambassador is doing here, i don’t understand what state, the city of aubagne in the alps, the headquarters, that is, we’ll be in the alps by palp, but listen, germany, germany will talk for now and will participate somewhere, the ukrainians have already figured out that this is also correct, he says, because according to the estimates of the ukrainian military somewhere. 70% is logistics
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support, that is, 70% of ukrainians have been mobilized, they are in the rear, but where should they be? on the front line, so that means the french, poles, germans, estonians, everyone else there must enter the territory of ukraine, that means take upon themselves, no, no, no, they must take upon themselves provision, they must take on the protection of ukrainian wives, definitely will protect ukrainian barns, land, enterprises, banks. there , well, to ensure law and order, they will take all this on themselves so that ukrainians can calmly go and die, well , this is in the fight against the prayers, and they will also take the solution to the demographic problem as an option, also an option, but this is additional, these are already bonuses, and therefore you know, i think about a year ago, somewhere, yes, we talked about this in this studio, guys, this will be called a friendly occupation, this will be a takeover, and they understand that we will kill them, no, they don’t they understand that they will kill them, because they believe that they will go ahead of the bonus, ahead of the buffer. well, not at yavorsky, well, at
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the yavorsky training ground, we struck, we will strike at everything, everyone who is with weapons in their hands or with malicious intent on the territory of ukraine is for us. can be legalized exactly in this form, when it’s interesting, but in places where foreigners gather, we can strike with tactical nuclear weapons, there ’s nothing holding us back there at all, you know, with any way, if we were absolutely correct about this, demonstrate our military-technical advantage, i think then certain countries will experience
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a certain enlightenment, only then will real efforts begin to begin to sit down at the negotiating table, and not because now, when they start throwing things in, let’s know, remember 2 years ago there was istanbul? on the territory of ukraine, and this should be a precondition for the start of any negotiations, only first stop, yes, and then, and then it begins a conversation in principle about the fate of ukraine, then a discussion of who will be on the territory of ukraine, this is a political superstructure that will rule only first about
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the parameters of the nuremberg 2.0 court, yes, and after that we can discuss who to entrust these opportunities for , in order to organize, well, local government shouldn’t fall apart and there shouldn’t be a sorry there kiev kiev for... kind, anatolyevich said what kind of ukraine is it, and what does ukraine have to do with it, it’s just just people who live on the territory of people, people - this is holy, here it is we are talking only about people, therefore , let’s talk about people and let’s talk about the state of ukraine, this is some kind of nonsense, advertising, where are you going, i’m looking for my brother, now i have to find him, love is proof of life, happiness has resurrected me. she loves me , in a couple of days you will go there, to the gray zone, go , i will never come back for you, do you hear, call sign passenger, scary, no, soon,
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news has just appeared that... they promised to pay 2,000 euros. the chemicals had to be added to soup or juice in the cafeteria. in addition, for the successful assassination attempt on nabalivsky we were ready to pay 10,000 euros. it follows from the recording of one of kurshut’s telephone conversations with his curator in the ukrainian special services, alexander kagut. if you
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also change the water for the balivian through the cleaning lady, then a dozen. cash right away. baleyskaya is very serious. if someone is from his close circle, then this will also be considered, he says.
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united states of america. yes, that’s absolutely right, we see that they have already completely confused the shores, they are already biting the hand that fed them there and raised them, and these are characters who are confident in their impunity, although if we, thank god , pay attention to the events of the last two or three weeks there, that is, miraculously, then somewhere the composition in central western ukraine will go downhill, then for someone the car will burn down along with two nazis there, then something else, that is... there are more and more such events, i think it is they who naturally shoot at themselves there, blow up,
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poison, and so on. regarding the poisoning, that’s the news with which you started, absolutely right, here it’s just not even enough, western ears stick out because we simply did not have these chemicals, poisonous substances in our nature, that is, they were not synthesized, not produced, this means a gift from abroad, although regarding poisonings, now vladimir vasilyevich baldo directly told this story. and there are also several non-public stories, that is, that’s why you know, when you come to some village there and people bring you a treat, i understand that from the bottom of my heart yes, but i explain that i’m sorry, here the protocol is such that it doesn’t seem possible to simply take food there, my love, i bring it with me with all my heart, well , here it’s like one thing, that one moment, in the part with the soldiers, this is sacred, like this on the road where - something is wrong, well, if personal contact with a person is one thing, but if exactly... you know, there was a story, well, without names of surnames from vasilievka, but let me remind you, the forefront of the russian world, here’s my
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family there, we helped them, as if due to the fact that they had a lot of problems of a humanitarian nature, they said: listen, well, here we go the russians just came, and we go out there with bread, salt, and food, they say , no, sorry, we can’t, so they were really sincerely worried why our soldiers wouldn’t take it, i explain that, you know, 100 people, well, like you with all your heart, and 100 will be the first to poison, well, we can’t risk the lives of our guys, it’s really like people started it. she said that the jaw is simply false, it can’t, that is, well, regarding the situation on
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the zaporozhye front, that is, it is clear that the main battles are taking place in the orekhovsk direction in robotino, yes, we always hear work, this robotic protrusion, which is the maximum, and here is the victory, which sounds from the other side, so now, as part of the work, they began to throw such volumes of fortification forces, now they have tanks, it would seem, why why in the area working on tanks, that is? from the point of view of strategic confrontation from the point of view of conducting combat operations, these tanks were definitely sent to certain death, but nevertheless , the zri continues to throw them there with everything possible in order to show that somehow this section of the front is still under their control, the fighting is now fierce , really beyond high intensity, what’s more, here’s an indicative moment: 2-3 days they have problems with shells, then apparently they bring them in and pour them in again, to say that it’s just some kind of shell hunger i wouldn't. and i wouldn’t say that there is a hunger for shells, i wouldn’t say that there are no people, they have everything,
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the sea, they have everything, so much that right now, well, the guys have detectors, he just stops paying attention, he’s all time beeps, beeps all the time, that there is a threat, yes, it is so there is, well, in fact, the sky does n’t just become black, but it’s definitely dark, that is, it ’s directly visible from these dozens... they hang clearly, some of them are adjustments to blows, and others are komikazas that fly at people , by the way, an oblique confirmation that they have no problems with drones, their drones hunt even our lone fighters, yes...
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the question there is purely professional, deep, it is clear that we are now in a technological change, transition, it is clear, that now there will be a transition to optical recognition that there will be a transition to artificial intelligence, and it is clear that one must understand that everything must be done within russia, yes, that is, it is not necessary to buy servo drives there, but factories for the production of servo drives of their own design, and of course, development, development. we need to completely switch to the base, because we see how america is working with all potential suppliers trying to block all possible supply routes in russia, and this will continue, so here we need to be systematic about buying factories, unfortunately, even some states that are members of the eurasian customs union include this sanctions regime, block supplies to russia, and there, citing
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some points, inaccuracies, etc., and here, without a name, without anything, i can’t help but share my joy. i literally held in my hands the controllers and brains for fpv drones, which were developed in russia, yes, which are produced in russia, and the percentage of defects is now sharply decreasing, but the guys are just learning, these are the first weeks when they started making it themselves, and we are great we know that there were periods when there was a problem with supplies from china, relatively speaking, such a people's military-industrial complex, by the way, the people's military-industrial complex is not my authorship, it was the minister of defense, reporting to vladimir vladimirovich , who said that we have a new phenomenon regarding of the people's military-industrial complex, this is one more thing for now.
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and what to take there, excuse me, no , there’s nothing there anymore brabo is in the lowlands, there’s nowhere to gain a foothold there, the heights around are work, but i understand that, lislavich wrote a lot about this, that is, well, here it’s important not to try to play commanders and to suggest, of course, and not only that, we know our factories very well, and a good man for military censorship with controlled flight modules and correction, but there are enemy jades, yes, that is, which also just beautifully, unfortunately, hit where they need to, right?
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on this issue, we will turn to our european colleagues, well, that is , there is no smell of money, they really need money, of course , now regarding ukraine itself, i have said here many times over the years that ukraine is not anti-russian project, she's still and the anti-european project, they didn’t listen , they didn’t pay attention to it, that ’s what happened in germany, that’s what really happened in relation to these military men, well, here there are several questions that need to be answered: in general, the political leadership of germany it realizes that the issue of war and peace is no longer in their hands, well, judging by the records that we hear, who will decide on war and peace?
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the attack on germany is quite harsh from the british-americans, and somehow it seems to me that ears are sticking out behind all this, before of all these two countries, which , of course, which, by the way, we also talked about this a very long time ago, that this escalation, step by step, is generally bringing us closer to direct continental war, we don’t feel sorry for them, yes i don’t feel sorry for them either, in fact, you know, i really feel sorry for people
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, i don’t feel sorry for them, look, uh, today i feel sorry for any children, yes, i also feel sorry for any children, any children, today is the same the same shmygal, within the framework, so to speak, no, i don’t feel sorry for him at all, that’s the same shmygal, within the framework of developing or finalizing the law on mobilization, he says that the cabinet of ministers will , in general, consider how, to whom to give a deferment, and to whom not to give a deferment, it’s very simple, yes, no, everything is very simple for them, yes
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, they say, the higher the wages, the more taxes the company pays, well then we will consider the issue of granting them a deferment, and i remember those people who stood on the maidan, came there for 100 dollars, and.. .they actually didn’t receive 100 dollars there, they got the right to go die for those who gave them these 100 dollars, very precisely, you see, those who gave them these 100 dollars, they gave them the right to go die for them, that is, now if your wage level is low, you you are simply doomed, you are simply doomed, you will go to war, you will go to die, because there will be absolutely no reprieve for you, now about the maidan. three, well, i don’t know, maybe they just know two names in russia, i don’t know, maybe they just don’t know anyone else, it turns out that the maidan in ukraine is preparing,
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who do you think? yes, as usual, well, as usual , yes, surkov and kiriyenko, yes, they are preparing the maidan, i don’t know, i can even imagine kiriyenko sitting there, calling on the phone, hello, that we have everything ready for the maidan, well, it’s funny even to listen to this , and this actually really shows how much ukraine doesn’t understand anything.
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prosperity, economic growth, income growth, this is all in russia, not in europe, in ukraine there is nothing even close to this,
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by the way, stop this, it surprises me. with why did you ukrainians take this expression from ukraine? it was like this forever, it wasn’t like this forever, taras grigoryevich shevchenko, wrote, wrote , where did you get it from, the declaration of the sovereignty of ukraine doesn’t sound there, you know, in ukraine, and you’re some kind of shit, well, when you can’t be , where are you, you , yes, yes, and where are you in ukraine, and you don’t, no, we’re not saying, we’re in russia, we’re saying, we’re in russia, you say, it’s always been.
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statement, because look, volodya, zelenensky speculated on this topic at the end of the year and at the beginning of this year, accusing, especially accusing the european union of the fact that it was the european union that promised 1 million shells, whoever made excuses, tried to tell, tell, zelensky pressed, pressed, pressed, pressed, in the end, the last time he said last week that that’s all they gave 30%, then this european commissioner comes out, a well-fed, intelligent one, listen, he says, he... he said that - he made an inaccuracy, what is the european commissioner talking about? the european commissioner says that zelensky, you are inadequate, dude, you are inadequate, you need to check, dude biden usually says, wait, wait, wait, what is this, this is the european commissioner, that is, this is one of the leaders, there are 27 of them or how many commissioners, but nevertheless, he says that the president of ukraine is inadequate, he talks about that if
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if... we always do everything together, support each other, believe in the best, forget it.
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let's vote for russia. flowers, money and fire. deadly fire at the capital's flower warehouse. the fire lasted 2,500 km. a fire at a flower base in moscow occurred on november 20, 2022, the flames were instantaneous enveloped the ancient hangar, heard cries for help, thank god, the three of us managed to run out. the temperature was very high, everything inside was destroyed by fire.
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seven people turned out. in a trap they burned alive, everything burned, well, even bones, there was nothing to learn there, another raid begins, and information also appeared that the publications stole a safe with 20 million rubles, i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, now he has to live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he had killed people, what caused the fire? trifle brought more consequences, why people died and how the flower business works in russia, we...


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