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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on march 5, 1111 , the united army of russian princes set out on a campaign against the polovtsians. as the chronicles say , among the princes were svyatopolk from the kiev principality, david from chernigov, and vladimir manomakh from the pereyslav principality, who commanded the campaigns. polovtsian city of sherukan. was expected without a fight, the townspeople even
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offered fish and wine to the winners, but the main battle took place on the salnitsa river, in the don basin, the polovtsians were much more, they surrounded the russian army, but it was able to deliver a coordinated direct blow, the polovtsians fled, and the russians captured large booty and many prisoners, news of the campaign reached byzantium and european countries, thereby raising the authority of russian princes in the eyes of european rulers, as the defenders of christianity from the faithful even called the campaign a crusade. after this, the polovtsy only once approached the borders of russia, and then they left to serve the georgian king. after manomakh's death they took part in internecine the struggle of the russian princes, and most often on the side of the suzal and novgorod-seversky principalities. on march 5, 1770, the so-called boston massacre occurred in north america. it was a street skirmish between boston residents and english soldiers. the teenager provoked her. working
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as a merchant's assistant, it seems that he rudely demanded that a british officer pay a debt to his master, a crowd gathered, passions ran high, the british military could not stand it and opened fire, five bostonians were killed, eleven more were wounded, but after that incident, the americans achieved the removal of all englishmen in uniform from boston, and 118 years after the event, a monument was erected on the site of the boston massacre, the names of all those killed were engraved on the gravestone, the boston... massacre is considered one of the culminating moments in the confrontation between britain and its north american colonies, which a few years later resulted in the war of independence. on march 5, 1946 , winson churchill gave a speech that went down in history as churchill's fulton speech. he spoke at westminster college in the city fulton, missouri, during a visit to the usa. churchel called the soviet union the quote "the cause of international difficulties." he complained about... the iron curtain that had been lowered in
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europe and that after the war moscow began to control many states in central and eastern europe. the spread and strengthening of communism is dangerous , churchel emphasized. both britain and the usa, as countries where communism, according to him, is still in its infancy, must show strength to their former partner in the anti-hitler coalition. in the ussr this speech was considered a signal to begin cold war. churchel was then in america as a private citizen. at that time he was not prime minister. britain, and the leader of the opposition, but the speech was attended by us president harry truman, to whom churchel showed the speech on the eve and in the ussr this was considered a direct challenge. stalin responded to the speech. in an interview with the newspaper pravda, he put churchill on a par with hitler and said that in his speech he called on the west to go to war with the ussr. fortunately, the leaders of the powers then managed to show prudence. and the war between the exes remained allies for decades.
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on march 5, 1962 , michael roma's film 9 days of one year was released on soviet screens. the film, shot during the khrushchev thaw, became a new word in soviet cinema. this is a reflection on the meaning of life, on what a person is ready to sacrifice his personal happiness for. the heroes of the film are scientists, nuclear physicists, for them the main thing in life is science and progress. and everything else, recognition, fame, material wealth, love and family values ​​go away. background: for the sake of scientific discoveries, young scientists risk themselves, receive huge doses of radiation, but the country and humanity need atomic energy, do you have neutrons? don’t worry, doctor, the neutrons are there, and we are here, and there was no one there, no one, quietly, quietly, we repeat, the roles in the film were played by stars of the soviet screen,
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that’s how this day in history was. the parliamentary hour is on air. hello. we’ll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. more than two hours about the main thing.
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for the second year in a row, the president's address is held in gostiny dvor and again in expanded composition. how does the president begin his message? thank you. our correspondent alexander laktionov will talk about relations with the kingdom. farmers from all over the country are in moscow discussing
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industry problems with politicians. profitability drops significantly. and today the decision is made by the state duma. what do experts bet on? paid special attention to security topics and unspoken issues, the head of state for the protection of russia, spoke about large-scale investments in the social sphere and the economy. my colleague alexander shavirin. 2 hours and 6 minutes,
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the longest presidential message and one of the most significant according to experts. the head of state set tasks for all branches of power for the years ahead. for the second year in a row, the president's address is being held in gostiny dvor and... in an expanded composition, in addition to state duma deputies, senators, heads of regions and federal departments, in the hall today there are volunteers participating in a special military operation. vladimir putin addresses the federal assembly for the nineteenth time. sergey pritula more as a child in krasnodar, he dreamed of a military jacket, trained to enter school and become a real defender of his homeland. during the fighting in the lpr, after the arrival of an anti-tank missile, an officer lost his arm from the front and returned to the rear. now sergey will tell you. i am a professional military man, i was brought up in this field of activity, namely the defense of the homeland, it was for only one purpose , the defense of the homeland, i got there
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, well, there was no doubt about going to the front, no, and what happened to me is the same, there is no doubt in terms of regret, some kind of resentment. something went wrong, support for the soldiers of the north military district, the main topic today, it is with this that the president begins his message, i thank everyone who is now fighting for the interests of the fatherland, who is going through the crucible of military trials, risking their lives every day, all the people bow to your feat, mourns the dead, and russia will always remember its heroes. a minute of silence is announced. thank you. vladimir putin notes that the word elite today has discredited itself by those who,
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having no merit to society, believe themselves as a special caste with rights and privileges. the president is talking about those who lined their pockets in the nineties by taking advantage of the economic processes in the country. here. they are definitely not an elite, i repeat, the genuine, real elite are everyone who serves russia, workers and warriors, reliable, proven by work... who have proven their devotion to russia, worthy people. the president announces the launch of the time of heroes personnel program for special operations veterans. in addition, they will be able to receive higher education and a civilian specialty in priority order. leading universities in the country. a new training program, literally starting in march of this month, for participants in a special military operation, is absolutely correct, because that is where the real one is. not those who betrayed, who left and scold their homeland, but those who, with arms in
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hand, defend the future of all humanity. our soldier officers are supported by the whole country - says the president, from government agencies to volunteers and concerned citizens, deputies also contribute to this, guarantees for volunteers, consolidation of veteran status, responsibility for discrediting the army for the priority admission of children to schools and kindergartens, a small part of the laws already adopted. “defense of russia is a priority for all duma factions, in order to win , now we need to unite as much as possible, show political will and liberate rare ukraine from nazism, benderzhin and fascism, thereby ensuring the future of our children and grandchildren, issues of security and protection of sovereignty remain today are relevant, and we understand what it is and what we are facing, what a dangerous enemy stands against us, this is all the west, the collective west led by america." well, we have resources, we have people, we have our great russian people.
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deputies support the fighters not only with laws. parliamentarians send humanitarian convoys on an ongoing basis. by decision of vyacheslav volodin, a program was organized rehabilitation for children who had to witness the cruelty of kiev. this help is felt especially sensitively in the border regions. of course, the whole country helps the border regions, including legislators. 6 years, his agenda, it’s like this, about
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a lot of things, yes, and, of course, everyone hears their own, what they understand, what worries them, but at the same time, it’s probably now clear how much russia, all of us united. speaking about social policy, the head of state announced the launch of new national projects, long and active life, russian youth, personnel, the data economy and family, the central topic. a large family with many children should become the norm, the philosophy of social life, the guideline of the entire state strategy, said vladimir putin. in family the isaevs from zelenograd have five children, three girls and two boys. mom venus is on maternity leave taking care of her two kids while dad works and the older ones study. they bought their two-room apartment with the help of a family mortgage. helped and... subsidy from the state, we bought an apartment literally 2 years ago, naturally
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we took advantage of this service, yes, let’s say, 450,000 subsidies, yes, well, of course, this is good, it helps at least somehow, but this is very good, any support from the state, yes, it’s a benefit, of course, it’s very good for me i even need help, there will be help, this is the decision of the president, the family mortgage program is valid until july of this year, i propose to extend it until 2030, maintaining the main basic parameters. pay special attention to families with children under 6 years of age, inclusive, for them the preferential loan rate will remain the same 6%. and now, at the birth of a third child, the state pays off part of the mortgage loan for the family.
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to every family, this is a reflection of our approach with which the president concluded his message today. we don't work miles away not for tons. not for rubles, we work for the sake of people, it was decided to launch a permanent program for the overhaul of schools and kindergartens, to open medical offices for students in every institution, to increase payments for classroom management and educational work, this is what will support educational advisers in every school there are people who are developing
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our movement of children of youth, the movement of the first, they essentially have a double burden, there is work at school, and also work outside the school territory, the president announced new additional payments, yes in the format of 5,000 rubles monthly. vladimir putin announced the launch of a new program for the resettlement of emergency housing, the allocation of additional funds for the renewal of public transport and the purchase of school buses in the regions. on behalf of the president , the zemsky cultural worker program will also be developed. the country's economic success speaks for itself. russia today is fifth in the world in terms of gross domestic product.
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parliamentarians in these conditions, thanks to the mobilization that was organized the president around him has the trust of the people, today we did not allow the goals that our political opponents wanted, the collapse of the economy, and became the largest economy in europe. vladimir putin said that small businesses will be able to take a credit holiday for six months once every 5 years without deteriorating their credit history. another initiative of the head of state - the transition from
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clearly answered. vyacheslav volodin emphasized that the state duma will, as a matter of priority, form a legislative framework for resolving issues identified by the head of state. required the adoption of a very large number of laws, not only amendments to the budget related to the need to allocate additional money to finance the social sphere, assistance to state employees, support to the regions, for education, for healthcare, for...
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youth, cities, settlements. speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin , crown prince, chairman of the council of ministers of the kingdom of saudi arabia, muhammad ben met in aryad. relations between countries are developing dynamically, the dialogue between legislators and prospects is reaching a new level cooperation vyacheslav volodin discussed with
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the leadership of the saudi parliament what connects russia today with the largest and richest state in the middle east and what lies ahead, report by my colleague alexander laktionov. kingdom of saudi arabia, riyadh airport. the plane with the state duma delegation lands here around midnight. despite the late hour, there was a large group of people greeting us at the gangway. this is not an ordinary event. this is the first visit to the kingdom at the level of the chairman of the state duma in 30 years. saudi arabia is the largest, richest and most influential state in the middle east. russia's relations with the kingdom are developing. thanks to the dialogue between the leaders of the two countries, noted vyacheslav volodin. the speaker of the state duma conveyed greetings from the russian leader to the crown prince of saudi arabia, mohamed bin salman al-sad.
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the building of the kingdom's advisory council, the place where legislative decisions are made, becomes the central platform for interparliamentary dialogue. the russian delegation is invited to the meeting room. colleagues from moscow, saudi parliamentarians. greeted with applause. the speaker of the advisory council leaves the meeting for a while and hurries to a bilateral meeting with vyacheslav volodin and russian deputies. relations between the two states are reaching a new level, and parliaments must support the course taken. we need to do everything possible on our part to ensure that we contribute to the development of relations and do everything in our power to ensure legislative support for decisions. saudi
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everywhere, with this phrase the head of parliament there is no need to say much about russia, arabia knows it, illustrates the role of our country in on the world stage and emphasizes erriyad's position in relations with moscow. this is a historic visit for our advisory board and... for the kingdom of saudi arabia. we pay extremely important and serious attention to cooperation with the russian federation. we note the extremely positive dynamics in the development of relations between our countries, especially in light of the agreements that are being reached between the king of saudi arabia and the president of russia. moscow and riyadh intend to expand cooperation in a variety of spheres. so in december, during vladimir putin’s visit to the kingdom, the parties agreed to develop a partnership in the oil and gas industry. russia and saudi arabia today provide a fifth of the world's oil production and are leaders in black gold reserves, and here the countries certainly have something to discuss. the issue
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of balancing the oil market, cost, is extremely important for both consumers and producers, because for consumers it is an alternative, what energy to use, what is the most efficient use, and for producers, this is the cost of production and the solution to the problems of socio-economic development of the producing countries. saudi arabia plays a big role in maintaining peace in the middle east. without saudi arabia today, solving the most difficult tasks and problems in the middle east is almost impossible. and we know how we resolved issues with the participation of saudi arabia, related to the fight against international terrorism and the solution to the syrian problem in general, because this is a very serious work. states they see the development of economic ties, the volumes of mutual trade are so far, albeit not rapidly, but steadily increasing, then more, it’s a matter of time. after
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the reversal of russian trade and economic policy from west to east, our country’s trade turnover with the states of the arabian peninsula has increased significantly, including with saudi arabia. the most important area of ​​cooperation is agriculture, the basis of russian cooperation. the kingdom's exports are the supply of our wheat. the kingdom today is one of the largest importers russian agricultural products. the state could even become a kind of transshipment base for our goods. we are talking primarily about russian grains, which are valued both in the gulf countries and other countries. saudi arabia could ensure the transit movement of our products. we can propose to make a good hub here; they can host people not only for their own country. but also through our country, other arab countries, which absolutely all have a need in this regard
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for our wheat, and not only wheat, now... corn and other crops have begun to be supplied here. russian metal, machinery, equipment, transport are also areas of interest for the saudi partners, as is scientific and technical cooperation. russian higher education traditionally enjoys great prestige in the arab world. in addition, conducting promising joint scientific research, and also developing alternative energy sources, because of the energy transition that saudi arabia is undergoing. carries out within the framework of vision 2030, needs reliable partners who would have technical competencies and a good educational base. for russian tourists, apart from religious pilgrimage, saudi arabia is not the most popular holiday destination, but the kingdom may well become one, given the relaxed requirements for guests, the ease of obtaining an entry visa and the rich list of events. russia has always been of interest to citizens of arab countries.
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moscow. st. petersburg, kazan, these are cities that are also interesting to them, because after all, this is such a european style of recreation, with a complete combination of all possible services that they are accustomed to receiving. tatarstan is a special zone, because this region, where islam professes, is culturally very close to them, this republic. the vice-speakers of the state duma and the advisory council will have to prepare a plan for joint parliamentary work. this was proposed to be done in... volodin, the saudi colleagues are all for it. we found understanding and respect for what russia is doing, and what its leadership and the previous president are doing. and this is a guarantee that in the parliamentary direction progress awaits us. in order to develop interparliamentary dialogue, it is important to introduce new formats, says vyacheslav volodin. he invited his saudi colleagues to moscow, where it is planned to sign a cooperation agreement between the state duma and
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the kingdom’s parliament. return visit to russia. cooperatives, how to work on the land to make the grain market more attractive, to help beginners become more attractive, meet the popular moscow writer
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nikolai ribinin. your brother is in donbass, you need to go there, you should go, just for passengers to ride here, not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there, into the gray zone, behind this line you will become different, and then what, that was where my childhood and youth were, and now the enemy, that’s it, we’re going our separate ways. “scary, no, it’s hard to get used to, i’m a passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him , there is still hope, there is always hope, soon, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.


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