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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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forest fires are engulfing the coastal region; the area has grown one and a half times in a day and exceeded 700 hectares. in some places the fire came almost close to houses. experts call this intensity of fires abnormal. in germany, they demanded the resignation of defense minister pistorius. the relevant committee of the bundestag believes that the minister is wine. in
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the leak of secret conversations between german officers. donald trump was restored the right to participate in the primary in two regions of the united states at once. this decision was made by the authorities of the state of maine, and a little earlier the supreme court overturned the ban in colorado. this happened on the eve of intra-party voting in 16 states at once. it will pass today. russian military personnel in the northern military district zone began voting early in the country's presidential elections. special premises have been opened in rear areas. field commissions will be sent to the front line. early voting is taking place in hard-to-reach areas throughout russia. in the severodonetsk direction, the crew of russian helicopters hit new enemy targets. our pilots received the coordinates of the earth and set out on a combat course. there was a group in it included the strike k-52, transport combat mi-35m and multi-purpose mi-8. crews flew helicopters at extremely low altitudes to avoid. nationalists. we had to act
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in bad weather. the pilots brought the equipment as close as possible. unguided rockets were fired at strongholds and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the forward air controller on the ground confirmed that the targets were destroyed. immediately after this, the helicopters took the opposite course. and after receiving a combat mission by the crews of the adjacent tactical group at the appointed time takeoff was completed. formation of battle formation . and flight to the combat mission area, all targets were hit and destroyed, which contributed to the support of our ground forces. in the belgorod region, thousands of residents became volunteers to help fighters in the special operation zone. people do everything they can with their own hands, for example, weave and send camouflage nets that will save the lives of military personnel. our special correspondent igor pikhanov heard what motivates the volunteers. just simple and, and this is now, and
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this is me here, it turns out in a package, the parishioners of the orthodox church in the village of shopino are preparing material for the production of camouflage nets, the snow is melting off the poly, so when making shelters the craftswoman tries to use not only white, fabrics of yellow, brown and black shades are also used, when using the nets should blend with the terrain, i want to do good for our soldiers who protect ours, who in such difficult times and change... my grandson is also there, but he serves in the army, such sewing workshops have opened in all in the populated areas of the region bordering ukraine, thousands of residents of the belgorod region joined the ranks of volunteers, for everyone such work is a contribution to the cause of victory, since the belgorod region, alas, is very much under fire, we have rallied among ourselves and are passing on knowledge to each other, someone learned something new, they taught us, we taught ourselves...
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ukrainian militants almost every day shell the region, hit civilians and cannon and rocket artillery use combat drones under attacks on the city and villages. we weave from improvised materials everything that caring people bring, all the fabrics are brought, of course they save, of course they are needed, our volunteers always post feedback to us on social networks. in the telegram channel. this is what the positions of our soldiers look like at the front: underground shelters are well protected and camouflaged. close to combat positions, camouflage nets are very effective; they help hide equipment from enemy drones. this is an ambulance, it is ready to work 24 hours a day. for example, such a shelter can be made in just half an hour. volunteers also organized the production of trench candles, which can be used for heating and lighting. in addition, you can warm it up on it. volunteers say
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they asked to go to the front, but because of their age they are not taken there. i believe that this candle not only gives light, but also a refreshing spirit. there are also volunteers baking treats for the soldiers , homemade cakes, bread, gingerbread pies are regularly given to the soldiers on the front line. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti, belgorod region. german alternative for germany party demands resignation defense minister boris pistorius after the information leak scandal. this was stated by one of the members of the bundestag defense committee. in his opinion, pistorius is to blame for failing to ensure proper secrecy, since the military communicated over an unsecured line. last week , an audio recording was published in which senior bundeswehr officers discussed possible attacks on the crimean bridge with long-range taurus missiles.
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the first nato airbase in the western balkans was opened in albania. this was reported by the press service alliance. the aviation center was located at a former soviet airfield in the city of kuchevo. for reconstruction. kucheva is the largest strategic project in albania in recent decades. the israeli military again opened fire on palestinians in the gaza strip. according to local media, people were waiting for the distribution of humanitarian aid. the exact number of deaths is unknown. arab television channels, meanwhile, are reporting a possible ceasefire in gaza. according to sources at the negotiations in cairo, the parties to the conflict are discussing the possibility of concluding a week-long truce in exchange for the release of elderly israeli hostages, but hamas representatives do not agree to a short pause and insist that it last as long as possible. the situation in gaza is being discussed
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at the un level; according to the commissioner general of the organization's middle east agency, israeli prison staff regularly beat and insult palestinians held in the colonies. and the special representative of the un secretary general, in turn, announced the mass rapes that were recorded during the hamas attack on october 7. against the backdrop of this report israel has temporarily recalled its permanent representative to the un for consultations. as the country's foreign ministry reported, this decision was made due to attempts to suppress information from this document. the authorities of the american state of maine returned donald trump the right to participate in local primaries. let me remind you that earlier the secretary of state rejected the politician because of his alleged involvement with you. but the supreme court sided with trump and ruled that a particular state cannot remove a politician from an election. the judge made his decision the day before super tuesday, when internal party republican voting will take place in several states at once. let me remind you that the day before donald trump lost the primary for the first time, this
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happened in the capital in washington, d.c., where republican nicky haley beat him, but the press emphasizes that this is most likely the only region where haley will win. your competitor. the area of ​​natural fires near the seaside has grown one and a half times in one day, almost 7,500 hectares are already burning. the hottest spot on the map is khasansky district. the fire reached several settlements close to houses. experts say that the geographic density of fires is abnormal for the beginning of spring. andrey kolesnikov with details. wow, i did it here, run! such a tornado of flames of smoke has never been seen in the seaside. author of the video. i almost suffered from a fire whirlwind, and this razdolnaya khasan highway, the flames are blazing right next to the road, in the village of andreevka the fire came close to residential buildings, i think the fire will appear any minute, geography, the density of fires for
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the beginning of spring is abnormal, so far the strongest the fire strike hit the territory of the khasansky district, since yesterday night we have been working here in the khasadsky district in the settlements of andreevka. zarubin, the most difficult situation was at lunchtime in the area of ​​the zarubinsky settlement, where the wind changed its directions several times with strong gusts, which led to the ignition of the remains - grass, and the rapid spread of fire. apparently, the fire entered this area through dry grass. today in the village of zarubina an entire private house burned down. fortunately, when the fire spread through the building, no one was in it. it was, the owners were away. this is how firefighters carry out mandatory debris clearance, as well. spills what remains of the destroyed foundation. other buildings in the village of zarubino survived today, despite the constantly changing direction, wind, the fire was localized and extinguished. before our eyes, the fell changed direction. here. there was a situation when we and even a large fire tank got into an unpleasant situation; at the last
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moment we barely managed to pull it out. another hot spot is slavyanka. for several days now the village has been surrounded by smoke; strong burning smell. residents fear fires are coming soon. it’s scary here, i saw what’s going on in andreevka, in zarubino, this is also our area, it’s very scary, both from the south and from the north, i don’t know why it’s like they’re setting fires on purpose, the winter in the south of primorye was with little snow, now ... for several days a strong wind has been blowing in the region with short breaks, a reinforced group has been deployed to fight the fires, this is over 300 specialists and 60 pieces of equipment, a special fire-fighting regime has been established in the region, andrey kolesnikov, sergey svestilnikov, dmitry popkov and irina podasenova, lead the far eastern bureau. now economic news, maria filippova joins me, mash, good morning, a list of economically significant organizations has been approved in russia, what does this give the company? roman, good morning, too. the ability to bypass sanctions, i’ll tell you in detail now. the first six russian companies are included in
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the list of economically significant organizations. the government order is posted on the official website for the publication of legal acts. the list includes legal entities associated with alfabank, alfastrakhovanie, x5 and azkusa networks, fertilizer manufacturer okron. it also includes the mining company razrez arshanovsky. the list of economically significant organizations was created so that their beneficiaries could receive a share through the court. direct ownership, bypassing foreign structures. simply put, this is an effective way to combat sanctions. also, companies on this list may not disclose information about their activities. the european union will refuse the transit of russian gas through ukraine starting next year. about this was stated by european commissioner for energy kadri simpson. according to her, options for storing fuel in ukraine are being discussed, but not for supplies through it. some european officials, although they dream of completely abandoning russian gas, however. admits that this is not so easy to do, including lng. of course, the most effective method
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to get rid of russian gas would be to extend sanctions to lng supplies of all pipeline gas from russia, but so far there is no unanimous support for this from the heads of eu countries, so ministers cannot discuss this option yet, but the european commission has already developed legislative initiatives that will make it possible to consistently ban the flow of russian gas. into our system. in general, it should be noted that lng is a real thorn in the side of brussels officials who have built a career on anti-russian sanctions. statements. according to the politics magazine, european purchases of rich natural gas from russia have only increased since 2020, by as much as 40%. french state generating company edf immediately increased the estimated cost of six new nuclear reactors by 30%. now the amount is 67.5. the commissioning date
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announced by the head of state, namely 2035, may also be missed. france wants to achieve energy independence through peaceful nuclear energy, but unforeseen costs could become a serious obstacle on this path. the arbitration court of the moscow district approved the collection of serbaz. 5 million rub. in favor of a subsidiary of rostec. this follows from the authority file. aviacapital-service filed claims back in december of twenty-two. the company transferred funds to a european aircraft manufacturer to pay for future deliveries of seventeen aircraft. however, arbas did not fulfill his obligations and appropriated the advance payment to himself under the pretext of sanctions. in may last year, the court sided with rostec’s daughter and prohibited the dispute from being considered abroad. at the end of the exchange rate.
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king. toow eye drops are designed specifically for nutrition. we continue production: the second stage of trunovskaya was put into operation in the stavropol region wind power plant, this is already the fifth wind farm in the region, the project is being implemented by rosatom, what kind of power do similar ones produce? power plants and why experts consider the region to be one of the most promising in terms of green energy, bulat shakiev will tell you. the sounds inside the tower, the wind turbine, during startup are reminiscent of an effect from a horror movie, do you want these sounds? this is our gondola turning, looking for the direction of the wind. the last of fourteen new wind turbines began
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generating power. rated power 2.5 megawatts per hour, enough for several city ​​streets. each installation is 150 m high, consists of 800 parts, and to hold this entire structure, they used especially strong bolts, but even so, standing on this ladder, i feel the vibration. the second stage of the trunovo power plant, 38 units with a capacity of 95 mw, was put into operation, a new project of the state corporation rosatom, located in a very favorable location. just look how well the blades are spinning, all because there is a strong wind blowing up to 15.
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“france will not send its contingent to ukraine in the near future,” said the country's president emmanuel macron. earlier, he called for troops, but did not find support from the west. in primorye they are fighting natural fires; in the past 24 hours alone, their area has increased by one and a half times. the hottest spot is the khasansky district. in several populated areas, the fire came close to houses. early
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voting for the presidential election is taking place in the special operation zone. in the rear areas, a special one has been organized for this. " advanced voting is taking place indoors, mobile teams are working on hard-to-reach areas throughout the country. the israeli military opened fire on civilians in the gaza strip as people waited for the distribution of humanitarian aid. the exact number of deaths is still unknown. meanwhile, the arab media are talking about a possible ceasefire; it is being discussed in cairo. remember, we voted for zhirinovsky and the ldpr, i will raise russia from its knees, i will defend the russians, great people, great russia, don’t lie and don’t fight!
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rub. free medicine, education, interest-free housing, every second a family with many children, and it will be like this everywhere, we played at capitalism and that’s enough, for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. my name is vladislav davankov. i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be happy and confident in the future. i am running for the presidential election so that we all live with dignity and freedom, in a modern and peaceful country, live with love and the future, live in a new way. vladislav davankov,
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russian presidential candidate, number one on the ballot is new time. i will remove it, no, leave it, zhirinovsky’s work lives on, slutsky, a candidate for the presidency of russia, the wealth of russia should belong to the people, yes, taxes for the rich should be increased, the poor should be exempt from taxes, yes, housing and communal services should be in the hands of the state. yes. the increase in the retirement age will be cancelled. yes. the state must teach, treat and protect. yes. then kharitonov.
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for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. my grandfather is a world-famous chemist. in the nineties they called him abroad, but he always refused, saying that the donankovs only one homeland - russia. i want us to be proud of ours. scientists and respected teachers, so investments in science education should double, and this is in my program with love for people. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, number one on the ballot is new time. now sports news in the studio alexander abramov. sazh, good morning, spartak forward quincy parames is close to returning to russia. yes, roman, it is expected that promes will have a trial in the united arab emirates today, and most likely the dutchman will be able to pay the fines leave the country. so, the story of
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quincy promes not leaving the united arab emirates for russia is close to its end. according to insiders, it is expected that today quincy promes will appear in the uea court on charges of leaving the scene of an accident. and instead of any prison term, the spartak striker will pay a large fine. after that the dutchman. will be able to leave the country and fly to russia. quincy premess should return to spartak in the very near future. the russian premier league returned last weekend after almost three months of winter break. the matches of the nineteenth round have passed. well, the russian football program resumed on our channel the day before. the first guest after the winter break was the former head coach of the russian national team stanislav cherchesov. i’m watching football here, i’ve watched almost the entire tour, but what?
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what is going on in the world, i have an inner conviction that in this situation i should be in my country and useful to my country. now hockey yaroslavl lokomotiv has taken the lead in the first round series of the gagarin cup playoffs against cska moscow. in the third match of the series, lokomotiv scored twice within a few minutes in the second period. daniil buta and georgy ivanov distinguished themselves. 2:0 in such a game seemed like a comfortable advantage, but cska managed to get out of a difficult situation.
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3:0. there is one victory left before advancing to the next round. traktor beat the slovatyulays on their ice and took the lead in the series. moscow dynamo.
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flowers, money and fire. deadly fire at the capital's flower warehouse. the fire lasted 2,500 km. fire at a flower base in moscow happened on november 20, 2022, flames instantly enveloped the ancient hangar, i heard
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calls for help, thank god. the three of us managed to run out, the temperature was very high, everything that was inside was destroyed by fire, seven people were trapped, burned alive, everything was burned, well , even the bones, there was nothing to know there, another raid begins, and more information appeared that the publication stole a safe containing 20 million rubles. i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, now he has to live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he killed people, what caused the fire, little thing? led to great consequences, why people died and how the flower business works in russia, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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all the most important things in life are in our hands.
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to fulfill a childhood dream, gain new knowledge, feel inspired , build a career, realize your plans, start a family, create a life, pass on traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights, in our hands you...
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were the resignation of the head of the ministry of defense.


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