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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 10:00am-10:27am MSK

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burning spots in primorye are extinguishing several sources of natural fires at once, in which areas the situation is the most difficult and what comments are given by the emergency services. credit details, how the ministry of finance comments on the extension of family mortgages until 2030, will the conditions change and what funds will be required? economics, first of all , the kremlin talked about cooperation within the framework of brix, where russia is chairing this year, about new applications to join the
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organization. in anticipation of super tuesday, the united states is preparing to hold primaries immediately in several states, and republicans are summing up the results of the election caucuses in north dakota. what are the schedules for this hour? dinner for 50,000 residents, among the guests are mark zuckerberg, bill gates and ivanka trump, a record-breaking expensive pre-wedding party was held in india, who are the heroes of the occasion? powerful explosions occurred last night in ukraine. local publications report that by this time four series of detonations had already occurred in odessa. no details are given, but it is known that previously the targets of strikes were objects in port of the city, where, among other things , surface drone attacks were prepared. another point on the map where an explosion was heard at night was kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. the air raid warning was announced from monday evening.
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sheep nets, the snow melts off the poly, so when making shelters, the craftswoman tries to use not only white color, the input also includes fabrics of yellow, brown and black shades, when using the nets they should blend with the terrain, i want to do good for our soldiers who protect ours, which in such a difficult moment, especially since i also have a grandson, but he is serving in the army, such sewing shops have opened in all settlements of the region bordering ukraine. thousands of residents of the belgorod region
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joined the ranks of volunteers, for everyone such work is a contribution to the cause of victory, since the belgorod region, alas, is very much under fire, we rallied among ourselves and pass on knowledge to each other, someone learned something something new, we were taught, we learned ourselves, we passed on this knowledge to others. ukrainian militants shell the region almost every day, hitting civilians with cannon and rocket artillery,
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camouflage nets are very effective, they help hide equipment from enemy drones, this is an ambulance, it is ready to work 24 hours a day, for example, such a shelter can be made in just half an hour. volunteers also organized the production of trench candles, which can be used for heating and lighting. in addition, you can heat up lunch on it. volunteers say they asked to go to the front, but because of their age they are not accepted. i think, that this candle not only gives light. here she is raising the spirit of a fighter, and not only does she think that she is behind me, but volunteers also bake treats for the soldiers: homemade cakes, bread, gingerbread pies are regularly given to the soldiers on the front line. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, conduct the belgorod region. london is calling on berlin to transfer long-range taurus missiles to kiev, despite the leak of a conversation between german officers, writes the british newspaper guardians.
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link to official representatives. meanwhile, in germany itself the opposition is calling for to the resignation of the minister of defense. but in france it seems they have changed their minds about sending a contingent to ukraine. the topic will be continued by victoria koroleva. from bundeswehr officers to the minister of defense , the german opposition has made new demands, calling for the dismissal of boris pistorius, and for chancellor olaf scholz to call an urgent meeting of the parliamentary defense committee. the scandal after the publication of negotiations between german officers 4 days later is still gaining momentum. however, the german government is primarily concerned with criticism not of the opposition, but of its alliance allies. and for good reason british authorities call the incompetence of their german colleagues just the tip of the iceberg. what 's even more worrisome? so it is that russia has identified germany as the weakest link in the north atlantic alliance, and german chancellor olaf scholz as a useful idiot, they may be right, given the position scholz and his party take on this issue. scholz once again stated that
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he is not going to provide long-range missiles, out of fear that the ukrainian armed forces will try to attack the crimean bridge, and now to the german deputies such a solution seems adequate, because in the event of a terrorist attack, the public conversation between the officers will cease to exist at all. just one of the possible scenarios. meanwhile , the american press doubts that the taurus will have any impact on the position of the ukrainian troops. the new york times notes that even american f-16 fighters are unlikely to give a military advantage to the ukrainian armed forces. the head of the singapore ministry of defense previously reported that washington is using other f-35 fighters to search for air defense systems of russian troops. in the pentagon denied this information; the white house habitually accused russia of causing discord between the allies due to information leaks. this is a blatant attempt. russians to sow discord to try to create the impression that the west is not united. heck, even the german government is not united in what they are doing, but we are not going to, we are not going to just bow to this daring attempt. this is what the russians want. and all this against the backdrop of a scandal in the states themselves;
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us national guard soldier jack teixeira published secret documents in a discord with february 2022, considering the conflict in ukraine depressing. now he admits guilt. he is threatened. 16 years in prison for violating us national security, and under general pressure emmanuel macron turned himself in. western countries did not support the idea of ​​the french president to send military forces to ukraine, and he abandoned his loud statements: there will be no french contingent in ukraine for now. this does not mean that we are considering sending french people to hard-to-reach areas throughout the country. in the northernmost territory joseph's land of france, 100% of voters have already made their choice. and the nocturnal employees. election commissions fly by helicopter to the most remote points where reindeer herders live and work. mobile sites are deployed directly into the snow near the camps. and members of election committees have to get to remote places in the irkutsk region using hovercraft. so in one of the villages where 42 people live, a site was opened in
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the library. for citizens who cannot come in person, voting at home will be organized. in russia, the implementation of vladimir putin’s initiative to extend family mortgages is beginning, this was confirmed by the ministry of finance. maria filippova will tell you what funds are provided for this and what are the conditions for housing loans. the russian ministry of finance has officially announced the extension of family mortgages until 2030. this is one of vladimir putin’s initiatives voiced during the president’s address to the federal assembly. the terms of the preferential loan for the purchase of housing will not change and will be available for families with children born during the program period. mortgage rate - the same 6% for residents of the far east - 5. the down payment is at least 20% of the cost of the apartment, which can be paid using maternity capital. according to the house of the russian federation, about 50 banks are participating in the program. experts are confident that new
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details of the conditions will appear in the future. the current rate of 6% will remain - for the category of families with children under 6 years old, we know this. but the rate of six for families under 6 years of age implies that for others it may be different, this statement from the ministry of finance suggests that some parameters programs may be updated in the near future. how much funding for the program will cost the budget will depend on the level of the key rate. so far , about 260 billion rubles are planned for this year. for the entire period until 2030, according to forecasts, 1.5 trillion rubles. this is a fundamental point, the ministry of finance emphasizes. the scope of issuing preferential mortgage loans will be narrowed and support will become more targeted to those who really need it. if at the end of 2023 90% of all primary mortgages were taken out under preferential programs, then in the ministry of finance plans to reduce this figure to
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20-25%. 90% - this means that practically this is a monopoly position, not even dominant, but monopoly and understanding. that these programs are now used not only by people in need of improved housing conditions, but who would and should be helped is still a matter of decision here. it should be a question of improving living conditions , creating a more comfortable urban environment, and not the possibility of some kind of housing investment, capital increase, and so on. the program has become especially popular preferential mortgages for everyone. today , anyone can take out a loan for new buildings with an 8% rate until july 1, 2024. far eastern and arctic mortgages are also available. these measures are valid until 2030 . 2%. you can get an it mortgage at a five percent rate, and a rural mortgage at three percent. in
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general, the demand for housing - analysts note - has begun to exceed the volume of construction; apartments have become more expensive. prices have risen sharply. and moreover, we are observing, well, a unique situation, when prices for the same apartments, but sold here, well, at primary and secondary, here are two identical apartments, they can be located next to each other, but they are for sale. one is already primary, the second is secondary, and the prices differ, well, by more than 40%. some experts suggest that such a measure as preferential mortgages for everyone will soon disappear, or rather it will not be extended, or, for example, it will become exclusive for specific cities. also, let me remind you, the president instructed to extend the program to support large families, also until 2030. this year additionally required. about 50 billion rubles. the measure applies to families where the third child was born after
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january 1, 1919 and provides a payment of 450,000 rubles. parents will still be able to use this money to pay off the mortgage in full or in part, as well as to purchase a plot for a future home. women from different regions of the country gathered today at vdnkh to share their success and experience in the most... women's day, of course, at the vdnkh exhibition, at the russia exhibition everything is dedicated to the fair
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half of humanity, and here today the all-russian women's forum opens , women, we preserve traditions and develop russia. i am now at the stand of the republic of tatarstan, where they have already told me that they preserve here, in this republic they preserve traditions from a very young age, for example, we are talking about embroidery of national ornaments. start already in the elementary grades, and paint in kindergartens, what ornaments are we talking about, what traditions, i’ll talk to ramzia now, ramzia, hello, please tell me what kind of tradition this is and how it is preserved today? this is our lace weaving, our fish settlement district was famous already in the 16th century for its lace, our jewelry is famous for fish freedom, with which this lace is embroidered, what is its peculiarity? with the help of people like...
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what tatarstan is famous for, let's talk to alfiya. alfiya, tell us what kind of traditions these are, what kind of unusual embroidery this is. for 10 years i have been engaged in the revival of the snake applicative technique, which was characteristic only of the kazan tatars of the 19th century, and for 10 years i have been bit by bit i collected, revived and teach everyone, including adult children, this amazing technique that was characteristic of our grandmothers, great-grandmothers, we are reviving this technique and not only, how many students do you have? well, there are 20 students who are constantly studying this technique, but there are constant master classes, which
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have a large girth, people from what, what are you made from, from silk ribbons, pieces of silk ribbons, that is, our great-great-grandmothers, without even throwing away a small piece of fabric , saving this, putting it into action and getting such unique flowers, decorations, but now we not only decorate it, we make caps, because caps are only worn by women, and they are so unique, too, a panel that i want to present by... oh, thank you very much, the tulip, a symbol of rebirth, prosperity of our republic. thank you very much, this will go to the russia 24 tv channel, but that’s not all today.
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a kindergarten and three more updated preschool institutions will accept students this month. modern toys, furniture, equipment, everything you need for relaxation and teaching children. about the restoration of mariupol, irina efremova. today there is a crowd near the renovated kindergarten; parents and children have not yet seen it inside, but they already want to return to it as soon as possible. this is all i have, it seems to me that we are generally in a new place in a new room outside - in general, we are in a fairy tale, everything is bright, everything is beautiful. everything is new, the inside of the kindergarten is as colorful as the outside, there are comfortable drawers at the entrance, then small bright tables, chairs, just a huge number of toys, then a bedroom, the children there are already looking at what conditions they will spend most of their time in, what do you like most here, i like the cribs, i like everything here, i
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like the teddy bears on the walls, absolutely everything is new in this garden and the children... more to come to get acquainted with this, while this was the first excursion, meanwhile everything is ready for the opening, in a solemn atmosphere they cut the red ribbon with dances, the children, together with deputy prime minister morat khusnulin, find themselves in another group, but they are all the same beautiful, wonderful furniture, children will sit comfortably behind it, it is adjustable for any age, for any age, we had a shortage of books, we had a shortage of toys, and now, no matter how you look, everything is created for the comfort of children. direct-heated floors, a new catering unit, a music room with an electric piano, this garden is designed for 120 people, but today it will accept up to 150, while work is underway in twenty more gardens. we plan to fully provide all the needs in the city with preschool institutions and schools, which we initially did in the first stage less, now we see that people
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are returning, there are more children. just this month, three more kindergartens will be opened to gradually close. the queue that currently exists in the city. irina efremova, dmitry rud, lead donetsk-mariupol. in other topics: donald trump won the vote of republican activists in north dakota. he received the support of more than 80% of voters. the election meeting or caucus took place on the eve of super tuesday, when voting will take place in several states at once. in anticipation this gave trump back the right to participate in the primaries in the state of maine. the subject's secretary of state rejected the politician because of his alleged involvement in the uprising. dmitry melnikov will talk about how the united states is preparing for super tuesday. this super tuesday, when prices take place in 15 states at once, was preceded by trump's personal super monday. at the behest of democrats, a colorado court tried to strike him from today's
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primary ballot, citing the ancient fourteenth amendment of the constitution and its third section, which. prohibits rebels can be elected, but the supreme court puts an end to it: it is not the state’s business to deprive americans of their candidate. for the reasons given, the responsibility for applying section 3 to federal officials and candidates rests with congress, not with the states. therefore, the decision of the colorado supreme court cannot be upheld. all nine members of the court agree with this result. the unanimous decision of the nine justices is the strongest signal to the nation and to other states following colorado's example. wanted to prevent trump from entering primaris, separately in the supreme court’s conclusion on the need to lower the temperature in american society, and trump himself, after another victory, is talking about unification. i think this is a very important day for america. i believe this is a very important day for freedom and just a great day for this country. but there will be no unity, and the democrats
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heard their own decision in this court decision. if only congress can use the sedition amendment, then this case has no chance, as the democrats assured us. another defeat for the democrats is a real downfall for nicky haley. decision on trump's admission to super tuesday and his expected victory will likely be. this is the finale for her in the republican race, and this meeting with voters may be her last. we can either continue to live the same way or
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go in a new direction. we will be able to achieve greater success than two octogenarian presidential candidates. for trump supporters, the court ruling on the eve of super tuesday is a loud signal to mobilize. the system is bending, which means victory is possible. biden is also going to scare americans with trump in his annual address. nations that it will be announced before congress on thursday, after the results of the primaries, when both participants in the battle for the white house will finally become clear. by leaving trump on the ballot on the eve of his decisive super tuesday, the supreme court tried to make the more divided states of america united again; if for trump this is an unconditional victory, it is a serious test for the american constitution. in fact, the court was never able to answer the question: is the position of the main thing valid today? laws of the country adopted almost two centuries ago. dmitriy melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. the israeli military again opened
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fire on palestinians in the gaza strip. according to local media, people were waiting for the distribution of humanitarian aid. the exact number of deaths is still unknown. arab television channels, meanwhile, are reporting a possible ceasefire in gaza. according to sources, at negotiations in cairo the parties to the conflict are discussing the possibility of concluding a week-long truce. in exchange for... the release of elderly israeli hostages, but hamas representatives do not agree to a short pause and insist that it last as long as possible. the situation in gaza is being discussed at the un level, as the commissioner general of the organization's middle east agency reports. israeli prison staff regularly beat and insult palestinians held in the colonies. and the special representative of the secretary general of the united nations, in turn, announced mass rapes, which were recorded during the hamas attack on october 7. against the backdrop of this report, israel temporarily recalled its permanent representative prion for consultations. according to the country's foreign ministry, this decision was made due to attempts to silence information from this document.
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haiti international airport was attacked by armed men. and it is known that there was a shootout with the police, the frances agency reports. journalists emphasize that against the backdrop of a mass escape of prisoners. a state of emergency and curfew have been declared from local prisons across the country. according to various estimates, from 3 to 5,000 prisoners were released. according to the russian embassy in venezuela, official appeals there have been no requests for help from citizens of our country yet. find out how long the journey will take, assess the situation on the roads and understand how long it will take for the bus to arrive. the ministry of transport and glanas are testing a unified state transport monitoring platform. now online services that were available only to residents of megacities
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will be able to be used by passengers in several more regions of russia. the topic will be continued by sofya sergieva. spring has arrived, and with it the rise of cloud technologies. ministry of transport of russia joint stock company glonas launched in work of a unified state digital platform for transport monitoring. thanks to which planning your travel throughout the country will soon become easier and faster. see how long it will take for the bus to arrive, assess the situation on the roads and understand how long the journey will take, all with the help of phones. now passengers in all settlements of russia will be able to use online services available only to residents of large cities. the platform will be localized on statetech in accordance with the government decision. this means that its creation it will be free for subjects.
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rubles, but the main thing is to ensure the safety of citizens and save more lives in critical situations. ambulance management systems are being implemented throughout the country, centralized dispatch services are being created in all regions, information from ambulances is transferred to the information system, and the dispatcher sees on the screen where the ambulance is, how long it takes to get to the patient. very soon , electric scooters will return to the streets and those who want to ride with the breeze, often without knowing the rules. according to ministry of internal affairs over the past 3 years, the number of accidents involving
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electric scooters, hoverboards, electric scooters. as in large cities, they will automatically slow down. glanas joint stock company has already tested the smart algorithm on cargo, unmanned helicopters and agricultural drones, with plans for taxis, car sharing, sea vessels and civilian drones. now , in order to operate a drone, where it can be operated, it is necessary to agree on a route task, a flight task, and a monitoring system, it will naturally make sure that the drone adhered to the agreed route assignment and did not fly into any restricted areas. in short, the launch of the project was successful, by the end of the year the smart system will be introduced in five regions, and in the next one in twenty- five. sofya sergieva, alek sakalchuk,
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alexander kutataladze, lead. meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin.


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