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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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sports, here is cska, a football club that is already actively using artificial intelligence for a productive football game. yuri , let me remind you that the world youth festival here brought together more than 20,000 participants from 188 countries, so i see that behind us there are just a lot of participants from other countries, let’s talk and ask which networks they have already visited, hello, that we have already visited...
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the sirius library, anyone from any of them also helps, well, here we see countries can come and bring a book that for example, he has already read, take something new for himself in any language of the world, so yuri is going through the fourth day of the world youth festival in such an intense way. yes, alexander, thank you, my colleague alexandra told about the next day of the world youth festival in sirius. flowers, money and fire, a fatal fire at the capital's flower warehouse, the fire lasted 2,500 km, a fire at a flower warehouse in moscow occurred on november 20, 2022, the flames instantly enveloped an ancient hangar, i heard screams...
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why did people die and how did the flower warehouse work? business in russia, we took on this case and conducted our own investigation.
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in primorye, a large natural fire in a square has been extinguished. 3.0 hectares, this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. at
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the same time, rescuers predict complications with the flood situation in northwestern russia. we’ll talk about everything in more detail with tatyana belova, she’s joining the broadcast. tatyana, greetings, well, is spring gradually coming into its own with all its pros and cons? yes, the struggle between winter and spring is active, where the snow has melted, in the bright sun and strong wind, the first ones flare up. hotspots of natural fires. frosts and thaws replace each other, the ice on the rivers is rapidly losing its strength. these shots show an impressive ice drift on the river. wow , it’s crazy, it’s crazy, this is tearing, this is tearing, and i haven’t seen anything like this yet, this is the pskov region, pskov district, the village of babaevo, a few days ago it began to go under water from... the river
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the ice jam contributed to the great rise in level; it was removed by blasting the night before, and this is what the situation looked like before the intervention of the ministry of emergency situations. this is our central one. the street, this is it, here is the river behind the gate , in a section of water from 40 to 60 centimeters . the following shots from the primorsky territory are a section of the road near the village of romashka in the khasansky district, it was there that the most difficult situation with wildfires developed in the last 24 hours. the spread of the fire was facilitated by two factors: a fairly strong wind gusting up to 14 m/s and a lack of precipitation amid little snow. for example, in poset there has been no snow since february 20th. in a significant part of the far east and eastern siberia, the weather continues to determine the area of ​​increased pressure. the anticyclone pushes aside the cyclones, they pass along the coast. as a result, one found itself in the zone of the greatest
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pressure drop, and therefore under the influence of strong cold northeastern winds. in the south of the far east, under the influence of the sun and wind , the snow cover is rapidly thinning, and last year's grass dries out instantly. ignites from the first spark. western siberia today, under the influence of the cyclone, which managed to overcome the resistance of the european anticyclone, threw a portion of relatively warm air into siberia and at the same time let the arctic cold into the russian plain. in the capital of primorye until thursday it is raining over a large area, and part of the region is without precipitation. in the daytime in vladivostok it is 0. -1, at night -6-7. international women's day will become cloudy and may be short. temporary snow, -5 at night, about -3 during the day. in the north-west of our country, the anomalous heat has already subsided, but until the middle of the week, for example, in pskov during the day the air will warm up to +1 -4. precipitation is unlikely in conditions of a slight thaw; the melting of snow and ice will continue. in moscow
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today local snow charges are possible, and tomorrow the temperature for the first time in a week and a half will not exceed zero. night frosts will increase to -9-12°. then again. it will get warmer, but even during the day it will not be higher than +1-p2. these are the forecasts. yes, tatyana, thank you, tatyana belova spoke about the weather in russian regions. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. two components of phosophagyl. help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now in an economical package of 96 capsules. this is the same hair dryer. the same hairdryer, and also top quality cashback - 20% on everything. robot vacuum cleaner with mihom support
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these videos? the broadcast can be watched by candidates, parties, public observers, and if necessary, the recording can be rewinded and watched again. everything is transparent and under control. the future must be created by ourselves and do it together. we are very different, we speak different languages. one aspiration, a diverse and open world for everyone. every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival. let's start the future together. find out more at russia plans to introduce technology that will help get rid of landfills. sebur is working to create closed-loop production and has introduced an innovative material made from recycled plastic. about how they intend to give polymers an endless life. special report by taras kucharenko. this
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a number of young, talented and ambitious people can only be met here in sirius, where the world youth festival is taking place these days. it brought together 20 thousand participants from different countries. the environmental agenda became one of the main ones at the forum. we have taken a comprehensive approach to the entire environmental agenda, i think that you have already noticed that there are a number of special banners that we use for environmental education, they are hung here throughout the festival, which explain the process of waste recycling, talks about the process of its separate collection, and about some eco-habits, the environmental agenda is very tightly integrated into the educational program, there are a number of lectures, master classes, one of these really key services for participants -
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says that the issue of reasonable consumption has become a priority for many in everyday life. tatyana is a teacher, so she raises her students this way. now the problem is precisely pollution, well , environmental problems, after all, it is that we are incorrectly distributing our resources. when we went to the festival, we had a clear list, a checklist of what we needed to take with us, yes, among all these materials there were those that were environmentally friendly.
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in problems can be done in an entertaining way, so he offers all participants of the festival, blue jeans, is this kind of material more environmentally friendly, one that quickly decomposes in the environment, or one that takes a long time to decompose? well, probably the one that quickly, in fact, the one that takes a long time, those that decompose quickly enough - these are close to disposable goods, and therefore
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they constantly need to be produced more and more, and this is a waste of resources and emissions from enterprises. in addition, the carbon footprint of transporting them constantly increases, and those that take a long time to decompose are usually reusable products that we can reuse, and even if they end up in the environment, we can remove them from there and recycle them. many art objects at the festival are presented from recycled materials, for example, an installation called ecouniverse sirius. the sirius eco-universe is made of plastic that has been given a second life. at its center is a star. it's by design. symbolizes the insight that plastic no longer needs to be thrown away, it can be used to make various objects, including works of art. in the endless cycle of recycling , insight becomes movement, and movement becomes
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inspiration that starts the cycle. in endless cycle. this is the first time i’ve come across recyclable plastic and this type of material; it was such an experience for me as an artist. an interesting experience, how you can rethink this and turn it into a beautiful artistic image, the whole installation is not only beautiful, but it is modern in terms of processing. subsequently it can be completely recycled without harming the environment. anna decided to use it. in our images we used different materials, both classic materials that are used in stage and
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dance costumes, and certainly different recycled materials, for example, in a headdress. we turned bottles from recycled plastic into such fantasy flowers, and here we have a very beautiful headdress, a whole glade of fantasy flowers, which are also made entirely from recyclable plastic bottles, even the sports program of the festival is environmentally friendly russia at the international student basketball cup 3:3. represents the buzzing team, three-time national champions, before the match there is a traditional training, only the basketball is not quite ordinary, it is made of recycled plastic. the ball is made in collaboration vtb united league, the sibur company and the russian manufacturer of sporting goods and from last year
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became the official ball of the vtb united league. listen, i didn't notice anything. very super some difference, it seems to me, about the same, convenient, inconvenient, convenient, only eight half-liter plastic bottles were needed to produce the sword, a master class will be held with this ball, anyone can take part in the master class, participant festival with absolutely zero preparation, come, try for the first time in your life, maybe hold a ball, knocking, scoring, meeting olympic champions, meeting famous athletes is possible... after our master class he will enroll in the basketball section and become a basketball player. today, plastic is used almost everywhere in construction, medicine, and the it industry ; some parts of cars, airplanes, and spacecraft are made from polymers instead of metal, which has significantly reduced the weight of objects in order to not only use resources economically, but also environmentally, waste recycling is growing in the country, and in huge
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industrial scale. the key task in the waste block is construction. people, we cannot, as before, to satisfy our needs , use some object, and then throw it away, rot in a landfill, even if this
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object decomposes perfectly in nature, for one simple reason, primary raw materials, a rapidly increasing population can there is simply not enough, even if these raw materials are renewable in nature, so the modern pattern is different, after use the item must be recycled. raw materials must quickly return to secondary circulation , ideally this cycle should be closed, more than seven tons of recycled plastic were used to make bottles for the festival, thanks to the infrastructure for separate collection organized by seabor, they will once again become material for the manufacture of new packaging, and this process can be endless, 1 million bottles of water will be supplied at the festival ; separate waste collection will be introduced at the festival. due to this, it will be possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by another 15%, because the energy intensity of production secondary granules, where the use
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of recycled plastic is lower than the production of primary grams, due to the collection, separate collection of plastic waste, it will be possible to collect about 25 tons of plastic, if you look at it from the point of view of emission reduction effects. air travel from moscow to sochi. this experience for greenhouse gases is equivalent to ten sibora is not the first water bottled from recycled plastic, the company provided funds of about 400 million rubles for participants in business programs at the russian exhibition. we set ourselves an ambitious goal to complete this year will already reach at least one carbon neutral level. acceptance, which means that our portfolio should include projects not only to reduce emissions, but to compensate for emitted co2, and therefore the second important
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area for us is forest climate projects, within the framework of this project we focused on the mass planting of trees, by the end already this year, we will plant more than 5 million trees. the carbon footprint also depends on what it produces. the company, according to international research by mackinsey, with the production of a glass bottle produces three times higher greenhouse gas emissions than a plastic bottle. according to another data, the average human carbon footprint per year is about 14 tons of co2; plastic products account for only a little more than a percent; if they are recycled, the emissions are even smaller. the production of granol youth at our enterprise began in 2022, we have undergone modernization.
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then we run it through our installation until it is cleaned, here we also separate it from possible label residues, and from other colors, it should be noted that we use only bottles, and transparent, light blue ones, specially installed in a car, allows you to remove, the products are practically not marked, which is made only using primary raw materials, this is monitored by laboratories that work 24/7, every test goes to a certain indicator: we check the moisture, we check the carboxyl group, melting, all this is important to take into account.
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if you give bottles directly for recycling, hand them over to special designated places, then the plastic will remain clean, which means it can be made into a new one without deteriorating in quality, but for this it is necessary to promote a culture of separate collection. i can give you an example. based on cardboard, if you throw cardboard into a wet bin, its , let’s say, presentation is lost, it has already been removed from there, for the purposes of effective recycling, it cannot be, if plastic gets in there, then its recycling efficiency is reduced many times, if it is in a dry tank above 90%, the probability of recycling, if it is in a wet tank, it is about 50 or lower about... and the more people take part in the separate fence, the cheaper and easier it will become to make products from recycled plastic, and the more business representatives are involved
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in such projects. today , 249 waste treatment plants have been built in russia, 350,000 containers are used in cities and villages for separate waste collection, including plastic, which is recycled. polymers are generally a valuable material that can be reused. with the creation of its own technology vivilen, sibur did not dwells on the issues of plastic recycling. the company is working on a project of the future that can provide limitless opportunities for... the development of a circular economy and already this year we will consider making an investment decision on the construction of a thermolysis unit for chemical recycling, this is a completely new technology for the whole world that can make the cycle recycling of waste, including polymer waste, is almost endless, and this method allows you to completely decompose plastic waste, regardless of its type, on the level of pollution, and decompose
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back. in fact, into hydrocarbons and collect materials anew, imagine a world without landfills, where all products are immediately recycled, this is possible with the introduction of such technology, its development and use throughout the country, the first step has already been done, it is planned that the project will start operating in the next few years , large-scale projects, modern: technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 exposition. business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events.
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everything that fascinates. russia, immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the exhibition forum russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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in ukraine, local publications report: in odessa by this time four series of detonations had already occurred, no details were given, but unknown, but known earlier the targets of the strikes were objects in the city's port, where, among other things , surface drone attacks were being prepared. another point on the map where explosions were heard at night was under control.


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