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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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and also, according to the statement of the minister of defense, in the north-east zone the troops have been provided with the necessary level of airworthiness of the aerospace forces group. as for the aircraft themselves, according to shaigu, repairs and modernization will extend the service life of the an-124 ruslan heavy military transport aircraft, more than doubling from 20 years to 45. in addition, shaigu named the date for the appearance of a new light military transport in the troops aircraft, this is il-200. 12 and a prototype is expected by the end of 2026. the il-212 should replace the an-26 and an-72, and it is being developed by the joint aircraft manufacturing corporation. the creation of a light military transport aircraft il-212 with a pd8 turbojet engine is underway. these aircraft will replace the outdated fleet of an-26 and an-72.
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the new transport aircraft will be distinguished by increased payload capacity and flight range, ease of refueling and maintenance. in addition, it will be able to use unpaved, unequipped runways, and also be operated in arctic latitudes. he will tell you more about the situation in the special military operation zone our colleague denis alekseev.
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against the backdrop of general large-scale losses on all fronts, kiev will not even pay attention to such unimpressive figures; they continue to perceive personnel as expendable. as a result of coordinated actions, units of the group of forces center continued to occupy the navdievsk direction. advantageous lines of the position during
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the day, fire damage was caused to manpower and equipment: twenty-fourth, thirty-first, 47, 61st mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of settlements of nitaylov, novoselovka, pervaya and taretsk, donetsk people's republic, also repelled three attacks by ukrainian armed forces units in the areas of the settlements of kirov, berdych and shumy, as well as 10 counterattacks in the areas of the settlements tonenkaya, pervomaiskaya and orlovka of the donetsk people's republic. the russian military continues to methodically strike at strategic infrastructure in the ukrainian rear. a series of strikes were carried out on targets in the odessa region. we are talking about at least ten explosions in advance. arrivals took place in hangars with unmanned aerial vehicles launching the nasams air defense installation, the ukrainian armed forces marine base and the location of the terrestrial defense brigades. they were located, as usual, in the unused buildings of the next sanatorium. well, our army aviation pilots ... from
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the closest possible distance, the targets were destroyed, and the militants at the same time go to all sorts of cynical tricks to minimize losses, for example, forward positions, a forest belt and an ambulance moving among the trees, inside, of course , not wounded in suushniki, where is it, ukrainian commanders don’t take their own from the battlefield, on soon for sure. there are shells inside the mortars . the carriers unload the contents and carry them to the firing points. ours records everything. the coordinates of the position were transmitted to specially trained people. the mortar crew hardly stayed in this area for long. in the kupinsky direction, units of the western group of forces improved the tactical situation and inflicted fire damage on the accumulation of manpower and equipment of the sixtieth mechanized twenty-fifth airborne sixty-eighth.
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infantry brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in populated areas points of yampolovka, ternoy donetsk people's republic and sverdlovka, lugansk people's republic. in addition, five attacks were repelled in the area of ​​the village of senkovka, kharkov region. units of the forty-first mechanized and fifty-seventh motorized infantry brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. the losses in the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine per day, another thousand militants, went well to the formations in the donetsk direction. there are serious battles on the artyomovsk flanks towards chasovyar, the assault on the village of krasnoye continues, on the ivanovskoye knife. our military hit enemy deployment points and transshipment bases and communications equipment. they are doing everything possible to prevent the ukrainian command from strengthening the group on this front, but do not strengthen it, and discord in the armed forces of ukraine cannot be avoided, throughout the country the male population is being caught to be sent to the most problematic areas of the fronts, they have caught who has determined where, and
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now 700,000 people remain uncounted, the washington post writes about this. the new commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine wanted to conduct an audit, they say. who where, how he fights, but not yet, he switched to local commanders. during his first checks, syrsky came to a clear and undeniable opinion that everyone was to blame for the failures near avdeevka, but not him. personal mistake without personnel consequences. the german ministry of defense stated that in connection with the leaked conversation between bundesfern officers , an investigation is underway, possibly disciplinary action. it’s just that boris pistorius hastened to shift responsibility from his subordinates to moscow and even promised that german officers quote: will become a victim of russia's game. elizaveta khramtsova will talk about the loud scandal that berlin is carefully trying to sweep under the rug. at an unscheduled
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press conference, german defense minister pesturius gathered journalists to report two pieces of news: good for the conversation among high-ranking officers about the strikes on the crimean bridge. russian spies did not get involved, although the opposition managed to say so. bad, it's your own fault. the ministry of defense has opened a preliminary disciplinary investigation to identify all those responsible for there was an emergency, but the main thing is already known, someone neglected the safety rules. not all participants followed the prescribed secure dialing procedure. according to available information , a data leak occurred at a participant from singapore. it was connected through an unauthorized one, that is, in fact. through an unsecured connection. according to bilt, the participant from singapore turned out to be brigadier general frank graefe, while in southeast asia, the head of the exercise operations department of the german air force command, connected through an unsecured network, that is, most likely saved on roaming; connection via wi-fi was established. minister
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pistorios assures that the foreign colleagues with whom he discussed the scandal came to their senses and did not criticize berlin for the leak. but bloomberg's sources insist that. the scandal , i think, will continue in the internal politics of germany and in nato ’s internal structures, because it’s time to restore order, dear friends, in the military-political bloc of nato, otherwise all these, so to speak, tricks and inappropriate initiatives, so to speak, will lead to us to great world trouble. more and more often the press writes that there is a leak. has made sending aurus missiles to ukraine almost impossible, but the war party inside germany is not giving up. scholz's critics refute his main argument: the reluctance to send specialists from the bundeswehr to the conflict zone, who will need to train employees in the ssu. the chancellor's opponents cite south korea as an example,
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to which germany supplied the taurus and which itself copes with their maintenance. and the conversation of german officers, which once again confirmed the transfer of missiles capable of reaching moscow, question. solely of political will. the discussion has been going on for 9 or 10 months, they are looking for reasons for the issue that can be resolved in a few hours, we must be quick, we need to return to this topic. for ukraine to win, we must understand that it needs weapons, artillery shells, components for drones, help in training soldiers, so it is better to focus on helping ukraine, and this is mainly an internal discussion. the people of germany are waiting for an answer from the authorities to the question: what will be done to prevent the shame from happening again? head of the ministry of internal affairs fraser promised more security control in the future. the german public was very excited about this, because , of course, there were assumptions that something was involved there somehow within nato, but here is
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direct evidence, which also had to be told in the media and the government had to react to it, this is such a first incident, at the wrong time, spiegel publishes news that directly contains leaks. not connected, but it is unlikely to add optimism to the germans. reporters learned from internal defense department documents that pisturius decided to force the issue of resuming compulsory military conscription before the beginning of the future. they would call for more, but there are not enough barracks, so the protesting farmers will have even more reasons to accuse the authorities of pumping up the military budget and draw posters with text like this: today tanks, tomorrow planes, the day after tomorrow our sons. evgenia zemtsova, lead. well, in the meantime, ukrainian.
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and even more so for the front, there is a plan, the military registration and enlistment office is trying to implement it, the hunters for cannon fodder are not asleep, they are organizing a raid around the clock in the most unexpected places. the citizens are in no hurry to receive tickets to the next world; they run away from tetsekashniks like the plague,
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and if they can, they fight back. in kiev, two mobilized people quickly fought off the military commissar, hit him on the head with a brick, and clearly followed all the recommendations from the leaflets, which were at one time very popular in western ukraine. in uzhgorod , the times newspaper writes that young people, as if nothing had happened, continue to have fun in nightclubs, but at the same time. the guys are always afraid that no matter how people in uniform look at the light, they will come can unexpectedly take away several people at once, this is how they tried to forcefully take the men away from the station in chernivtsi, journalists and human rights activists arrived in time, i ’ll give you a barbell, you won’t have enough revenge, shanovny in russian 183 statements and pishov, shanovny guin here in batches, people in batches pack, the lack of a clear mobilization strategy with... an agreement on how many more troops ukraine needs, and became the reasons for the replacement of zaluzhny nasyrsky.
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according to the washington post, the new commander-in-chief did not provide any clarity. zelensky's office was it was stated that out of a million mobilized , only 300,000 people were on the front line, where the remaining 700,000 are still unclear and it is not clear what they are doing. the situation on the battlefield for kiev is deplorable, that’s why they are catching everyone in order to replenish the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. with draft dodgers. they are being dealt with harshly, but a pensioner, the father of five children, unexpectedly received a sentence of 3 years and 3 months in prison for not appearing at the military registration and enlistment office , they listened to the explanation during the trial, but apparently did not hear it, his wife was in the doctor’s office, his wife was in the hospital, an operation she was made by children with me, i couldn’t leave them, mobilized riflemen and orderlies were sent to forcibly defend the republic of ukraine; last summer, doctors from the seventh hospital in krivoy rog went to protests about... due to a sharp decrease in salaries. after several uncoordinated rallies
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, the sbu took over the organizers. the investigation lasted 9 months. as a result, it was decided to send all activists to the front. maria valieva and maya alenova, lead. and there is another leak in the kiev metro. this time vydubich station was unlucky - it is a green line. water drips from the ceiling, flows down the walls, destroys the finish and plaster. so, this is not the first emergency in the kiev metro where the infrastructure is falling into disrepair. the metro station regularly floods; at the end of last year, due to depressurization of the tunnel, part of the blue line was even closed. ukrainian citizens were detained in lugansk for financing the azov organization banned in russia. the man made at least eight money transfers using a mobile platform, a criminal
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case has been opened. the investigation will petition court ordering his detention. investigative bodies of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the lugansk people's republic have opened a criminal case against a citizen of ukraine. he is suspected of financing terrorism. the suspect knows for certain that the ukrainian paramilitary nationalist association. azov is recognized as terrorist, and its activities are prohibited on the territory of the russian federation, from february to november 2023, carried out at least eight money transfers. using mobile platform by a member of this organization. well, as it turned out, the eu defense industry lacks funding, as stated by the head of european diplomacy, josep barel. at the same time, according to him , by the end of march brussels plans to supply kiev with 250,000 shells, which were specially produced for ukraine. according to
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reuters, the european commission intends to transfer the arms industry to a war economy mode. well , ekaterina shamaeva will tell you how the western media now assess the situation on the battlefield. russia is becoming more active uses aviation in the donbass, as the new york times notes, the russian air force is dropping powerful guided bombs on ukrainian positions, thereby clearing the way for infantry. according to experts, such tactics have shown their effectiveness in the avdeevka area. russia's superiority in the air is also recognized by the forbes military observer. 50 bombs per month. this is much better than nothing, but too little to compare with the hundred or more adjustable aerial bombs that the russians can drop every day. russia has a huge advantage in the air and on the ground. by cutting off aid last fall, republicans potentially deprived the ukrainian armed forces of hundreds of thousands of artillery shells. while waiting for additional ammunition supplies from european countries, especially the czech
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republic, ukrainian batteries fire only 2.0 rounds per day, while russian ones can fire 10 daily. a version of the ukraine aid bill could be discussed in a month at best, given that the speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson has not yet decided on his personal position on the document and has not made a clear promise put it forward for a vote, as the tv channel notes, despite the fact that this bill provides for the allocation of a smaller amount to kiev, radicals are opposed to it.
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that time is on the side of the west, that supposedly, by continuing the war, it is possible to achieve a more advantageous negotiating position than the one where we are now. it's an interesting line of thinking if you're sitting on the atlantic coast , but if you're sitting here in the carpathians, it doesn't seem like such a smart idea. relations between kiev and beijing are not going well, as bloomberg reports, citing sources, most of the requests that
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the ukrainian ambassador sent to the chinese ministry and municipalities remained unanswered. instead of the forty meetings that the diplomat asked for, only a few took place. against this background, the agency notes, there are indicators of a completely different level of relations with moscow. the interaction resulted in numerous contacts at different levels and a record intensification of trade relations. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. france has become the first country in the world to enshrine the right to abortion in its constitution. about this the day before france-24 tv channel reported. an article was added to the country's constitution: the right of women to freely resort to voluntary termination of pregnancy is guaranteed by law. well , 780 deputies voted for this initiative, which was proposed by president emmanuel macron and his renaissance party , and 72 were against. this was announced by the chairman of the french national assembly.
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parisians even celebrated the historic event at the foot of the eiffel tower. macron said on his... networks that a public ceremony to seal the constitution will take place on 8 march on international women's day, since the most important thing in france happened in 1975, when simone weil's law legalizing abortion was passed. now the current step, on the one hand, it looks more like macron’s response to the decision of the us supreme court in 2022, which, as far as i understand, was frightening then. but the american press noted that the issue of abortion in france, unlike the same states, is not of a political nature. most french people consider interruption pregnancy and so basic
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health care services. and the british guardian emphasized that this is the first change to the french constitution in the last 16 years. but some experts, for example, predict for france an even greater increase in the number of migrants after the adoption of such an amendment to the constitution. remember, we voted for zhirinovsky and the ldpr, i will raise russia from its knees, i will defend the russians, the great people, great russia, don’t lie and don’t be afraid, zhirinovsky or it will be worse, get up , great russia, not a single unemployed person, homeless, hungry, all these years zhirinovsky, the ldpr fought for you, defended your interests.
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that's it, we played at capitalism and that's enough for nikolai khariton.
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number one on the ballot, time for new ones , i’ll remove it, no, leave it, zhirinovsky’s case.
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number one on the ballot, time for new ones. and now the latest news: vladimir putin arrived in the stavropol territory on a working trip, here is the footage that our colleague, author and host of the moscow, kremlin putin program, pavel zarubin, managed to film ; the president is shown a robot that can collect tomatoes. base. robotics technologies are used here together with artificial intelligence, then it turns out that you see on the screen how the technical vision system works, determining
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the maturity and maturity of the tomato, the distance to it, and give the command, take it and put it in the basket, this development is a team of four people, will young scientist vladimir anton, and now at the bdnkh, they were honored there today. successful and talented women of our country were awarded the prize for the call of a woman’s heart within the framework of the russia exhibition. these included volunteers, doctors, military personnel and journalists who perform various tasks in the special military operation zone. well, vladimir putin, the head of state, addressed the participants, congratulated the women on the upcoming holiday of march 8, and wished them health and family well-being. hundreds of women are there. today on the line of contact, these are doctors and nurses, military personnel of various specialties, among the laureates are women who help our
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fighters, these are the organizers and... thank you for your service, for your perseverance and courage, for mercy, responsiveness and spiritual generosity. dear friends, i would also like to say about the key role of women in preserving our traditions and spiritual and moral values, educating younger generations, because it is women who work in schools and kindergartens and occupy leading positions in education. sphere. women are the main center of attraction in the family. you create here an atmosphere of love and understanding of care. so, today navdnkh began its work as an all-russian women's forum. it will last 2 days. its participants included representatives of all regions of the country. there is a special atmosphere at the russian exhibition; the stands host events dedicated to the role of women’s contribution to
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the development of the state. also at vdn. all industry expositions have been involved and updated according to the appropriate theme; since 2024 has been declared the year of the family, the topic of preserving traditional values ​​will become one of the main ones. the forum also discusses maintaining health, developing women's entrepreneurship and fighting poverty. it is noted that the all-russian women’s forum will be an important stage in preparation for the fourth eurasian women's forum, which will be held in september this year in st. petersburg. russia has become a point of global attraction for women leaders, said chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko. she noted that hundreds of successful women participate in the women's forum, these are mothers of many children, volunteers, health workers, military personnel and those who help participants in a special military operation and provide humanitarian assistance. speaking about the spiritual foundations of our culture. one cannot help but
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talk about mercy, compassion, responsiveness is what has always distinguished russian women. today , these deep-seated qualities are more important than ever to support participants in a special military operation. there are also women with us who send parcels, warm clothes, and camouflage nets sewn by themselves to the guys at the front. hands. and the key event of this day at vdnh was the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners with a prize at the call of a woman’s heart. its founders are the federation council and the state fund defenders of the fatherland. 10 women became luriates. the winners were awarded several nominations, such as together to victory, voice of truth, preservation of traditions, strength of family and in the fight for life. was in baku,
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the visit of the russian prime minister will last 2 days, at these moments he is holding negotiations with his azerbaijani counterpart ali asadov. mikhail mishustin is also scheduled to meet with president of the republic ilham aliyev. according to the press service of the russian government, following the visit of the head of the cabinet of ministers to azerbaijan , it is planned to sign a number of intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents. now there are more benefits at bigfest and a choice of five favorite products at a very favorable price from march 11 in a delicious and period open a deposit with the best percentage of up to 16% per annum in smera, when you give russian lotto tickets it may turn out that you have given a million-dollar shopping experience and even 101 poodles win every
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