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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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we see how our competitors, well , roughly speaking, are putting a spanner in the works for our agricultural exports, including the fact that we can mention the law recently passed by the us congress on counteracting russian agricultural exports, no russia agriculture act, that is, completely direct opposition, in in this regard, of course, the continuation of the export project is a very, very important signal for us that we can significantly increase production volume. well, at the end of my short speech i would like to thank you for opening the chinese pork market, i know that not only the government, not only non-agricultural, not only rosselkhoznadzor , work, you personally participated in this, promoted it, and i can assure you, magazines are asking if you will not export the same to china, we will not export it, we will produce much more new volumes, than we plan to supply, thank you very much. look,
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what would you like to say on this issue, i ’ll start right from the middle of your speech, when you said about, well, somewhere in the end, more precisely, that competitors are opposing our development, and so is happening in all directions, not only in the field of agriculture
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, they died because they cannot sell their products, the other side of seemingly good intentions, i’m not talking about other tools for supporting ourselves there are attempts to limit our development, my colleague was only talking about carbon neutrality, but that’s well... those who work in the field of ecology, well, just not those who work for a foreign pomegranate, but based on national interests, and those who work in the field of energy are well aware of the report is that a lot of everything, at least from what was invented in europe, in the european union, was connected not only with attempts to preserve nature, with attempts to de-energize our competitiveness. competitive
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advantages in the field of energy, cheap , cheap energy resources, they came up with all kinds of prisoners, what and how to do in order to force us to level out our advantage, to pay them, consumers, for the fact that we supply cheap goods to their market, here gas is cheap, yeah, you produce something from it. coal power plants and are already thinking about how to return to nuclear energy, they don’t forget their loved ones under any circumstances, well, of course we need...
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to proceed from reality, and of course, these attempts, attempts to somehow strangle our, our export potential, they exist, they , they will be, they will always be in any direction where russia is firmly on its feet, and we, for our part, of course, must support producers of agro-industrial products, as we did until now, here... in previous years , the volume of support was somewhere around 250 billion, and now it’s 450 billion, and of course we will increase this, of course, we will not leave the industry only with good wishes and considerations , that everything is already good, but we essentially started this in 2015.
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after the well-known events in crimea, they introduced restrictions on the import of agricultural products from abroad from countries that began to be introduced in connection with...
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here, well, a few years ago there were 250-something billion in support, now it’s already 400, 258, now 400 is also 60 or something like 450, so we will certainly increase it, there are also problems that have arisen today, they are new ones related to logistics, related to distribution, to distribution, there are many of them, we we are that’s all we understand, and we will try to work with you along all these lines. well, i hope that this ministry with you on vkontakte hears you all the time, behaves actively, at the government level, tries to do all this - to receive appropriate resources and in a timely manner, we will definitely work, but what they have done in the field
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of meat production is, of course, also incredible, here they talked about the legs of bush beads, we know what it is, i won’t say now, what can we say about it, so they also drank royals , this one or whatever it’s called, produced in unlimited quantities there from poland, from other countries, now we are developing our own winemaking, you see, this is a completely different story, so it gives a visible result, first, second - this is extremely important for ensuring stability in the country, this is one of the key industries, we will work, we will definitely help in all these areas. vladimirovich, thank you very much for such a detailed answer, well, i think that sergei evgenievich will probably support all industries from the point of view of state support, from the point of view of the export project, but this project is a really important story, because even i am what i am said that we are gradually moving towards such an export-oriented paradigm
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of agricultural development, without in any way forgetting about ensuring the domestic market high-quality affordable food, but this is really a long-term mainline development for our industry as a whole, the population is growing. we talked about another very important, one of the fundamental sectors for the agricultural subsectors, this is, of course, grains, a sector that is developing, crop farming, the grain sector, which is developing really very, very dynamically, we have been very fully self-sufficient for a long time, moreover
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, russia has long been -has long been one of the key exporters, we are number one on the world wheat market , other crops are actively developing, i think that here... we have tremendous opportunities opening up, and it ’s precisely about these opportunities and the risks and challenges that producers face that i would like eduard to briefly talk about today zernin, this is the head of the national union of grain exporters, eduard, please have the floor, good afternoon, vladimir vladimirovich, first of all, allow me, okay, let me thank you for your trust, we all listened to your message to the federal government. remember the target growth figure agricultural exports by one and a half times by the year 1930, i can assure you that grain exporters are ready to fulfill this task and even help their colleagues, because we really have a backlog, we have a colossal internal resource, we have
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excellent positioning in foreign markets, so what happened over the last 2 years, that attempt to cancel russian grain on the world market, it failed miserably, because yes... we were disconnected from some international institutions, financial, brokerage companies, but during this time we built direct connections, and in fact , not only quickly filled the gap that these global institutions brought to us, but even increased our export volumes, and if last season we supplied our share in the world market was 20%, then this season we are already approaching the 25% mark, that is , every fourth ton of grain on the world market will be of russian origin, that is , actually my questions are related to the fierce competitive struggle in our direction, because of course, being...
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consumption is growing - in national markets , yet the price of grain paradoxically
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decreases on the exchanges, using other price indicators, the entire market is guided by the prices set by chicago or or paris, that is, two exchanges, the key grain exchanges that exist today , we consider this to be fundamentally wrong, because neither we, as the largest producer, nor our colleagues in the shop, nor consumers are actually interested in there being a dependence. from third countries, and for consumers is also important, because that just as the price is falling today, we remember how a year and a half ago the price was growing at a frantic pace, this was also a problem for our consumers, we are interested in the stable development of the market, in a stable increase in supplies, in fact, we believe that we need to organize ourselves and offer some kind of then your constructive solution for a new round of development of the world grain market. another problem that we faced literally a few months ago became a problem, a new problem with
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mutual settlements, that is, if before we understood that there are problems with banks of unfriendly countries, then today banks of friendly countries stop payments, this is a very dangerous trend, we understand that they are under pressure from third countries, that this is not their own initiative, because no one in their right mind will refuse profitable business with us, moreover, a business that is officially recognized everywhere as excluded from...
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i’m talking about russia, about india, about china, about brazil, at the same time the largest importer of these products is again china, egypt, saudi arabia, that is, these are countries that, in principle, we complement. for many key crops such as wheat , corn, rice, we are self-sufficient within the framework of the association, moreover, we can supply other countries, we can sell to them through a similar exchange mechanism, but this is an exchange that will be under the control of producers and consumers, and not to stock market speculators, we ask you to strongly support this idea, to give instructions to our foreign ministry, the medical farm in order to reach the official level to work with other countries, goals
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increasing agricultural exports in terms of grain exports, and i think other products, because all standard agricultural products can be traded on this exchange, which are traditionally traded on commodity exchanges. and the second question, it is already related to our internal agenda, is the question of supply logistics. because the key factor for the success of our export operations is the timely accumulation of consignments at the ports. well, now there ’s an election debate on the russia-24 channel, we honestly didn’t expect that big conversation, which is currently taking place in the stavropol region, dedicated to agriculture, the topic of our conversation today with presidential candidates with proxies of presidential candidates, this is also agriculture, i will be pleased to introduce the participants in our program today, with us is a confidant of
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a candidate for the presidency of russia from a political party new people vladislav davankova, alexander alexandrovich khrudzh. agricultural policy of the russian federation today, are any changes needed here, if so, then of course what? alexander alexandrovich, please, your 4 minutes. well, firstly, we still
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have food in many regions, in almost all stores, this is a fact, which means that we characterize it as at least satisfactory, of course.
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you didn’t launch government programs, they only alleviated this problem a little , the fate of the farmer remained the same, he produces products, then they hand them over to processors, where, as a rule , most of the profit is recorded, and accordingly , it is then sold through wholesale centers to one buyer or another, what we ultimately offer is to deepen the processing of products. and vladislav davankov’s program, which consists of 170 points, it is based on real life on the experience of interaction and communication with people who are directly related to the topic, directly, i live in the village, in the krasnodar region, the village of kamyshevatskaya, i spend a lot of time there and i can say that i see and know first-hand how
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these people actually live, what they face when... you wonder: what do you need? do we need to change our policies? they say: well, let’s make roads first, and indeed, we haven’t had roads built in our rural areas for many years, when further programs are discussed, i am sure that the winning presidential candidate will definitely return to the issue of building and restoring rural roads. the second point is the depth of processing, which means it depends, among other things, on the import of modern equipment. what is modern equipment? this energy-intensive equipment is reliable, which capable of working for many decades, because our production capacities, often inherited from the soviet era, have worn out a long time ago, so we can and want to make high-quality flour and supply it to the whole world, we have everything for this. the third
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point is environmental friendliness, environmental friendliness of products, on which the future of our children and our health already depend. ago, but there’s only one problem: we don’t have kindergartens, we don’t have decent medicine , and accordingly, we sometimes rejoice when they leave, but we really want to. that they stayed in our villages, i will remind you that it is in the villages that our birth rate and demographics are rising. thank you. oleg nikolaevich, please, your time. dear voters.
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russia is in a changing world order, and reaching the forefront in these conditions, of course, it can only rely on itself, on its population, on products that are produced in the conditions of russian reality. today we are in conditions of unprecedented economic sanctions, and of course, in this issue we are in the issue of agriculture farms should rely only on their agriculture, and here we must pay tribute, our farmers keep their mark at the top, in recent years the productivity of agricultural labor has been increasing, we provide for ourselves... in most products on our own, and this is precisely the feat that lies in , that almost all the lands of the russian federation
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are located in the zone of risky agriculture, in addition, our phytosanitary threats are very high, and despite such conditions, our agricultural workers create good conditions for the development of the economy of our country. vladimir volfevich zhirinovsky back in 2007 said the phrase “don’t lie and don’t be afraid,” and he said that tell the truth, what problems exist, otherwise we will not be able to solve these problems through silence. leonid eduardovich slutsky conducted a survey, an all-russian population survey, tell sludsky the truth, during which agricultural workers were also surveyed, and based on their answers, a program has already been formed.
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it is possible for our farmers to have them work in an unmanned project so that they we have reduced the physical load that
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our farmers bear. the next problem that is highlighted and that needs to be solved is the problem of digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex, here digitalization could help us well in the development of agricultural crops, because. zones of risky farming, then we need crops that would germinate in the heat and cold, and these climatic conditions would not interfere with them, and of course, the problem of ensuring food security is very is important for the country, and the doctrine of food security of russia has been adopted , which defines the parameters, the necessary parameters, what, how much food is needed for the safe existence of our ... country, and the most important direction is the support of farmers, agriculture is an area of ​​risky farming and is unattractive ,
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therefore the state should actively support, nikolai mikhailovich, please, your time, dear comrades, dear tv viewers, today is iosifin’s memorial day stalin's heart stopped beating on march 5, 1953. communist, statist , leader of our state, under whose leadership the state was formed by vladimirovich lenin back in 1917, proved to the whole world that socialism, with state control and support, shook the masses, carried out collectivization, cultural revolution, carried out large industrial areas of work, strengthened. and then, when the war began, yes, the conditions were difficult, the readiness was not easy, but still our state managed, under the leadership of stalin,
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practically. to this day , about 40 million ghashni have been restored for inversions, today there is no livestock of cattle, that is, our population does not receive whole milk, which means there is no calcium, and to put it briefly, there is no substitute for milk, but the palm itself comes through the krasnodar region technical oil, almost one and a half million, so today minister patrushev, based on
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the capabilities of russian finances... budgets , is trying, yes, today investors came, yes, investors today are developing, which means that the lands, mostly through the mechanism of buying and selling land, have taken ownership, yes, today we get 120, 140, 150 million tons of land, but due to the fact that there is no livestock, there is no income, especially large-scale cattle , i mean cows, which means we are going out with grain today, first, second... third in the world for grain sales in a poor country, our president sometimes says: okay, we’ll take it away, free of charge, we’ll help, support in the pacific region of the country africa, therefore it is necessary, and my program clearly says, turn the state to face the village, financial credit policy, finally remove the disparity in prices, especially for mountain lubricants, we must today understand how agricultural producers are suffering
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. then, when there is such a disparity, i have been working for almost 20 years as the director of a state farm in the novosibirsk region, i remember that time a kilowatt per hour was 3 kopecks, diesel fuel was 4, 6, 8 kopecks, today, depending on the territory, a kilowatt is 8 rubles. what happened, no new hydroelectric power stations were built, something new is not there raised, what's the matter, but because they sawed chubais, you remember, as a result of privatization, to stop the outflow of the population, in fact, the outflow of the population, my colleague says, young people are leaving and villages, not only is there no kindergarten, i’m not even talking about the outflow, schools , that is, the opportunity for a young man to gain a foothold in a job and even with a good salary, my program
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speaks about all this, therefore... i will remove it, no, leave it, zhirinovsky’s case
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lives on, the slutsk candidate. my grandfather is a world-famous chemist; in the nineties they called him abroad, but he always refused, saying that the davankovs have only one homeland - russia. i want us to be proud of our scientists and respect our teachers. therefore, investments in science and education should double. and this is in my program: with love for people. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, number
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one on the ballot. time for something new.


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