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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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my grandfather is a world-famous chemist; in the nineties they invited him abroad, but he always refused, saying that the donankovs had only one homeland, russia. i want us to be proud of our scientists and respect our teachers. therefore, investments in science and education should double. and this is in my program. with love for people. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, number one on the ballot. remember, we
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voted for zhirinovsky and the ldpr, i will raise russia from its knees, i will defend the russians, to the great people, great russia, don’t lie and don’t be afraid, zhirinovsky, or it will be worse , get up, great russia, not a single unemployed, homeless, hungry, all these years zhirinovsky, the ldpr fought for you, defended your interests, be true to yourself, vote for the ldpr, vote for sludsk. it is difficult to find a person in russia who would not dream of justice and a better life. few people know that at our national enterprises the salary is more than 100,000 rubles. free medicine, education, interest-free housing, every second family has many children. and it will be like this everywhere. we played at capitalism, and that's enough. for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. my name is
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vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be happy and confident in the future. i am running for the presidential election so that we all live with dignity and freedom, in a modern and peaceful country, live with love and the future, live in a new way. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, is number one on the ballot. time for something new. well, we continue the debate of candidates in presidents and proxies of presidential candidates. let me remind you that the topic that we proposed for discussion today is agriculture. now, with the permission of our respected debate participants, we will move on to the issue of food security, food sovereignty, how well we meet these criteria and what kind of government policy is needed here.
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somewhere under the guise of something, the so -called parallel import, it sometimes clouds the mind, so when we talk about production, we need high-tech equipment and specialists, the cost of importing such equipment must be minimized or eliminated, this is the first very important position, the second position is the seed fund, you know, in the country in which it has been developing for so many years.
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all the vedas in general about agriculture, everything , right down to decoros, if we look now, remember the times of consumer cooperation, absolutely wonderful, i think there was a time when you could hand over the surplus, yes, this is a healthy, normal grandfather, which is all then we dreamed of buying it in the city, yes, we had a bogcha, we donated the surplus, and so, coming back, it turns out that we have lost our seed fund, we... buy everything, which means the question arose, how can we collect and store now, we need technology, this is a whole complex technological chain , and the most important thing is where and to whom to sell them, where to store them, so i believe that there should be a separate program for creating a seed fund in russia, we have a lot of seeds that need to be preserved, these will be our branded varieties, and no matter what cultures, it is not then... grain. the second point is that we have
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the production of agricultural machinery. thank god, the rassilmash plant has survived, i worked there. i think there will be a revival of agricultural aviation , but not the kind of agricultural aviation that existed before, when we used airplanes and helicopters with rather low efficiency. agricultural aviation is based on unmanned aerial vehicles. let me remind you
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that this technology is actually now, as they say, dual-use, but sooner or later everything will end peacefully and a large number of us will be freed up. trained operators of unmanned aerial vehicles, and i believe that we can not only provide ourselves with the ability to provide agricultural aviation based on uavs, but also other countries, that is, we can provide this service to our partners. as for the personnel training system. this means that we are still preparing a lot of training in universities. the number of specialists in theory, and we need a transition to practice-oriented education so that a person who is now preparing to become an agronomist, immediately from the second year , has the opportunity to study on a collective farm in a forestry
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practice. vladislav davankov, number one ballot thank you, oleg nikolaevich, same question, please, same time, dear voters, we all... know well, understand what food security is, from a regulatory point of view, the doctrine of food security is enshrined and said about that it is an integral part of an influential part of the national security strategy, all this is clear, but from a scientific point of view it has been developed, what is food security, what factors does it depend on, but the first thing is of course, the availability of products, that is, there must be the required quantity of products.
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the strong dependence of the agro-industrial complex on energy resources, is it good to have a rich harvest, we all rejoice when there is a rich harvest and say: what great farmers are, but what is the benefit for the agrarian? this is the downside, why? because it requires purchasing more fuel, it
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requires more storage facilities, if there is no storage facility in your area, then you need to transfer it to a neighboring area, buyers immediately begin to reduce the cost.
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which guides him, such a practice existed in our country, it justifies itself, the state spends money, but the state must also receive a response, and of course, it is necessary to improve the standard of living in the villages, leonid eduardovich says that it is necessary to bring the regions closer in terms of living standards to the capital, large cities, and the village should not be deprived in this regard. development is important for russia, and i will repeat once again that we are grateful to our farmers that
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they live in difficult physical conditions labor, they work selflessly and create all the conditions for the country to develop successfully. thank you very much, nikolai mikhailovich, please. the agro-industrial complex is a life-forming industry. in the situation when we... but in order for them to work successfully, we need financial, credit policy,
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we need government support, i mean budgetary. in soviet times, when i worked as the director of a state farm, from 1976 to 1994 until january, the expenditure side of the budget was at least 15%. today, if we have the budget for the twenty-fourth year is about 37 trillion, 1.3.5% of the budget expenditures. so we turned, as if an investor would come, he would develop the territory, today those who lived and worked in the territory, rare, rare, where people's enterprises were organized, and the communist party of the russian federation helped and supervises such enterprises, which means that the siberian salt is self-ruled alekseevich, a national enterprise, headed by a communist, kazankov in maril, literally before all those sanctions, izvenigovskaya, medals from all kinds of european competitions for meat products,
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they brought 26 medals, the conditions there are practically such that the manager does not row for himself, like an investor, he, together with the team, owns the shares, and almost everyone is happy with their work, i’m not even talking about lenin’s state farm, pavel nikolaevich grudin, an absolutely national enterprise , absolutely social issues are all resolved, person, kindergarten. school, apartment, which means interest-free loans for an apartment, just recently we celebrated the centenary of education, the smallest family - 4-5 people, four to five people, why? that's why that many issues in this economy have been resolved today, therefore my program provides for the restoration of large enterprises, large ones without fail, yes we agree, small medium-sized businesses, where there are small plots of land... please, but without a financial credit policy it is impossible for them to live, i remember the first time, the end of the nineties
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, the beginning of 2000, when they turned to me, nikolai mikhailovich, help, help, we’ll come to the bank, rosselkhozbank was created, a guarantor, a pledge, who will be, here’s a man spinning, spinning, in fact, this idea is abandoned, therefore, if we want to develop the agro-industrial complex, all forms of ownership, it is necessary to create a financial credit policy, i’m not even saying that we were dragged into it. this means that they joined the organization at a time when minimal support for the wto, the world trade organization, was practically provided for, the main condition there was the destruction of our food program, so today the food program, food independence, the agro-industrial complex, this is practically on level of the military-industrial complex, imagine for a moment there is no food, we have the largest, largest arable lands located in krasnodar. in the orenburg region 5.5 million, 5.5 million, and practically in
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the altai territory, but the far eastern federal district, where the president since the thirteenth year said, the 21st century is the development, which means the far east, the far east does not feed itself, just recently decided to create a special program for the development of the agro-industrial complex in the far eastern federal district. thank you very much, but when we talk about food security, many understand this as sufficient quantity. food is necessary for all people who live in our country, but you can argue, of course, with this definition, especially since we are now developing this topic, it is i who propose to answer the question: maybe...
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apples, someone cherries , of course, everyone dreamed of collecting, not without this, but they sent them to harvest potatoes, but the idea itself, you understand, what comes first, and we have one of the most basic tasks, that we need to develop demography, yes, that’s it they correctly said that in the village there are actually three more children, as a rule, in a family, in the city there are less than two, so the question and the answer to it are obvious, yes, at the expense of what, at the expense of the village, therefore gathering. yes, we say grow it all the time, but their most environmentally friendly grows somewhere in the forest, we are the world's largest supplier of pine nuts, wild plants, wild plants, we have a whole industry of wild plants, we collect strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, we can do it all process, supply to the whole world, we have a wonderful partner, neighbor china, who with
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i am happy to buy these products, buy them at high prices, by the price of trees. yes , the same thing, here, mind you, we had a completely interesting story about fish, about growing fish, nikolai mikhailovich touched on this story about financing, why we need long-term loans if you are starting production, any person who he was engaged in fish, he understands that if you grow assitrina, then he begins to milk, well, when you can take caviar, after 7 years, after 7 years it is a mature fish, depending on what kind of assitrina. well, as a rule, that is, the average project implementation period is seven or more years, all programs were designed for five years, accordingly, this industry has not developed in our country, so if we want truly environmentally friendly products, it is not enough for us to put badges, put badges, we learned very well in europe, e
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there in other countries, they learned these eco-friendly things, but we need to take the best from there, how to label, we will quickly master this. this is the most important thing to grow, and the most important thing is that the consumer is ready to understand that food is without gmos, they must learn this, our children are in schools, i'm sorry, but has anyone seen a subject for your children in school where they tell you how to eat properly, no, no, grandma, if she teaches and tells you that jam is much better than coca-cola, then the child the right one, whoever else sends it to the grandmothers, he will return. she will say, grandma, she taught me, this is really cool jam and i need to treat my throat with raspberries, you know, that’s why vladislav davankov is number one on the ballot, let’s vote, we come back, happy present, like nikolayevich we will continue, of course, i i support alexander alexandrovich, and indeed this problem is very serious,
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it can be solved in our country, because we have experience, and we lived in those conditions when we grew melons and melons in our... dachas, we went into the forest, collected them, eat problems, but - today russia has reached a high level in terms of agricultural products, we provide ourselves with milk, we provide ourselves with meat, grain more than one and a half times, sunflower oil is also more than almost one and a half times, but a problem arises, oh which leonita edouarge declares: all the time, tell the truth, that’s why we sell sunflower oil abroad , we buy palm oil there, as nikolai mikhailovich said, palm oil, it comes in different forms, there is... red palm oil, which is very healthy, there is yellow oil , which can only be used there for rubbing parts, this is the kind of oil they sell us, here officials must
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honestly say that we sell this kind of oil, and the ministry of agriculture must also tell officials why we sell sunflower oil, this is it a marketing ploy, or is this a targeted policy: will we sell sunflower oil at a higher price and buy it at a lower price? “you know, i know the answer to this question, when they supplied us with the technology for the production of this or that margarine, they immediately included in the technological chain the operation of this equipment, produced there in the west on this particular palm oil, which is why it has to be purchased, yes of course , and i, as we said, here you need to ask one of those lawyers who may have long-term contracts here and we are ours a country. now i have to do this , here this of course needs to be decided, but scientists must also have their say: we buy a lot of exotic products,
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exotic products, they are always useful to people at any time of the year, the old joke is when the first strawberries appear at 5 :00 in the morning, we really need strawberries in january or february, they are indeed exotic fruits, but how are they transported, the question arises, how are they stored, people start to come up with ideas:
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they say, why not mix, you have to, eat after six, there, there, there is a balance of proteins , fats, carbohydrates, yes, it contained white, when i was in my younger years, here we all strictly adhered to, but why don’t we advertise a healthy lifestyle, they advertise a lot of products , they talk a lot about eating as much as you like, everything is there, but where is the right nutrition, where is the right lifestyle, with physical education, with sports?
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of the territory, 40% of arable land was taken out of production, it is necessary to restore this when mishustin just began to squat the government there was a meeting in blagoveshchensk, yes, he was right at that time, i also spoke there, when he said it was necessary to create opportunities for open and closed soils for vegetables. yes, today in chukotka there are magnificent greenhouse farms, yes, today in chukotka we were there in yakutia, a magnificent greenhouse was built, with support. the japanese grow 2,200 tons of cucumbers, 800 tons of tomatoes and much more, but chukotka today grows 100 tons of cucumbers, but it should be on
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a nationwide scale, i repeat. once again, you need whole natural milk for people, today we have only 7.8 million cows, this is very little, in soviet times we produced more than 50 million tons of whole milk in the russian federation, today we produce about 30, then 27, then 31 million tons, this is not enough, i already gave an example for a person to have strong bones, you, we, all together need it. and tv viewers at least 100 g of natural cottage cheese, for what? cottage cheese is calcium, calcium, calcium is our bones, why sometimes suddenly a friend walked , fell, arm, leg, thigh and so on, there is no calcium, there is no natural cottage cheese, but the fact that today they supply palm oil - this is not a substitute, i am not scaring the population, we in the state duma considered the possibility of cutting off the supply of this oil, better, give us water, say, good people,
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better give us water. and at least 8, 10, 12, and i guarantee this as a professional agrarian, but there are no other options, if there is no government support, an environmentally friendly product is impossible, i’m not talking about personnel, i’m not talking about control, i’m not saying that it is necessary to strengthen the machine and tractor fleet and scientific technologies. necessarily there must be, this is a whole complex, here my colleagues say: personnel training, i studied after the third, fourth year, practice for 2-3 months, specifically directly at the enterprise with the economy, so today many educational institutions, higher and secondary specialized schools have lost educational and auxiliary economy, so today sometimes theoretically we are preparing a specialist, dear tv viewers, my program is professionally
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prepared by the company , i will remind you that voting for a candidate is the last block of political debates today, president of the russian federation will be held on march 15, 16 and 17, there is still time, well, i think there is plenty of time to understand the political programs, candidates for this highest government post, and i think on... the program is in this for you, i hope, somehow helped, thank you for your attention, large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements at the main
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exhibition. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events, everything that delights russia, immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to... russia. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together. we speak very different languages, but we have one desire: a diverse and open world for everyone. every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival. let's start the future together. find out more
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at fest 2020. this is a big information evening, that’s what i’ll tell you about. in the next hour. new pages of the battle for avdeev. they were ambushed, but fought back and got out of the encirclement and rescued their relatives. the story of the incredible endurance of our soldiers. shaigu greenhouse. unique footage from the kiraniya production plant in russia. the attack drone is being taken to the next level. the drone has been modernized again. plus.


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