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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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com. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. new pages of the battle for avdeev. they were ambushed, but fought back and got out of the encirclement and saved their soldiers. the story of the incredible endurance of our soldiers. shaigu greenhouse - unique footage from the kiraniya production plant in russia. the attack drone is being taken to the next level. the drone has been modernized again.
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blueberries and weathered beer? chaya kallas wanted to respond wittily to journalists, but fell into a puddle. now the internet is wondering how is it generally possible to combine such products and then what does she drink for lunch? nato troops cross the vistula. major exercises in poland as a scenario for a possible conflict with russia. what goal is the alliance pursuing by bringing its equipment to our borders? licking peanut butter off a classmate's feet, competition at an oklahoma school. charity in the american way, who benefits from it, but you can stop loving peanuts. another fragment of the battlefield that historians have to restore like this with absolutely justification. today is revealed
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the heroic story of russian soldiers who participated in the liberation of avdeevka from the occupation of the kiev regime. the ridovka publication learned fascinating details. according to him , in the midst of the assault, a group of military personnel in an armored personnel carrier hit a hornet's nest of the ukrainian armed forces. the militants immediately knocked out the car, so the guys had no chance of escaping on wheels, so they decided to hold the line literally, where in the middle of a building it would be completely destroyed by non-stop artillery fire. well, it would seem. for russian soldiers, deprived of reliable shelter, the situation is truly hopeless, but for the enemy , on the contrary, it is obviously advantageous, especially since he, taking advantage of his numerical superiority, seemed to be able to take our guys into complete encirclement, anticipating an easy victory, but everything turned out completely wrong, he will confirm anton fotkovenko, anton, hello, greetings, well, even here the enemy’s teeth were properly broken off, greetings, yes, that’s right, ours came out to our own in battle, showing exceptional courage and incredible fortitude. when
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an armored personnel carrier in the heat of battle got into ambush, our fighters not only managed to fight back, but also got out of the encirclement, all this looks like a movie script, one of the episodes of the battle for avdiivka. here the soldiers show their colleagues from ridovka to voronka where their damaged armored personnel carrier had driven. the landing party then jumped from the car and, under bullets, rushed to the nearest dilapidated house. if we started to panic, we would do something stupid. that's all. we dug in, one stood in the doorway, says a fighter with the call sign rocker, when the earphones appeared, the sentry saved him, managed to warn him, i think it was the guy who saved me here, i i immediately fell back, started shooting back, dropped him off at the store, immediately picked up the machine gun, which had fallen out full, we all dispersed into the rooms. then
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they shouted at each other for a long time, who was where, in the end they gathered, but they started throwing grenades at us, explosions, on our first approach near kherson, we had a similar situation, this incident evokes only respect, to some extent i even have envy, i would even like, perhaps, to find myself in a similar situation, so i could test myself, prove myself.
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there for 2 hours, we were on duty for 2 hours, took turns, that is, it was possible to sleep during the day , the water was passed on by touch, because neither the lanterns nor the fire could be lit, otherwise... the enemy would notice, they sat for 5 days, so on the sixth they went for a breakthrough, actually by chance, collected everyone, i went first, well, to , well, set an example, or something, i’ll run here, which means we have a machine gunner sitting in, controlling in that direction, i turn around, there’s no one but us, then it turned out that they have a jammed machine gun there, they stopped, lost us, thought... okay, the only way how to to get it out of there is to take that two-story building. what clarity of thought? please note, what kind of self-control is this? and note, this episode that this guy went through is just one of
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many episodes that he will live until he personally ends this war. the fighters understood that. our main forces are somewhere nearby, but if surrounded, the situation can become deadly literally every minute. in this window, i see there against the background of the skylight from that window, a silhouette flashes, comes out from behind the wall, that’s how i start pounce on him, yeah, i don’t hit him, i throw a grenade there, that’s it, i drive him away, i climb into this window, a machine gunner picks me up. as a result, the group retreated to a garage nearby, in a viewing hole the fighters hid from enemy reconnaissance drones until our guys arrived, they did a beautiful job, beautifully, however, in the morning i heard that they are starting to water from everything that is in this building ,
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they came in, one might say, from the rear, liberated our people, then they took everything away, this episode, like perhaps tens of hundreds... changes instantly, no matter what you line up schemes, the line of contact is blurred in one way or another, it changes contours, and what does not go according to plan can sometimes lead to unexpected results; it often happens in war that a wrong turn makes it possible
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to do a heroic act and allow the main forces to advance forward, the guys with character were able to do it, believe me, we will hear dozens of such stories with... with you, indeed, as in a cool action movie, dashes with battles, but ours came out of the encirclement in avdeevka, which was already dilapidated at that time, and the wounded too managed save, so each of them has a leading role in this film. antom potkovenko and the undefeated warriors. well, right now the russian military continues to occupy more advantageous positions west of avdievka throughout the day in this area. improved the situation along the front line in the donetsk direction, where the kiev regime lost about 300 militants and a couple of tanks, the latest summary of the special operation in the material of denis alekseev , the group of troops in the center after the capture of avdievka
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is developing an offensive, in this direction the armed forces of ukraine are surrendering lines, retreating en masse without opportunities to gain a foothold. i emphasized this.
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on the fronts, in kiev , against the backdrop of general large-scale losses , they won’t even pay attention to such unimpressive numbers; they continue to perceive personnel there as expendable . in the navdeevsky direction , units of the center’s group of troops, as a result of coordinated actions, continued to occupy more advantageous positions. they inflicted fire damage on personnel and equipment of 24, 31, 47. they repelled three counterattacks in the areas of kirov, berdychi and shumy, as well as 10 counterattacks in the areas of tonikovo, pervomaisky and orlowski. a series of strikes were carried out on targets in the odessa region. we are talking about at least ten explosions in advance. the arrivals took place in a flangar with drones from the nasams air defense launcher, a base for the ukrainian armed forces marines. buildings of the next sanatorium, our pilots
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were located, they, as usual, in unused army aviation , hit the positions of militants in the severodonetsk direction with unguided missiles, from the closest possible distance the targets were destroyed, and the militants at the same time go to all sorts of cynical tricks to to minimize losses, for example, forward positions, a forest belt and an ambulance moving among... trees, inside, of course, there are not wounded armed forces soldiers, to be sure, ukrainian commanders don’t take their own from the battlefield, and the ambulance is certainly there, there are mortar shells inside to them, the military personnel unload the contents and carry them to the firing points, ours record everything, the coordinates of the position were transferred to specially trained people, the mortar crew hardly stayed for long in this area, in the kupensky direction, units of the western troop groups improved their tactical position and inflicted fire damage. accumulation of manpower and equipment, the sixtieth mechanized, twenty-fifth airborne, sixty-eighth
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infantry brigades in the areas of the settlements of yampolovka, terny and sverdlovka, repelled five attacks of the forty-first, mechanized, fifty-seventh motorized infantry brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the senkovka area. losses in the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine per day, another thousand militants went well to the formations in the donetsk direction, there are serious battles on the artyomovsk flanks towards chasovyar. the assault on the village of krasnoye, also known as ivanovskoye, continues. our military is hitting the enemy’s deployment points and transshipment bases and communications equipment, doing everything possible to prevent the ukrainian command from strengthening the group on this front. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. well, familiar white ones, stylish ones, gray ones, which have not yet been put on public display so often, as well as strict black ones, it seems especially for those who like to give gifts. these are spectacular pre-holiday shots from sergei’s greenhouse
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shaigu, where giranis grow for every taste. this is exactly how people in the russian blasphemy comment on the filming of the large-scale production of famous drones. in kamikaze , as it is not difficult to notice, work in the assembly shop goes on non-stop, which makes it possible to plant new rows non-stop, although in greenhouse conditions they, of course, do not stay for long, because the best air delivery in the world regularly sends bouquets to the addresses of kiev . but seriously, the number of uavs in the video without involvement is amazing, if anyone tried to estimate at least approximate production volumes, then i’ve probably lost count and by the way they differ not only in appearance, stanislav bernval was convinced , stanislav, good evening, as far as i understand, if necessary, it will be possible to launch at least a thousand girans at the same time, well, nothing can resist this, in principle everything perhaps, and this, by the way, is what the kiev regime is very afraid of, namely mass raids of geraniums. even a cursory glance at the published video from the so-called shaigu greenhouse is enough to understand
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the production of giran uavs in russia is estimated at many dozens of drones per day. recently, ukraine has announced that russia is using new versions of the geranium uav in the special operation zone, which are much more difficult to detect and hit by the ukrainian air defense system. most likely, it is the production of improved ones. got caught in the video, let's figure it out, watch the video carefully again, it is clear that there is really a huge amount of finished products in the workshop, such a workshop, according to even ukrainian experts, can produce from 600 to 200 drones per month, and let me remind you that ukrainian intelligence previously stated that 600-800 units per month is already a threatening quantity for the ukrainian armed forces, but the number of attack drones is higher. range of action, the actions that russia can carry out
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will certainly depress our opponents, they can deliver a thermoboric warhead that can burn out any closed territory or fortified area, in this regard, of course, the production of girani independently with our components for russia is not easy know-how, and already getting on a war footing, why exactly massive gyranium strikes frighten the ukrainian military and experts so much... everything is really simple: the pro-ukrainian system has already been thoroughly destroyed, the existing electronic warfare means clearly cannot withstand the pressure, and this just the beginning. modernized giranis are capable of causing even more problems at the front with minimal resistance. here is the military communications expert of the ukrainian armed forces, sergei flash , who speaks about this with annoyance in his telegram channel. it's like a kamara bite for you one is not scary, but imagine, every day 40, 60, 100 bites, and so on for almost a year, and with increasing dynamics.
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this is no longer some kind of workshop. where several people are trying to do it, this is already a full-scale production with all that it implies, so we understand that the production technology of these uavs has been fully developed, they are only being further improved there in terms of improving the performance of the engine, autopilot, avionics, and so on and the like, tags wounds that bloomed over ukraine at the beginning of the northern military district are strikingly different from the current ones, which have already been modernized several times... pla. firstly, the speed in the twenty-second year was in service and gyranias were delivered and the speed of which did not exceed, at best , 300 km/h. the main mass developed a speed of only 170-200 km. the enemy quickly found a way to combat drones. a striking example of this is the german cheetah anti-aircraft guns. they turned out to be absolutely useless against the main strike forces such as cruise missiles,
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but against low-speed kamikazes they work turned out to be quite successful. how to increase speed? the issue was solved by installing a small-sized jet engine; the engine from pc models was taken as the basis; it is cheap, simple and efficient. as a result, according to our open sources from that side, the speed almost doubled to 600 km/h, maximum at kresesevskaya in the post area. it is much more difficult to hit such an object, especially for tired ukrainian short-range air defense systems. during a massive raid by gerania. new model is almost impossible to cope with these birds, if two or three can be shot down, then if a dozen and 20, then 12 hits are guaranteed at a minimum, and moreover, during the last raid on odessa, it was noted that units were only shot down and a lot of damage to infrastructure facilities in the ssu,
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noted by ukrainian experts themselves on the territory of odessa. but designers still have a lot of work to do, as experts note, now we need to pay special attention to modernizing drone data management systems to receive feedback from adoption centers solutions with the ability to change the flight mission directly while performing the task in the air, as well as improve the parameters for breaking through rep. systems. but it is already clear that modern girani are becoming a very powerful, offensive force that can confidently cope with the expensive western ones. equipment with military infrastructure facilities, and the enemy has nothing to oppose them yet. stanislav bernwald and a luxurious flower garden. the us state department today announced the imminent resignation of the mother of the ukrainian coup. victoria, who reportedly distributes cookies on the maidan, will leave the post of deputy secretary of state within a month,
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apparently does not intend to resume her service, which is understandable, because in 3 and a half decades she has managed to do so much. that many hawks never dreamed of, in addition to helping the kiev regime, nuland, for example, actively pushed through the invasion of american troops in iraq and afghanistan, and also supported anti-russian forces in moldova and georgia, in general, it worked hard, it’s time on retire. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together. we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone. every opinion will be heard. com, large-scale projects, modern technologies,
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new horizons, real russia! and the main exhibition site of the country, 131 of the future, touch all the achievements at the exhibition, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events, everything that russia admires, immerse yourself in... an atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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the decline in production, delays in wages, endless queues, uncertainty, we have left all this behind, we choose new jobs, we choose convenient digital services, we choose confidence. i want more because other needs arise, and this is absolutely normal. together, we choose the future of russia. a plate with yogurt and berries, and next to a cup with an unidentified light liquid, according to the social networks of the prime minister of estonia, who unexpectedly posted her breakfast for everyone to see, and she also stated that the photo was taken specifically for the publication. that is, this is nothing more than a political statement with the help of which kaya kallas is trying to somehow respond to the newspaper’s remark about her incompetence.
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in one of the materials, the american editors doubted that the baltic talking head is capable of achieving leadership positions in the eu and nato, since she, quote: likes to eat russians for breakfast, these are the words of an anonymous european official who claims that because of her cannibalistic kalos' preferences will in no way be able to claim... from the chief diplomat of the european union, and even the attempt of the estonian prime minister to demonstrate his diet to the whole world did not help. the same policy doubted whether kalas actually eats muesli regularly or sometimes even eats russians. in addition, the newspaper noted that the question of the contents of the cup has not been disclosed, but there may be tears of russian imperialists in there. vadim zavodchenko is also joining the discussion on the russophobic menu right now. vadim, hello, good evening. what's in the cup? well, most likely, alexey, tea, only very poorly brewed, apparently, the feces saved gas. either she didn’t understand the metaphor, or she decided to
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make a joke in retaliation, not funny. as a result , we have what we have. another useless photo of food has appeared online. there are no russians on the table, but there are carbohydrates, about 550 calories worth of muesli in yogurt sprinkled with blueberries, in a mug, which... i wonder some types of estonian baked goods, if she showed any national ones, she would have some of her own national traditions, and yogurt is such a a national
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dish, absolutely devoid of face, which, well, so to speak, the whole world has for tomorrow, for some reason i am sure that with such patriotism of theirs, all these same officials are estonian russophobes, they actually don’t even know the kitchen, in general it should be noted , what a...
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there is no set of innovations there, no, but if a politician is empty, if he has a bold look, he follows the path of some simple pictures, what do i eat, where did i go, what kind of sun is shining, this a very primitive pre... form of positioning and political psychological, and of course , well, let’s put it this way, it is surprising that people who claim to lead their country , the leadership of the european union there, perhaps, among other things, they cannot offer their citizen, their voter something more interesting than discussing what i ate for breakfast today. alas, kalas does not like to discuss the real problems of his country, it is clear why. the results of her work are, to put it mildly , not impressive. for example, in 2023, the estonian economy shrank by as much as 3%. and the prime minister's approval rating is now...
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ugly 19%. the only thing going well is the destruction of memorials to soviet soldiers-liberators, but it’s hard to classify this as an achievement, and who would even think of promoting such a manager to important positions, only herself, and probably the most rabid hawks from washington and brussels who expect to govern the eu through a puppet and nato, they assume, not without reason.
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where did she get such food preferences, porridge and berries - quite a typical breakfast of a soviet apparatchik, and her father was just the head of the estonian branch of the labor bank savings and a member of the cpsu. vadim zavodchenkov and
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the russophobe menu. units of the western group of russian troops again improved the tactical situation on the kupa front of the northern military district, while on the yuzhno-donetsk front, where the vostok group operates, massive fire damage was inflicted on two defensive brigades at once in the vodianova and malinovka areas. the enemy's losses amounted to up to 230 manpower; among the disabled equipment there was a stormer air defense system combat vehicle made in great britain, with an advanced report by mikhail andronik. acacia 152 mm, by this weapon rarely works for infantry; it mainly hits armored vehicles or dismantles enemy fortifications. in belogorovka, the artillery of the southern group of troops destroys two-story buildings, which the enemy turned into a fortification of the area and our infantry has already gained a foothold on the outskirts of the village. howitzer crews cut off enemy reserves. ball 539 accepted. guns, fire! armored vehicles are being pulled up, constant
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movement, reconnaissance detects. they report, we quickly try with the guys, the target came, they blew themselves up, ran, worked, camouflaged to get away quickly, because there are times when the enemy is also not sleeping, and you also need to camouflage the gun so that it blends into the terrain, enemy reconnaissance drones do not notice it , we bring it to normal combat, clean the barrel, operate the shutter, constantly in combat readiness , on the first command they ran, shooting. there is no shelter, ammunition, unloading and unloading, of course there is, i hit, i didn’t hit, there is excitement everywhere, like on a hunt, now, when our troops are constantly moving forward, fire, crew maybe for days artillery, as they themselves assure, are accustomed to daily hard work, we support the infantry, that we destroy the district fortifications, points, dugouts of the enemy, so that it would be easier for
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our soldiers to reach our borders , flowers, money and fire, a deadly fire at the capital's flower warehouse, the fire lasted 2,500 km, fire protection.


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