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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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come on guys, let's get crazy, call sign passenger, i'll come back for you, do you hear, vladimir putin has a busy work schedule today in the stavropol territory, where the president talked with employees of the solar gift greenhouse complex. first, the head of state was given a tour of the enterprise and demonstrated the achievements of the local agricultural industry, and after that it was time to discuss issues relevant not only for a specific region, but also for the country as a whole. anastasia efimova is ready to tell you more about everything. anastasia, good evening. hello. well, what assessment did the president give to the stavropol agricultural industry?
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well, it’s obvious that it’s too early to draw conclusions, but the fact that a lot has been done is absolutely certain. the largest, maybe even in europe, but much more important is the solnechny dar greenhouse complex in russia, where the head of state came as part of a working trip to the north caucasus federal district. the president inspected the production itself, which, according to him, was impressive, and talked with the company’s employees. they asked many questions, for example, about attracting students to practice in greenhouses, or about holding industry holidays and festivals
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, we collected greenhouse vegetables last year , this is one of our records, achievements that we can, what is important, what is important, we have our own production, and this equipment is in lipets free economic zone of lipetsk, yeah , this conversation took place at a table, not round, more like a dining table, right in the canteen for the employees of the complex, on the table there was a vitamin salad , apparently pickle with sour cream, hot, of course, compote, and also cucumbers, tomatoes, their they are grown right there on the farm, but what do you like more? the managing technologist asked the president. i was curious to ask you, do you prefer cucumbers or tomatoes most? despite the snack. but seriously, well, it’s both. uh
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-huh, we recommend trying our tomatoes, they are the best, let's try, these are just from these branches where we were now, yes, uh-huh, returning to the conversation about holding a tomato festival, the organization of which the employees asked the president, the head of state addressed the question to municipal authorities, the farm is located in the village of solnechno-dolsk, izobilninsky urban district of stavropol.
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well, at this festival, so that he, this local authorities should help you, so talk to the authorities, there are no local authorities here, no, why does he discriminate, why? i should have invited him, he went to his own place, yeah, by the way, i looked, you have portraits of your guys who are fighting, and why are you standing with machine guns, what are they made of, strong, don’t forget about the guys, about ours, especially about theirs families there. at the president's the stavropol region has a busy work program , but when the head of state, after talking with employees of the greenhouse complex, went out into the street and saw how many people came out to meet him, of course, he didn’t pass by, someone shook hands, someone took photographs, someone said thank you , they even handed over the documents, vladimir putin promised to definitely take a look, yours is great, ours is great, but we will see from your squares how things work in the country as a whole. i just visited this
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enterprise of yours, which is tomatoes they grow, listen, super, there are no more like them, i’ll take them off. this is how vladimir putin is greeted in every russian region. work trips in recent months have never been complete without communication with residents. however, this is not the only feature. traditionally, when arriving in a particular city, the head of state holds a meeting with employees of the enterprise after that, understanding the state of affairs, the requests of citizens, the meeting. today is no exception. he discussed the development of the agricultural sector and reminded his workers how many changes there are. has happened in the industry over the past couple of decades, last year export revenues amounted to 43.5 billion dollars, well, you know this, but nevertheless,
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since the cameras are working, i will say for our citizens, the increase was 30 times, not by some percentage, by... 30 times, this just recently turned out to be absolutely unrealistic, you said in 2000 that there would be 43.5 billion in export income, no one would have believed it, it would seem fantastic , the products of our agricultural enterprises are sent to approximately 150 countries around the world, despite not to any external difficulties and market created for us. is expanding, including, and perhaps even primarily, not only because of the quantity of products produced, but because of its quality. the sector that perhaps most clearly demonstrates the path made by russian agriculture is the meat industry, in the nineties
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the so-called bush legs were associated with them, they were brought from the usa as government aid, today russia is among the four largest producers in the world, and some countries of this the world itself, primarily western it... produce this, that, that, the fifth time tenth, which means that all this will be subject to additional duties when brought to the eu market. so they came up with god knows what, and when it got to the point, now, uh, that’s it, they’ve raised theirs again at
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coal power plants and are already thinking about how to return to nuclear energy, so they don’t forget their loved ones under any circumstances, these are these attempts. somehow stifle our export potential, they are, they are, they will be, they will always be and in any direction where russia stands strong on your feet. russian products are conquering heart markets. one of the participants in the meeting, irina gormaeva, manages the production of ice cream, they sell it throughout the country, for some time abroad and are very interested in further promotion. the president, by the way, has already made his contribution to this process in one way or another. after the russian leader treated shizen pina to domestic ice cream. sales have begun to grow in china and a number of countries are next in line. it is obvious that the prospects for the uapc as a whole are enormous today, and as vladimir putin, an agronomist, noted. this sounds proud. anastasia efimova, about vladimir putin’s trip to stavropol.
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german authorities today launched a disciplinary investigation into officers who had intercepted conversations about a potential tauras missile strike on a crimean bridge. against this background, chancellor scholz reopened. details from the head of our berlin bureau, mikhail antonov. the official version of the leak of negotiations between senior bundeswehr officers on the supply of german taurus systems to ukraine seems to be the use of the unprotected webek messenger one of the participants in the conversation, namely the head of the operations department.
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because we have been dealing with only this topic for 3 days, yesterday i had telephone conversations with our partners, trust in germany is inviolable, our partners know that we are consistently and decisively clarifying things. german taurus into ukraine, and the russians are listening, puts
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both the chancellor and the minister of defense in a difficult position. to paris and london, clearly offended by the chancellor for his public statements about the participation of the french british military in operations against russia, they are trying to use the leak in order to bend scholz on the delivery of taurus, using for this not only their own resources, but sympathizers among those with whom the chancellor has surrounded himself. the coalition government has its own party.
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germany in the ukrainian conflict, however, it is unfolding rather between the former and the current. the reluctance of the current party activists to delve into the essence of the published negotiations is to some extent connected with the traditional desire of any opposition to cause trouble for the authorities. in the same time there are also those in the cdu who are aware of where they can lead the country, like this. with the help of taurus, you can destroy the kremlin
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and therefore the seat of the russian government. from the german point of view, the supply of taurus in the short term and the associated participation of german soldiers who must operate these weapons systems would be a clear participation in the war. it is unlikely that scholz could have imagined that his allies, albeit situational, would ever turn out to be the leftist alliance of sarah wagenknecht or even more fantastic. alternative for germany. however, this unimaginable scenario is now being realized. on the issue of taurus supplies, the alternative has become part of the chancellor's party, although it is doubtful that he will follow its radical advice to fire the officers or sack pistorius. the demand is logical, the chancellor has the final say in the german security council, his opinion is known, so any secret negotiations that contradict it can be considered treason. dismissal in this sense.
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it wasn't, it looks like he would rather contribute to parliament is asking about confidence in the government, which will sign the decision on the supply of cruise missiles. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. the russian orthodox church has opened a new recruitment of volunteers for the restoration of mariupol. over the past year, thanks to the help of volunteers , almost 200 private houses were renovated. the russian orthodox church invites people with construction skills to join the charity project. besides, right now. more than a thousand specialists from st. petersburg, northern capital, as a sister city of mariupol, oversees
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the most complex objects. the results of last year and the plans of the following city authorities were discussed today in a joint video conference, which has already been done, natalya solovyova will tell. you can complain about how hot the batteries are. house by house, street by street, mariupol is being raised practically from ruins, the city has turned into a large construction site. about 50 thousand workers and specialists from all over the country are restoring.
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between the residents of our cities. the results of a great common work, the heads of two cities too let down together. for almost 2 years, all efforts were aimed at solving the most pressing problems. first of all , infrastructure, housing and public space were restored. particular attention was paid to the development of the transport network. in 2022, mariupol received a hundred buses, and trams returned to the city. we haven’t heard the noise of a tram for a long time, so for us it was a tnikovka thing. at first, we just sat down with our grandchildren, just rode one stop, that’s how to explain it, it was a miracle for us, the sound of the tram is one of the visible symbols of rebirth city, it was launched in may 2023, having previously cleared the destroyed tram tracks, the president took part in the ceremony via video link, it was ordered
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to open tram traffic, so the president was just on a video conference about the launch of the second tram route, this is along the ilicha plant. trams go past new residential areas, newly built clinics, a fire station, zaks, which was destroyed to the foundation back in twenty-two, and today the first marriage was officially registered there. we they set us the task of restoring this object. today we can already say that
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all construction work has been completed, only a small fraction of landscaping and multifunctional centers remain, which... more than a thousand specialists from st. petersburg are now working on construction sites in any weather. special attention to the reconstruction of the drama theater, it was blown up by militants of the ukrainian armed forces. the governor of st. petersburg personally visited the facility last fall. we will restore it, absolutely all the elements that are saved, we will definitely let's save it. the work is planned to be completed in 2025, but for now city residents are waiting in museums, theaters and concert venues. st. petersburg cities actively cooperate in the field of culture, among other areas for the exchange of experience, healthcare, education, sports, information technology and digitalization. industrial enterprises also promise to build bridges in the near future. natalya solaveva, irina zaborskaya, lead. the main task of cooperation between russia and azerbaijan is the growth of mutual investments. moscow sees
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the potential for interaction on a number of directions. at the same time , strengthening relations with russia is a priority for baku.
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we are also committed to continuing our interaction within the cis. well, also the delegations of russia and azerbaijan signed several agreements. a roadmap for tourism development for the next 2 years has been approved. in addition, a plan for the development of checkpoints across the state border has been agreed upon. as mikhail mishustin noted, after completion of the reconstruction, the throughput of the checkpoint will increase to 3,000 cars per day. early russian presidential elections more than 100,000 people have already voted. as noted by the center of the intelligence committee , there have been no complaints regarding the organization of the current election campaign, while the central election commission is at the finish line before the main voting days, more than 90 thousand polling stations have been formed, which
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are waiting for 112 million voters, what is the agenda of the presidential candidates, egor grigoriev will tell , egor, greetings, good evening, so what topics are the candidates’ focus today? the topics range from interaction between russia and the global west to film premiere. new day. presidential race, new meetings of candidates with voters, collection of orders from people, orders that are later included in election programs. women from all regions of russia today gathered at vdnkh, a women's forum is being held there, for 3 days they will discuss the participation of women in the implementation of the state agenda, regional topics will be discussed, the focus is on the innovative development of regions, each of which presented a program about women and award winners for them at the call of a woman's heart today.
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circumstances are ready to lend a helping hand, ready to lend a shoulder to people in trouble, it is precisely such people who create the confidence that we will win in spite of everything, and no matter what. a full meter of the election program of vladislav davankov, a presidential candidate from the new people party went to the cinema today, and was one of the first in the country to appreciate the film manegin, in which the main role of tatyana was played by davankov’s confidant actress.
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for small medium-sized businesses, for people to live in dignity in all regions of the country, for the minimum wage is at least 35,000 rubles. a historically important date, today for the communists is march 5, the day of memory of joseph stalin, flowers were laid at his grave by the representative of the communist party of the russian federation and the presidential candidate from this party nikolai kharitonov. of course, they were red carnations. kharitonov remembered one of the most... tragic events for him, he was only 4 years old at the time , joseph stalin passed away, in a distant village, the village of rezina, ustarsky district, novosibirsk
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region, neighbors, women, came to our house, the men smoked, and the women cried and said how we will live now without stalin, the tree has strong roots, that is, there must be memory, no one should knock off the memory, therefore there is a direct road to socialism, victory will be on all fronts. the candidate received instructions from the russian lad organization. the movement includes people's artists of the soviet union and russia, singers, theater and film actors, and 19 proposals in a red folder were handed over to nikolai kharitonov.
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testing began today in 29 regions participating in remote electronic voting; it will last until 16 hours tomorrow. during this trial procedure, the text of the ballots will, of course, differ from what voters will see from march 15 to 17, but the voting process itself is virtually identical. anyone who has signed up for remote electronic voting can test the system, and there are already 3.5 million russians. thank you, egor grigoriev and the chronicle. after a short advertisement , our program will continue to be broadcast by the duty department, it’s just plastic and this is alpha, the freedom to pay as it’s convenient for you with a smartphone sticker or online pay as it’s convenient with
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7 days fly by unnoticed, but not for the liver, because hyptral is active from the first week of use, the liver is tired - it’s time for hyptral, order us for goodness, we historically defend our borders, our people and those who need our help, although our enemies spoke different languages languages ​​had different weapons, the goals were always the same, to destroy the country, to take away our freedom, but we have always bravely stood up in battle. history remembers everything. the strength , unity of the people and the courage of the troops helped us win.


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