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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 6, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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sber, thank you, thank you, thank you, this is how we become loved again, it’s nice to receive thanks and sber bonuses thank you for taking care of your loved ones, megamarket, it’s profitable to please, now burgerkin tastes better on fire, performed not by yourself, but by you, those who move forward, help others . those who are far away but is ready to overcome any distance to be close to his closest ones. for those who like to make little surprises and...
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give great joy, we believe that if a dream exists, it must come true, sberbank will help to realize everything planned, women and mothers of many children, scientists, entrepreneurs, doctors and... employees on tuesday the all-russian women's forum has started at vdnkh: the preservation of traditions and the development of the country; its main theme: dozens of thematic events have already been held in the pavilions of the russia exhibition. details from anna voronina. today at the russia exhibition everything is subordinated to the power of the fair half of humanity. on the eve of international women's day, the all-russian women's forum launched at vdnkh, designed to unite representatives of different professions and different.
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to exchange experiences, be it arctic exploration, building your own business or motherhood of many children. women make a huge contribution to achieving national development goals. without you it is impossible to imagine such important areas as healthcare, education, science, culture, entrepreneurship, state and municipal administration. and everywhere in any team your qualities such as responsibility are valued. careful consideration of any issue, wisdom, balanced decisions, i will add that 40% of russian leaders are women, they achieve impressive results. with these words, the president addressed the participants of the ceremony at the call of a woman’s heart, which became the central event of the forum. among the laureates are pharmacists, volunteers, keepers of traditions and those who help svo soldiers.
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sewn with our own hands, we are proud of you, low bow to you, you are the real soul of russia, with such a rear, our soldiers can do anything. another distinctive feature of russian women is fearlessness. zlata alyokhina also showed it when she witnessed the terrible events of december 30 in belgorod. despite the panic, the girl rushed to help the wounded, applied tourniquets and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
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many people should have done so. within the framework of the all-russian women's forum, special attention is paid to those who not only preserve the traditions of their regions, but helps their development. for example, in the republic of tatarstan, they begin to study the national ornament in kindergartens with the help of coloring books, and in schools they are already starting to embroider. for 10 years i have been engaged in the revival of the snake applicative technique, which was characteristic only of the kazan tatars of the 19th century. made from silk ribbons and pieces.
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children who suffered from the criminal actions of the kiev regime came to crimea for vacation. physical psychological rehabilitation of children takes place at the center sport evolution in evpatoria. vice speaker of the state duma anna kuznetsova appreciated the intensive restoration program. during the visit, she looked at the educational buildings and talked with the children. a decision was made with the state duma of the russian federation, on behalf of the chairman , to help children from the united regions who. they live either in the front-line territories or suffered from the actions of the ukrainian armed forces, so that they receive treatment as soon as possible, now i am convinced with my own eyes that they have arrived where they need to go, there are specialists nearby, there are created
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conditions, here is a swimming pool, here is a rich program, a round table of the expert institute for social research was held today at the site of the russia news agency. its topic was the analysis of the programs of candidates in the presidential elections, this is what experts said about representatives of the ldpr, new people and the communist party of the russian federation. among the significant sections, naturally, people’s money in various forms, cancel taxes for the poor, control food prices, support large families, protect the russian world, and support small businesses, quite classic in general working for the ldpr sets.
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that we must return to the soviet union, it was ideal for socialism, to abolish capitalist society, more than 100 thousand people have already voted early in the russian presidential elections, as noted in the central election commission, there have been no complaints about the organization of the current election campaign, while the central election commission is at the finish line... on the main voting days, more than 90 thousand polling stations have been formed, which are waiting for 112 million voters. and what is the agenda of the presidential candidates, yegor grigoriev will tell you. new day presidential race, new meetings of candidates
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with voters, collection of orders from people, orders that are later included in election programs. women from all regions of russia gathered at vdnkh today, where a women's forum is taking place. within 3 days , the participation of women in the implementation of the state agenda will be discussed, regional topics will be discussed, the focus will be on the innovative development of regions, each of which presented a program about and for women. the winners of the women's heart prize were awarded today, including the co-chairs election headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir putin. not a single humanitarian mission takes place without your ardent, real participation. thank you so much for everything you do for our great country, for everything you do for the citizens and families of novorossiya, despite everything, sometimes in very difficult circumstances, you are ready to lend a helping hand,
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ready to lend a shoulder to people in trouble, these are the kind of people who create confidence in topray, elizaveta moryak. today i came to support elizaveta moryak, this is my confidant, an absolutely wonderful young actress, in my opinion, it is very important that more films like this appear. we all read onegin at school, but to imagine how it will look on the screen, to be honest, even i worry about the same as for myself, as if i were filming, because it is very important that russian cinema appears, it is very important not to interfered with our artists and cultural figures. a monument to vladimir zhirinovsky, candidate for the post
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of president of russia from the ldpr party, leoned, will soon appear in the grebnev estate in the moscow region slutsky today solemnly unveiled a memorial sign at the site of the future memorial; there were monuments to zhirinovsky all over the country; i will not anticipate them; there will be hundreds or thousands, but these will be conscious monuments, memorial signs.
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region, neighbors came to our house , women, men smoked, and women cried and said how we would live now without stalin, the tree has strong roots, that is, there should be a memory, no one should knock off the memory, therefore there is a direct road to socialism, victory will be on on all fronts, i am convinced that i will win on in khritonov’s opinion, socialism should also, and this will be ensured by the candidate’s program, my program and work and...
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testing has begun for participants in remote electronic voting, it will last until 16:00 tomorrow. during this trial procedure, the text of the ballots will, of course, differ from what voters will see from march 15 to 17, but the voting process itself is virtually identical, everyone who has signed up for remote electronic voting can test the system, and there are already 3.5 million of them russians. dear friends, i invite you to our
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the next release of the original besagon tv program, which will be called the anatomy of betrayal or the merry widow. i look forward to seeing you at our next meeting. look, desires are not fulfilled by yourself, but by you , those who move forward and help others, those who are far away. but i am ready to overcome any distance to be close to my closest ones, those who love
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issue of the instructions program. well, let's start with the monthly cash payment of edv. is it available to contract soldiers, mobilized soldiers, and volunteers ? the russian social fund formalizes it upon assignment of the status of a combat veteran, and this is done proactively, that is, it is not necessary to write an application? in twenty-three work has begun on the independent establishment of edv for those combat veterans, the necessary information about whom the fund has received from military commissariats and military units that have been granted the right to issue certificates, in these cases edv
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the amount of edv is 4,184 rubles per month for those who received during a special operation military injury and, accordingly, disability, assigns an increased payment - 7,605 rubles. disabled svos also provide other financial assistance. also, for disabled people due to military injury, a demo rate of 1.0 rubles is established from the date of establishment of disability. a demo is appointed at the request of a citizen. or with his consent, obtained by fund specialists by telephone. currently , the issue of establishing a normative basis without a declarative procedure for establishing this payment is being considered. moreover, there is. monthly monetary compensation for disabled people due to military trauma for the first group is 22,908 rubles, for the second 11,454 rubles and for
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the third 4,581 rubles. for military volunteers who have received disabled status, the social fund pays state disability pension. first group 21,459 rub. second - 17,883 rubles. disabled people of the third group - 12,500. 18 rub. well, it’s important that the state provides disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation free of charge. all citizens who have been identified as having a disability have the right to receive an electronic certificate, and for svo participants such a certificate is issued by the fund proactively, that is, the person is not required to submit an application. the foundation, receiving information from medical and social experts, does all this independently, and notifies that a person is interested in certain products. a certificate has been issued, well, with the corresponding denominations, and the person can only exercise the right to purchase it. in the social fund, each sfo participant is assigned
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a personal curator who, if necessary, will call, clarify some information and inform, and the sfo participant has the right to refuse an electronic certificate and use another method, all notifications and statuses are also sent to the government portal services. an electronic certificate works like a regular bank card. funds for the goods are transferred directly to the seller. when you issue a certificate , a certain amount is attached to the mir card; it can be spent on a specific type of tsr. in this case , the citizen chooses the brand and model independently. now in algotakh, the period of participation in a special operation is counted as double length of service, plus 3.6 coefficients per year are awarded for it, and they are also taken into account when assigning early retirement 2 years earlier than retirement age. there are benefits for employment, the law provides guarantees for the preservation of jobs for svo participants. there is an opportunity to undergo free professional retraining;
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participants in special operations are covered by a subsidized hiring program. in addition, a separate standard of assistance has been developed for employment centers. employment service specialists must individually accompany each veteran who applies. what benefits are there for the families of special operation participants? unified benefit for children under 17 years of age. is submitted in a simplified manner in one visit, secured a personal consultant who should help you obtain all documents. in addition, one-time payments to volunteers and the income of those mobilized are not taken into account when assessing the need of their families to receive a single benefit. if a participant in a special operation died while fulfilling his duty, the state will help his family. an additional survivor's pension is awarded to widows, widowers or parents of a deceased or missing person. military volunteer monthly monetary compensation of 22,908 rubles. family of a soldier who died or missing person during the svo.
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monthly allowance for children is 2,942 rubles for each child. in addition, compensation for housing and communal services is provided; 60% of expenses will be reimbursed. let's repeat the most important thing. participants in the special operation are entitled to financial assistance. veterans receive monthly cash payments. those who have received disability are also entitled to additional monthly financial support and monthly monetary compensation. volunteers are paid a state disability pension. in addition, military disabled proactively issue a free certificate for the purchase of technical rehabilitation equipment. svo participants receive pension and employment benefits. do you have any questions, do you want to know how else the state helps svo participants and their families? subscribe to our. telegram channel, ask, and we will contact the relevant departments and tell you everything in one of the next editions of the instructions. since time immemorial
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, the law reigned in russia, the people, princes, and governors chose together, this approach is democratic elections authorities publicly, we keep to this day, filling out the ballot, choosing traditionally only innovatively helps us. improving process. dec is truly a find. votes quickly, clearly, from a laptop or smartphone. there are millions in russia. for people who have no refuge there is a convenient solution. call the elections home by taking a portable box. there is a mobile voter. in a swinging way of life , a traveler is free to vote anywhere. so that we can make plans comfortably and freely, we choose a candidate on a date convenient for us. stay calm at the site, video control arranged in addition to the cameras at the site, like heroes and fairy tales, there are observers, monitoring the legality, in general, everything is technological,
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you can see for yourself by looking at the site and...
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welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats. does she really read minds or not? premiere, anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you
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looking at anyway? there you go, girl. look first in the application or on the website.
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was the fourth country in the world in exporting agricultural products, its revenue is $43.5 billion, there are no such results never happened, the president stated this during a working trip to the stavropol region. the region plays an important role in ensuring the country's food security, and the development of agriculture is today the focus of attention of the head of state. vladimir putin has already visited the largest greenhouse complex solnechny dar, which the company’s employees told the president.


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