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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 6, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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but most importantly, why do they need it in this situation? well, in principle , it seems to me that they are quite happy with such a protracted war in ukraine, because in this way they, we are busy, we are wasting energy, resources, so to speak, unfortunately, our soldiers are dying, that is to say, they, they, they we were, as it were, isolated from the west for sure.
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because without russia they will gobble up china in two, so in this sense, as long as russia is there, they will not push china away, yes , it seems to me, after all, no, expect that they will begin real participation in combat actions of their armed forces, it seems to me that this will not happen, but this does not mean that everything else will not happen, so the main thing, as they say. the consolidation of society is still a win in ukraine, a victory in ukraine. this is 100%. ask. the west is indeed now balancing on the brink of negotiations on the brink of a major war. and this cup of probability of a big war outweighs it. foreign affairs has now published an article.
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two political scientists, one at rent corporation, the other at the center for european international research, they write together that instead of starting negotiations on the conflict in ukraine, and they themselves write that serious negotiations are now impossible, and draw a paradoxical conclusion, these are the minds, and maybe start negotiations for the sake of negotiations, so that negotiations just walked, continued.
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usa, john dalis, brother of the same dalis who headed the cia. this was in the middle of the 20th century, and he openly said that america must follow this concept, this doctrine, if america does not adhere to it, then we are lost, he said about americans, but he himself continued that if we overextend a little, then the likelihood of a big war is always very... great if you follow this doctrine, but the americans are now following this doctrine, and what is happening in the east of europe is clear proof of this, what is happening in in the middle east, and especially in the persian gulf zone, they are balancing on the brink of a big war, on the brink of the possibility of a big war between lebanon and israel, between iran and israel, the participation of countries for... in these wars in parallel they are trying
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pretend that they are negotiating, that is, with one hand they add fuel to the fire, with the other hand they seem to be...
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by sending these contradictory signals, they put everyone in a stupor, this is the kind of double bind that often lands people in a mental hospital , you know, this is the reason for schizophrenia, they say it happens in children, uh, because parents give conflicting signals, so america gives conflicting signals and pulls the whole world into this situation. flying over the cuckoo's nest, what can be done to counter this? firstly, resistance to this, disagreement with this , and what is interesting is that even forces that seem to be unable to resist america, they are
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capable of this, the same houthis in yemen, yes, internet companies do not confirm that the houthis cut the cables, but they do not say , who else could... well, these are really strange paradoxes of the current american policy, which is leading us to the edge of this abyss. dmitry recalled churchill’s fulton speech, it’s time,
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it’s time to remember these events, because churchill then, well, let me remind our tv viewers, it seems that churchel was not in power, and what he said, well... it seems that this is said by a retired man and he is not responsible for anything, but historians already unearthed that he reported on his speech to the then to the british government, he showed his draft to truman, truman sat in the hall, truman sat in the hall, draft.
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churchel then gave several interviews in those same march days, and he was mistaken in one thing, he said that by proposing to completely openly use force methods against the russians, against the soviet union, he said: it is necessary to do it now, when he was asked why, he said, but because what they are also working on will not appear to them soon, but in about 8 years, he had.
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flowers, money and fire. deadly fire at the capital's flower warehouse. the fire lasted 2500 km. fire at a flower base in moscow.
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well, i think that indeed this statement that the world today is balancing on the brink of war is an absolutely correct statement, which absolutely corresponds to the circumstances that we see in different parts of the world, first of all in the middle east, east asia and europe, but it seems to me that there is only one question: when this war will start, it seems to me that this is the key question here, that is , either it will start, that’s how macron threatens us. today now, but literally just about now, or it will still begin after some
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time, in 2-3 years, because judging by the articles that you said, according to the reports of various kinds of american analytical centers, i have already said about the stimson center, there, in general, we are talking about what is needed a break, we need to replenish reserves, even in this sixty billion, so to speak , money that they were going to allocate to ukraine, i hope they won’t allocate it, but...
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to say, such things that the americans were supposed to do, the americans are not trying to split it assian, they are doing it, it happened, and the australians are actually already doing it, the australian minister of foreign affairs went to indonesia, and the main thing is that the australians talked with the future, apparently president probov, now they are talking about preparations defense alliance, what does this mean , this means that the caucus that australia is members of the ak, australia, great britain and the united states, they are pulling up the largest
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country in southeast asia, the strongest army, and they are pulling up precisely on anti-chinese positions, and thus already two countries of southeast asia, the philippines, and indonesia, to one degree or another, will participate in military construction in this region, that is , in fact, the americans are splitting asean and the new most important countries are pulling them towards yourself if. it doesn’t seem to match anymore, why? yes , because it does not correspond to their interests, because modi clearly stands for traditional indian politics, when, so to speak, indian interests come first, everything else is unimportant, but they also strive to drag india into this matter, that is there is a very active process going on, while at the same time they are putting pressure on china; yesterday
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another philippine caravan moved towards this unfortunate ship from yaromadra. just encountered the chinese and the filipinos turned back, the chinese, as always, gave a 10,000 warning, they said that this was impossible, that this was bad, to which the filipinos said that they were going to set off on a new mission in the near future, that is, you understand why this is being done, this is being done for in order to constantly maintain a certain pressure on china, this is quite obvious; moreover, now in april large maneuvers will begin there with the participation of the japanese, south koreans, and filipinos. balekantan, this is called shoulder to shoulder, and apparently at this moment it will be the most interesting, apparently, an attempt will be made , as many will consider, to make an international movement towards this unfortunate ship, that is, so that the chinese patrol ships will collide not only with the filipinos, but there would also be americans, perhaps japanese, perhaps also south koreans and australians , that is, it will be such a squadron
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that this conflict will look completely new, so to speak, not just the philippines, the chinese. and this will be , firstly, and support for the philippines, so for china now it’s very serious, so to say, questions, because we need to look at this thing extremely realistically, that the united states is actually forming what it loves, in continental southeast asia within the framework of the human rights watch, forming a kind of union of states, behind whose backs they will stand and which borders china with china, in island southeast asia, that is... throughout this entire region, they form a complex system of alliances that should help them when the hour comes. how closely does the chinese economy interact with the philippine economy? you know, interacts very closely with the philippines, and not just there, it’s generally an amazing thing, from my point of view, that china, which has such enormous capabilities in
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southeast asia, i’m not even talking about the chinese diaspora, i’m not even talking about control practically . the main financial flows, in the philippines, 35% of the entire retail market is in the hands of the chinese, well , they have now tried, i just during my life, i had a period when i worked and lived in the philippines, that is , i remembered that there was a lot of chinese influence there significantly, because it seems to me that china has not yet raised an eyebrow, i would not be surprised if at some point in time this region, this region begins to shake from china's cunning policies within these countries.
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not to fight for medvedanau, but to prepare for the trial in gaga, because we ratified this agreement, because you killed 3,500 people there without trial, but drug addicts, all this is known, so you will go there, and no mindanau and you can’t even think of any independence, but the question is how will he take it? duterta, because what matters here is not what you talk, but how many bayonets you can bring out into the street, here maybe the philippines are used to such complex showdowns, we remember that... often a single state, you can’t enter certain areas, and the same mindonau itself, it’s a little strange that duterte is now talking about independence, it ’s the predominantly muslim population on this island, if i remember correctly, well , here it is, apparently, i already think that these are some kind of legal battles, but in conclusion, i want to say, that according to all the indications that i spoke about,
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the preparation of these blocks, the preparation of military bases, saturation. there’s a question: if he went today , and this vatican, how many divisions does he have, this macron, who got his ass in africa when it became clear that his african ... corps is insignificant, how many bayonets can he raise, for how many days of battle, what battle, what is the reserve, taking into account the intensity of the fighting in
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ukraine, how many days and how long will they be able to hold out, who will repair the equipment, where will they be based, what is it about? andrey said how they will get there, what they will get there with, what lines of communication there will be, will marin lepenno approve of this, to use weapons on... i’m not even talking about politics, i’m just purely talking about specifics, but what? yes, he even lost the contract about submarines in history with the story with libya, when all of europe ran out of money in a day or a day and a half, and he had to directly turn to the americans, now france, along with everyone else, has already given ukraine almost everything, whatever is possible, it was all burnt, so why throw it there? french, this is not old.
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here to pay attention to the fact that then churchel said that it was precisely those countries , those nations that speak english, that should manage the world political process, in fact, stalin’s answer was that they did not fight for that with hitler in order to now fall under the anglo-saxons, here the same thing is repeated again.
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your brother is in the donbass, you need to go there, you go, it’s just for the passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there, to the gray wife, for this line, you will become different, but then what, my childhood and youth were there, and now it’s darkness, that’s it, we’re going our separate ways. scary, no, hard
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to get used to. about 10 years ago, i saw through the window how he was being beaten, and i did not intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope, soon, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.


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