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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 6, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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information that the publications were stolen with 20 million rubles. i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, he now has to live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he killed people. what caused the fire? a trifle led to grave consequences, why people died and how the flower business works in russia, we took on this case and conducted our own investigation.
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i think so, so what's stopping you? yes, well , if you are still sure that this will return to ukraine, please come and help, italians, restoration is underway, but most the main thing is, okay, they are our history, the british don’t know, but this so-called rector, he knows perfectly well what happened to our cities in the forties, but he knows nothing. well, well, after all, the rector, they
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’re about to go through a lobotomy, but you know, there’s no other way to explain it, after all , the last thing, we’ve said more than once that europe is actively starting to think about how to squeeze out the ukrainians, so zelensky called recently, i’m already looking at the trial version, starting today it’s being tested in the netherlands, that is, starting today it’s officially announced undesirable stay in the country , the so-called bonus... ukrainians, so, so, this is their term, these are not yet citizens of ukraine, these are refugees from ukraine, but citizens of third countries, nigeria, there, morocco, basically and so further , what i mean is that they received the same bonuses as those of you fleeing a warring country, they were also placed in the netherlands from today, and this is about 2,500 people, he says, that’s it, no benefits, no housing , please, leave the country and go to your relatives.
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complete nonsense, scholz, what a cretin you are, lord, so now you’re accusing the american press of lying , okay, it’s all about the american press, which it published recently, and there’s a big article in the new york times, well, you ’re accusing the volga of your friend rahami, well, yes, who not only knows, that there was talk, and he was also a paraphrase, he headed the delegation, scholz, how can you be such a cretin, well, just explain to me how you manage to be such a stupid cretin?
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the german people can be proud to bring such a colorless, stupid moth to office chancellor, i don’t know what to do with him, it’s just, well, what to do with such a fool like schulz, reassemble, but there are no other options, where else can we do something like this, we vote, where else can we find such a fool? please , by the way, scholz may part with the post of chancellor next year, especially since elections in germany are brewing, but elections in france are not yet brewing and macron still has looming until the twenty-seventh year he may serve as president , here an interesting conflict is developing on the margins of the european space between two the leaders, so to speak, of the two locomotives of europe , germany and france, against the backdrop of such an information outlet, in my opinion, which has now formed in recent days in europe, that is, the usa, their establishment. well
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, i focused on the primaries of american parties, on the upcoming elections, on discussing biden’s cognitive abilities , on discussing the supreme court’s decision on trump. that is, they have a completely different agenda, both the european leaders and their own ukrainian case fall out of it, so if we now look at the latest days, taking advantage of this inattention of the united states to europe, macron last week carried out such an information provocation, we all watched it, when he essentially imposed his agenda on europe, and a very militant agenda, that is, he proposed sending these same contingents of nato countries to perspective on the territory of ukraine, thereby you...
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that scholz, who has repeatedly accused france of insufficient assistance to ukraine, i will remind you that germany, as the second sponsor of ukraine in the united states, has already invested about 17 billion euros over these 2 years, the ukrainian case of general assistance, and france is only about seven, that is , about 2 and a half times less than germany, in principle, scholz has such a moral right to present to comrade macron, why don’t you dump yourself, like we, here we are, we are two locomotives, we are two. the largest states in europe with approximately a similar budget, but for some reason germany is forced to give much more than france, and france has a much more developed defense-industrial complex, they have all types of weapons, they produce them independently, right up to nuclear weapons, and
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at the same time, in the history of tanks, as we know, they abandoned some of the germans, yes, they supplied the largest number of heavy tanks, the largest number of burnt-out western german-made vehicles, france, ki... abras, but here, it seems to me that, again , scholtsev’s line is under the cover, because regarding the tauros, it’s also very convenient for him now to blackmail the united states and say, you cheated us with leopards, let’s start, so that the abrams start to burn, so that the shares of the abrams manufacturer
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began to fall, then we will equalize our positions and then, lo and behold, the time will come, that is, the delivery of taurus itself, and on the territory of ukraine, which is now being discussed, although, as it were...
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huge amounts of money were allocated for this, the concept was not implemented , although in principle its essence was clear: a quick global strike should have been delivered not with nuclear weapons at any point on the globe; in fact
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, they didn’t fight with the thirty-fifths, we were still sorting out what ukraine had, not in large quantities, so they more about our air defense we haven’t seen it in full growth, let me remind you that not all systems are used on the territory, our air defense is the same as any other air defense, ours are better, somewhere worse, but it’s still a percentage, never 100%, but this it’s clear that something is still coming, so i would look very carefully here, but the concept that is being put forward as of now...
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that the level of impact will be amazing, and it’s no coincidence that the americans are now throwing a tantrum
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that the russians are supposedly withdrawing some kind of nuclear weapons to space, this was done in order to cover up their programs, we remember, what they have there, since the tenth year they have already made missions into orbit, it is absolutely true that where, what, i would not underestimate them, after all, we are at war with half of the world economy with a gigantic military, which...
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opportunities to get, even if they seize grain or everything else, they don’t have russia, gas and grain at prices lower than we supplied, they just have higher costs, that’s not what they want, they want to really destroy us, and the faster every person in our country if he understands this and takes up cola, the better it will be, then there is no need to test it here there are no illusions, and they accepted what macron began to declare everything else. a 100% course towards war, which, in their opinion, should end in the complete destruction of russia. by the way, in this case, ukraine will also be completely destroyed, because for them there is no difference. that is, they will decide for themselves forever the long-standing dream of destroying the slavs. well, there will still be some poles there and so on, but this is a small problem for them. let it remain a dream, just a dream. yes, but the su-27 fighter took off when it detected...
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they can do it, nothing, it’s time to kill them all , it’s time to kill them all, a valid joke by an american writer, of course, but i think he was not far from the original when he said that biden created the largest number.
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and even this question, it is monetized, i don’t know, what kind of person do you have to be in order to extort money from the families of prisoners of war in order for this person to be included in the list for exchange. now about, about, about arrahami declares that there will be no meetings of the verkhovna rada, do you know why? can't find people? no no,
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it’s just that the deputies, when they introduced them, and i said that in fact these 400 amendments are a war, a declaration of war.
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relay decisions that are made in completely different centers, well, what are these people for? for example, it’s not entirely clear to me, because from the point of view of the interests of ukraine and ukrainians, this government is not doing anything, i’m still, i’m still shocked by this trip to the cabinet of ministers to the border with poland, well, in general can you even imagine, there’s a whole
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prime minister sitting there, a minute of work, whose worth billions or millions there, relatively speaking, hryvnia, right? he , he, he, he solves serious issues, this person, without approval, jumps out of his chair and goes to the border, you can imagine an official of any level, of any level, who will go to the meeting point if it is not agreed upon, well, in general, how is this maybe i don’t understand, for example, well, no, they are going to the cabinet of ministers, going to the border with poland, spending government money on it, taking pictures there, returning back, i want to ask a question, what is the result, what? a that our rocket didn't fly? i don’t know, i’m asking a question: what is the result of this trip? what did you get in the end? you unblocked the border, you entered into some kind of diplomatic relations with the polish side, you sat down at the negotiating table, you started a dialogue, what did you do, what did you spend this government money on? you understand, there are cars, retinues, i don’t know, escorts
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and so on, all this happens during the war, in relation to... absolutely, the poles have been for themselves for a long time, by the way, not only the poles, many countries of the european union made a decision for themselves long ago, it’s just that ukraine, ukrainians don’t want to understand and hear this, they said in plain text, that’s all that’s happening in poland, we’re talking about grain now, let’s remember, and before that there were carriers, remember , yes, now the grain will run out, some new topic will appear, why, because in principle they don’t want to see ukraine in...
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of course, i seem to be joking, but in reality, but in reality i’m sad, because, you know, when deputies of the verkhovna rada the ukrainians don’t want to vote for mobilization, they don’t want to, maybe peredon palovich said a version: or maybe they are bargaining with not only zelensky, they are bargaining with the owners, the owners who are sitting overseas, watch the news, i read cheese the commander-in-chief writes: in his telegram channel, today i spoke with the head of the pentagon together with the minister of defense, i think the minister of defense, he says: today, together with
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tsirsky, i spoke with the head of the pentagon, this is two news, well, yes, this is two news, yes, what is this news about, they reported on the situation and asked what we should do next? now i’m reading ermak, the head of the office, who says: i... today i talked with salin, biden’s security adviser, we discussed there, blah blah blah, i’m full of voices, in short, give us patriots, you’re americans in general, why not carry out what zelensky told you a week ago, 10 patriots and by the end of march, if you don’t give it, we don’t know what we will do, otherwise, so, you see, vladimirfovich, everyone is looking at this map, now , and zelensky they decided to send a vikund, a real patriot , that’s of course, but what if he lives in kiev , gets an apartment, walks along the maidan, he says, who is this, this is a grandma with cookies, that
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’s understandable, but this bass, which is john, who comes instead of her , until recently he was the ambassador to afghanistan, and i remember how the americans, the americans spoke and taught and told us in ukraine that listen. you must be prepared, you must have an afghan option, you must become guerrillas, you must, you know, that is no, well, it’s clear that this is a person who is a specialist in liquidation, well, the liquidation commission, the liquidation commission, and how to analyze anything in general now, well, a sensible thought sounds to me today, only here in europe there are people sitting, this is about weapons, and they say: yes, we promised ukraine shells, we wanted to sell something, we don’t have enough shells. but it turns out that the biggest problem is, okay, we have blanks, but they found metal somewhere, there is no gunpowder, but china doesn’t give it, and china on may 2, march 2, yes,
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there was a representative, mr. lihuei, he had route, moscow, kiev, warsaw, berlin, what else is there, brussels, paris, and he says, i brought you a peace plan last year, now i’ve come again, here i am, i’m bringing it to you , i say, i say, “listen, we have shells, but no gunpowder, it’s so easy to say, what gunpowder, what gunpowder, guys, end the war, end the war, sit down at the negotiating table, maybe i would like that, but, but, you know, it seems that with whom are you going to sit down at the negotiating table, here foreign policy writes, we say, we recommend, expert, he says, we recommend a little change. i, wait, wait
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, wait, of course, i’m talking about russia first of all, because if aryastovich says, even if aryastovich says that we are one people, listen, aristovich and i are exactly the same, the main thing is that he says it, vladimir rudolfovich , but aristovich’s speech and brain are not connected, what am i talking about, i’m finishing this one, if and if, if it happens, then here are the next, maybe a month and a half to two months window for a truce or for...
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welcome to asia, this is where the heart beats continent. does she really read minds or not?
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premiere. look first in the application or on the website. it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to do, we will expose all the fakes.
5:00 am
russia has become. fourth country in the world in the export of agricultural products, its revenue is 43.5 billion dollars; such results have never been seen, the president stated this during a working trip to stavropol. the region plays an important role in ensuring food security countries and the development of agriculture today are in the focus of attention of the head of state. vladimir putin has already visited the largest greenhouse complex solnechny dar, which the president was told.


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