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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 6, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24.
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hello, there is a legal program on the air, hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. they will answer on six counts at once. in kaliningrad , the court sentenced two local residents; they were found guilty of kidnapping, theft, theft, extortion and attempted murder. the criminals chose the owner of a large cryptocurrency account as their victims. the man was forced under torture to transfer almost 40 million. rubles into other people's electronic wallets, and then left for dead. report by fyodor eliseev. even such a meeting with representatives of the fair half of humanity will soon become a great rarity for defendants. taking their seats in the box room of the central district court of the city of kaliningrad, these citizens most likely did not expect to go home after the hearing. those accused of numerous charges, including kidnapping, extortion, attempted murder, hijacking and others, walked deep into a confined space. started conversations with
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the lawyer, what exactly they talked about is difficult to make out, and there is no need, all the details of this story were established consequence. hands behind head! this is footage of the arrest of accomplices in the fall of twenty -one, just a few days after the crime they committed. two friends , 30 and 40 years old, decided to make extra money on cryptocurrency, although they clearly did not have enough knowledge for mining or trading on exchanges, and therefore decided to simply steal bitcoins from one of the residents of kaliningrad. arranged surveillance of the man, studied his lifestyle and daily routine, tracked his routes of movement, collecting the necessary information, set up an ambush right at the victim’s house, intimidating him, they pushed him into a car, then closed their eyes, tied their hands and took him to the apartment of one of the attackers, took him with them, walked up the stairs, threatening and intimidating the captive, the criminals received the details of his electronic wallet, but in order to withdraw money from him they needed the victim’s phone number, which he didn’t have one, one of them... visited the home of
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a crypto investor, stole a smartphone, and at the same time profited from other equipment. having everything they needed in hand, the attackers emptied the crypto chest to the last digital coin. total amount stolen amounted to almost 40 million rubles. doubting that the victim would develop stockholm syndrome and fearing that the prisoner would turn to law enforcement agencies, the robbers decided to get rid of him, drugged him, took him into the forest and tried to strangle him with a scarf wrapped around him. fell, that’s how it turns out, fell, well, he’s breathing, fell , well, that’s it, in short, his hands, well, he doesn’t move his hands , when the man lost consciousness, the attackers decided that he had died, they stripped the victim, threw him with branches, and then fled the crime scene. coming to my senses the victim was able to get to a nearby house and report the crime to law enforcement. both defendants were detained as soon as possible. there are more measures taken by the investigation. part of the stolen
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funds in the amount of over 33 million rubles, as well as part of the stolen property was returned to the victim. as a result, the only thing the friends managed to purchase with the stolen digital currency was real prison terms. instead of the beautiful life that, according to the convicts, cryptocurrency should have provided them, the kidnappers will go to maximum security colony. the thirty-year-old defendant will stay there for 15 years and 3 months. his older comrade was imprisoned for 12.5 years. shirin, lead, duty department. in the capital of tatarstan, the police began an investigation after a mass fight among teenagers in the food court of the tandem shopping center. the emergency happened the day before. eyewitnesses said that the dispute arose over a glass of soda. there were casualties, one of the girls lost consciousness and ended up in the hospital. from kazan, anastasia aksenova. an ordinary shopping center, almost in the center of kazan, has become a tatami. there had been fist fights here the day before.
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but soon the arguments end, fists come in. while the battle is going on, some visitors to the footcourt continue to eat their food calmly, but there are also concerned citizens. two women tried to cool down the ardor of violent teenagers, and a seventeen-year-old girl, who found herself at the epicenter of events, received a strong blow to the head, so she falls to the floor. the police department of the moscow ministry of internal affairs of russia in the city of kazan contacted a girl born in 2007, who was injured during the conflict by her acquaintance. with one of visitors to the establishment, police officers immediately arrived at the scene, interviewed eyewitnesses and seized recordings from surveillance cameras, the events took place in front of the sellers, the teenager heard that he was insulted, someone else hit the girl, she fainted,
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twitched in convulsions, then a medic came, either the police or the national guard also came, the girl woke up, they gave her ice, she applied it and sat, the teenagers immediately left, when the police spoke, the sellers turned out to be... more talkative than the security shopping center, security limited itself to only a short answer on the radio without comment. now nothing reminds me of a fight here. there are also tables and chairs, and invariably a group of teenagers, as visitors to the shopping center say, a source of constant threat; conflicts between them flare up here regularly, although not as heated as this time. according to another version of eyewitnesses, the youth tried to share a soda glass in this way. about how to now fairly share responsibility between. instigators decided by the ministry of internal affairs of tatarstan. the department is conducting an investigation. anastasia aksenova, rinad sahebgareev. news: duty department. the investigative committee sums up the work of the past year. how is the investigation of the most high-profile criminal cases going, how many crimes were solved without
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delay, what investigators are currently working on. details from maxim shevchenko. summing up the work of the investigative committee is a traditional format. the collegium assembles the leadership of the vedas. and discuss, including the effectiveness, that is, the speed of implementation investigations and their results. the year 2023 was rich in various stories that investigators were looking into, including high-profile murders and even accidents in air transport. one of the brightest pictures of last year was an abnormal but successful landing on a field in the novosibirsk region of a ural airlines plane. the winged car is still there, waiting for the end of the investigative actions, the employees. sk, while they are carefully studying what happened with the airliner, down to the subtleties, the task is to understand the details in order to prevent similar situations in the future. in in general, as chairman of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin noted at the beginning of the annual meeting, the main factor is that the efficiency indicator is going up.
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it was possible to achieve success in the field of compensation for damage from crimes caused; in 2023 alone, during the preliminary investigation , it was possible to recover 100 billion economic crimes, 19,000 cases of such acts were transferred to the courts, 7,00 murders were investigated, and almost 4,000 facts of causing serious harm to health with a fatal outcome. prominent place in the work of the investigative committee occupies investigations of the most difficult to prove crimes and dangerous forms of criminal activity. in 2023 , several high-profile criminal cases were initiated, in particular, now in maria investigators are in full swing investigating the case of mass death that occurred in july. after clearing the coastal area of ​​two lakes from a large number of trees fallen as a result of the hurricane
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, the bodies of seven people were found on the territory of the tent camp; another then died in the hospital. why was they detained for murder, who? and these are stills from krasnoyarsk territory: interrogation of thirty-five-year-old ivan papinka, at that time detained after the massacre of a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl. they searched for her for several days, and her body was found in a forest belt; the girl was violated and then killed. i stood up like that and struck her with a left hand. the crime shocked many residents of the region, especially because the terrible massacre was committed by a repeat offender who had just been released. law enforcement officers quickly found him and detained him.
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russia over the past 5 years, the number of disclosed investigations by the investigative committee of grave and especially grave crimes of past years increased by 22%. new episodes. including those investigated in the case of a serial poisoner from suburban trains, if earlier alexei vygovsky managed to carefully disguise his actions, now, thanks to the collected genomic database, following traces of biological origin it has become possible to analyze evidence that previously did not come to the attention of investigators, as a result, 22 new episodes have been revealed in the vygovsky case, investigators are actively working in the new territories of the country, at first 2300 were opened by the svo. seven criminal cases related to shelling of civilians in new regions of russia, 1500 cases of attacks
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on civilian infrastructure facilities in the border and central regions of our country with the use of missiles, artillery, mortar weapons, and unmanned aerial vehicles are also being investigated other types of weapons, including foreign production. alexander bastrykin also noted that in new regions literally. investigative departments were created from scratch and staffed management, they are already functioning, employees perform all the tasks assigned to them. maxim shevchenko, sergey ukhvarenok, lead, duty unit. the novosibirsk court put an end to the criminal case of the murder of a seventeen-year-old schoolgirl in
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july 2022. the verdict was heard by a visitor from tajikistan, khushnut khamroev. before the murder , he stalked his victim for several weeks, and then, lying in wait on the street in the evening, he threw him to the ground and literally cut him to pieces with a knife. at the moment of the brutal massacre, he was captured on a car camcorder. why a foreigner he deliberately committed murder and what sentence he was given, vladimir bazov will tell you. khushnud khamroev is taken into the hall of the soviet district court of novosibirsk under escort, the defendant himself behaves relaxed, but after a few minutes in the cage he is already clutching his head, as if only now he understands what he has done. khushnut, what verdict do you hope for? i don't know. in june of twenty-two , a man, in a fit of jealousy, killed his underage lover. here are these terrible shots: 17 stabs, schoolgirl died on... together. in general photographs , the couple looks quite happy, but in the summer of twenty-two the relationship ended,
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only the man was unable to let go of his seventeen-year-old lover. he himself accused her of treason and sentenced her to death. eyewitnesses tried to stop the killer, but did not dare to approach the distraught man with a knife. khamroev decided to hide immediately after the crime. according to the plan, i was supposed to fly to one of the neighboring countries. unsuccessfully. hot on their heels, they managed to detain him at one from novosibirsk markets. for murder, who did you kill? your girlfriend, what did you use to kill her? friends of the girls are sure that the terrible outcome could have been avoided, so there were reports in the media that the schoolgirl was often noticed with bruises, i can say from her words that the guy beat her, tied her to a radiator, was very jealous of everything that moved, like once i wrote to anya, after that he threatened me with violence. who lost her daughter, said that she had repeatedly contacted the police about the annoying gentleman; as
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investigators found out, the killer really systematically abused an underage girl. the court investigation found that for a long time from october 2021 to june 2022, the defendant, while intoxicated, threatened to kill a girl he knew, systematically torturing her, causing mental and physical suffering. a criminal case has been opened against the police for negligence, and as for the killer, he will not be released soon. the case against khamroev khunshud was considered behind closed doors. the court agreed with position of the state prosecution, imposed a punishment in accordance with the position of the state prosecution, agreed with the qualifications that were given to the preliminary investigation authorities. the sovetsky district court of novosibirsk sentenced the killer to 15 and a half years in a maximum security colony. he will also be required to pay 2,900 rubles for material and moral damage. however, this money is unlikely to console grieving relatives. vladimir bazov, mikhail shirin, lead the duty
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department. to the svertlovsky regional court demonstrated the wonders of humanity. themis unexpectedly commuted the sentence of the former deputy head of the regional investigative department of the investigative committee of the russian federation, mikhail busylka. previously, the court sentenced him to eight years in a strict regime colony for accepting a bribe of one million rubles. now the term has been reduced to 6.5 years, and the regime has been replaced with a more gentle, general one. the bussylka case was reclassified as mediation in a bribe, and the former investigator must now pay a fine of 5 million rubles. the sentence for busylka’s accomplices was also changed. dry ice, liquid nitrogen, fire shows and performances by animators at children's parties are not always safe. one of these emergencies recently happened in the capital. mosovik zatennik decided to show a trick with liquid nitrogen. as a result, the experiment resulted in burns to the birthday girl’s hands and feet. is it possible to avoid such cases, who and how regulates the activities of participants in the
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entertainment industry, she investigated. this is footage from a children's party in one of the centers in moscow. the animator smiles widely, the children laugh loudly. after a few seconds, everyone was no longer laughing. the girl started screaming pain. as a result, the ten-year-old birthday girl left the holidays for the hospital, having received severe burns to her arm and leg. but they were counting on a fun holiday, but they wanted to surprise with liquid nitrogen, a frequent prop for children’s parties. i froze my leg. parents try to surprise their children, organize holiday shows, invite actors. in the large family of the shcherbakovs, it would seem that there is no time to be bored, there is never a quiet dull moment in their house, but even they sometimes use the services of animators, although lately it’s becoming less and less frequent, i was shocked foot, i had an injury here, a schoolgirl received this injury during an animated show, the girl’s mother olga shcherbakova hoped that the child would be safe when
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she left her daughter with the actors, but she was mistaken, the child fell and hit her knee in such a way that we then... .. we simply got into an injury, because the animator, again, i’ll say , had nothing with him, and the administrators, unfortunately, couldn’t help us either, which is why a state standard was developed, which emphasized compliance with safety rules, according to the standard was prohibited from using elements that could cause injury, and animators will have to provide a certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist, education is required in a specialized field in acting, in fact, this guest can be said that, but...
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they have a medical book, and they think through their shows from beginning to end . we know what our solution consists of, there are no chemicals, we use natural ingredients, we also think about how to soften a child’s fall, but such a coating prevents falls and allows you not to leave leaving behind stains. and of course, you can’t do without white puffs of smoke. one of the highlights of the show is working with dry ice. it does look very impressive, but maybe. it’s dangerous, for example , you should never touch such props with your bare hands, you can get a burn, well, it all depends on the amount of ice, the more ice there is, the more dangerous, if you overdo it, there is a chance of suffocating, because the concentration of carbon dioxide in a closed room can instantly exceed the permissible limits norms, we always
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go to events with a small container, that is, we have a maximum of 2 kg dry here. unfortunately, not everyone follows these rules. there are hundreds of advertisements on the internet from self-taught people. they may indeed be cheaper, but they are more unsafe. i would advise you to contact trusted agencies that have proven themselves on the internet, that have a website, that have a team of animators, and that the agency is responsible for its artists. the parents of a girl who received a burn during a holiday in moscow paid the animators more than 4,000 rubles. and they offered them only seven, supposedly to atone guilt for what was spoiled. while the schoolgirl is recovering, the police are looking into the situation, and her parents will probably celebrate children's holidays and will now be in a calmer home environment, without flashy shows and performances. ekaterina lekhamanova, vitaly melkov, conductor, duty department. bouquet of death. investigators have found out all the details of the terrible fire at the capital's flower base. who will be responsible for the deaths of seven people? don't
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miss the premiere this weekend. new investigation of eduard petrov. flowers, money and fire. on the russia tv channel. flowers, money and fire. a deadly fire at a flower warehouse in the capital. the fire lasted 2,500 km. a fire at a flower base in moscow occurred on november 20, 2022. flames instantly engulfed the ancient hangar. i heard cries for help, thank god, the three of us managed to run out. the temperature was very high, everything that was inside was destroyed by fire. seven people were trapped and burned. everything burned alive, even kostya, there was nothing to know there, another raid begins, and information also appeared that publications were stolen from 2 million rubles. i'm the director, this is mine company, this is my responsibility, he now has to live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he killed people, what caused the fire? a small thing led to big consequences,
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why people died and how the flower business works in russia, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. another school of millionaires turned out to be a soap bubble; a scandal associated with the name of coach ilnur urazenbet is gaining momentum in ufa. dozens of his clients are going to complain to the prosecutor’s office and rospotrebnadzor. people claim that coach he promised to teach them how to earn good money and asked for millions for this, which he had to take out on credit. in fact, the courses turned out to be useless and brought neither success nor knowledge. report by alexander polivka. an ordinary shopping center in ufa, so they will say that among the pavilions with clothes and a food court there is a forge of millionaires, a school of success. but the graduates came to ask their teachers where their promised one was? my revenue hasn’t increased by much, you know, well, we have a video where you say that your revenue has increased, the demand of silnur uranzibetov, who called himself a top mentor, investor and successful
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entrepreneur, i have never deployed a single person who treats me conscientiously and who says to me: “oh, let’s talk, let’s close the issue, let’s solve it, i i haven’t sent anyone anywhere yet, the school of millionaires in the shopping center operates under his name.” a businessman promises to reveal a secret formula on how to achieve a high income, this is probably one of the ways: yesterday i took off my panties in front of my clients, you i have a beard, i’ll tell you yes, however, before taking off his panties and starting to earn good money, the student will have to pay the mentor well, and the amount is not small, so future millionaires start their business with unaffordable loans, supposedly investments in knowledge bring the best dividends, only here are students uranzibetov received not dividends, but debts. leana polikova, like others, was promised to boost her business. from scratch, but the training program turned out to be ineffective, the knowledge that they give, that is, it is superficial, this knowledge can be found on youtube, that is, from any entrepreneur who gives some kind
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of lessons there, as a result, many began to demand a refund for training and were faced with a refusal, later the students realized that most likely their teacher was working according to the scheme of the famous blogger ayaz shabuddinov, in general , to develop the business from the point of view of capitalization, since we are building it now, but our business has always been built on... in whales, this is the idea of ​​the investment team. now, by the way, he is involved in a high-profile fraud case. in ufa they say that they they even knew uransbetov well. and on the site of the school of millionaires there was just a branch of the like training center, the founder of which was the moscow business coach shabudinov. i rely on my experience, i don’t know how to sell, i don’t know how to make websites, i don’t know how to set up advertising, i don’t know how to manage projects. he also promised to teach people how to make good money and asked for millions for this, which people took out on credit. successful businessmen grab their heads. amazing. the criminal community that he created continues to operate, he has a huge number of followers have appeared
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who understand that a niche is being vacated. the author of the courses, shabuddinov , went to jail from the business jetto. he faces up to 10 years in prison, and his students continue to pay off loans for air instead of knowledge. now they have filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office. aren't you afraid to end up like ayas shabuddinov? look, a provocative question, while this report was being filmed, it became known that mr. uranzebetov suddenly began returning money to some students, so far only a part, but will such a gesture help the good will to avoid the development of the conflict, indignant clients still wrote a statement to the prosecutor’s office and rospotrebnadzor, they are going to ensure that the school is closed, the guardian of the form of success is checked for fraud, because in fact the clients have no millions, only debts and broken hopes. alexander polivka ekaterina likhomanova, timur davletov, lead the duty department. this speech is the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels lead the duty department by an honest detective, follow along with us, that’s all we have, i was with you tatyana petrova, see you soon on
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the russia 24 tv channel
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. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear, clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign ones supplier?
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. flowers, money and fire. a deadly fire in the capital's flower warehouse, the fire spread 2,500 km. a fire occurred at a flower base in moscow on 20 november 2022, flames instantly engulfed the ancient hangar.
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why people died and how the flower business works in russia, we took up this matter and conducted our own investigation. let's look before everyone else. let’s meet veronika pavlovna vasnetsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with a blunt trauma to vosnetsov’s skull. always one step ahead, four.
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subscribe and watch. dear friends, i invite you to our next episode of the original besagon tv program, which will be called the anatomy of betrayal or the merry widow. i look forward to seeing you at our new meeting.
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the russian military in the northern direction destroyed the militants approaching our positions. reconnaissance spotted a ukrainian armed forces unit in a forest belt, and a crew of an automatic flame grenade opened fire on them. the enemy fled, leaving behind the dead and wounded. residents of russia today will hear sirens and announcements from the coffin.


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