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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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doctors on the front line, what they say about fear, about those with whom they serve in the northern military district zone, and what huge role they play in successes at the front. there should be no problems with fuel for farmers; the start of the spring sowing campaign is under control at the highest level. super tuesday for trump. the ex-president wins the internal party elections, but biden unexpectedly lost in one of the regions, and to a little-known candidate. with a rich program and informal communication, participants in the world youth festival in sirius find new friends and even get married. jewish modernism in moscow , a unique exhibition is opening at the jewish museum, what is it about? powerful explosions occurred at night in ukraine, local media reports came from... in three parts of the city at once. similar
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messages come from the khmelnitsky region, kharkov and kiev regions. during the night, air raid sirens were heard by residents of 13 regions of ukraine, as well as parts of the kherson region controlled by the kiev regime. in the zaporozhye direction, russian fighters are pushing back the enemy near the village of rabotina, together with a huge stormtroopers.
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i did it after the announcement of mobilization, i packed my backpack and the military registration and enlistment office showed up, the summons only came a week later, it was scary, i was just scared like an animal, how he would be, because i understood what was happening, and he understood what was happening, well, they tried to dissuade him there are many of him and he somehow clung to my opinion, i saw that this was important for him too, so no... i didn’t dissuade him, for him, he, you know, he never ran away from responsibility, he fell into 70th motorized rifle regiment of the dnepr group, the regiment, together with other units, fought off the kiev offensive at the beginning of summer in the rabotinsky direction, and he doesn’t like to talk about his military service, nor about the bsvo, anton shares sparingly about his current service, does anna know that she serves as a medical instructor by profession.
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done, at that moment there were no particular emotions, as if the work that should have been for persistence in defense and the transition to a counteroffensive in the rabotni direction , the regiment was awarded the rank of guards, so anton is now a guards medical instructor. anton was on vacation, but as anna says, pulled him back, here he is again in the ranks. there really is fear, yes, but it is there, but it doesn’t consume you, that is, you understand that you need to do the work, because otherwise the guys, no one will help them, the guys will die, about this special atmosphere.
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he has been commanding a regiment at the front for a year and a half, thanks to the guys , he was awarded a medal for courage , they support him in the seventies, we are a team, we are a family, my wife doesn’t understand this either, of course, when she says that i have two families, well, thank you to the rear, there is one family, here i have another, and if so... guys, who will help me, thanks to the efforts of parts of the dnepr group, the village of rabotina is now mostly in the gray zone, the offensive continues. anton stepanenko, valery vinakurov, news, zaporozhye front. russia will achieve the goals of the special operation when it becomes clear that everyone who wanted it has been freed from the nazi regime. this was stated by the head of the foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin in an exclusive interview with the solovyov tv channel. naryshkin is sure that the real masters of ukraine are not in the west. and the people who live
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on these lands, they decide what will be a country. the head of the foreign intelligence service also commented on the french president’s statement about the possible dispatch of nato troops to ukraine. such words, shkin emphasized, bring peace closer. to nuclear war and talk about the irresponsibility of current european leaders. the american military will not fight in ukraine; zelensky never asked for this. this statement was made by a representative of the white house national security council. according to him , joe biden indicated from the very beginning of the conflict that he would not send troops to ukraine. about disagreements in the west conflict in ukraine - alika komarova. paris will wait, macron has more important questions. he. having arrived in prague, he again began to threaten his compatriots with sending them to ukraine, among the arguments were appeals to conscience, and according to tradition, they want to pay for weapons for the armed forces of ukraine with the help of money from the european peace fund. is this our war or not? ask yourself this.
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can you take your eyes off what's going on there? i don't think so. i have called for a strategic build-up and fully support it. czech is also very useful initiative - collection of european ammunition. which are compatible with the equipment already available in ukraine; in this regard, various agreements and cooperation with third parties for the use of funds from the european peace fund are also allowed. such statements were met with hostility even in macron’s homeland. the leader of the french patriot party, florian philippot, is confident that if nato is not stopped, a new war will break out in europe. great britain, meanwhile, announced an increase in military supplies to kiev. according to the local deputy defense minister, london plans send to ukraine.
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to prolong the conflict in ukraine by any means, even the dirtiest, according to their sources, washington is exporting to kiev , experts are sure that western countries are trying a special type of war, nato sabotage operations against russia, because other methods of prolonging the conflict are too expensive for western partners, but public of the country of the military alliance.
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in his latest interviews, the politician said: russia and ukraine did not agree on any draft peace treaty 2 years ago in turkey, and those who claim the opposite and accuses europe of being a victim of russian propaganda for the breakdown of negotiations. alek komarov, vesti. the issue of establishing peace in ukraine is directly related to trump’s victory in the us presidential election. budapest is sure of this. on march 8, hungarian prime minister viktor orban will discuss the settlement with donald trump. if you ask under whom the world could be returned to global security and under whom us-hungarian relations could be improved, then obviously it is president trump. those who said that
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developments on the battlefield to improve the military situation in favor of ukraine failed. those who supplied weapons to ukraine contributed to prolonging the war. seyarta added: everything must be done to prevent a clash between nato and russia. in budapest , we are confident that the conflict in ukraine will definitely end in negotiations, since kiev cannot defeat russia, and russia cannot defeat the entire west. according to the minister, the sooner these negotiations begin, the fewer casualties and destruction there will be. donald trump already wins 12 states in the primaries usa, the new york times reported. according to preliminary results, the ex-president is confidently approaching victory in the fight for the nomination from the republic.
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a reduction in fire in the gas sector may be introduced in the first week of ramadan, the arabic tv channel al arabiya reports. this aspect of the truce in the region is currently being discussed by participants in multilateral negotiations in cairo. the holy month for muslims begins on march 11, but for now the enclave is running out of food and fresh water. there is no medicine or electricity in hospitals. hospitals overcrowded with wounded and children who are dying of hunger. meanwhile, israel is fighting off attacks from hezbollah. the day before, the iron dome air defense system recorded more than thirty missile launches from lebanon. only 10 of them were intercepted. in one of the regions of the country they decided to urgently evacuate residents. now there is footage from irkutsk, a large fire broke out on the sixteenth floor of a high-rise building under construction,
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a column of thick smoke rose into the sky, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, the fire area reached 500 square m2. there is also this angle of this fire, i’ll show you now, three fire brigades worked on the site, rescuers checked the floors of the house to find out if there were builders there, but the department noted that the construction site was littered with structures, and the ground was literally collapsing under the mass of firefighters. in addition, there was a risk of the burning elements collapsing, but according to the latest data, the fire has been extinguished, and watering and dismantling of the structures is now underway. on tv at these moments, doctors are fighting for the lives of those injured in the explosion and fire at tets in the city of shaganar. 18 people were taken to hospital. by according to preliminary data, these are enterprise employees. 15 victims will be transported to kazyl, a helicopter has already taken off for them. rescuers are looking for three more in the damaged building. heating in the city is temporarily turned off. classes in educational institutions were cancelled, after inspecting the scene of the incident , it became clear that the boilers were not damaged, according to
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calculations, the heat should return to the houses in the late afternoon, the explosion along the fuel supply occurred in the morning, the building was filled with thick smoke, the reasons are now being clarified, the investigative committee has opened a criminal case. today, throughout the country, the ministry of emergency situations is checking the warning system, sirens and loudspeakers have already sounded in kamchatka, they were launched at 10:40 local time in... all areas of petropavlovsko, kamchatka and other cities. the broadcast of public television and radio channels was interrupted. such signals are turned on when there is a threat to the population in emergency situations. on the peninsula, these may include tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. the test took place in primorye from 100 to 11 am, the system will be turned on in other russian regions. the ministry of emergency situations recommends that when you hear the sounds of sirens , you remain calm and listen to information messages on television or radio. similar checks. are carried out regularly, the current one has become part of the ministry of emergency situations exercises on floods and fires. the last time the sirens were sounded was in
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october last year. on march 6 , an all-russian inspection of the public warning system will take place, and the planned launch of sirens and loudspeakers will be carried out. the broadcast of television and radio channels will be replaced by the broadcast of a text message about the inspection. this set of measures allows objectively check the serviceability of the warning device, as well as conduct training for the duty services. this is necessary to maintain readiness. including the threat of flooding of territories and the spread of natural fires. when you hear the sound of sirens, do not panic and remain calm. in canada, lightning struck a plane taking off from vancouver international airport. the boeing was heading to london, there were 550 passengers on board, according to experts, the tragedy was avoided thanks to the built-in one.
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meeting with representatives of the domestic agro-industrial complex in the stavropol territory, the head of state instructed the minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev to keep the issue under control. the president said that he would support government measures on diesel fuel prices to meet the needs of the agricultural sector this year. the main thing is that they are balanced and timely. i will support any decision, as my colleagues from the oil and energy industries emphasize.
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economic commission: in russia the figure exceeded 73,500 rubles or 871 dollars in terms of american currency. in in kazakhstan, the average salary is just below the equivalent of $800. o. about 700 in armenia, in belarus the figure is at the level of 634 dollars, in kyrgyzstan about 380. moscow is interested in increasing trade and economic cooperation and mutual investments with baku. russian prime minister mikhail mishustin stated this during negotiations with his azerbaijani counterpart ali osadov. the meeting took place in
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the capital of the republic. as the head of the russian government noted, a reliable basis is the declaration of allied interaction between. net profit amounted to 44 billion, which is 74.5% more than the previous year. in addition, as indicated in the report, in november teli 2 paid excess profit tax, 322 million rubles. this is a voluntary fee from a company whose average profit over the years 21-2 exceeded a billion
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rubles. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 91. ruble 16 kopecks, the euro is 98 rubles. 93 kopecks novel, march, thank you, we continue. a unique exhibition of avant-garde artists opens today at the jewish museum in moscow. she will talk about the origins of jewish modernism in the last century. more than 150 works were collected from private and museum collections. chagall, altman, shterenberg. the exhibition is based on originals, but there are rooms with digital installations and tactile models that you can touch. sofia sergieva also touched art with her hands. rich colors, three-dimensional shapes, dynamics and abstraction in every stroke. after 100 years, the works of the best masters of the jewish avant-garde were brought together again. this exhibition is about how the national world, a world understandable to a circle of people, suddenly became international, moved to international
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language, yes, has become avant-garde art. this is the story of those artists who took up the task of renewal and preservation. jewish art and those artists who understood that their roots were valuable, yes, that this is how valuable the world, the shtetl, traditional jewish art are, for this purpose the association of cultures , the league, was created, it just became the center of the exhibition, the kulturliga existed in the ussr a little more than 5 years, but during this time it united the best artists who created in the yiddish language. chagall, altman, shterenberg, lissitzky, discovered new words in painting and experimenting with color, light and graphics, but based on national and religious motives. many of them were born in jewish shtetls in the pale of settlement. they lived in a traditional jewish environment, they were jews, they went to synagogue with their parents, they saw this place and lived in its images. square people and cubic cities were preceded by realistic sketches of synagogues drawn from
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old jewish cemeteries. the subjects are from the holy scriptures, which is why the exhibition features relics. people. at the entrance aron kadesh, sacred to any jew, in which torah scrolls were once kept, and next to them are memorial tables of yorzeit and amulets with the name of god, which were supposed to protect against all misfortunes. they carried a rethinking of their cultural code, national art through the then modern avant-garde language, a new pictorial system. as i walked, i am first and foremost a jewish artist, and would i be such an artist if i were not a jew. the basis of the exhibition consists of originals, but there is one room in which, with the help of digital installations, the curators recreated the image of the state jewish chamber theater. mark shagal not only came up with costumes and scenery for it, but also these huge colorful panels. there is also an inclusive space here, such a tactile model that allows everyone to touch art. the phrase jewish avant-garde is almost
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synonymous, because the very idea of ​​a non-standard view of the world. through the prism of centuries-old experience, not the easiest, not the simplest, when this was superimposed on the prism of a turning point in country, the creation of what new schemes, in almost all areas of life in the russian empire, in the soviet union, then in the work of jewish artists this was largely reflected precisely... in what is called the jewish avant-garde. it seems that avant-garde is the main trend of the season. in the near future , a family project dedicated to the work of marc chagall during the avant-garde period will open at the jewish museum. photographer khalip, and in the fall visitors will be able to see an exhibition dedicated to the amazon of the russian avant-garde by lyubov popova. sofia sergieva, yuri gonchar, lead.
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who will ensure development? who guarantees? who unites us, in whom you are confident, only in him. russia! vote for someone who can be trusted with the country. my grandfather is a world-famous chemist. in the nineties they called him abroad, but he always... refused, saying that the davankovs have only one homeland - russia. i want us to be proud of our scientists and respect our teachers. therefore, investments in science
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and education should double. and this is in my program: with love for people. vladislav davankov, presidential candidate russia, number one on the ballot. time for something new. i'll remove it, no, leave it. the zhirinovsky case lives on. slutsky, russian presidential candidate. the wealth of russia should belong to the people. yes. taxes for the rich.
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yes, then kharitonov, for nikolai kharitonov, the state must teach, treat, protect, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. now sports news ilya, funds from the sale of chelsea football may be frozen indefinitely. roman, that’s all true, this is due to disagreements regarding property rights. uk government is concerned possible political exposure when it comes to where and to whom exactly these funds are sent. they believe that there is endless risk here. in the football champions league , the first participants in the quarterfinals were determined in bayern and psg, lazio and real madrid passed through. after the defeat, time. bayern defeated lazio at home 3:0. the start of the match turned out to be cautious, but by the break the munich team were able to score twice, with harry kane and thomas
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müller scoring goals. in the second half the hosts were in control initiative, by the middle of the half kane scored a double and closed all questions about the winner in this pair. before the away match, psg had a good handicap of two goals; a quick goal by kylian mbappe at the beginning of the first half completely reduced real's chances of advancing further to a minimum. the second half also started with a goal from mbappe. to which the spaniards were only able to respond with a goal from merin at the end of the meeting. psg's victory in this match brought the parisians into the quarterfinals. real madrid midfielder arsen zakharyan missed the match due to injury. ska is out forward in the khl playoff series with torpedo. the st. petersburg team won the third match of the first round series with a score of 5:2. in the thirteenth minute, ska defender alexander nikishin opened the scoring, right from the blue line. in the second period, the army team pressed the lead to a large one with the efforts of falkovsky and glotov at the start. in the third period, the teams exchanged goals, and 5 minutes before the end of the match, firsto revived the intrigue, making the score 4:2, but the torpedo was not enough for more, and torpedo forward sergei goncheruk sent the last puck of the game into his own goal, it
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was recorded on the player ska galimov, who was the last to touch the puck before it ended up in the goal of the nizhny novgorod team. thanks to the victory, ska took a 2:1 lead in the series. the fourth match will take place in nizhny novgorod tomorrow. in other meetings of the day , avangard beat lada for the third time in a row, the match score was 3:1, before the second one went out. rounds than one victory left. metallurg won an away victory over amur 3:2 and pavel serie with the khobrov team - 2:1. in the vtb united league , lokomotiv-kuban beat enisey away 101/87. the kuban team returned to the game with -15 and won their first victory in group a. yenissei suffered its first third defeat in a row, conceding more than 100 points in all matches. in the battle for leadership in the championship, cska lost to unix on its home floor 78-84. as expected, in the grands' game, everything was decided in the final quarter. unix played the final game successfully. a fantastic performance by nenad dimitrievvich led to a double-digit advantage for kazantsev 79, 69.
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a minute and a half before the end of the meeting, the army team was no longer able to catch up with the opponent. dimitrievich updated his personal scoring record by scoring 38 points, and cska extended its anti-record streak to four defeats in a row. the trial in the case of spartak football striker quincy promes on leaving the scene of an accident in dubai has been postponed for a week, insiders say. according to sources, the judges adjourned the hearing for personal reasons. football lawyers are preparing documents so that it can take place in the coming days. it was recently claimed that promesa will flee extradition to the netherlands, pay a fine and fly to russia on march 5. it was expected that he could take part in the match against the torch in the twentieth round of the rpl, which will take place this weekend. handball, the chekovsky bears again beat their teammates from perm and became the third participants in the men's handball final four. his main sensation was the absence of the champion cska at home , unexpectedly losing to viktor stavropol. and
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in the women's championship there is a sensation. cska is second, rostov-don is in the lead, but then it will be easier for the army team; soon the best player of cska, elena mikhalichenko, will return to the court, having suspended your career. it was sports news, have a nice day. flowers, money and fire , a fatal fire in the capital's flower warehouse, the fire lasted 2,500 km, a fire at a flower warehouse in moscow occurred on november 20 , 2022, the flames instantly enveloped the ancient hangar, i heard cries for help.
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why people died and how the flower business works in russia, we took up this matter and conducted our own investigation.
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public control, how many cameras are they filming here? no, cameras are needed so that voting can be observed. there are observers working at the site, and all important places are under constant video surveillance: desks of members of the election commission, places of issuance, storage, moving everything into redemption bags, voting boxes and places for... ballots, and completed ballots are sealed in safe bags and are stored in separate safes or metal cabinets. i wonder who watches these videos? the broadcast can be watched by candidates, parties, public observers, and if necessary, the recording can be rewinded and watched again. everything is transparent and under control.


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