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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 6, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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by the way, soon many countries around the world will celebrate international women’s day, let’s applaud the women and our girls. yes, well, we appear equal, but the question is: do we grow, do we develop in equal conditions?
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there was a broadcast from sirius with the closing ceremony of the world youth festival, the president addressed the participants. well, we continue. the russian ministry of defense this evening announced the results of a strike on a hangar in an industrial area of ​​odessa, where our missiles managed to cross the training camp. use of unmanned boats. the object, as specified, was successfully hit, therefore the goal was achieved. at the same time, a little earlier, a lot of noise was caused by publications in the greek media, which claimed that the cause of the powerful explosion was allegedly an attempt by russian drones. to attack zelensky's motorcade,
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shortly before his meeting with the prime minister of greece, mitsatakes in the same odessa. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. they laugh in the face of death, the reaction of our special forces personnel to the drone-camera stuck in the windshield speaks volumes, not a single swear word, the guys make witty jokes, these fighters have nerves of steel. flowers, money and fire. deadly fire at the capital's flower warehouse. the fire lasted 2,500 km. a fire at a flower base in moscow occurred on november 20, 2022. flames instantly engulfed the old hangar. i heard
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cries for help, thank god, the three of us managed to run out. the temperature was very high, everything that was inside was destroyed by fire. seven people were trapped and burned alive. everything, well, even kostya, there was nothing to learn there, begins another raid, and also information appeared that the publication was stolen from a save containing 20 million rubles, i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, now he has to live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he killed people, what was the reason fire, a small thing led to big consequences, why people died and how the flower business works in russia, we took on this matter and carried out our own. investigation.
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public control, how many cameras are they filming here? no. cameras are needed so that voting can be observed. observers work at the site, and all important places are under constant video surveillance: the tables of members of the election commission, places of issuance, storage, movement of the entire package of cancellation of ballots, voting boxes and places of counting ballots, and the completed ballots are all sealed in bags and stored in separate safes or metal cabinets. it’s interesting who is watching these videos, the broadcast can be watched by candidates, parties, public observers, and if necessary, the recording can be rewinded and watched again, everything is transparent and under control, deposit, the best interest in the savings account
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with clear conditions, it is reliable and profitable...
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the most exquisite chocolate layer, inside is beautiful, ideal, plumbeer, airy, natural, happy with the wheel, carried by a silver bullet. give gifts with a free vtb credit card, 20% cashback on everything, and 200 days without interest. this sign is modestly hidden behind the big victories at the new stadium. it will support the spirit of sport in the new playgrounds near the house in any weather. this sign does not move forward against the background of great talents in the updated house of culture. and he will certainly fade into the background at such a solemn moment. the national projects of russia sign is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes it has brought to our lives.
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national project of russia by decision of the president. maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes. a sore throat is a minus, but miramestin is a plus; it’s logical to have one in your medicine cabinet. she will appear now. well, a card that earns itself. gazprombank debit card with a stable up to... do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from the transfer to a cash account, then open a business account on, this is the same hairdryer, the same hairdryer, and also top quality cashback 20% on everything, a robot vacuum cleaner with miho support for only 14,999. one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops. now the prices for flowers are such that it is more profitable to buy a smartphone, for example.
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every month you will get 2% of your interest rate back with sber bonuses, thank you. hurry up to get a loan with cashback. get a better deal with prime. new yandex browser, give me neurosil. put together a presentation. with pictures like this to make the client melt. oh, honeys. download the new yandex browser. be amazed at your neural powers. work on the territory of russia
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is prohibited in connection with the implementation of extremist activities, quotes from the decision of the odygea court, which completed the consideration of the case of the ukrainian oligarch-terrorist igor kolomoisky and his financial partners. during the process, the prosecutor's office paid the closest attention to the assets of the business group in russia, or more precisely to how... they are used, in particular, it was proven that kolomoisky and his companies sent their income to anti-russian propaganda, as well as to support neo-nazi and terrorist battalions. the fact is generally well-known, but here we are talking about specific companies, accounts, and proxies. the head office of business extremists operates in the uk, this is where the proceeds from russia went, but this will no longer happen. all assets associated with the oligarch are taken into federal ownership, this is a court decision. as separately emphasized in the final document must be fulfilled immediately, the list of confiscated items was studied
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by stanislav bernval, stanislav, good evening , hello, but we are talking about billions, and the most important thing is that perhaps there are still some companies through front people who work in russia, now the investigation should be carried out by these companies establish and, accordingly, also nationalize these companies, gas and condensate production, exploration and production of hydrocarbon raw materials, as well as agricultural land... which is a much larger asset, the bill runs into billions of rubles. activities prohibited by court decision
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association whose members are kolomoisky, shitov, the company jkxoil & gas limited, the country of registration is great britain in connection with the implementation of extremist activities. the court recovered 100% of the shares in the authorized capitals of energy and catering, worth over 5 billion rubles, into federal ownership. the investigation was initiated by the russian prosecutor general's office. kolomoisky was suspected of conducting extremist activities and financing the ukrainian army, including nazi units, such as aidar and azov, banned in rossini and...
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new property, in my opinion, today should be checked by the security authorities of the russian federation for their involvement in terrorist and extremist activities, the confiscation of kolomoisky’s next property in the russian federation should open the door to new criminal proceedings against kolomoisky’s accomplices, let’s figure it out... what assets did the ukrainian oligarch own until today under gray schemes, what was their value and what profit did they bring him? kolomoisky owned one hundred percent shares in the authorized capital of the largest companies in the fuel and energy complex of the republic of adgea, yuzhgas energy, which is engaged in natural gas production, geological exploration and geophysical
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work, geodetic and cartographic activities, as well as the ketering company, and the main type of activity of which is the operation of public catering enterprises, both kolomoisky and businessman shitov owned the companies through the company jkux oil & gas limited, registered in the uk. the value of these two companies was more than 5 billion 100 million rubles. and the annual revenue was 1.7 billion rubles. why was this property not confiscated earlier?
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and through dummies, kolomoisky owned a high-rise office building in moscow. also in the center of the capital, it had six premises with a total area of ​​5.5. and that is not all. in the vladimir, kaliningrad, moscow and smolensk regions, kolomoisky and podelnik shitov owned almost 500 agricultural land plots with a total area of ​​more than 5 hectares. the cadastral value of this asset was over 6 billion
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with an earplug saying guys, what's wrong with your face? an ironic post today appeared in the telegram channel of the aida group, special forces akhmat, whose fighters and commander found themselves in a rather unusual situation, as it is not difficult to notice, an enemy fpv drone flew into their car, and even with a powerful explosive suspension from rpg 7. well, it would seem that in this situation, the military personnel inside the car should have had an extremely hard time. however, instead of detonating the drone, it simply stuck into the windshield, breaking through it, as if what... the ukrainian operators are probably disappointed, and the russian soldiers, in turn
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, reacted to all this with cheerful laughter, although here, of course, one cannot escape the question of why the copter behaved this way, probably the answers. well, is this just a happy accident or is it still some kind of pattern? alexey, this is, firstly, evidence of the technological lag in the ssu from the russian army, and secondly, a huge share of military success, which, as you know, is a reward for courage, chilling the soul of personnel from the svo zone. special forces soldiers akhmat looking at the fpv drone sticking out of the windshield, one is struck by the calmness with which our... impossible, we usually enter before it begins to get dark, that is, already in the evening, by 6-7 at the time of arrival closer to the line of combat
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contact to us in the windshield of the car flies over the enemy, and does not detonate, all we have time to do is collect things, weapons, laugh a little, start from... it worked normally, there would be no chance of survival, the drone was carrying anti-tank ammunition for rpgs -7, besides drones modified specifically for fpv, what went wrong, the fighters themselves tell us using the example of another captured uav. when the contacts break or close, detonation occurs. we're coming. in the car it turned out that one of them went to the right, one to the left and the drone hit, that’s why it didn’t work, it was just some incredible luck. it’s worth making an explanation here,
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in fact, shots from the rp7 have their own impact detonator, that is, they explode upon direct contact with the target, but you need to keep in mind that the grenade ammunition take off at enormous speeds, more than 400 km/h, and then also... accelerate due to jet thrust, while drones, at best , develop 100 km/h or so, at such speeds, even if they crash into a car or tank , then the ammunition will not detonate, so under fpv the grenade launcher rounds are modified, the old fuse is removed , the mass of the warhead is increased, and then new detonators are installed, here the paths of russia and ukraine diverge, our fighters install sensitive but reliable manual impact fuses on kamica drones ...pomegranate, here ukrainians are trying to make electronic detonators, more delicate and complex in execution, assembled by completely incompetent people, by and large
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, most likely these are some kind of volunteers who , who collect money from donors there, are trying to simply make money on this, there is no quality control, so such situations are funny , they happen, and even if everything is done correctly, there is no guarantee of hitting the target, like... not an incorrectly assembled drone or an unfortunate coincidence, but we have an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances for enemy, it happened that the drone did not
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work, this saved us. however, according to experts, akhmat’s fighters are modest, they survived not only thanks to luck, it was easy to scare away luck, they did not do it. high-quality performance of the duties of a driver who did not panic. didn’t maneuver the car, calmly, quietly, stopped. after the car was stopped, people left it; it would have been untimely and incorrect to clear this product in the dark. there were no ill-considered actions; on the contrary, there was a healthy male laughter. no one screamed, no one pulled out their hair, no one said, “i won’t give up ,” that is, none of this happened, everything was done competently, quietly. to summarize, professionalism, composure, technical superiority, this is why russian fighters will return home to their families, but
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of course, only after they have finished their work. evgenia tishkovets, and a drone that didn’t work. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. the group okeana elzy, collect money for the armed forces of ukraine, performed under the sign. lagoti sites in strasbourg are still in colors of the st. george ribbon. vakarchuk didn’t see it, or money doesn’t smell like money to him. when it seems like things can't get any better. they have a double advantage, provide protection from heat and cold, and help save on heating and air conditioning. penaf
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general too... alexey, it was more like a sign to him. ocean elsa seems to have sunk. how else can we explain what happened at the concert venue in strasbourg? this is the stage performance of kian leader elsa vakarchuk. yes, everything would be fine, but a ukrainian group performs in france. so people came to listen to their music. but either vakarchuk.


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