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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 6, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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to non-state, non-state forms of contacts that will create conditions for smoothing out relations at the state level. thanks for the question. i propose to continue walking along the golerka, as we say in russia. please, your question. assalamu alaikum. egypt, i recently graduated from the faculty of medicine and the graduation ceremony coincided with the day i flew to sochi, so...
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in the team of world ambassadors in egypt, we work with the world community, help deliver humanitarian aid we give people the opportunity. we send young people between different countries to become leaders in their communities, we are now working on an international project that seeks to unite volunteer activists in different countries, we are implementing projects in different countries, in our country, in theirs, and i heard about the award, we are together , and there my team was selected twice, we... were
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included in the list of finalists in 2021, i became a finalist for this award in 2022, i was in moscow, participated there in the framework of the civil participation forum, and for it was an incredible impression for me, a prize, we are together, this is a wonderful humanitarian direction, a wonderful project, thanks to it we ended up here, we are achieving our goals, realizing our dreams. regarding volunteering, i, as a volunteer, am extremely impressed by the world youth festival, people are smiling, friendly, i want to thank them, i know that there are more than 500 volunteers at the festival, thank you to all of them.
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i want to ask you, mr. president, how the volunteer community is created in russia, and how to make sure that so many people was included in the general work, shokran, thank you, first of all i would like to address your colleague from belgium, if you want to communicate with russian doctors, please, this can be done, right here. this means sit down for god’s sake, here’s the second thing about how the work of volunteer movements is organized, we’ve already talked about the russian soul, but without any jokes i want to say, without any irony, but still the people of russia have something in their souls this feeling of compassion is passed down from the parent, directly from... from the mother, from
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father to children and so on, from generation to generation, so this desire to help other people, the desire to support, in general, i repeat, it corresponds to our spiritual tradition, but in itself this is volunteerism, in our country even in the most difficult days in the most difficult days at the turning points of russian history in our most difficult times. there have always been a lot of volunteers, including during the great patriotic war, the second world war, a lot of people voluntarily went to the front, just like many today are taking part in hostilities in order to ultimately stop the war that was unleashed back in 2014 in the donbass, uh, but the volunteer movement as such today, you know, it has begun its development, just from
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the preparations, it seems to me, from the preparations for the olympic games right here in sochi in 2014, then of course, another one, another such powerful push, just...
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what are your future plans or to return home to your homeland in egypt or get additional education in russia, something do together, but if you are planning to develop volunteerism in your country, you can also take this experience of ours, in any case, all the positive things that we will share with us, i can only wish you success, this is a noble cause, you know with us here at the festival.
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please, yes vladimir vladimirovich, hello, i’m dasha kukarskikh, i’m a theater and film actress, and a year ago our team, the team of the 2022 project, which was recently released on channel one, visited mariupol in new territories and filmed the first feature film film, eh... my question is this: in fact, i ’m very interested in what films raised you as a person, as a person, in my opinion, of great soul, a person who understands and a person who appreciates people, perhaps how your
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tastes have changed by your age now , such films as cheburashka today, well then... you know, and of course, we need all this, to give it to our children, because, because, because what is being done today is probably very technologically advanced, everything flashes before my eyes, everything is shooting, making noise, explodes, everyone is catching up with each other
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, they can’t catch up, when they catch up, they will definitely hit you on the head, but, well, probably this is such an action game, it is in demand on the market, always... as a person grows, matures, as he gains , well, such experience in communicating with people, he develops his own assessments of what is good and what is bad, he begins to look differently at the classics, at
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modern, say, literature, or a work of cinema, well, there is nothing so unusual here. didn't happen, everything was the same everyone, i wish you, i wish you all the best in your work, that you addressed the problems, as i understand it, that the problems of those people who...
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you, mr. president, for what you are doing for africa and for our country, in terms of scholarships, and not only, thank you for speaking about the injustice of international politics, in particular, about the manifestations of neo-colonialism. and in this regard, i would like to say that in this struggle, you are fighting not only for yourself for
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the russian people, but you are doing it for ours peoples also, thank you very much for this, mr. president, i also wanted to say, this is what, mr. president, we would like as... africa, how we can better interact and work with russia in order to resolve those challenges, which our peoples face, and how we can work together with the russian people to overcome all problems at the global level. and in conclusion, i would like to say, mr. president, i would so much like to become your son
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from africa, i would like you to be my mentor, mr. president, that i can i want to tell you, son, first of all, i want to address you not only. people believe that to a large extent the prosperity of these countries
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is based on the exploitation of other peoples, today 's prosperity is based on the exploitation of africa to a large extent on the exploitation of natural resources and human human resources, they directly talk about it honestly, i do not believe that here. .. we need to take these circumstances into account, because what absolutely needs to be done is that only by taking this circumstance into account we we can achieve correction of today's unjust economic world order. i am moving on to such complex substances, perhaps
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it is difficult for people who are not initiated into this matter to immediately understand, but i will not speak in complex categories, the current economic world order is unfair, it is no coincidence that within the framework of the world trade organization, government representatives, the vast majority of countries in the world cannot agree on anything in the framework of numerous sessions that move from one to another. and why? because that because the rich countries, the rich countries of the world, do not want in deeds, not in words, in deeds at the government level. to create a system of international economic relations that would open markets for developing economies, which would create liberal conditions for their development and growth, countries with developing economies are trying from year to year to make some changes to this
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world economic order, and they are constantly almost every step they put up barriers, here we are... gathering in st. petersburg for the next russia-africa summit, and you probably paid attention to what the leaders of african states said, by the way, despite the shouting and that means creating conditions for them, for the leaders of african countries, so that they do not go to russia, all of africa i came, and not even because we have a history of relationship.
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financial conditions for germany were imposed by france and great britain, created such indemnities and such conditions for the repayment of debts to what they believed to be the entente states that
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it was by definition impossible to pay off these debts, and this was one of the reasons. hitler’s quick rise on the political stage, because he told his people: look what these bandits are doing, because they have imposed on us such conditions under which, from generation to generation, the germans will never be able to pay off and become a normal country, we only have there is only one way, to fight for our interests by force, that’s what it’s all about , this is not the only reason, but one of the serious reasons, why are such conditions being created for africa today? imposes such financial obligations, of course it is not means that you and i must follow the path, there is always resistance, fighting for our interests by force of arms, but we must do everything to change the current situation, make it much more fair, understandable, transparent, and therefore
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more stable, as i just said in my final words on the forum on on means here next to each other in the next room on here - there is one more point that i would like to draw attention to in the course of numerous contacts with african leaders, even from those countries in which economic the situation today is very difficult, and people live very hard, and are often malnourished, not one of them, not one, i want to emphasize this: did not directly ask for anything, no one extended a hand and no one asked for anything, give us this, give us that, everyone was talking about only one thing: let's establish fair, honest, economic work together, so i want to tell you that we are ready, of course, to support
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our african friends when necessary, you probably heard, we are now grain... sent to several for free african countries, and even paid for the transportation of this grain and so on, where it needs to be done, we are ready for this, but we are certainly even more ready for joint, fruitful work on equal terms, africa expects this from the whole world and from russia, and of course we will work with you exactly in this mode on these principles, africa has a great future, you and i... have been working for almost an hour, you will guide us, because i know that you have a schedule, well, a schedule already graphics, well, let’s work, we’ll still work, yes, please, here you go, give it here , the sector has arrived, and then gradually , yes, please, please, give me a microphone, but anyway, give it there, here’s the boss, please, good afternoon, dear
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vladimir vladimirovich, in response to you, to your question about feedback, it seems to me that the best answer is the phrase of one person whom i met here on the sidelines of the forum, he is from dubai, and from dubai, and from dubai, dubai, when i asked him, how do you like the forum? he said: "i was afraid to come here because i was told this is russian propaganda." but when i came here, i feel an atmosphere of friendship. that's why he says, good propaganda. yes, he says, friendship is the best propaganda. and i want to thank you for this forum to share my history of festivals. and, for me, the 2017 festival , which was the previous one, played a colossal role in fate, because then i learned about artificial intelligence, together with teams from india and greece, from poland, with whom we worked on foresight, they presented their
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project, then we presented it, a few years later, a couple of years later i flew to italy, study and get an education there at a top school in europe, then thanks to the competition of the leader of russia i returned home, here i built robots, now in the team of dmitry nikolaevich chernyshenko we are developing artificial the intelligence of russia, ah... thank you, this is an example of how festivals work, how our social elevators work, thank you very much for this, and we, together with the team of mineka from bera, developed, developed a strategy for the development of a national artificial intelligence, we expect a colossal economic effect, we are moving to the implementation of artificial intelligence, we sincerely believe that science and technology can be a place in which all nations unite and work together, i have an applied question: character, we are moving to the implementation of artificial intelligence. vladimir vladimirovich, do you use a voice assistant? do you have a yandex ilisberg or other smart
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speaker at home? if you have a smart home, do you generate congratulations and pictures for your friends? thank you. why should i collect if we have it. there is an election director who is always in touch. grev, german oskarovich, he is always in touch. here, but, in all seriousness, please sit down, we can be proud of our achievements in this area. why? because we have this, so-called e-government, it is advanced, it can be much more, and we... have achieved much greater success than in many other countries in the world, and this, of course, is the result of the work of those people, including chernyshenko, whom you mentioned,
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who is one of the organizers and these events, and here we have taken certain steps forward, but of course, this is not enough yet, of course, we must together with our colleague... of course we will do this, we are doing this and will do this. many questions related to ethics arise here, but here we have something to brag about in the good sense of the word,
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because you probably know, we agree on this with our leading companies, we have agreed, they are creating appropriate self-control tools in this area, on on this site, one might even say more precisely wider, and... and this is also very important, because the use of artificial intelligence cannot be stopped, these are obvious things, i am not inclined to agree with those who see some kind of end of the world here, see that there will be some kind of milestone, period no return, when it will be impossible for humanity to return to the fact that we live in the human world, there will come... from some point of no return, another era in the life of humanity, the era of machines will come that will control man, but today, in any in
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today's case, everything depends on us. if these technologies are released from human control, then it seems to me that the time will be ripe for agreements, just as the conditions were ripe for an agreement in the field of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and control over these weapons, but we will definitely have to agree on this at the international level, it seems to me that common
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sense will prevail, we can... i want to say that we walked all over the city here, i painted a dostoevsky mural, a graffiti painting, i don’t know if you remember me or no, i want to say that none of the cultures can be canceled, i believe that art.
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an obvious thing, in any case, we in russia have always treated it this way, we treat it now, but not only did we unite, but your italian struggle for independence, gorebaldi, didn’t that unite us, always united us, and the fact that you went to donbass , this is in new russia, this is also, apparently , such a call of the heart, because italians always have a desire for freedom in their hearts, which means... this means you need to respect, and apparently, you respect and the desire of other people to make their own choice, to choose their own destiny. and, of course, you should always look at any problem from different angles. and art, in my opinion, should be provided to people.


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