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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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great people, this is a completely obvious thing, in any case, we in russia have always treated it this way, we treat it now, but not only did it unite us, but your italian struggle for independence, goribaldi, didn’t that unite us, always united us, and the fact that you went to the donbass, this is to novorossiya, this is also, apparently, such a call of the heart, because italians always have... in their hearts a desire for freedom, which means this means that you need to respect, and judging by everything, you respect the desire of other people to make their own choice own destiny, and of course, any problem must always be looked at from different angles, and art, in my opinion, should provide people, without interfering in current politics, but by giving, as it were, information in
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its own special language about what is happening, art should help people make their own choices when solving such complex issues, including those of today, in this sense, it seems to me that you are on the right path, i want to wish you all the best, success , i am sure that you will succeed if you will continue adhere to such internal...
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good afternoon everyone, mr. president , thank you for coming to this event, i am from argentina, i am a political scientist, i head the international center for cooperation with russia, in addition, i head the delegation, almost 100 of us argentines attended this festival , this is a special moment for us. a question about innovative technologies, artificial intelligence, which has already been asked, we experience incredible joy being here, and the members of my delegation, the people with whom we met, they asked a question about the future of the festival, and excuse me for repeating myself
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, we discussed with many delegations how to create a reliable and stable system of interaction between youth around the world, and become, so that we can become ambassadors of this project, develop new ideas based on the ideas developments of this festival, that’s my question. that it’s impossible to depoliticize everything, but if you want there to be fewer restrictions, then you need to politicize contacts between young people as much as possible and not try to fight through a closed door or into some walls, look for those directions.
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only russia, first of all , when i talked with the guys, i learned that they had the opportunity not only to make friends with each other, to get to know each other better, but to learn something new, and part of this festival was the marathon of the russian knowledge society, where the guys around the world communicated with outstanding people, also from all over the world, only in our country there is a format of open dialogue at arm's length, and this format,
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thank you very much again, we appreciate that the holiday and what you do not only for our guys, but also for all these guys with whom we have all become friends over these days. thank you! “i don’t consider myself the best lecturer, i’m telling you frankly, although - at universities we had such a small course at the university, but still that’s not the point, the point is that it is - so this type of activity, it’s not really mine, i must tell you, frankly, and we really have very talented people who have and..." encyclopedic knowledge and are able to present it beautifully so that to do this not only intelligibly, but in order to win hearts during their speeches , win minds and make listeners what they say, what they are trying to convince with
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their like-minded people, we have many such talented people, i will do everything, this is my job, so that you have them, thank you very much, but we are really looking forward to your visit, thank you very much.
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and before you answer, i would like, on behalf of
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the montenegrin delegation and the people of montenegro, to apologize for the sanctions that were imposed on the russian federation. thanks for attention, thank you for the amazing time. you know, montenegro has always been a state close to us and the people who live there are close to us in faith and culture. we understand the situation montenegro is in, therefore, as you understand, joining the sanctions has no effect on us, these are all things of a purely populist nature on the former leaders. montenegro, he is not only a leader, but also, in my opinion, he was a businessman, and it’s not even clear what was more there, he’s a leader or he’s a businessman, well, it doesn’t matter, something else is important , i want to answer this, you just talked about sanctions, about the fight against sanctions, and how this affects,
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today’s event, i want to emphasize again, i said this at the very beginning, we will organize an event of this kind , this is this youth festival, not like... we hold an event of this kind not to prove something to someone, to compete with someone, we hold an event in order to find friends , in order to create conditions for communication between young people, so that they would receive more information about us, about russia, and having received this information, they could, just like many of the participants in our meeting today, could make plans for cooperation.
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anyway, 50 people came despite all this, we still have america here, yes please usa, ask questions mexico.
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in the field of protection of rightful peoples, in october we met with other leaders of the preparatory committees, national ones and came to the conclusion that this topic is very important and included it in the program of this festival, of course, a question on this topic , but my name is antonio, i’m from mexico, i forgot to introduce myself, i’m studying, by the way, which...
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is very important for us, and these are the roots, these are our roots for all the peoples inhabiting, inhabiting a vast territory russian federation, they are extremely important, because they preserve our traditions and culture, but i have nothing against popular culture, well, we understand what it is and it is also needed, of course, but... but of course, here that, i come back again, the soul
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of the people, it is, of course, in the national traditions in national culture, and here , of course, we have something to talk about, there is, there is something that is in demand, we can and should exchange information, experience in this most important, most important area, and convey all the beauty of national cultures to each other , this is very important, very useful, very beautiful. so we are ready to work with you, good evening, dear vladimir vladimirovich, my name is andrey savelyev. i work at the patriotic war center, which was created on your instructions, i myself am a resident of kiev, after the coup in ukraine, i left kiev for crimea, joined the militia , participated in the defense of crimea, as well as in the defense of slavyansk, as a field medic, at that time i was 16 years old, also when the special operation began, i volunteered for the front,
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served in the legendary sparta battalion. worked, worked as a volunteer in military hospitals, in 2012, even before the maidan, the cossacks of the loyal cossacks in the center of kiev on sophia square, you know where it is, held events dedicated to the friendship of russia, ukraine and belarus. at that time i was a student cadet class, i was 14 years old, at some point radical banderaites came there and tore it out. russian flag, one of them tried to run away with it, i managed to catch up with him and save the flag from desecration. after that, i was invited to the russian embassy in ukraine and was presented with a personalized watch from you. now this flag is located as a relic in the center of the warrior. we are now at
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the festival and i am there as a member of the svo, from the donetsk delegation and i am very glad that there is an opportunity here to convey the truth, not only. representatives from all regions of russia, but foreign guests, from almost all over the world, so i would like to thank the volunteers who provide this opportunity, and who also participate in helping the front, as well as on behalf of all participants of the northern military district, thank you personally for standing up for the donbass, and now our army is showing everything the greatness of russia to the world, thank you very much, thank you. please sit down, i in turn want to thank you for your position, when you just stood up you started speaking in such a confident, firm male voice, i immediately i understood who they were dealing with, this is the first, second, thank you for your position, because what you did and are doing is aimed, strange as it may seem in today’s conditions,
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for the benefit of ukraine and russia, for the benefit of the ukrainian people,
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the russians were not among the victims , but then, however, in the middle of the war, when hitler began to lose the war, and it became obvious to everyone that the nazis were losing, bandera’s supporters defected, tried to defect to the allies, then the nazis began to crush them little by little, but this is absolutely perfect, this is historical fact, these are people who collaborated with nazism.
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i am participating in a festival in china. and we are engaged in cooperation, deepening cooperation with the eurasian continent, we are engaged in strengthening ties with all
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continents, with all regions, and here is the key point, an important point in cooperation between russia and china, in my experience, the german people want friendship with the russian people and we see. .. mutual sympathy, solidarity of the two peoples, and we feel that there is solidarity, first of all on level of young peoples, young people, my question is, how can you use this opportunity, how to improve general mutual understanding and ensure and strengthen the european one, thank you, are you finished? your question is that what you would like, as i
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understand it, is to strengthen european sovereignty, but you know, the problem of today’s germany is precisely this, it’s not even a problem, it’s probably the problem of today’s germany and... it where did it come from? after all, today's fairly respectable respected german politicians say, well, mr. schäuble, for example, said this a few years ago, that modern germany after the second world war has never been sovereign in the full sense of the word, it wasn’t me who said it, it’s german politicians who say it, why is also understandable.
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so that nothing like this happens in the future in the world, this is absolutely absolutely, this may be a special responsibility of the german people, but i also want to note that in the history of our countries we have always experienced a golden time in... development in achieving success, when we, russians and germans joined forces, at all times when germany and russia were together, worked together, we achieved
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great, obvious successes, unfortunately , today this is not the case, but i think that the deep interests, the national deep interests of germany and the german people are inevitable sooner or later. politicians will be brought to the top who will adhere precisely from this point of view, will adhere to national interests, of course, within the framework of the system of relations that is taking shape, that is developing, but as a multipolar world is built, i think that in europe fundamental changes will take place, now we hear that... europe should already have its own armed forces, europe should be more independent, it’s not me who is saying this, it’s european politicians who are saying this, which means that despite the well-
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known hierarchy in the western in the western world, the desire for independence and to protect one’s sovereignty still breaks through to the surface, this is inevitable for... for the whole of europe, i am sure that this will be the case in germany, we need to be patient and work on solving current problems, and of course young people, and of different political views, if they, if they want to achieve this positive result, should unite their efforts, i am grateful to you for thinking about this, we have been working for an hour and a half, you can guide us . wants questions, now, now, let's continue, continue, please, guys, you have a unique opportunity, please, so
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come on? transmitted, well, let me choose, here you go, the young man holds out his hand, long time ago, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, i let's start, the young man, i think , can continue after me, and forgive me, please, soon, soon march 8th, that's right, international women's day, thank you very much, and my name is anastasia gubernatorova, i represent the belgorod region. and i would like to start my question with gratitude to you personally, vladimir vladimirovich , for the support of the residents of the belgorod region after the situation that happened to us just recently, we greatly appreciate the contribution that you have made for each of us, we feel that you are nearby, that the whole country is us, i think all participants in this meeting will support this, we feel that you are together, we
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feel that everything will be soon... and since we want and we will build our future together with you, and of course, i wanted i would like to note that our volunteer movement in the belgorod region is growing, it is incredibly important for us, and it is very important for us to understand that you deeply value our activities and highly value them on a par with people who are also changing this world, and it was very important, of course, to understand that sites for development volunteer movement. are growing on the territory of our country, on the territory of our world, thank you for this opportunity to exchange experiences, share some of your practices, interact with volunteers, with our volunteer organizations, children and caring people from our country who help us every day, this and families, these are young people - people from kindergartens, from schools, colleges and universities, who write letters to our military personnel every day, these are the people
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who - send... and send humanitarian aid, these are all those who are always with us and always support us , thank you very much again for this, and we thank you very much for the support of the residents of the belgorod region, and on behalf of the residents of the city of belgorod, specifically, thank you very much for this and please tell me if there is such an opportunity, but to increase platforms for exchanging practices, exchanging our experience with other regions,
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so that other... conditions for there to be more such opportunities, but since you from belgad mentioned what was happening there events, i want to say that not everyone probably knows this, i won’t go into details now, but you and the residents of the belgorod region will understand this, here is the shelling, shelling of peaceful objects, strikes with mortar fire systems on areas across areas. citizens, this is certainly a war crime, we will treat what happened this way, and we will not leave those who did it alone, well, in general, i want to thank you and all residents of the belgorod region for your courage, for your readiness to struggle, for the attitude towards what is patriotic
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attitude to what is happening, and of course... all the volunteers who make a huge contribution to the common cause, thank you very much, let's return to this sector, yes please, please, get up, you didn't get a microphone, the young man gallantly yielded to the girl place, dear vladimir vladimirovich, good evening, my name is milos tanaskovic, i am from serbia, i would like to thank you for making it wonderful.


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