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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 7, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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[000:00:38;00] the center for strategic international studies writes about the shadowy new shadow struggle, which means with russia, it means containment, with reference to george branon , who wrote the so-called short telegram from moscow, which was actually an ideological background to the cold war, you mean a fresh telegram, about 70 years old ,
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how much is there, yes, yes? a second article appears, which means how to pave the way for diplomacy in ukraine to end the war, great, which means it’s not just anyone writing, but samuel sharp and jeremy shapira, one of the shapiras , so to speak, in general, as it were, let's say, jeremy, as if the most reasonable of them , the joke immediately comes to mind, you are before, yes, you are before all this, you are before, how all this, here you are, you consulted with a shapira, with which
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shapira, and with anyone, with anyone. so to speak, there is a deal there, saudi arabia , which means iran, that’s diplomatic, but in general not a single great power has yet appeared in the middle east, that is, a world has appeared without a king, here it is, so to speak, as they say, but at the same time not a word is said that the united states should return to all weapons, not a word is said, the article is not written in a pro-israeli, or even in a pro-hegemonic way, that is, as if there is no need to return there, these , these three articles, in my opinion, mean that... at least some influential group in washington is now in favor of changing the rhetoric, let's see where this will lead them in the grand scheme of things, well, first, to you have to be prepared for this, and secondly, in my opinion look, when this kind of speech begins to pour out of washington, it means that
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now agents of influence of this point of view will appear here, here, well, because look, how they will appear, of course, you think they have harassed everyone, i don’t think, not not just now we will catch the bait, well, also by the way, by the way, the option is just like... those whom you knew and treated well will come to you, yes, this is a traitor, well, they will say that we need to negotiate, of course, that’s when it must be said that this article is about our neighbor east, in my opinion, it quite,
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quite clearly shows that the main, main idea here of this group, the main message, i would say, is that you need to be in time before the time when not only the middle east , but... a whole number of other regions and in general this is, so to speak , a new large majority until it can somehow be formed, because as soon as a certain region is formed differently, we can already talk to russia, well at least like this now, talking about readiness to talk will no longer work, in this sense, i think that yes , a lot depends on the fronts of a special military operation, and a lot will depend on when the civil conflict will take place in the united states, but i think...what all this will add up to is the timing and quality of readiness for the new non-american world that we are forming for ourselves and our friends. speaking of the new world, today vladimir vladimirovich spoke at the closing of the festival youth, he said curiously, well, here,
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probably, this is the topic that sergei sanovich raised. we are all equal from our, from the moment of our birth, we are all equal from the moment when we, thanks to mom and dad, this is exactly how... people appear today in the world, there is no other way, even with even with modern technology, it’s all the same there is always a masculine and feminine principle, i think that now the entire french government has simply torn apart, and of course vladimirovich ended his speech very optimistically, all of russia now your friend, our doors are always open for you, for everyone. your noble endeavors, i am sure you will have a lot of success, one of the slogans of today's festival, we are starting the future together, we will consider that
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the future has begun, but what it will be depends on you, i wish you success, be happy, it is interesting that we had a great meeting vladimir vladimirovich, they were directly interrupted there, from the moment when, thanks to russia, i can imagine how it is now undermining, but
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these... by the way, i think that we are talking when about soft power, about everything else, these kinds of events, they of course lay the foundation for the diplomacy of the future much more effectively than many other methods, when you work with people from such an age, and the main thing is this memory, but they saw putin in person, they heard lavrov, peskov, of course, that is, for them this is a colossal emotional charge, this is something that cannot be canceled,
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well, that’s it, flowers, money and fire. deadly fire at
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the capital's flower warehouse. the fire lasted 2,500 km. fire at a flower base in moscow occurred on november 20, 2022. the flames instantly engulfed the ancient hangar. i heard cries for help, thank god, the three of us managed to run out. the temperature was very high, everything that was inside was destroyed. seven people were trapped and burned alive. everything burned down. even kostya, there was nothing to learn there, another raid begins, and information also appeared that the publication was stolen from a safe with 20 million rubles. i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, now he has to live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he killed people, what caused the fire? a small thing led to big consequences, why people died and how the flower business works in russia, we took up this matter and conducted our
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investigation. as for those states
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that did not share american values , so to speak, they were obviously much weaker, so to speak, opponents of the united states of america, here in the minds of the american ruling circles the idea was established that there was no point in talking with them, and if anything, you can implement the change mode, distribute cookies forward to the soros,
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so to speak, the issue will be resolved, that’s what we... fisheries and goodbye in general, reconsider this policy, which for some reason often we have a number of laws still stretching back to the times of shivardnadze, completely unnecessary, completely criminal and stupid. yes, here, apparently, a really serious reconsideration is needed, so to speak, of the expediency, maintenance , of diplomatic ties with those countries that are completely unprepared for this, the most interesting thing is, in your opinion, in diplomatic terms, excuse me, in your opinion
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look at who would be most interesting in diplomatic terms, in diplomatic terms, those countries with which it is possible to conduct a normal diplomatic dialogue. this is definitely china, this is india, these are other non-western centers of power, including, by the way, some nato member countries, you and i see the geography, right, here we have the west, we have belarus, we are a union state with belarus, these are our brothers , well, just hope, let’s look to the east, actually we have land borders with north korea, yes. small, important, yes, 18 km, quite enough, you know, sometimes it’s enough for a border, 2.42, 2 m 42 cm, just enough for a container to pass through, what i’m getting at is that we can now do a lot for north korea, completely solve all their problems with
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food, in particular, to help them with a variety of technologies, north korea
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can do a lot for us, gasification. so to speak, in the american political establishment, political-academic, more precisely, regarding the fact that we need
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to somehow talk about something with the russians and so on, you you know, in fact, two years ago, in fact, in america , conversations also began that this conflict in ukraine needs to be ended somehow, negotiations need to be held, it was even proposed, so to speak, to end it according to the korean version, for example, i i would suggest it would be better to finish ukraine, well
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, it will depend. border of the ninety-first year, here we are, all this little buzzing stopped just outside the border of the ninety-first year, january, january of the ninety-first year, our borders were there, wow, what, that’s right, there we actually had a lot of boundaries. just a second, if i can make a small remark , it’s gone, and pay attention , what you’re talking about has disappeared, this power in decline, power and decline, has disappeared, and
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the expression strategic defeat has disappeared, that is, macron clearly speaks there , but he is not talking about a strategic defeat, he is talking about the impossibility of europe losing to ukraine, so that it is impossible for russia to reach them , of course, it will take longer, moreover, they feel in danger, like well, like a management department, here is a regional department, someone threw in the idea that ukraine’s loss is not fatal, who is ukraine, why is this all an illusion, and then a few points, why is there life after this, is there life for the author, there is also a problem, here you go they won’t pay you any money , you just came up with the title of the article , you don’t need money, for some other part of the body, maybe the money will come in handy, if, listen, if, if it would be useful, i
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would just invent these things for them day and night the very names, if, if it were useful, well, i’ll tell you, yes, well, it’s real, and this, listen, and this will be , that’s the point, no, this is not enough, i think that now there’s a guy sitting, watching our program, who was the ambassador to afghanistan, who was appointed to liquidate the ukrainian propis, it means, how how how, repeat what needs to be done, is there life after ukraine,
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right. yes, the west to the west will finally decide to save itself by the fact that this black hole, simple logic, we are saving our civilization by cutting off this barbaric, slavic, orthodox, homophobic culture alien to us, by the fact that we throw russia into the black hole of ukraine, it will die restoring the destroyed ukrainian lands and will not be able to do any more. never threaten the civilized west, well, in general , there is, there is, there is room for creativity, can you imagine how many
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scientific centers are now registered, i
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am telling you seriously, yes, it is quite possible that there will be losses, maybe even sensitive in some places, but the russian federation from this blow, even if we imagine it was hypothetically inflicted, will not escape anywhere, will not disappear, will not hopefully, we will then have to move on to
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the next phase of the conflict. meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother is in the donbass , you have to go there, you have to go there just for the passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother in a couple of days, go there to the gray zone beyond this line, you will become different. there, there was my childhood and youth, and now the enemy, that’s it , we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to , i’m a passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didn’t interfere, i betrayed
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him, now i must... find him, hope there is also? there is always hope, soon. the battles for severo-donetsk lasted for 4 long months. naturally, it is simply impossible to restore everything quickly after such destruction. and yet, severodonetsk lives. it was empty here in the city, there was no one, the shells were still sticking out in the asphalt, they opened the salon as soon as there was water and light. purchasing power has increased, people have begun to receive more pensions and somehow have more fun spending them. we already have peace, everything will be restored, there will be a beautiful city, gradually everything will be


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