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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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start the future together, even if many hundreds of kilometers away from each other. vladimir putin addressed the participants of the world youth festival. the event ended with a colorful ceremony. european politicians are calling on each other to play a stronger role in supporting ukraine. the population is dissatisfied with waste. will their opinion be taken into account? a new model of relations between large countries and true multipolarity. about relations between russia and china on the fields.
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the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china spoke at the people's assembly. the fsb declassified documents about the work of the special squad winners during the great patriotic war. the unit operated in the occupied territory of western ukraine and terrified the attack. the investigative committee put on the wanted list about seven hundred mercenaries fighting in ukraine. as the department's press service reported, this decision was made based on the results of the operational investigation. meeting held in donetsk by alexander bastrykin. among the foreigners routinely accused of mercenarism are citizens of the netherlands, new zealand, norway, poland and romania. some of them were arrested in absentia. in addition, on the meeting discussed issues of investigating criminal cases involving crimes of the kiev regime, as well as the work of investigative units in new regions. in conclusion , bastrykin congratulated the employees on the upcoming international women’s day, awarding them departmental medals. please be
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extremely attentive and very careful, they are waiting for you, they are worried about you, and you must understand this, remember this, well, congratulations again, and as we usually say at this time, in this case we say, our cause is just, the marriage will be broken, there will be victory behind us, the fsb has declassified archives. about the group of winners, which operated in western ukraine during the great patriotic war. this unit was responsible for about 120 combat operations, eliminating 12,000 fascist soldier-officers. the task force carried out operational intelligence, reconnaissance and sabotage work deep behind enemy lines. it consisted of 100 people, most of whom were selected from the ranks of a separate special purpose motorized rifle brigade. the task force also included operational workers and...
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the military drove the militants out of their strongholds in rabotina. before the stormtroopers went on the attack, precision artillery strikes fell on the enemy positions. report by our war correspondent anton stepanenko. as a populated area, rabotin no longer exists. the fighting for him began at the beginning of summer and continues to this day. for the third time, a mark on the map with the name rabotina changes hands. battles are taking place, in fact, for every ruined house, for strongholds, which our infantry stubbornly storms. tasked
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with occupying an enemy stronghold, us, first artillery preparation was carried out, after that we went in infantry fighting vehicles, landed and began to carry out assault operations, my unit completed the task, then we waited - a group of the so-called reinforcement, but we still have to get to the landing point of the infantry fighting vehicle with the landing force, and the closer to enemy positions, the better for attack aircraft, at least from cluster munitions, the armor covers, the motorized rifleman shows the turret. , which took a hit from a cluster munition, withstood it, and the landing force reached the drop point unharmed, we landed, work began in teams of our unit, we ran into the trench, the first team began to work to defend the first turn, so we moved gradually, gradually, taking every 10 m, posted certain observers somewhere, occupied certain dugouts, cleared them, their task was to create a bridgehead on which they will be replaced by so-called fortifications, that is, those who
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will gain a foothold in positions, this is what enemy positions look like, equipped in the basements of destroyed houses, here are stripes with a symbiosis of nazi ukrainian symbols, snaps desperately. snarls, practically clings to every scrap with his teeth, but we are doing our job, knocking out, destroying , they have nowhere to go, the intense fire with which the artillery supports the assault actions of the infantry literally flattens the ears, and the maximum break for relative silence is 10-15 minutes again 333 , the kind one says hello to everyone. an essential feature of the work of artillery is that they not only dismantle the enemy’s fortifications, but also hit the tracks with no less intensity supply, that is, they cut off the supply of ammunition from manpower. gunner klin
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is from donbass, but he is fighting here in zaporozhye, well, from donetsk itself, from yanakevo, there is 60 km from donetsk, the city is so small and a mining town. in the battles against kiev , his son-in-law and nephew were killed, another nephew is now fighting in the lpr, the gunner has seven children, the eldest is 23, the youngest is four, so it turned out to be more difficult to come to an agreement with his wife than to load a cannon, they let him go, of course with this in tears, well, she let him go, wife says let's go there fight, he will support, of course, in the fact that he is the father of seven children here, he sees nothing heroic, their heroism is like this, simple, peasant-like, honest and conscientious, and how will i tell my children later, if how they are raised, damn it, how man, i have four boys, wow, four boys , older twins, so, well, how would i
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tell them later, like, a man has to defend his homeland, yes, and they’ll ask dad, that ’s what happened, like, where have you been well, i was sitting at home with you, the computer came, didn’t say that i had four children, i just left. mobilized, enemy drones and drones still pose a serious threat to the attacking formations, they are seriously disturbing, however, judging by the intensity of traffic on the front-line roads, there are no plans to reduce the pace of the attack even during the day. anton stepanenko, valery vinakurov, lead the zaporozhye front. europe must play a stronger role in supporting ukraine, without preemptively rejecting possible options for helping kiev. european politicians came to this opinion during negotiations in the czech republic. but the population of western countries seems to dissatisfied with the wasteful ambitions of the authorities. victoria koroleva will tell you the details. every day in europe there are new contradictions. in germany, polls show that residents are against the supply of long-range weapons to kiev, and this is contrary to the ambitions of the bundestag deputies. however,
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the opinion of ordinary citizens is unlikely to influence the position of the latter. but in austria they are concerned about a possible gas shortage. the population is urged to prepare for the coming crisis. the government is actively looking for an alternative to the case. if there is no more russian fuel, we we should have taken care of this together in recent years so that we would have alternatives if we really are left without russian gas, and this depends not only on the transit problem, but also on the conditions in the combat zone. the pipeline can be damaged at any time, whether due to a terrorist attack or shelling. the gas pipeline through ukraine remains the only route through which russian gas reaches western and central europe, so the reckless policy of european diplomats is local. meanwhile, kyiv patrons they continue to pump ukraine up with weapons, they are going to supply more than 800 thousand shells to the ukrainian armed forces. this time the czech republic is acting as an intermediary in raising funds. acting within the framework of international law, we must not close off opportunities to support ukraine. we are not
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talking about sending combat troops to ukraine, because in this case the notorious red line could be crossed, but there was no talk about this. we're talking about assisting. president macron is threatening to send troops to ukraine and calls for buying weapons, but local entrepreneurs do not seem to be happy with this state of affairs. europe suddenly believed that working for the defense industry was a good thing. i'm glad this realization has come. several years, even several decades, will pass between this realization and the reality of creating a european defense industry. the wasteful ambitions of the west are fueled by the united states. the state debt intends to start looking for partners to support so... a new reason to collect money from all sympathizers to spend it on western projects under the guise of helping ukraine. participation the german marshall fund will also accept it. previously , the russian ministry of justice recognized his work as undesirable due to the violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms. and the white house does not give up trying to convince
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congress to give money to kiev. but during the election race, the rhetoric changed a little. now the biden administration has remembered the security of national borders. the president is going to continue to make the case that house republicans need to move forward. the speaker needs to add an addition to the agenda regarding national security. we know there would be overwhelming support for this. i'll just leave it to the president, he's going to clear things up, stay tuned. meanwhile, a fresh survey of european tv channels shows that the injection of money into the kiev regime is not justified. according to forecasts, in the event of presidential elections in ukraine, zelensky has no chance of winning. victoria koroleva, vesti. moscow and beijing have created a new pattern of relations between major countries, which differs from the cold war. this statement was made by the head, in the margins national people's assembly. ours has details.
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china has always taken an objective , impartial position on the ukrainian issue and is committed to promoting reconciliation and peace negotiations. history teaches that prolongation of a conflict is often fraught with its escalation, even going beyond the scenarios assumed by the parties involved. those who add fuel to the fire of the ukrainian crisis are seen in beijing and asked to follow the principles of non-interference. this concerns. and europe and the middle east, the situation in the gas sector, chinese minister called china a disgrace for world civilization for the creation of a palestinian state. it’s a shame that unilateral sanctions are under them, and almost one and a half thousand chinese companies and individuals are already under them. bloomberg asked what kind of reaction to expect , given that in san francisco, biden seemed to publicly promise xi to renounce competition and confrontation, but never stopped putting pressure on china. if the united states says one thing. are doing something different, where is their authority as a major country if they fall into hysterics every time they hear
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word china, where is their confidence as a large country, if they want prosperity only for themselves, but deny legitimate development to other countries, where is international justice? the challenge for the united states comes from itself, not from china. wang yi called blinkin’s theory, either you are at the table or on the menu, bad rhetoric, adding that the clash between china and the united states will result in unimaginable consequences, which means no red crossings... beijing will never recognize. one of the main messages that china again sought to convey today to an external audience their policies. here they will continue to build solely on the basis of their national interests, where there is no place for conflicts, so the prc is trying to bypass them at any cost, and this, beijing is confident, is in the interests of the whole world. alexander balsky, nikolai petrov, news from beijing, china.
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open a deposit with the best interest up to 16% per annum in savings. now, in addition to the urgent messages that come from the news agency tape, the russian ministry of defense has sent two il-76 military transport aircraft with cargo to eliminate the consequences of the accident at shaganarskaya tets in tuva, the department reports this, and also says that assistance is being provided in the delivery of goods to eliminate the consequences of accidents. and two l76 aircraft were used to deliver block-modular boiler houses and boiler equipment specialists to the kazl airfield. the world youth festival has ended in sirius. the closing ceremony took the participants back to their childhood and youth, they gathered around the fire in the atmosphere of the evening
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fire meeting, understandable to all world cultures, and remembered how the week of the festival went. the participants hugged and said words. according to him, russia, in the person of the participants, found like-minded people who share her opinion about a fair world order and values. you came to russia, you made many friends here, i want you to know that all of russia is now your friend, our doors are always open for you, for all your noble endeavors, one of the slogans of today's festival is, let's start the future
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together , we will consider that the future has begun, but what it will be depends on you. the world youth festival is positively assessed by the majority of russian citizens, 84% of respondents, this was stated by the first deputy head of the russian presidential administration sergei kiriyenko, he took part in a press conference dedicated to the results of the festival. kiriyenko also told how this year’s festival differs from the festival held in 2017. we have increased significantly. a meaningful educational program, that is, not entertaining, but meaningful. you know that every day was filled with some kind of thematic meaning or cultural tradition.
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enterprises with love for people and reliance on technology, and today modernization is needed by all country. russia must become a leader in robotics and artificial intelligence. only new people can do this. we know how to build the economy of the future for people. vladislav davankov. time for something new. our country, our president, our choice. on march 15, 16, 17 we vote for our president.
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governor of the tula region alexey demin visited the uzlovaya special economic zone, where the construction of a furniture factory is being completed. it will produce office warehouse and semi-truck shelving from metal, as well as medical industrial furniture. construction work is now in the final stages of opening. planned for the second quarter of this year, due to the difficulty of importing imported equipment, the company decided to create its own woodworking and foam curing workshop. more than 3 billion rubles have already been invested in this project, and about 5 hundred new jobs have been created . technological sovereignty without our own production facilities, such as machine tool construction, is one of the key ones, this is the beginning of all beginnings. and of course, this is a very important aspect.
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the enterprise will produce engines for cars of this brand, cars are also assembled under tula, the scale and equipment of the new site was appreciated by alexey eremin. the plant of the chinese company havail is located in the uzlovaya special economic zone. the production complex covers an area of ​​more than 1000 km. from these conveyors per year. there will be more than 100,000 engines of two modifications, one and a half and two liters, which will be installed on cars produced here in russia. the company
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intends to provide 90% of the units of hauling machines produced for the localization of hvail production in russia, the government of the tula region plant and the ministry of industry and trade signed a special investment contract. i would like to say words of gratitude today to my colleagues from the ministry of industry and trade who are present with us. and personally to deputy prime minister denis valentinovich mantra, who continues to provide comprehensive support at all stages from the very beginning, almost manually. our chinese colleagues, chinese friends are pedantically and step by step fulfilling all the agreements, in turn, the parsky region is also implementing, step by step, all the agreements in those agreements that were signed at the very beginning of the implementation of all this large- scale. projects, the new industrial complex is equipped with high-tech equipment using innovative engineering solutions in the field of environmental protection and energy saving.
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the manufacturing heart and soul of hawaila is located here and is a very important manufacturing facility. we are sure that by launching engine production, our position in the market will strengthen thanks to deeper localization. investments in the enterprise amounted to 42 billion rubles. today the plant includes: workshops, stamping, bodywork, welding, painting, car assembly. now the company already employs more than 3,500 people, mostly residents of the tula region. in 2023 , almost 100,000 cars rolled off the plant’s assembly lines, and this year it is planned to produce 150,000. alexey geryomin, oleg antonov, vesti tula. pentalgin - remedies against different ones. acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. open your first deposit on financial services with a rate of up to 18.5%.
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the fsb also added that during the arrest , the criminal opened fire with a firearm and was neutralized at the security officers during the clash. now in on our broadcast there are footage from the krasnodar region, which was filmed by my colleague pavel zarubin. i’m currently performing a flight on a simulator and also practicing what to do if a flight event occurs and the left engine fails, the left engine fails, and i balance the plane, mark the left engine and make a decision to execute.


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