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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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that's all we wanted to talk about today, kirill vyshinsky was with you, see you soon! vladimir putin arrived in krasnodar today, where he visited. higher military aviation school. the president sat at the controls of one of the flight simulators and also talked with graduates and graduates. anastasia efimova has details. on the eve of march 8, an unusual format. thus, the head of state described the nature of the meeting, which he held at the krasnodar higher military aviation school. at the table of a graduate of an educational institution, people responsible attitude to business. and
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devotion to one's country. on the eve of march 8, i want to congratulate you all on the upcoming holiday. i wish you success in your career and family happiness. i am sure that everything will work out for you, because you are people of character, you act purposefully, and you are moving towards your goal. but sergei kuzhegedovich told me how the first recruitment was carried out, it didn’t work out, but one of the future students. to do so, so she pitched a tent here, somewhere, yes, in front of the gate, in front of the gate, yes, such, such an attitude towards life, towards the future profession, is really worth a lot , i am sure that with such an attitude you will succeed, today our women, girls, young people in the zone on a special military operation are serving, and in different directions and everywhere - serving their homeland
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with dignity. the romance of heaven, with which these pilots decided to throw in their lot, is, of course, an attractive image of the profession, but it requires very specific qualities, excellent knowledge of technology, and the ability to instantly navigate and make decisions in critically difficult circumstances. their today they demonstrated their skills to the president, showed, in particular, how to control a car when one of the engines fails, and already at the meeting, they asked which event was the most memorable for... my life consists of an infinite number of different events and activities, as i sometimes compare it’s, you know, like standing next to a waterfall, it pours endlessly, even when i’m with my loved ones next to me, i try not to show it and do... on the contrary
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, he sees that everything is fine, we’re resting, but i i know that in 5 minutes so-and-so should call me, in 10 minutes i should call there, and in half an hour such and such an event will happen, i must understand what happened, and if necessary, somehow, but this is to react or to adjust something, the most striking events are, of course, meetings with our guys, or with women, with our girls who serve in their zone or with members of their family, i... frankly speaking, i try not to get emotional show, but still these events, these meetings are the most vivid emotional coloring. by the way, vladimir putin himself took the helm today, this time of a flight simulator, having tried himself as a pilot of the yak-130 combat training aircraft. let me remind you that just a couple of weeks ago the head of state made a half-hour flight on the modernized strategic missile carrier tu-160m, and there was also a su-125 attack aircraft and a su-27 fighter jet, a b-200 amphibian, the sky
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is a serious matter, the president summed up his impressions. the most difficult service, it seems to me, i don’t want to offend anyone, but this attack aircraft, they don’t set sharply, and then also rise sharply, the overload is so great that only the hands and fingers move effectively; i don’t understand how they control the machine. here. the only control element, one might say, was on the su-27, when the commander suggested that i make a barrel , i did it myself, we flew on the tu-160 for five hours, in my opinion, around 2005 it was, well, it was a delight, this is the last flight, it was not planned, because the minister says you can’t fly, because we haven’t yet they didn’t accept this... and the industry says:
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we haven’t passed it yet, so, but when we came to the enterprise and inspected it, the commander of the ship told me, vladimir vladimirovich: “we are ready, in 2 hours we can be in the air, i suggest you try, it was interesting to compare what happened to the car since the time when i flew on it in 2005, and indeed, a lot has changed, it’s practically a new car, the crew commander is a very responsible job, and what if there was a woman on board number one? , asked lieutenant zakalyukina, not be guided by gender
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." there can be no restrictions here ; there are no professions where women cannot work and achieve success, " the president emphasized, but there is an attempt to keep them out of danger and protect them. however, for many representatives of the fair sex, serving their country is even at the risk of life, it is not a duty, but an honor. we are talking not only about
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the military, but about civilian specialists, for example, military officers, who work in the zone of a special military operation. i saw, well, i see, including girls. right at the forefront, they function there , fulfill their journalistic duty, and i gave instructions to the heads of the main channels to remove them from there, why endanger women, so this led to what, they took a vacation and went there themselves, moreover, the channel managers told me , that - television, that they are ready to quit, but they will go there anyway. however, receiving flowers in honor of the spring holiday is still a purely female privilege. each participant received a bouquet from the hands of the head of state today's meeting, and of course, wishes for success in service and family happiness.
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the complexity of the military-political situation , the historical period, all participants and participants in this meeting are clearly aware, we will not let you down,” said lieutenant kuzina, and responding to this remark, the president emphasized: “i have no doubt, the highest devotion to the fatherland and duty to the fatherland distinguished the officer corps at all times,” and quoting the head of state: “ russia emerged victorious from all difficult trials precisely thanks to these qualities of its most worthy citizens." in krasnodar, vladimir putin also visited the local samba palace and talked with students of sports schools. already in may, the new building will host the first major tournament - the final of the summer spartakiad of russian students. it was built as part of the large-scale project city of sports in just a year and a half. the samba palace
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has everything necessary for holding competitions at the international level. how long have you been training for 5 years? 4 years , the results are good, seven, in every district of the krasnodar region, we are building a martial arts center and sports complexes here what the governor did about sambo in schools is being built, it’s great because the fight against the cat has become tougher.
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during nato exercises held in europe , the scenario of armed confrontation with russia is being worked out, this increases tension and destabilizes the situation in the world. the alliance is preparing for new wars. said secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev. today in ingushetia he held a meeting on national security issues in the regions of the north caucasus federal district. provided countries. over the 75 years of its existence, nato, as the supposed guarantor of peace and democracy, has unleashed more than 100 wars and military conflicts around the world, and is preparing for the next. thus, the exercise of the joint nato armed forces in europe, called steadfast defender 2024, has begun, during which the scenario is being worked out. armed confrontation with russia will certainly increase
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tension and destabilize the situation in the world. terrorists who were preparing an attack on the capital's synagogue were killed in the kaluga region. the fsb was informed about this. the criminals were part of an afghan cell of the isis organization banned in russia. according to operational data, they were going to attack parishioners with firearms. when detained. the suspects opened fire and were killed by return fire. during the search , firearms, ammunition, and components for making an improvised explosive device were confiscated. high-speed highways in russia should be created on the basis of domestic technologies. prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this at a meeting with the head of roszheldor alexey druzhinin. in particular, we were talking about the hsr, moscow-st. petersburg. the opening will reduce travel time between cities to 2:00. details from dmitry morok. the coming
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decade is a decade of major construction in russia and it will be impossible to imagine it without the development of railways, including high-speed lines. prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this at a meeting with the head of roszheldor alexei druzhinin. according to him , railway communications today play a vital role for the economy. the transportation figures are colossal. over a billion passengers. about 90% of all cargo in the country. roszheldor takes an active part in the development of the railway network. creates public-private partnership mechanisms, organizes investment auctions for infrastructure construction, and establishes an effective rolling stock certification system. rogerldor performs the most important function of providing rail transportation services throughout the country. and if you look at it as a whole, we transport it by rail. about a billion passengers, almost 90% of all cargo, if we take
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the entire cargo flow, but this is a colossal figure. roszheldor acts on behalf of the state in the largest concessions for the creation of infrastructure; these are three agreements worth 648 billion rubles. one of them is about the construction of a high-speed highway from moscow to st. petersburg. the implementation of the project will reduce the travel time between the two cities by almost half from 4 hours. until 2:15 between moscow and tver the travel time will be 39 minutes, and between veliky novgorod and st. petersburg 29. trains will run every 10 minutes, the passenger flow of the mainline, expected to be 23 million people per year. the most important event for us that took place was the decision to build a high-speed highway between moscow and st. petersburg, which the agency considers as a milestone. this direction, this is the most important task, we will make every effort to accomplish it. the opening of a high-speed
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highway will have a significant economic effect for the entire transport engineering industry and the regions through which the route passes. we are talking about a multiple increase in tourist flow tax revenues. direct effects on the budget already at the construction stage will cover the funding that will be allocated to it. and one more important point that mikhail mishustin noted is that the implementation of the project will become a driver for development. historical, which the president and his colleagues recently adopted on a high-speed line, it just gives incentives for the agency, these are modern diesel locomotives, modern locomotives, the right appropriate technologies that will be used, these are new materials, these are cars, and what is very what is important is the appropriate infrastructure; high-speed roads require a completely different infrastructure. and this will be, first of all, i hope, built on domestic solutions. today, roszheldor takes
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an active part in modernizing the infrastructure of new regions. it was decided to combine it into a common network to improve the logistics of passenger and cargo transportation. among the tasks are the restoration of existing railway corridors and the creation of additional transport capacities. we also have tasks related to development of mechanical engineering, creation of new jobs. this is, first of all , the certification of enterprises according to... new russian standards, and i want to say that, for example, the stakhanov plant in the lugansk republic has already produced the first 145 cars, production has already begun, these are new jobs. according to mikhail mishustin, for the development of railway communication in the country, today it is important not only to create modern infrastructure, but also to carry out major repairs of tracks in a timely manner and update rolling stock using domestic technologies. 3 billion rubles will be allocated by the russian federation to continue the construction of the international air terminal in khabarovsk. this was stated today by the head of the state corporation igor
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shuvalov. he is on a business mission in the capital of the region. together with the governor igor shuval. discussed the creation of an auto cluster in the region, the development of the far eastern creative industry and the master plan for khabarovsk. anna leonova with details. finishing work is already in full swing in the finished building of the future international air terminal. specialists install ventilation, engineering communications. russia is russia, also russia. strict sanctions have prompted a complete import substitution of equipment for construction projects. this affected the delivery date instead of 2023. the international terminal is currently planned for the first quarter of 2025. most of the components are from friendly china, some are made in russia. contracts for the supply of all necessary equipment to launch the terminal have been concluded. the readiness of the key regional infrastructure facility is 65%. the project is being implemented with the support of the russian federation, the cost is more than 6 billion rubles. three of them
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- money from a state corporation. to be honest, i did not expect such readiness and when you think about... the region purchased 48 gas-powered buses, now under the amurbas brand, the light was chosen by the townspeople, they are called like tangerines or oranges now, the company has become a resident of the priority development territory in the far east auto clusters in 2025 will produce such tangerines and similar electric buses, which will be presented in khabarovsk
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to the head of the state corporation vprf, everyone went, conducted a serious market analysis, we understand, that it is about 600. it has already been appreciated by the president, and now by the business mission of the russian federation, the state is ready to introduce support measures for the development of creative industries,
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the contribution of the state corporation to the master plan of khabarovsk was discussed at the meeting. the master plan that has been prepared, i must say, is one of the best in the country. mikhail vladimirovich reported it to the president, the president approved the master plan by decision of the government. according to this master plan, there will be a job for everyone. web funds the airport. priority projects for the region: new art museum building, reconstruction of the usuri sanatorium. the web financially supports both objects; it is planned to use the far eastern concession mechanism. anna lonova, kirillo rogachev, roman matveev, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? you need halva, you take credit cards , transfer debts to the back, divide it into 24 months, conveniently repay, shop or
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or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum rosbank is a real opportunity. and now economic news, briefly: polymetal shareholders approved the sale of russian assets. the buyer was structure of the gold mining company mangazia mining. the agreement was concluded back in february, the transaction amount was $3 billion. i note that mangazeya’s production assets are located in the trans-baikal territory. russia has begun supplying pork to the chinese market. the first batch was shipped from the belgorod
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region under the control of rosselkhoznadzor. its volume is 27 tons. after temporary restrictions were lifted, three russian enterprises received permission to export at the end of february. this is belgorod mirotorg, rusagro with the company tambov bacon and velikoluksky meat processing plant, located in the pskov region. wine production. in russia, since the beginning of the year, it has grown by a third; in january and february , 4.5 million deciliters of the drink were made from grapes, this is data from the growth of alcohol-tobacco control. for sparkling wines , the increase was more than 25% to 2 million decaliters, well , liqueur wines increased the most (40%) in annual terms. customs officials cleared 18,000 tons of fresh flowers on the eve of march 8, counting from the beginning of the year. their total cost reached $134 million, and the amount customs payments slightly exceeded 3 billion rubles. during the pre-holiday period, supply volumes traditionally increased. every day, inspectors pass through more than 500 tons of flowers. registration
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal about whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign ones. suppliers, you need to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you reached, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, stood up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, a revolution is taking place in any structure, it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes the whole...


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