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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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they removed the chance party, which we supported after the schorne party was declared constitutional, it was removed on friday by the energy commission in the field of energy, which was funny, because they understood perfectly well that the chance party, taking into account our support , would take first place with this party this morning more than fifty searches were carried out, that is, european democracy in moldova is in full effect, there is no freedom of speech , 12 channels are closed, arrests of opposition leaders, cancellation. election results, withdrawal of parties from races, everything, all the rest. today, in fact, if we want to see what european democracy is, we can see it in moldova. and illa mironovich, at the end of our conversation, i wanted to clarify that there is a situation with gas, you said that the chisinau authorities are buying at twice the market price now, and there are still problems with regulating payment for our gas, is there some progress there or what? yours?
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who was ready to sell this gas to the population, import it and sell it, the operator ’s license was taken away from the operator the day before the start of supplies, that is, chaos of actions, we we are considering the issue now, we are not asking for money from the central authorities or anyone else, we ourselves provide this resource, today we are considering the issue of turning to gazprom to find ways to ensure that the residents of the ggaus autonomy and other regions receive gas at a fair price . today gas is a scheme for the moldovan
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pro-european authorities, there have already been several investigations where it was proven that - a scheme to avoid purchases from gazprom, this is essentially a scheme, because they buy from some european private trading companies, where the profit of the current moldovan authorities remains, then they receive kickbacks of hundreds of millions from taxpayers’ money , in fact, therefore today, unfortunately, this is another corrupt... european scheme to steal money from our already small budget. ilan mironovich, thank you, we spoke with the head of the moldovan shor party, ilon shor. thank you. vladimir putin is in the krasnodar territory today; the president has already held a meeting with the head of the region. at a good pace are you developing? unemployment in the country is at a record low, and yours is even lower than the national average. and one of such significant
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indicators is population growth, in this regard, of course, certain problems arise, issues of primarily a social nature, uh, we need to think about increasing the number of ambulance teams, children's centers, schools, so the number of places there should increase, well, let's go in order please, well, let me thank you first of all, probably for the decisions that you voiced in the message of the federal meetings, they certainly concern:
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millions of tourists. the region's economy is led by sectors such as agriculture, construction, trade, tourism and transport. in addition , industry is actively developing. it is noted that the region is russia’s main producer of rice, sugar, grapes and wine. in the krasnodar territory, the largest share in the total volume of industrial production is occupied by metallurgy and metalworking. enterprises in these industries account for 40%. generally. for the first month of the twenty-fourth during the year, enterprises in the region sold production products worth almost 37 billion rubles, which is almost 28% more than the same period of the previous year. the krasnodar region is also ready to be proud of its success in the development of primary healthcare. over the past 6 years, more than 160 medical institutions have been built in the region, including within the framework of the national healthcare project. among them are 57 paramedics and obstetricians. points and 93
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general practitioner offices, and under the zemsky doctor and zemsky felsher programs, kuban attracted more than two thousand young specialists. by they are building a national education project in the region. march 7, an unusual format , that head of state described the nature of the meeting , which he held at the krasnodar higher military aviation school, at the table of graduates of the educational institution, people with a responsible attitude to business and devotion to their country, on the eve of march 8, i want to congratulate you all
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on the upcoming holiday, i i wish you success in your career and family happiness, i’m sure that’s all. it will work out, because you are people with character, you act purposefully, you go towards your goal, that’s what i want sergei kuzhidovich told how the first recruitment was carried out, one of the future cadets did not manage to enroll, so she pitched a tent here somewhere, in front of the gate, in front of the gate, yes, such, such an attitude to life, to the future profession, is really worth a lot, i am sure that with such an attitude you will succeed, even today our women, girls, young people in the zone of a special military operation are serving, and in different directions, and everywhere they serve their homeland with dignity. the romance of the sky with which we decided
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linking their fate with these female pilots is, of course, an attractive image of the profession, but it requires very specific qualities, excellent knowledge of technology, and the ability to instantly navigate and make decisions. in critically difficult circumstances, they demonstrated their skills to the president today, showed, in particular, how to control a car when one of the engines failed, and at the meeting they asked what event was the most memorable for the president in the past year? my life consists of an infinite number of different events and events, because i sometimes compare it , you know, like... standing with a waterfall, it pours endlessly, even when i ’m with my loved ones, i try not to show it and pretend on the contrary that everything is fine, we are resting, but i know that
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in 5 minutes so-and-so should call me , in 10 minutes i should call somewhere, and in half an hour such and such an event will happen, i must understand what happened, and if necessary, how.. .to react to this or adjust something that is the most striking events are, of course, meetings with our guys or women and girls , ours, who serve in their zone or with members of their family. frankly speaking, i try not to show emotions, but still these events, these meetings bear the most vivid emotional overtones. by the way, vladimir putin himself took the helm today, this time in a flight simulator. having tried himself as a pilot of the yak-130 combat training aircraft. let me remind you that just a couple of weeks ago the head of state made a half-hour flight on a modernized strategic the tu-160 m missile carrier. there was also the su-125 attack aircraft, the su-27 fighter, and the b-200 amphibian.
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heaven, this is a serious matter,” the president summed up his impressions. the most difficult service , it seems to me, i don’t want to offend anyone, but this is for stormtroopers, they descend sharply, and then... they rise sharply, the overload is so great that only the hands and fingers move effectively, how they control the car, i don’t i understand, here - the only control element, one might say, was on the su-27, when the commander suggested that i make a barrel, i did this myself, on the tu-160, here 5 we flew for hours, i think it was around 2005, well, it’s a delight, this is the last flight, it wasn’t planned, because the minister says: you can’t fly, because we haven’t accepted this machine yet, and the industry says: and we haven’t delivered it yet,
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so, but when we came to the enterprise and inspected it, the ship’s commander told me: “vladimir vladimirovich, we are ready in 2 hours”? we can be in the air, i suggest you try it, it was interesting to compare what happened to the car since the time when i didn’t fly it in 2005, and really... a lot has changed, this is practically a new car, the crew commander is the most responsible job, but what if there was a woman on board number one, asked lieutenant zakalyukina, be guided not by gender principles, but by business ones, the president’s rules, which means anything is possible . i do not select the crew of the planes on which i fly, this is done by the responsible management of certain aviation services, but they are all distinguished people, very experienced, dedicated to their work, i
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have no doubts here, highly professional, and several times i had to be convinced of this, by and large, promotion to some positions not only in the army, but in general, in the national economy, anywhere, i think we should still be guided not by gender principles, but by business principles, therefore, if... there is some choice, and a woman will show herself properly when determining for any place, for a position, for moving up the career ladder, of course, of course, we can’t have any restrictions here, professions where could work and there is no way for women to achieve success , the president emphasized, but there is an attempt to save them from danger and protect them, however, for many representatives of the fair sex, serving their country even... at the risk of their lives is not a duty, but an honor, and we are talking not only about the military, but
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i saw about civilian specialists, for example, military correspondents, who work in the zone of a special military operation, well, i see, including girls on the front line, they are functioning there, fulfilling their journalistic duty, and i gave instructions to the heads of the main channels, their remove it from there, why endanger women?
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the complexity of the military-political situation , the historical period, all participants and participants in this meeting are clearly aware, we will not let you down - said lieutenant kuzina, and responding to this remark, the president emphasized: i have no doubt, the highest... to the fatherland and duty to the fatherland distinguished the officer corps at all times and, citing the head of state , russia emerged victorious from all difficult trials precisely thanks to these qualities of its worthy citizens. well continuing the theme in krasnodar, vladimir putin also visited the local sambo palace and talked with students of sports schools. already in may, the new edition will host the first major tournament in the finals of the summer spartakiad of russian students. it was built. as part of a large-scale project, a mountain of sports was completed in just a year and a half. the sambo palace has everything you need to
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host international events. you've been studying for 5 years now, quite a lot. in every district of the krasnodar territory we are building a martial arts center, sports complexes at we are being built.
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bank for your business, or maybe you and i can also open an account in vdb ? and about the progress of the special during the military operation, russian troops improved the position along the front line in the kupinsky and south donetsk directions, and also occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk, kherson and ovdeevsky directions. the ministry of defense reported this. the most active fighting took place in the ovdeevsky direction, where four enemy attacks and seven counterattacks were repelled. in the avdievsky direction , units of the center group of forces occupied more advantageous positions and inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment 24 and 78 110 mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of mayorsk, novgorodskaya and orlovka of the donetsk people's republic, repelled four attacks by assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine in
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the areas of the settlements of leninskaya, novgorodskaya and rozovka, as well as seven counterattacks in the areas of the settlements of petrovka. "berdychi, orlovka, tonenkoe and pervomaiskaya of the donetsk people's republic. the enemy lost up to 390 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, 14 vehicles and a self-propelled artillery unit "gvozdika". a field warehouse was destroyed ukrainian armed forces ammunition. meanwhile, in karelia , they prevented a terrorist attack planned by the ukrainian special services with the participation of a recruited citizen of belarus. the fsb was informed about this. according to operational data , an attacker. data on transport infrastructure facilities and authorities. at the direction of his handlers, he intended to blow up one of the administrative buildings in the city of olonets. during the arrest, the criminal opened fire and was neutralized. explosives were found on him, assembled from imported components, as well as a pistol makarovs. and the investigative committee put on
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the wanted list about 700 mercenaries who are fighting in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. and as the department’s press service reported, this decision was made following the results of an operational meeting held in donetsk by alexander bastrykin. among the foreigners accused in absentia of mercenarism are citizens of the netherlands, new zealand, norway, poland and romania. some of them were arrested in absentia. in addition, the meeting discussed the progress of investigations into criminal cases involving crimes of the kiev regime, as well as the work of investigative units in the new regions. well, in conclusion, bastrekin was congratulated by the employee.
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so, let’s play at capitalism and that’s enough, for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. in the 2000s, i built my first enterprise with a love for people and a reliance on technology, and today the whole country needs modernization. russia should become a leader in robotics and artificial intelligence. only new people can do this. we know how to build the economy of the future for people. vladislav davankov. time for something new.
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i’ll remove it, no, leave it, zhirinovsky’s case lives on, slutsky, a candidate for the presidency of russia.
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warsaw police detained over 50 farmers who took part in protests in the polish capital. according to authorities, among the demonstrators there were provocateurs, many were also under the influence of alcohol. at the same time , the government is trying to find a russian trace in the discontent of polish farmers. well, right at these moments, tractors are plowing the cobblestones of prague. no disturbances have been reported yet, although many road users may experience some. there are more than 700 pieces of agricultural machinery on the streets of the czech capital. and in direct contact with we are our own correspondent in europe. regina sevastyanova. regina, we welcome you. so, regina, what do
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farmers demand and are the authorities ready to make concessions to them? and, hello , czech farmers began their one-day protest by dumping hay fertilizer near the building of the country's government palace, thus interrupting transport links in this area and transport problems in general. arose throughout the capital, despite the bans, about 3,500 farmers have currently brought approximately 700 units of heavy equipment into the city, farmers they demand a revision, a refusal to revise taxation, which is planned in connection with the green transition of the european union, improvement of working conditions in villages, a refusal to reduce state subsidies for agriculture, as well as market protection, they are talking about products from third countries, that is, countries not in the european union , including... the fact that the government
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is not doing anything about it, in fact they are doing the opposite, the situation, the situation in agriculture is already completely unbearable due to the eu approach of our national government, due to bureaucratic measures, because of which our agriculture is more expensive than for other european farmers, especially in comparison with those who constantly import products, for example, with ukrainian farmers, our costs are inadequate, the same remains the basic requirements of polish farmers who are... according to media estimates, warsaw staged the most violent protest. following its results, the country's minister of agriculture even said that he did not believe that farmers could really show such cruelty. the organizers of the protest later stated that it is the fault of the provocateurs. the demonstrators tried to break through police barriers to the seimas building. the police used tear gas, it is said that a number of law enforcement officials were injured, cobblestones were flying at them from
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the mostovaya, and. numerous arrests have been reported, the police have stated that they do not intend to take sides in this situation, however, drunken violation of law and order must be punished with the utmost severity, despite the bans on barriers that were installed by the police, warsaw was entered tractors, the national highway number 11 was blocked for traffic in both directions, and already today the warsaw municipal services removed approximately 4 tons of garbage after these protests, the action took place...
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between warsaw and kiev, despite his pro-european position, the prime minister of poland donald tusk recognizes the validity of the farmers’ demands; he says that his government intends to seek the return of the standards of trade with ukraine that existed before 2022. warsaw also insists on a complete ban on supplies russian and belarusian products, including through ukrainian territory, tutsk is ready to meet with the leaders of the farmer movement this coming saturday, march 9.
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we really want to help ukraine, but we must at the same time protect european and polish agricultural markets and take care of them regardless of the protests of farmers. a decision on the supply of goods from ukrainian territory is awaiting polish truckers, who continue to block crossings from ukrainian territory due to the situation as of thursday morning, they were stuck there for about 2,500 trucks. by the way, it is also becoming restless there; information has appeared that the polish police have begun arresting ukrainian truck drivers who were holding their own protests. tatiana, artyom. regina, thank you very much for the information. our colleague regina sebastyanov talked about what farmers in europe are unhappy with. well, we continue. flowers, money and fire.
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deadly fire at the capital's flower warehouse. the fire was enough for 2.5 m2. a fire at a flower base in moscow occurred on november 20 , 2022. the flames instantly enveloped in antiquity hangar. i heard cries for help, thank god, the three of us managed to run out. the temperature was very high, everything that was inside was destroyed by fire. seven people were trapped and burned alive. everything burned down. well, even kostya, there was nothing to learn there, another raid begins, and information also appeared that the publication was stolen from a save containing 20 million rubles, i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, now he has to live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he killed people, what caused fire, a small thing led to big consequences, why people died and how the flower business works in russia, we took on this.


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