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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 7, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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from themselves, not from china. wang yi called blinkin’s theory, either you’re at the table or on the menu , bad rhetoric, adding that a clash between china and the united states will result in unimaginable consequences, which means no crossing of red lines, including in the taiwan issue. beijing will never recognize the independence of the island. one of the main messages that china today again sought to convey to external audiences is that they will continue to build their policy here, solely based on their national interests, where no place like... nikolai petrov, news from beijing, china.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. does she really read minds or not? premiere. ostrovsky investigative committee , she has special gifts, who are you looking at all the time, well, the girl is standing there, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without doing anything on your own, like stay in place, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, look ahead of everyone else in the app or on the website. found
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while there is no historical and cultural center of christianity in the world , the idea of ​​the project, of course, it belongs to our president, here russia is screwed with byzantium, here, here in khersanes, in the 10th century. grand duke vladimir made a choice in which russia should move forward. here the last thing that was missing appeared, a spiritual and moral core. every step here is like moving in time, between eras. the scale of the work that was carried out here is a completely unique event in the history of the world. archeology.
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in his line to inflict a strategic defeat on our country, he continues to increase the level of direct involvement of france in this war, from our point of view this in no way corresponds to the interests of the french. but meanwhile, a court in ukraine acquitted a conscript who had gotten into a fight with military registration and enlistment office employees. local media reported this. the incident occurred in the city of zaporozhye, two employees. tried to stop a local resident right at the door to his apartment, he resisted, a fight broke out, the judge the accused stated that he did not know that the military was in front of him, and a case was opened against him under the article of resistance to a government official. so, in the end, the court recognized him, took his side and
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issued a not guilty verdict; in the case of clashes between citizens and military commissars in ukraine, this happens more and more often. chronicles of mobilization by varvara nevskaya. about 700 mercenaries, citizens of poland, romania, the netherlands, norway and new zealand, are wanted. the investigative committee continues to investigate the facts of recruitment involving foreign amateurs wars of profit in hostilities on the side of ukraine. as part of an operational meeting in donetsk, the head of the investigative committee was informed about the investigation into the crimes of the kiev regime. work of investigative units in new regions of criminal cases against mercenaries. by a court verdict for participating in hostilities as a mercenary and encroaching on the lives of russian military personnel, gatsereliya was sentenced to life imprisonment. it is very correct that you continue to work on mercenaries, to identify everyone, to put them on the wanted list. great, well done, keep going.
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ukraine probably considers the participation of foreigners in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine a reason for special pride and even celebrates the day of the creation of the international gur legion. today is march 7th, the anniversary of its creation. veterans of special operations forces and other military units from the usa , great britain, australia, denmark, other countries, europe, asia, africa, south america, and probably at this rate the ukrainian army will need even more foreign legionnaires, because its defenders are not in a hurry to go to the front, personnel with... beating men, there are more and more people trying to resist the sudden mobilization on the ukrainian internet every day. despite the statement of the kiev media about the alleged five-million military reserve, each conscript has to be literally caught. in odessa, in order to
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lure a man out of his apartment, people in baloklavas and full uniform turned off his light, lurking in ambush, waiting for him to come out into the entrance to the electricity meter. detained a few days ago, men, not a figure of speech, national gathering, reaction death after beating by employees. the conscript died as it turned out later from epilepsy, but residents raise at least two fair questions: why are they trying to draft a person with such a disease to the front; he would have had an attack if the man had not been beaten. meanwhile, the rada cannot agree on amendments to the law on mobilization, but
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despite this, it promises to move on to considering it at the end of march. more than 400 amendments have been submitted, and more than 4 thousand amendments have been submitted, or, to be precise, 4,195 amendments, which the committee continues to work on as soon as this work will be completed, the bill will be transferred to the legal department, where it will be proofread, and after that it will be ready for introduction into the hall. despite the assurances of the head of the rada that the most important component of the bill is the issue of justice, ukrainians, just in case, continue to flee the country en masse so as not to experience its effects personally. varvara nevskaya, news. and those times.
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russia, this increases tension and destabilizes the situation in the world. the alliance is preparing for new warriors, said the secretary of the russian security council, nikolai patrushev. over the 75 years of its existence, nato , as a supposed guarantor of peace and democracy , has unleashed more than 100 wars and military conflicts around the world. and getting ready for the next one. thus began the exercise of the joint armed forces of nato in europe. called stalwart defender 2024, during which
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the scenario of armed confrontation with russia is being worked out, will certainly increase tension and destabilize the situation in the world. in the lugansk people's republic. system, that is, they united the entire railway infrastructure into a common network, to build unified logistics for transporting
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both passengers and cargo. in the twenty -third year, algorithms for the transfer of property from those regional state enterprises and railways that operated on the territory of these entities were worked out, these mechanisms were worked out, and from january 1, the twenty-fourth year, the railways of novorossiy began to operate in full. today, the staff of vgupa is 15,259 people, a significant event took place in february, the first salary was paid , this salary was paid to us together with colleagues from the ministry of finance managed to bring it to the same level as in russian railways. besides this, tasks still remain, this is the restoration of infrastructure, this is the construction of new infrastructure, this, of course, is one of our main tasks there. the upcoming period, now the economic news is short: the trade turnover between russia and azerbaijan
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last year reached 380 billion rubles and grew by almost a third, while more than half of the trade is carried out in national currencies, this was stated by the head of the ministry of economic development maxim reshetnikov following negotiations with azerbaijani colleague mikhail jabbarov in baku. russia is one of the five largest investors in the azerbaijani economy. the volume of investments over the past year was almost 25 billion rubles. the parties also discussed restoring the flow of tourists and developing transport corridors. we discussed the development of bilateral interaction, mutual investments, trade, those issues, as our trade grows, it becomes more complex in many respects, questions arise, some barriers arise that we discuss, which we systematically remove, questions, of course, of transport corridors and the economic effects of their development, as well. discussed, so there is a very busy agenda here, which reflects the
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development, progressive and very active development of economic relations between our countries, which are certainly a driver for improving the well-being of the residents of our countries. russia has begun supplying pork to the chinese market, the first batch was shipped from the belgorod region, under the control of rosselkhoznadzor, its volume is 27 tons. after temporary restrictions were lifted at the end of february permission three russian enterprises received exports: the belgorod mirotorg, rusagres of the tambov bacon company and the velikoluksky meat processing plant, located in the pskov region. the industrial crisis continues to flare up in germany. in january , business orders fell by more than 11% compared to december, the german statistics office reported. the forecasts were much more optimistic. german enterprises are forced to reduce turnover amid the recession and high prices for raw materials. meanwhile , transport workers are on strike, demanding raises. salaries. among them are the aviation giant luft
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hansa and the machinists' trade unions. major disruptions are expected. frankfurt airport will not be closed in may; almost all flights in hamburg will be cancelled. only a fifth of long-distance trains operate on railways. customs officials cleared 18,000 tons of fresh flowers on the eve of march 8, counting from the beginning of the year. their total cost reached 134 million dollars, the amount of customs duties slightly exceeded 3 billion rubles. during the pre-holiday period, supply volumes traditionally increased, inspectors daily they process more than 500 tons of flowers, and the processing takes no more than four hours. the top three countries in terms of supply volumes invariably include the netherlands, ecuador and kenya. it was economic news. short. the international chess festival aerofot open has ended in moscow. 142 athletes from 12 countries took part in the main tournament. and the stage of the russian children's cup brought together
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329 young chess players. and stas redikultsev will tell you all the details. once in my life i played classics so that there were two tours a day, that is, after 22 years, well everything is organized perfectly, indeed, the hall is very spacious, everything is excellent. to win here, skill alone is not enough, you need to withstand the pressure and not lose concentration; only the strongest can withstand such a pace. chess players missed
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major international chess events in russia, in moscow, and the fact that such... other circumstances did not allow such a major international tournament to be held, so everyone responded quite easily. aeroflot , as always, lit a new star, a twenty-year-old chess player from iran became champion of aeroflot, this is his first such grandiose international success, and i really hope that our russian stars will light up in the next aeroflots. this tournament is always
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played here then lost to alexander grischuk, i still have a photo with him as a souvenir of this, this time i was able to beat him. this is something incredible, an amazing impression of the tournament. of course, it is very tiring and unusual to play two games of classical chess a day, but it is quite interesting. almost half a thousand chess players 5 days competed for an impressive prize fund of 15 million rubles. young chess players with record prize money for children's tournaments play side by side with famous grandmasters. for children. playing next to recognized masters is both a great honor and a great school, when they can step away from their game and watch famous grandmasters play, and this greatly increases their motivation; after such tournaments, children seem to feel that they can achieve great success . the moscow open
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chess tournament, after a forced break, remains true to itself, collects the strongest chess players spark new stars. next time the best athletes and intellectuals will gather in russia at the chessboard at the friendship games. stas redikultsev, stanislav petrov, kiril aksenov and alexander stolmashevsky, lead. the far east, a territory of growth and prospects. teams from the agency for strategic initiatives and the russian federation went to the region on a business mission. the first stop is primorsky krai. experts discussed promising areas with the regional leadership, municipalities, local experts and communities. development of the region, we are talking about new opportunities for increasing export potential, the development of the shipbuilding industry, support measures necessary for the growth of entrepreneurial activity. the head of the region spoke about international cooperation. the flow of tourism that we are seeing now, 3.5 million people visited
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last year, is almost only just beginning to open up in our neighboring regions. our state, the people's republic of china, we are now actively cooperating with the korean people's republic a democratic republic , that is, literally on february 8, we had the first tourist group there, 100 people, where they could go skiing at european-level ski resorts, now they are preparing the infrastructure for coastal resorts there, during the council on the quality of life, which was held . east, general director of the agency for strategic initiatives svetlana chubsheva said that residents of the region assess opportunities for work and professional implementation sphere. education and environmental conditions. now creative industries will be actively developed in the region. chupsheva noted that today russian creative companies are occupying more and more of
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the lower it market vacated after the departure of foreign companies. they create new solutions in the field of design, fashion, produce high-quality clothing and musical instruments. axis evaluated many such projects at the last brand competition. in the future, agencies and partners will provide them with comprehensive assistance. support. agency for strategic initiatives and the leadership of primorsky krai entered into a cooperation agreement. the parties agreed to work together on the socio-economic development of the subject and implement projects and initiatives that the local management team can use in the implementation of the regional standard for the development of creative industries of the axis. today we signed a cooperation agreement to implement a regional standard for the development of creative industries. which was collected together with the regions based on those already best practices and solutions for support for creative industries, which
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have shown their effectiveness, and the order was given by the president of the russian federation following a meeting with representatives of the creative industries. the regional standard for creative industries will be introduced in the khabarovsk territory. the corresponding agreement was signed by the director general of russia. chubshevo and regional governor mikhail dekterev. today , the contribution of creative industries to the grp of the khabarovsk territory is about 2%. creative industries organizations employ 7,500 people. the amount of revenue generated by companies in the creative sector reaches 38 billion rubles annually. the region has enormous potential for growth and development of creative industries. the team of the agency for strategic initiatives will help to implement it. how has this already happened? regional social standard, it was fully implemented in the khabarovsk territory. as svetlana chubsheva also said, the region’s efforts are reflected in the quality of life rating that
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asi compiles annually. at the end of last year, the khabarovsk territory showed a positive dynamics in issues related to education, social protection and inclusion. in particular, residents note that it has become easier to enroll a child in school or kindergarten. social services have become more accessible, time to obtain disability status. modernization of utility networks, renovation of public transport, construction of housing and social facilities. the agency
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for strategic initiatives is also ready to support a project to organize an interregional nephrology clinic on the basis of the regional clinical hospital named after professor sergeev, where all residents of the far east will be able to receive high-tech medical care. according to svetlana chubsheva, experience and suggestions. region on the organization of interregional centers are very interesting. the axis' task is to help the region by attracting the necessary federal resources. experts, ensure interaction between regions in order for the system of such centers to work. the vbrf corporation also pays great attention to projects in the far east. igor shuvalov visited as part of a business mission to primorye several large industrial facilities in the region. coal port sukhodol, as well as the zvezda shipbuilding cluster. web is active. finances the enterprise, so the corporation’s total investments in dry land amount to about 17 billion rubles. during a visit to the site, shuvalov announced the corporation’s plans
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to finance an increase in dry land capacity. in the khabarovsk territory, the web plans to provide 3 billion rubles for the construction of a new airport terminal in the city, and also invest it in the production of gas buses. today we watched with the governor international. experts have already visited the tula, lipetsk, kaliningrad, novgorod, and irkutsk regions in tatarstan. well, now about the weather,
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weather forecasters. they warn about snowfalls simultaneously in the south and north of the country on march 8, we will find out all the details from the leading specialist of the center, evgeniy tishkovets, he is in direct contact with us. evgeniya, we welcome you. evgenia, tell me, how is it that spring is in no hurry? good afternoon, it’s difficult to call ideal weather on march 8, but at least noticeable night frosts will recede, and the temperature will rush into its climatic channel. today at noon in tikhoretsk, krasnodar territory. it was snowing, thermometers showed only +1.4, even in mormonsk it was warmer at that time, winter returned to other regions of southern russia. the next video is from kislovodsk, where just a day ago the sun was shining and it was +12. march 7, kislovodsk, sanatorium picket, and tomorrow we will go to the norzanov valley, despite the fact that it’s only plus two and unexpectedly, as they say, mortok, put on 40 trousers. in
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moscow, last night was the coldest since beginning of march. in some areas of the capital , the temperature dropped to -12-13, as if in january. and in the moscow region, in the vicinity of vnukovo, twenty-degree frosts hit. for contrast, today's footage from krasnoyarsk. according to the latest data, the air in the siberian city warmed up to +5°, which is warmer than, for example, in southern anapa. they began to fall from the roofs, threatening to cause injury. let's return to the russian plain: tomorrow the cold will recede and the thermometer columns will try to return to the more usual value for the eighth of march, the prevailing background of daytime temperatures in the middle zone are about zero, in the russian north in the middle volga region -1-6. in the black earth region between the rivers of the volga and don, kalmykia and stavropoli in the caucasus, there is only a weak plus. in crimea in kuban it is from 5 to 10°c.
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a snow cyclone now circling under pressure. in the next 24 hours, the north will significantly expand the geography of its influence to the south. armadas of disintegrated masses of snow clouds tomorrow will gradually reach central russia, the upper middle volga region, the urals, western siberia and the north of the black earth region. the weather will continue to deteriorate in the south of our countries. on the black sea coast of kuban, due to orographic cyclogenesis and the effect of damming of moist air masses , precipitation will noticeably increase in the form of showers in the mountains turning into charges of snow. for example, in sochi, about 25 mm of precipitation will fall in 24 hours, which is a fifth of the monthly norm. light rain began in the resort capital yesterday evening, it will intensify at night, and will peak in the morning hours. on saturday-sunday the precipitation will weaken, the sun will appear from the clouds, the temperature will not change significantly, +8-10, here from by the beginning of the new week, warming will begin. in
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moscow, in the middle of the day under the march rays. sun, the air warmed up to +3-4°. tomorrow the clouds of the atmospheric front will reach the capital and there will be short-term snow. at night, cloudiness will protect the earth from excessive cooling. the minimum temperature is within the normal range of not lower than -3 -5°, and during the day there is a slight plus. in the next 24 hours, the capital will again be in the path of the northern winds and it will get colder again. frost is expected until 8:13 at night, and the thermometers will drop during the daytime. will reach the zero mark, light snow is possible in some places, in general, real spring is still far away.
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vladimir putin is in the krasnodar territory today, the president held a meeting with the head of the region. you are developing at a good pace, unemployment in the country is at a record low, even lower than the national average, and... one of such significant indicators is population growth, in this regard, of course, problems arise, issues primarily of a social nature, uh , we need to think about increasing the number of ambulance teams, kindergartens, schools, that’s the number of places there should be increase, well, let’s take things one step at a time, let me thank you, first of all, probably for the decisions that you voiced in the message to the federal assembly.


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