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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 7, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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nicks are robbing gullible canadians. call centers from kiev, under the guise of prime minister trudeau, are gutting the wallets of those who want to invest in light goods, but why doesn’t otava catch the scammers? flowers, money and fire. deadly fire at the capital's flower warehouse. fire grab.
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and information also appeared that the publication had stolen a safe containing 20 million rubles. i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, now he has to live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he killed people. what caused the fire? a small thing led to a big one. why people died and how it worked flower business in russia? we took over this case and conducted our own investigation. dear friends. i invite you to our next episode of the besagon tv author’s program, which will be called the anatomy of betrayal or the merry widow. i look forward to seeing you at our next meeting. hello, i am boris akimov,
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and i am olek stepanov and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters, together with experts we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. voting at home. eh, no time, i i'm sick, i'll have to miss the elections. why? will you vote at home? how is it? if the reason is valid, you can invite members of the commission home. to do this you need to submit an application.
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in the 10th century, grand duke vladimir made a choice according to which russia had to move forward, the last thing that was missing appeared here , a spiritual and moral core, every step here is like a movement in time, between eras, work that was carried out here in its scale, are a completely unique event in the history... of world archeology, more rich in history there are, perhaps, no cities on the territory of russia and russia, so it radiates a special energy. cool! a true legend is immediately visible, almost impossible to touch. but not for
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hunt, check your instinct, we are going on vacation, and we are going, for the third year, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster, open a deposit with the best interest rate up to 16% per annum in savings. now it's news of the last minute. from the foreign ministry of the kiev regime, he officially announced the appointment of ex-commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny to the post of ambassador to the uk, that is, he confirmed the rumors that had been circulating since february. let me remind you that in the same month zaluzhdy was dismissed from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, and this happened against the backdrop of his public conflict with zelensky,
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but now we’ll see what the character does in london. the head of gagauzia stated, that the authorities, the authorities of moldova are trying to intimidate her, but she will still return to her homeland. partnership with the russian federation, that we oppose what
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the current government is doing now, the current government is taking revenge on us, taking revenge on the gguu because we dared to say that russia is not our enemy. i barely managed to finish the meeting. how the messages about not being on the news agency tapes were replaced by new ones, about the criminal prosecution of gutul in her homeland, the case with vague wording, about some illegal actions are ready to be taken to court, less than an hour, record. i am not afraid to return to my place because i know what the residents of gagauzia are waiting for, their homeland, their country, their gagauzia, and they only want one thing, they want to live in friendly relations and develop together with the russian federation. kamrat has close contacts with russian regions and a significant share of exports, which...
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have not yet been decided. the current head of state is betting, as 4 years ago, on the diaspora; he plans to open 60 polling stations abroad and allow moldovan citizens in the usa and canada to vote by mail, and in russia, where over 300 thousand moldovans live, and this is more than any other country in the world, except for the republic itself, out of the question. the current government in the person of paz has managed to divide.
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has always been a powder keg in eastern europe, but with the outbreak of the conflict in ukraine the situation has deteriorated sharply. from a small
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good country, where good people live, who want peace and who live very poorly, they want to turn it into a military training ground, into a nato training ground. today even the voices of the current western regime are heard, shouting that moldova should become a member nato, what does this mean for... now france is going to open a permanent mission in chisinau, this will happen in the coming months. natalya solovyova, lead. their only goal is to steal as much of your savings as possible through various scams. quote from. show material from the canadian cbc, whose authors suddenly discovered the existence of ukrainian fraudulent
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call centers. they, as it turned out, are processing with all their might, including citizens of the most hospitable country to bandera, the most hospitable country to bandera, that is it is canada, they say , that over the past year alone they have been defrauded of hundreds of millions of dollars, and, first of all, they are targeting lonely elderly people who, firstly, are very trusting, and therefore willingly communicate on the phone with just anyone, and secondly, just unfamiliar. history with the important amendment that we regularly conduct all kinds of explanatory events for potential victims, trying to minimize the damage by any means, while official ottawa simply turns a blind eye to the activities of those in the know, although they were being scammed methods have long been known, boris ivanin will confirm. boris, greetings, good evening, alexey. well, as far as i understand, from the point of view of informational and psychological impact, there is nothing new. didn't the boys have to invent? no, of course, first of all, for sincere conversations with victims , the promise of easy money - these are proven
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methods of scammers and these methods work flawlessly even in canada. ukrainian swindlers have spread their nets even overseas and are now deceiving the wallets of gullible canadians. they only have last year fraudsters from kiev stole more than $300 million, hundreds of victims suffered a colossal amount, but only every tenth person turns to the police - local reporters found out. why do you think canada is being attacked? because law enforcement agencies are not pursuing these scammers. have you tried to contact the canadian authorities? did you succeed? i conveyed the information. it seems that this was a special center that collected information about crimes that were committed against canadians from abroad, but they never answered me. although, where to look for scammers is good it is known that there is an office on taras shevchenko boulevard in the very center of kiev, and this is just one of hundreds of call centers throughout ukraine. in each, dozens of scammers deceive people around the world every day. the ukrainian
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police sometimes conduct demonstration raids, but it’s like a hydra, they cut off one head, 10 more grow. and here’s why. these call centers are formally controlled and managed by criminal elements, mainly from dnepropetrovsk, and they are certainly supervised by the ukrainian special services, without their, so to speak, protection, running such a business in it would be impossible for ukraine, but the authorities know all this, they cover it all, and how beautifully scammers attract advertisements on the internet, here are the flashy announcements from the supposed prime minister of canada. here’s from businessman elon musk: if you click the link, it will take the user to a fake investment exchange, and there, like in a casino, they first let you win a little, then the person invests more until he loses everything, half of the losses are cryptocurrency scams and scammers at that with a characteristic ukrainian accent, they do not hesitate to deceive her compatriots who
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they believe like family. there are no moral barriers here, especially national ones. the idea now in ukraine is that everything is for the sake of victory, and if everything is for the sake of victory, then any means are good. in the ukrainian segment of the internet and dozens of public pages where people are recruited specifically for scams in canada, here is a typical advertisement: work at night, no remote work, high interest rates and bonuses, earnings are promised higher than in europe, basic income - $1,200, $1,500 if will be able to extract $100,000 from victims for a month more. well, in canadian currency the fees are absolutely fabulous up to 6.00 dollars, the local market is well attracted, it is warmed up. journalists from atava responded to one of these chats, contacted the scammers and easily passed the casting. here is a fragment of the dialogue. i understand correctly that you are focused more on canadians. yes, it's true, and this is only night traffic, night shifts in kiev. this business
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has been established for a long time. fools are constantly looking for ways to get more money without doing anything. this will never change due to the fact that very high turnover, very high profits for these scammers, they immediately have the opportunity to corrupt ukrainian law enforcement agencies and government officials, in this regard, in ukraine there is, well, such a touching symbiosis in this area, when everyone remains completely satisfied, and due to the fact that it is still impossible to criticize ukraine now... it turns out that it is the optimal place, the ideal place to conduct such activities, but if you remember how the veteran was applauded in the canadian parliament ss gunko and vladimir zelensky, who personifies the entire kiev regime, then there is no question why in ottawa not only ukrainian bandera supporters, but also telephone scammers are treated
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kindly, there is no reaction from the country’s authorities, the minister of public security is out of reach, the canadian foreign ministry has remained silent, the police, simply threw up her hands and redirected journalists to the anti-fraud center, but he has no real powers, the money of respectable canadians is flowing into the ukrainian black market, weapons or drugs, yes no one truly knows, and apparently is not even trying to investigate it, it seems to me that the matter here is not a matter of political will, but simply the reluctance of the west, by and large, if it were not about ukraine, i think they would have already introduced if there were some... sanctions packages , someone would be banned from entering, some kind of personal sanctions would be applied to persons suspected from their point of view of protection or participation in such fraudulent schemes, maybe we don’t see anything like that, this suggests itself conclusion that global ukrainian deception is beneficial to the western curators of kiev, they are also political swindlers.
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boris ivanina, a wake-up call for canada. we'll be back after a short one. spanish officers en masse decided that now they are women, in the kingdom it is no longer necessary to undergo surgery to change their gender, what will happen to the spanish army, in which dozens of combat trances already serve. a true legend. right away, it’s almost impossible to touch it, but not for you, this is your legendary alfabank credit card, order a free credit card with a whole year of benzent.
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a heterosexual man, but inside there is a predominance of a woman who loves women, the revelation of a spanish corporal who decided to change his biological sex to the opposite, and there are already dozens of such cases in the army of the kingdom, trends are only gaining momentum, the newspaper el espanyol writes about the phenomenon, they say, among employees spanish armed forces, as well as employees coming outs have recently become extremely popular in state security, with men declaring themselves representatives of the extremist lgbt community. massively prepares documents for transgender people, while , as the western press clarifies, for some reason newly minted female soldiers are in no hurry to radically change their appearance or habits, that is, they retain not only all
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the natural characteristics inherent in men, but also their way of life. why then do they succumb to perverted trends? elizaveta khramtsova will explain. elizabeth, greetings. hello. and why does the spanish army need so many fighting transvestites? if you listen to them, there are continuous advantages. having gone halfway through men's lives, they found themselves in a dark forest of new, previously unknown sensations, of becoming women. this is how dozens of combat trances appeared in the spanish army. roberto perdigonas, for the first 35 years of his life was quite a man, having already become a corporal in the armed forces of the kingdom, he turned into a woman, and he didn’t even have to take hormones, there was no thought about surgery, because according to the law that came into force a year ago, to turn from seignior.
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by the time of the so-called transition, roberto managed, although not for long, to be a married man raising a son, however, why is he no longer the boy’s father, roberto’s new status is not a pregnant mother, from the point of view of common sense, madness, but as it is, the rest of life almost hasn’t changed, well , now i calmly do everything that i did as a man, i didn’t choose any checks. and now the most interesting part for the spanish taxpayer is the garrison of ciuta alone, which is based on in the north of africa, in a year four dozen military personnel changed their minds about being men, all received a salary increase due to women, their pension will be 15% higher, the so-called women
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will be promoted faster, because the army of spain. to add to the diversity, only four of the forty-one ex-men changed their name to a feminine one, meaning the remaining 37 simply wanted to take advantage of the benefits while remaining male. the system itself has created the conditions for such fraudulent schemes, which from the point of view of spanish law are not fraudulent. are. i think that partly the same government , the spanish legislators, probably did not think through this story, but were subject to the general trend. to promote these inadequate transgender transformations, other benefits that the combat trans of the spanish armed forces received, you don’t have to cut your hair short, you’re allowed to wear jewelry and not shave, according to gender law, women in spain have the right to wear a beard, you can only rejoice in quotes for the army of spain, which, by the way, i will remind you of my year is a member of nato, well, even after 40 years
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they still haven’t understood anything. art , this is a complete degradation and disintegration of the military contingent, the spanish combat trances even had an unofficial speaker, the whole appearance of francisco javier screams so much, the man loves attention very much, he participated in a reality show where it was necessary to build a romantic relationship with a woman, but recently since then , francisco himself identifies as a woman, now he goes from one interview to another to complain about his so-called trans transition they were recognized in the army, while visiting...
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well, how can i say it, i’m not a transsexual, i’m a transgender person, the law allows me to keep my name and physical condition. and it would be nice if the gender law only provided benefits that you are not entitled to, there is already a known case when a policeman, who had run over his girlfriend for years, declared himself a woman in order to avoid prison, although he was still arrested. what cannot be said about the bearded senoritas in military units, the newly minted ladies will continue to defend spain .
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russian officers in all eras demonstrated what true devotion to the homeland is, and current times are no exception. with these words, vladimir putin today addressed the graduates of the higher military aviation school in krasnodar, the president met with them in kanu. on march 8, in order to pay tribute to the role that women play in all the most important spheres of state life, including, of course, paying attention to the heroic participants in the special operation. details in the materials of alexey golovko, as well as the author of the host of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubino. clear and refined movements of female hands. at their command, the cockpit of the training aircraft makes virtual turns, takes off and lands. so, the cadet is preparing for future service.


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