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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. the icon saved him from a shrapnel wound. the league of the virgin mary killed the fighter with chevron 13. the story of a real miracle. don't dig a hole for someone else, dig your own first. the chernobyl radiation reserve may soon turn into a large trench. why does kiev need such fortification? the end of a stupid pr project. the famous willys, specially made for the ukrainian armed forces from zhiguli cars, self-destructed on mina. what is this if not a hag cult, also a sacrifice. ukrainian scammers. call centers from kiev
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, hiding behind prime minister trudeau, are gutting the wallets of those who want to invest in light goods, but why doesn’t ottawa catch the scammers? the spanish officers en masse decided that they were now women. in the kingdom it is no longer necessary to undergo surgery to change gender, which will happen to the spanish army, which already has dozens of tranny combatants. traces of shrapnel, but not a scratch on the fighter himself, video from russian military doctors who recorded a real miracle in the special operation zone after the shelling ukrainian fighters, experts examined those who were under attack, in fact, the hero of this video was severely shell-shocked, but as it turned out, everything could have turned out much worse and more tragic, judging by the state of the uniform, fragments from the shell flew into the chest, however, when the doctors decided to check the place of the supposed wound, it turned out that the entire blow...
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and now we can certainly say that the mother of god was protected. this is footage almost immediately after, he is in the hospital, he is sitting on the couch, it seems that he still does not fully realize that he survived and how it all happened. the fragment caught the edge of the icon, apparently, it was thanks to it that the military uniform, riddled with shrapnel, went tangentially, but the main thing is that he is alive. and this video, of course, contains emotional comments from this serviceman’s fellow soldiers. it’s just from them that you can guess that the call sign is 13.
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the icon saved, i say, the malov icon saved, the icon saved, look how it whistled, further, there are all the holes, but by chance everything went away, here is a living fighter sitting here, and if a person with remains a god if he is in battle the battle goes on with prayer, then of course god, like a loving father, protects him, such miracles when an ordinary icon protects and saves a person’s life. this, of course, is according to your faith, so be it to you. in war, without faith, it’s impossible. our guys are talking about this. those who returned from ukrainian captivity, one of them is vladislav andreev. he didn’t let go of this icon for months. mother russia saved us. but remember those same shots, the prayer of our soldiers before the battle. silence, kneeling with machine guns and machine guns at their advantage, they seem to have frozen, listening sermon. about what? these are the prayers
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of our guys before battle, when they kneel down and pray to their father and our lord jesus christ and the holy spirit, then of course victory will be for these guys, victory will be for us, because we are with god, god is with us, if only our entire country would, as they say, kneel down, like our children in churches prayed to the lord. you know, there would be great miracles, probably at this moment thoughts about the motherland, family and home, in the pockets of icons, some have medals of their grandfathers, every fighter has something, some attribute that allows him to cope with moments when faith can waver for a moment, this case, when an icon saved a warrior’s life, is... the most indicative that
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the lord is with us, and we are with our lord. for example, when i began my military career, i carried my great-grandfather’s medal in the inner pocket of my uniform. for the defense of moscow, and i think that the meaning here is approximately the same, because for us, our ancestors, their feat is just as holy and just as valuable, as is faith in the lord. faith, which helps every time to pull out wounded comrades like this, as is done here by a fighter with the call sign stroke, who that day pulled out as many as three, saved them, in fact, they recovered and returned to duty. and faith in god, faith in the family, which is the expression of god on earth, and faith in the fatherland, which is the country that you defend, you are right, this is unity, this is the unity that allows you to preserve yourself, no matter what, the situation
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shows precisely the purity of these people, their nobility, and this nobility , in turn, does not appear out of nowhere and for a reason, it appears because there is a place for it, for it there is... a challenge, and this characterizes the country as a whole, a country capable of being alive . it is quite possible that the fighter’s wife, or mother, or daughter put this icon with the number 13 on the chevron in his jacket; this is now their family miracle story forever. this is also a huge merit to those who pray for us, those whom we protect, these are our mothers, who kneel day and night, churches, at home, and in front of icons, in front of... candles, our wives, our children, everyone prays for the soldiers for our victory, i once again see confirmation that god is with us when we took part in the hostilities, uh, artists lugansk philharmonic, we all hugged, as
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our final prayer was read for the last time and we went into battle, and i saw this miracle - with my own eyes, when we remained alive. number on the chevron, the incredible power of faith, which for him turned into salvation, at the time to change his call sign to the one protected by the mother of god. daily allowance the losses of the armed forces in the avdeevsky and donetsk directions in the special operation amounted to up to 590 manpower, among the destroyed ukrainian equipment there are three tanks and several infantry fighting vehicles and many artillery pieces, these are the statistics of the russian ministry of defense, which clarifies that our fighters, in turn, took more.
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well, we’ve worked it out , well, of course, well, under no circumstances should we abandon it, that is, until the commander gives the command, no one throws anything, here we are standing before talov, it is with the mutual understanding of the crew that everything should be on top, the car is a tasty treat for the enemy target, it happened in alterations, so they are marked on the bumper, the more we move the enemy away, the closer we get to him, so we always, in principle, remain at the same distance from the enemy and carry out tasks close to the front line, very ... powerful shells are very beautifully hit the enemy and mercilessly, this technique folds buildings and destroys fortified areas, it greatly affects the enemy’s manpower. it’s clear that the car is from a rather interesting history, the letter z on the door
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is painted on top of the emblem of the armed forces of ukraine, once here was the coat of arms of the ukrainian marine corps. the svo symbol may have been applied a little hastily and sweepingly. but the sign of the ukrainian military confidently overlaps, in general this car is a very clear illustration of that legendary soviet double redundancy engine, it has two engines, two gearboxes, and two cardan shafts, that is, in case something happens to one engine on one side , for example, on the battlefield, then the vehicle can leave it with the help of another engine, approach the firing position, the main thing is a quick retreat, here everything is already in in the hands of the driver and... although before the svo he only had a category b license, now he already has the appropriate call sign, he sat down and drove off, as if there was nothing complicated about it, but how many speeds? five like a car, everything turns on the same way and flies like a swallow? yes , the order has been received, the crew is moving to a firing
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position to strike the enemy, the crew of the uragan rszzo, the kalmius artillery brigade of the 1st donetsk army corps are preparing, 4834. 4834 yes, the sooner we do all this, the better it will be, we are carrying out counter-battery combat, so it all depends depending on speed, it matters a lot, but on average. how much do you need? 7-12 minutes, 5 minutes before the salvo. every minute we wait for the command, as soon as it arrives, there is no time for an interview, all the movements of each of the crew are so fast and clear. the strike is now being carried out at a distance of approximately 40 km from this point, the missiles are being sent. orlovka is a very western avdeevka, the missiles are deafening. it
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takes even less time to get it into the stowed position after a salvo than to prepare for firing; the vehicle leaves for reloading and parking in waiting for new commands and new goals. grigory, oleg makarov, gennady korneev and andrey rudenko, news from the donetsk people's republic. at the new stage of the war with russia , ukrainians will have to dig. in the face of successful russian advance, well, in general, it sounds quite logical, but traditionally there are nuances, in
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particular, it turned out that almost the first thing the junta is going to do is build fortifications near the borders of the chernobyl reserve, in fact in the exclusion zone, where no one in their right mind would care it's still better not to interfere. a stanislav bernwalt tried to understand why zelensky and company suddenly felt the urge to set up trenches there. ministry of internal affairs of ukraine. has already officially announced that the lands of the chernobyl radiation-ecological biosphere reserve located near the state border with belarus will be transferred to border guards for the purpose of subsequent arrangement of fortifications there, that is, there will be trenches, strongholds, anti-tank ditches, and so on, accordingly there border guards and units will be present on a permanent basis regular army, so these unfortunate ordinary soldiers could easily be led... by none other than your lordship. the reserve is one of the largest environmental protection zones in ukraine,
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with a total area of ​​227 hectares, within the mandatory exclusion zones and resettlement. so now 2/3 of this territory will go to the military for the construction of fortifications . they don’t care at all whether there is an exclusion zone there or not, they just follow the line. borders with belarus, create strengthening, environmental issues and other moments, as i understand it, don’t really bother me at all, it can take a long time to build, right up to the type of analogue of the mazheno line. in general, the matter is not quick, you need to hurry , ukrainian soldiers most likely will not get radiation sickness in such conditions, but there is quite a decent distance from the epicenter of infection, although such trenches will not add health, there is a risk of getting cancer in the future, even with such insignificant doses radiation increases significantly. microparticles contaminated by soil radiation, in other words, radionucleids, during the construction of fortifications can get into
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the human body and become a so-called time bomb, but who you certainly won’t envy are the soldiers of the ukrainian army, who are now sitting in the trenches on the cannon of the so-called red forest a couple of kilometers from the emergency reactor, where after a man-made accident in 1986 he was buried infected. in this video , ukrainian officers clearly assure journalists that there is nothing terrible for the soldiers, and radiation is no longer what it used to be, organizations that operate in the alienation zone, organizations that work in the exclusion zone carried out radiation monitoring, they also carried out radiation reconnaissance, and now we know where we can put up fortifications, where it’s better not to go, in general, the ukrainian armed forces have a real problem with defensive structures, this was known before, when the soldiers at ukrareich, sometimes they simply drowned in the trenches, now, after the fall
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of avdiivka, a rapid retreat, and the unsatisfactory organization of defense, was completed by the western press. the new york times headline says it all. in this article journalists are asking a reasonable question: where is the high-quality defense, for which considerable western money has been allocated for so many years. the publication publishes satellite images of ukrainian positions and is perplexed. what is this anyway? what's happened? sparse trench lines populate the area west of avdiivka that ukraine is trying to defend, according to a review of images taken by a commercial satellite company. for some reason it is missing on these lines. many additional fortifications that could help slow down russian tanks will help protect main roads and important terrain. or here's another quote: ukrainian officials may have been too focused on offensive operations last year to allocate the necessary resources to build numerous trenches of tank traps. i just want to add resources, these were strengthened in someone’s
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pockets. there was also a lot of money sent to... many cunning comrades, and ukraine, as some joke, literally steal, expropriated this money for themselves in their own pocket, and accordingly, for on paper there were deliveries of building materials there and some kind of work, but in fact they are not there, or they were made there of poor quality, inferior, about this they are raising hell, to put it simply, by the way, after this article with satellite images on in ukraine they began to shout that the west is playing into the hands of the kremlin, i publish such pictures, in general, i shift what is being said from a sore head to another sore head. the remnants, the disgusting organization of defense is costing the kiev regime hundreds of thousands of human lives, nothing can be done about it, as they say it’s too late to drink borjomi when your kidneys have failed. the head of gagauzia said that the moldovan authorities are trying to intimidate her, but this will not affect her return to her homeland. evgenia gutsul came to the world youth festival in sirius, where she also
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spoke with vladimir putin. after this , the moldovan prosecutor’s office announced that they were going to send to court a certain case in which... the leader of the gagauz autonomy appears. at the same time , moldovan president maia sanddu flew to france for negotiations with emmanuel macron. what steps paris is expecting from chisinau in the material of our european correspondent daria grigorova. the french president and his guests from moldova , mayasandu, were almost 2 hours late for the press conference, but the wait paid off with loud statements for the western press. the president of moldova accused moscow of attempting a coup. we in moldova know that the kremlin's goals go beyond ukraine. the regime in moscow is trying to control us. blackmailers with energy resources, organizing demonstrations, cyber attacks. in these conditions our meeting with president macron. this is not the first time that accusations without evidence against moscow have been heard from chisinau. in paris they came in handy to justify the main purpose
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of sandu's visit. the defense ministers of france and moldova signed a cooperation agreement. two countries in the military sphere, president macron, demonstrating an increased desire to arm russia's neighbors, is clearly pleased. the opening of a permanent defense mission in chisinau will allow us to work more effectively to strengthen our cooperation. we will strengthen sovereignty and security your state. moldova and nato member france will cooperate in matters of personnel training, airspace control, participation in international missions and technology exchange, that is. the agreements significantly expand french influence on moldova in the military sphere. official chisinau dreams of joining the north atlantic alliance and considers france as one of its main patrons in the eu and nato after romania. officially, being on the path to joining the eu, the moldovan authorities brought compliance with european union standards, first of all, a course towards everything anti-russian, but
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many within the country do not agree with this. the moldovan authorities today are in total agony. with the fact that they are afraid that we will be able to cooperate with the russian federation and receive the benefits that the population needs today. i am sure that the citizens of moldova will not choose the course of the european union, because the european union has now ruled moldova for 4 years. citizens are forced to pay eight times more for gas and three times more for electricity. we have inflation reaches 30%. there is no indexation of pensions. during these 4 years, the european authorities have shown complete anti-democracy. moldova. the head of gagauzia, an autonomous territory in the south of moldova, does not agree with the course towards such european integration; its head, evgenia , met with the russian president on the sidelines of the world youth festival in sochi. after discussing the political situation in moldova, putin promised to support gagauzia and its people. the meeting with vladimir vladimirovich is indicative that
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russia is interested in gagousia, uzbek. today, about 150,000 people live in the autonomy. in 2014, when the question of joining anti-russian sanctions arose in moldova, gagauzia expressed a strong protest. since then, kamrat’s position has become further and further from official chisinau. 3 and a half years ago they drew us a beautiful fairy tale. we were told that we will live according to
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european standards if we support the european union, but unfortunately we see that our residents of the republic of moldova are living worse and worse, so the majority, the majority of residents, citizens of the republic of moldova... are in favor of not severing ties with the russian federation. the moldovan authorities are already threatening eugenia guzzul with arrest. even before her visit to moscow , a criminal case had been opened against her and now it was hastily transferred to court. but the visit of moldovan president sandu to paris resulted primarily in support of the interests of emmanuel macron, who is trying with all his might to return ukraine to the center of european attention. daria grigorova, vladislav chernov and inna koshkina. european birovest. now short advertising is what will happen next on our broadcast. ukrainian scammers are robbing gullible canadians. call centers from kiev, under the guise
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just plastic, and this is alphapay, freedom to pay as convenient for you, with a smartphone, sticker or online, pay as convenient with alphapay and get super cashback every month, not just profitable, alpha profitable. a fireball, a column of smoke and scattering of debris in all directions, a spectacular video and special operation zones where russian mines stopped another ukrainian armed forces vehicle, but this time it’s an unusual bmp or tank, and something really special, that’s a little bit, a villas mb jeep armed us forces from the second world war, but the truth is not real, assembled by ukrainian handicraftsmen on the basis of old lada cars, in which they left the original engine, here is the bridge
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completely... assembled to increase the ground clearance, in addition, they did a fair amount of magic on the body, in general , was completely messed with, you can’t argue with that, yes, it’s hard to even imagine how much time was spent, but it’s all in vain, since now only memories remain of the self-made transport and crew, and yet the propagandists advertised it very intrusively, as an example a kind of independent ingenuity, and here, of course, the question arises: was there at least some practical meaning in this pseudo-american fake, we will get answers from vadim zavodchenkov. wilis are burning on ukrainian soil again, only now they are carrying nazis, and these are not wilis at all. a blasphemous surrogate was subjected to denazification, a harsh operation to change the identity was carried out by the legendary soviet six. after this, she may even have dreamed of dying in a cleansing fire. apparently, the ukrainians decided
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to create such a symbol of support. in the usa , everything turned out very funny, because they took the lada as a basis, they made these vilis on the basis of the lada, and the lada is, in general, the symbol that is subject to decommunization, look at this some kind of circus, honestly, the transformation of the six into an american jeep was carried out by mechanics from a small-scale enterprise in a couple of garages, it specializes in converting old cars in a bug, essentially only two of the lada remained.
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pokemon call it garbage, that vilis are made from bugs, this is not history , this is trash, this is squalor, when you have a lot of original cars, there is some unfortunate guy, yes, he makes vilis in ukraine, this is done out of wretchedness, really, what is the motivation to do it similar surrogates to raise the morale of the brothers-in-arms, perhaps wilis is, without exaggeration, a legendary machine , one of... the symbols of the american army was created during the great patriotic war, and then fought for washington imperialism in many conflicts in various parts of the world, was in service, by the way, even in the ussr, wilis was transferred we like landlease, but what is the practical meaning of such a gift to the front, why is such outdated equipment needed on the battlefield in the 21st century, guys? after all,
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they no longer technically meet the requirements that, let’s say, are presented by battlefield, yes, they could use them, in the version the lada vilis was converted, firstly, this is a car, to put it mildly, it can drive there, for example, on an unpaved road, on a country road, well, it did, i drove a lada myself along country roads, but as soon as she gets into... well, that’s it, it all comes together tightly, maybe there’s something sacred here? viles, even though he is the brainchild of the american automobile industry, is one of the symbols of the great patriotic war, and no matter how much modern ukrainians spit on that historical period, no matter how the heritage and values ​​of that era are trampled, something inside people protests, demands to stand on the right side of history and calls out for what they are trying to forget, but
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cannot. to historical


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