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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:23pm MSK

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cool! in the krasnodar territory, vladimir putin met with governor veniamin kondratyev. the head of the region reported to the president on the construction of almost 50 hotels. investments in these projects amount to about 500 billion rubles. in addition, the focus was on health and economic development of the region. you are developing at a good pace. work in the country is at a record
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low, and yours is even lower than the national average, and one of such significant indicators is population growth, in this regard, of course, problems will certainly arise, issues, primarily of a social nature, we need to think about increasing the number of ambulance teams, kindergartens, schools, the number of places should increase, well, let’s go in order please, well, let me thank you first of all. probably for the decisions that you voiced in the message of the federal assembly, they, of course , concern residents of the whole country, and of course business, and of course, residents of our region, residents of business, enterprises where people work, large families, and especially a decision that is very important for us is the overhaul of schools and kindergartens. earlier, in the krasnodar territory, the president spoke with graduates of the higher military aviation school. vladimir putin also took the helm of a flight simulator and...
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on the upcoming holiday, i wish you success in your career and family happiness, i am sure that everything will work out for you, because you are people with character, you act purposefully, you go towards your goal, and sergei kuzhgedovich told me how the first recruitment was carried out, it didn’t work out, but one of the future cadets to do, she pitched a tent here somewhere, in front of the gate, in front of the gate, yes.
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profession, but it requires very specific qualities, excellent knowledge of technology, the ability to instantly navigate and make decisions , of course, an attractive image in critically difficult circumstances, they demonstrated their skills to the president today, in particular, they showed how to control a machine when one of the engines fails, and already at the meeting they asked what event was the most memorable for the president in the past year? my life consists of an infinite number of different events.
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events, these meetings bear the most vivid emotional color. by the way, vladimir putin himself took the helm today, this time of a flight simulator, having tried himself as a pilot of a combat training aircraft. 130. let me remind you that just a couple of weeks ago the head of state made a half-hour flight on a modernized tu-160 strategic missile carrier. there was also a su-125 attack aircraft, a su-27 fighter, and a b-200 amphibian. “the sky is a serious matter,” the president summed up his impressions. the hardest service it seems to me so, i don’t want to offend anyone, but this is the case with storm troopers, they drop sharply, and then also rise sharply. so. with a large overload, that only the hands and fingers move effectively , i don’t understand how they control the machines, here - the only control element, one might say, was on the su-27, when the commander suggested that i make
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a barrel, i did it myself, on - tu-160, we flew for 5 hours, i think, around 2005 - it was, well, it was a delight, this is the last flight, it was not planned, because the minister says, you can’t fly because we haven’t accepted this machine yet, and the industry says: we haven’t delivered it yet, so, but when we came to the enterprise and inspected it, the ship’s commander told me: “vladimir vladimirovich, we are ready, in we can be in the air for 2 hours, i suggest you try." it was interesting to compare what happened to the car since the time when i flew on it, in 2005, and indeed, a lot has changed, it’s practically a new car, the crew commander is the most responsible job, but what if they were on board number one
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there was a woman, lieutenant zakalyukin asked, to be guided by non-gender principles, but by business ones, the president’s rules, which means everything is possible, i’m not selecting
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, i gave instructions to the heads of the main channels , remove them from there, why endanger women, that means this led to what, they took we went there on vacation ourselves, moreover,
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the managers of the channel told me that they were on television, that they were ready to resign, but they would go there anyway, however, receiving flowers in honor of the spring holiday is still a purely female privilege, a bouquet of... “they definitely realize that we will not let you down,” said lieutenant kuzina, and responding to this remark, the president emphasized: “i have no doubt that the highest devotion to the fatherland and duty to the fatherland has distinguished the officer corps at all times, and quoting the head of state: the winner of all russia
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survived difficult trials precisely thanks to these qualities of its worthy citizens. within a day, our troops took more advantageous positions in several directions of the special operation, southern donetsk, kherson and kupinsk. reported the ministry of defense. in total , more than ten counterattacks were repelled, and the enemy lost over 200 militants. the most active fighting took place in the avdeevsky direction. russian military personnel repelled four attacks and seven counterattacks by the ukrainian armed forces. in the avdievsky direction , units of the center group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and inflicted fire damage on the personnel and equipment of the twenty-fourth and 78, 110 mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of mayorsk, novgorod and orlovka of the donetsk people's republic. four attacks by ukrainian armed forces assault groups in the areas of leninskaya, novgorodskaya and rozovka settlements were stopped. as well as seven counterattacks in the areas of the settlements of petrovskoye, berdychi, orlovka, tonenko and
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pervomaiskoye of the donetsk people's republic. the enemy lost up to 390 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, 14 vehicles and a gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount, and a field ammunition depot of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. well , here is impressive footage of the destruction of the polish self-propelled howitzer krap in the southern donetsk direction. they write online that this is work fighter. one precise blow and all that remains of the vaunted western technology is a pile of scrap metal. the ministry of defense said that during the day the ssu lost three more tanks and two infantry fighting vehicles in the donetsk direction. there, our special correspondent, grigory ddovin, monitors the work of the crew of combat vehicles. the formidable combat vehicle is preparing for combat, the crew on the ground is waiting for the command. yes, we came under fire, we are processing the core part, and now we are cutting off all of their reserves. that's right, it was like that, i was pointing, i turn my head, about thirty meters away,
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once a gap, a second gap, a third gap , well, they’ve already shot at us, well, they’ve worked it out, well, of course, well, under no circumstances should we throw , that is, unless the commander gives the command, no one throws anything, so we’re standing right up to the top, precisely with mutual understanding between the crew, everything should be on top, the car is a varnish and a target for the enemy, there have been alterations, so they are marked on the bumper, the more we move the enemy away, the... we get closer to him, so in principle we always remain on the same ground and the same distance from the enemy and we carry out tasks near the front line , very powerful shells, they hit the enemy very beautifully and mercilessly, this technique folds buildings and destroys fortified areas, it very strongly affects the enemy’s manpower, it is clear that the machine is well-deserved with a rather interesting history, the letter z is painted on the door. on top of the ukrainian armed forces emblem. once upon a time there was the coat of arms of the ukrainian marine corps. the svo symbol
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may have been applied a little hastily and sweepingly, but the sign of the ukrainian military confidently covers it. in general, this car is a very vivid illustration of that legendary soviet dual redundancy. it has two engines, two gearboxes, and two cardan shafts. that is, if something happens to one engine on one side, for example, on... the battlefield, then the vehicle can leave it with the help of another engine, approach the firing position, the main thing is a quick retreat, then everything is in hand driver, and although before the svo he only had a category b license, now the call sign is appropriate, he sat down and drove off, as if there was nothing complicated, and the speeds are about five, like a car, everything turns on the same way the swallow is flying, yes, the order has been received, the crew is moving to a firing position on... 48-34
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4834 yes, the faster we do all this, the better it will be, we are carrying out counter-battery combat, so everything depends on speed, it is very important, well on average, how much do you need? 7-12 minutes, 5 minutes before the salvo, every minute counts. the team, as soon as it arrives, there is no time for an interview, all the movements of each of the crew are so fast and clear. the strike is now being carried out at a distance of approximately 40 km from this point, missiles are sent, orlovka is a very western avdeevka, the missiles are deafening and drowning, they go up into the heights one after another, exactly according to the derivative calculations for the collapse of the huge mechanism and reduction.
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thus, a general disliked by the ukrainian leader will take the place of a diplomat disliked by the kiev regime. former ambassador to great britain vadim prystaika was fired even earlier than valery zaluzhny in the summer of 2002. experts call zaluzhny’s new appointment as ambassador to london a reference to a political competitor, given that according to polls the former the commander in chief would have won the presidential elections in ukraine, if they were held, of course. in ukraine, meanwhile, for three
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months now they have not been able to finalize the high-profile bill on mobilization in the rada until now... also, day after day, nothing new in the search for men, military commissars have long since reached buses, shopping centers, and gyms, footage of such raids appears online every day. barbara nevskaya in more detail. about 700 mercenaries, citizens of poland, romania, the netherlands, norway and new zealand, are wanted. investigative the committee continues to investigate the facts of recruitment and the participation of foreign war lovers for profit in the unit’s combat woes. from the usa, great britain, australia, denmark, other countries of europe, asia, africa, south america. and probably, at this rate , the ukrainian army will need even more foreign legionnaires, because its defenders are in no hurry to go to the front. footage of beating men trying to resist, sudden
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mobilization in ukrainian motor speech. people's gathering, reaction, death of a detainee. employees, the conscript died, as it turned out later from epilepsy, but residents raise at least two fair questions: why are they trying to draft a person with such a disease to the front? there would have been an attack if a few days ago the men had not beaten the man after beating him. meanwhile, the rada cannot agree on amendments to the law on mobilization, but despite this , she promises to move on to consider depriving her of lithuanian citizenship so that now she will only have russian citizenship. passport, in her opinion, it was no coincidence that the authorities of the baltic republic made such a decision right now, when we are in the midst of an election campaign, about what guided the lithuanian president, why in this situation the choice is so important, not political, but moral, in materials from kurbatova. il-zaliepa found out that lithuania deprived her of her citizenship, and
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that i want and will be with her. people's artist of russia, ex-soloist of the bolshoi theater.
11:19 pm
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of international scientific cooperation discussed today in minsk. the latest achievements were discussed at the belarusian national academy of sciences. a delegation from the global energy association, which annually presents the award of the same name and headed by our colleague, journalist sergei brilyov, came to choose the best. the most important scientific discussions for the entire planet continue despite the complexities of geopolitics. we work with many, many regions, countries, from japan to the united states of america, we have very active cooperation with china, now we are developing cooperation with india, we have close contacts with vietnam, with mongolia, and recently we had the president of the mongolian academy of sciences. and recently the cuban academy of sciences joined the association of the academy of sciences, that is, we are very actively working with everyone, we are working with the european union. belarusian scientists can actively participate
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in this global energy prize. yes, indeed, i spoke about this, that we have developments, our institutions are working in this direction. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov today arrived at the location of the helicopter near moscow squadron. he thanked the military personnel who are participating in the special military operation. they have more than 5,000 flights to their name. according to the governor, during the svo, 40 pilots of the squadron received state awards, another 36 - awards from the ministry of defense. i came to the squadron, which has been performing combat missions with great dignity for a very long time.


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