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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 8, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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consciously - this is what they have been strong for in recent months - pr of terror and sabotage, in fact, here i think that yes, it is quite possible that they will strain themselves, we see how, well, what is called all nato intelligence is hanging on with all its might in the black sea, we know for sure, to shoot them down, we know for sure and see that it is in the black sea region, in the crimea region.
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i repeat, this is also not something that can be used to turn the situation around in the air, that is , it turns out that in general there are no such serious surprises here either, again you can discuss whether they will give them more attacks to the ukrainians there or not, but this will also not be a surprise, from here there can only be one conclusion, that is, from here there is only one conclusion, that everything that is being heard now is sounded exclusively for internal pr support, firstly, of the ukrainians themselves, so that they expect that a miracle will come, but they live by the concept of a miracle, this is such a...
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people who have become completely sectarian, we must remember that, for example, the largest number of parishes ended up on before the maidan, ukraine had non-orthodox people, all sorts of different sects , that is, in this case, orthodoxy in numerical form, it was actually not the majority, this sectarian belief in a miracle, in the coming of the messiah, today or tomorrow, it actually sits on this, within the framework of everything that i said is very interesting, well, there is not just a version, but my personal one -
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the very prospect of twenty -four, which exists, is extremely sad for ukraine and for ukraine’s conduct of successful military operations. it is difficult to argue that ukraine is distinguished by terrorist attacks, they are carefully documented and shown, here you need to very clearly understand that this is done by ukrainian hands, the brain, eyes, guidance system - this is all nato, something that macron directly states that cannot be allowed. campaign and we then really don’t understand anything, that’s what really upsets me, they really don’t understand what is written in our doctrine, our doctrine states very clearly and clearly, if we believe that this threatens the existence of our state, then our hands are untied, i just have the feeling that they are a little bit like children, that is, they think that they are in the house, in the house you can do whatever you want, they think, or what?
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30 stream live yes, yes, the fact is that yes, well, he, but he strives, how wrong i was, nulan will tell, yes, nulan steps aside, because on the one hand it is clear that trump is winning, on the other on the other hand, ukraine’s support, accordingly, becomes
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unobvious; now, while it is still leaving the current administration, it will receive a huge number of proposals for very big money, tomorrow these proposals will be completely different, that is, she...
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or another candidate, immediately declares: i, i, i, i’m ready now to be instead of, well, i’m ready to consolidate around myself, the president of france, who becomes to take the place of the third person in the state department , it’s somehow a shame, well, you have to measure it, well, napoleon’s hat has somehow degraded over all this time, that is, in general, he chooses whenever possible, if you can’t be the first in the capital, then you need to be the first in the village, in general it is clear that europe is turning into a village, and here we are
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we see... the question is, this is the same, he speaks for europe, after all, britain, the second problem is that he decided that he will not get diarrhea, the fact is that britain is always a provocateur, its task is to drag it into the rest of europe, then cameron has now said that yes
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, you can take money, be bold, take it, finance it, because in fact, in britain, polite people in the city say that old man, there are exactly the problems that i said, the first thing is to take it. of course faster, of course i want to, but actually, but actually yes, but before that they have done this many times with other countries , with russia never, although there is no congress power of this size, to try to steal away like this, knowing how much british business is still here, how large of an investment it is, that is, this is completely suicide, well, after all, it’s not you know that they won’t do this after the final money, if we remember, because the basis of the us gold reserve is the gold of the romanovs, which rothschild had. well, i want to remind you that there were no romanovs who could claim it, just like gold, who is he, half rich , half beard, half beard, that is, he doesn’t exist either, so these are all such myths, it’s not clear, there are myths, but their consciousness is different, their consciousness is built on the fact that russia will definitely lose,
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will pay reparations, therefore, you can now fight for these reparations when they tell him, and if russia doesn’t lose, he says, well, then i don’t know how... europe, that is, his task is to let others.
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now it is absolutely causing not only rage, but frantic activity in
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zelensky and his team. counterattack in may - this is a counter-offensive, of course, against the opposition , because, because yes , because there is no strength for a real attack, but to clear out the enemies, like putin’s agents, is not, well, it ’s a full-fledged one, to clear out the enemies, but it will work out, what they are throwing resources at now at any cost into the firebox, yes, stop, do it yourself. construction of almost 50 hotels. investments in the head of the region reported to the president on
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these projects amount to about 500 billion rubles. in addition, the focus was on health and economic development of the region. you are developing at a good pace. unemployment in the country is at a record low, and yours is even lower than the national average. and one of these significant indicators is population growth. in this regard, of course, problems and issues will probably arise, primarily of a social nature, uh, we need to think about increasing the number of ambulance teams, kindergartens, schools, the number of places should increase, well, let's take it in order, well, let me thank you first of all, probably for the decisions that you voiced in the message of the federal meetings, they of course concern residents of the whole country, and of course business, and of course the residents of our region, residents.
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format this is how the head of state described the nature of the meeting, which was held at the krasnodar higher military aviation school, at the table of graduates of the educational institution, people with a responsible attitude to business and devotion to their country. on the eve of march 8, i want to congratulate you all on the upcoming holiday, i wish you success in your career and family happiness, i am sure that everything will work out for you, because you... people with character, you act purposefully
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, you go towards your goal, but sergei kuzhgedovich told me how the first recruitment was carried out, one of the future cadets did not manage to enroll, so she pitched a tent here somewhere, in front of the gate, in front of the gate, and so on, such an attitude towards life, towards a future profession, is really worth a lot, i am sure that with such an attitude you will succeed, we still have ours... women, girls, young people in the zone of a special military operation, serve, and in different directions and everywhere - he serves his homeland with dignity. the romance of the sky, with which these ice girls decided to throw in their lot, is, of course, an attractive image of the profession, but it requires very specific qualities, excellent knowledge of technology, and the ability to instantly navigate and make decisions in critically difficult circumstances. today they demonstrated their skills to the president, showed in particular how to control a car when one of the engines fails, and
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already at the meeting they asked what event was the most memorable for... on the contrary, he sees that everything is fine, we we are resting, but i know that in 5 minutes so-and-so should call me, in 10 minutes i should call somewhere, and in half an hour such and such an event will happen, i must understand what happened, and if necessary, somehow this is to react or adjust something, the most - such bright events are, of course
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, meetings with our guys, or with women, with girls, with our people who serve in their zone or with members of their family, frankly speaking, i try not to get emotional show, but still these are these events, these meetings have the brightest emotional connotation. by the way, vladimir putin himself took the helm today, this time of a flight simulator, having tried himself as a pilot of the yak-130 combat training aircraft. let me remind you that just a couple of weeks ago the head of state made a half-hour flight on the modernized strategic missile carrier tu-160m, and there was also an attack aircraft with a u-125. su-27 fighter, b-200 amphibian, the sky is a serious matter, the president summed up his impressions. the most difficult service, it seems to me, i don’t want to offend anyone, but this is attack aircraft, descend sharply, and then also rise sharply, the overload is so great that only
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the hands and fingers move effectively; i don’t understand how they control the machine. the only control element, one might say, was our su-27, when the commander suggested that i make a barrel, i did it myself, on a tu-160, we flew for 5 hours, i think it was around 2005, well this is a delight, here is the last flight, it was not planned, because the minister says: you can’t fly, because we haven’t yet accepted. this machine, and the industry says: we haven’t delivered it yet, so, but when we came to the enterprise to look, the ship’s commander told me: “vladimir vladimirovich, we are ready, in 2 hours, we can be in the air, i suggest you try it, it was interesting compare what has happened to the car
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since the time i flew on it in 2005, and indeed, a lot has changed, this is..." practically a new car, the crew commander is the most responsible job, but what if on board number one it was woman asked lieutenant zakalyukina, be guided not by gender principles, but by business principles, the rules of the president, which means anything is possible. i do not select the crew of the planes i fly on; this is done by the relevant management of certain aviation services, but they are all distinguished, very experienced people.
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and a woman will show herself properly when determined for any place, need, for moving up the career ladder, of course, of course, there can be no restrictions here, a profession where women could not work and achieve success no, the president emphasized, but there is an attempt to save them from danger and protect them, however, for many representatives of the fair sex , serving their country, even at the risk of their lives , is not obligatory. and honor, and we are talking not only about the military, but about civilian specialists, for example, military officers who work in the zone of a special military operation, i saw, well, i see, including girls. at the forefront, they are functioning there, fulfilling their journalistic duty, i gave instructions to the head of the main channels, they are from there
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remove, why endanger women, it means that this led to what, they took a vacation and went there themselves, moreover, the heads of the television channel told me that they were ready to quit, but they went there anyway. the complexity of the military-political situation , the historical period, all participants and participants in this meeting are clearly aware, we will not let you down, said lieutenant kuzina, and
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responding to this remark, the president emphasized: “i have no doubt, the highest devotion to the fatherland and duty to the fatherland, distinguished officer corps at all times." and quoting the head of state: " russia emerged victorious from all difficult trials precisely thanks to these qualities of its most worthy citizens." well, this holiday took on a completely different meaning, corsa, the hero of russia, yes, an amazing
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woman, a brilliant military leader, little fragile girls who carry men after serious wounds, girls, snipers, who sit murdered husbands, brothers, fathers, women everywhere... where we met, look, look at the absolute scum who on the eve of march 8th they carry out a terrorist attack and kill a courageous woman just because she is doing everything possible so that the freedom-loving people of new russia can vote in the elections to determine the president who will lead them further into the future, they are proud of it, these nazis are proud of it. but as a rule, at polling stations, well, women work in election commissions, elections were canceled in our country, they are also trying to help us there, and each of them is just each of them absolute,
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sorry for interrupting somehow, a deep bow to such women, well, continuing the topic wonderful today i had a conversation with the guys from chisinau from teraspol, a meeting between vladimir vladimirovich and bokshan gogauzia. in romania in moldova, in brussels , in washington, yes, that is, and what’s most interesting is, in a conversation again with my moldovan friend, he says: “you know, this is a beautiful game of russia.” ahead of the curve, again ahead of the curve, he says: we have elections there, and this and that, i say, guys, i say, and you also have gas, i say, and now here’s a little out of subtlety,
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a girl born in eighty-six , very young from a small gogauz village , won the elections last year, what do we know about gogauzia, but it’s a fairly small autonomous republic, yes, uh, 82 percent live there, well, more than 80% of gogauz in russians there - no more than 5%, like other nationalities, it would seem, well, the turks there consider the gogouzs, descendants of the seljuks , but there are turkic branches, and the gogauz language, it is similar to the turkish language, it would seem, why evgenia gutsul came and first met with the president of russia and then after meeting with the president of erdogan gave a signal to moscow. like, guys , we’re ready to meet, yes, we’re ready, as if , right there, it turns out, the shop opens simply, yes, indeed, yes, the language is similar,
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yes, there is a common history, but... most of the gogauz people are orthodox , that’s why initially gogauzia always gravitated towards the russian federation, this is where the fun begins, let ’s consider the option, by the way, last year, when erdogan was re-elected, evgenia congratulated him, and now she received an answer, like thank you, thank you, let’s now let's consider this option, but it turns out that even if we look at the map recently.
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will land on turkish ships, we cannot rule out anything, yes, all the most important things in life are in our hands, to fulfill a childhood dream, to gain new knowledge, to feel inspired, to build a career, to realize our plans, to start a family, to conquer life.
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pass on traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights; it is in our hands to choose our future and the future of the entire country. together, we are strong, we vote for russia.
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here's the last thing that was missing: spiritual and moral core. every step here is like moving in time, between eras. the scale of the work that was carried out here is a completely unique event in the history of world archaeology. there is perhaps no more rich history of the city on the territory of russia and russia, so it radiates. special energy, cool.
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russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24. well, i do not rule out that further actions in terms of supporting our gaga brothers, like on the part of moscow and on the part of ankara, it is even quite possible that they will be agreed upon.


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