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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 8, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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there is, perhaps, no unique event in the history of world archeology; there is perhaps no city more rich in the history of the city on the territory of russia and russia, therefore it radiates a special energy, cool. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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military doctors in the special operation zone became witnesses. a real miracle, doctors examined the soldiers who came under fire from one of the servicemen; shell fragments flew straight into the chest, but in place wounds that could have been fatal, not scratches, the orthodox icon, asilis of faith, evgeniy petrukhin, took the blow. a wooden icon in the pocket of his jacket, a soldier with a chevron, 13 lucky, and now we can certainly say, protected by the mother of god. these are shots almost immediately. after he is in the hospital
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, he sits on the couch, it seems that he still does not fully understand that he survived and how it all happened, a fragment caught the edge of the icon, apparently, it was thanks to her that it passed on a tangent, a military uniform riddled with fragments, but most importantly - he is alive in this video, of course, the emotional comments of this serviceman’s fellow soldiers, just from them you can guess that the call sign of the thirteenth is small, the icon saved, i say, the icon, malova the icon saved, the icon saved, look how... if a person is with god, if he is in battle , goes into battle with prayer, then of course god , like a loving father, protects him, such miracles when an ordinary icon - protects and saves a person’s life, this, of course, according to your faith , may it be for you, in a war without faith, but not at all. .. our guys are talking about this,
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returned from ukrainian captivity, one of them vladislav andreev, he did not let go of this icon for months. but remember those same shots, the prayer of our soldiers before the battle. silence, kneeling with machine guns and machine guns at their advantage, they seemed to freeze, listening to the sermon, what were they thinking then? these are the prayers of our guys before...
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family and for home, in their pockets there are icons, some have medals from their grandfathers, every fighter has something, some attribute that allows him to cope with the moments when faith can tremble for a moment, this case, when an icon saved a warrior’s life, is the most indicative that the lord is with us, and we are with our lord, for example, i... when i began my military journey, and carried a medal in the inner pocket of my uniform my great-grandfather for the defense of moscow, and i think that the meaning here is approximately the same, because for us, our ancestors, their feat is just as holy and just as valuable as faith in the lord, faith that helps every time like this pull out wounded comrades on yourself, like here this is done by a fighter with the call sign “stroke ”, who was wearing that day... faith in
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the fatherland, which is the country that you defend, you are right, this is the unity, this is the unity that allows you to preserve yourself, no matter what. the situation shows precisely the purity of these people, their nobility, and this nobility, in turn , does not appear out of nowhere and for a reason, it appears because there is a place for it, there is a challenge for it, and this characterizes the country in in general, a country capable of being alive is quite possible. what this icon for a fighter with the number 13 on the chevron was put in his jacket by his wife or mother or daughter, this is now forever their family history of a miracle, this is also a huge merit of those who pray for us, those whom we protect, these are our mothers who day and at night we kneel, in
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churches, at home, and in front of icons, in front of candles, our wives, our children, everyone prays for the soldiers for our victory. once again i see confirmation that god is with us when we took part in hostilities, and the artists of the lugansk philharmonic, we all hugged, as we read our final prayer for the last time and we went into battle, and i saw this miracle with my own eyes, when we remained alive, the soldier with the thirteenth number on the chevron remained alive, the incredible power of faith, which for him... turned into salvation, at the time of changing his call sign to the one guarded by the mother of god. forecasters promise pleasant march weather to residents of russia, and today all weekend. ksenia levitskaya has a detailed forecast for different regions of the country. nature will give women
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pleasant march weather for the holiday. where in russia is it now abnormally warm and sunny, and where it will snow, what temperature is expected in moscow. this is weather joint projects. russia-24 tv channel and centrovfos, i’m ksenia levitskaya, hello! our country will celebrate international women's day without weather disasters. a calm atmosphere is generally a distinctive feature of the beginning of march 2024. usually the first month of spring gives more in winter. there are heavy snowfalls and blizzards, but not this time. much of russia is currently in the grip of an extensive cyclonic system. she's covering territory of the central regions. to the lena coast, but consists of atlantic cyclones that dived into eurasia from the arctic, and such eddies, as a rule, do not have large reserves of moisture; the south of siberia and the far east , on the contrary, are covered by an anticyclone, and atmospheric fronts make their way here. in primorye,
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for example, on thursday the weather was still spring, local residents were preparing for the holiday, and some didn’t even have to. in this video , a group of joggers came across boxes of flowers abandoned in the forest. very, by the way, yes i am i’ll put such a bouquet , maybe i’ll do something like this, a little bit of this, a little bit of that, but in the evening it started snowing again in the region, and closer to the night precipitation began in vladivostok itself, visibility in the city deteriorated to 2 km, today not nastya in the primorsky territory will continue, snowfalls are also expected in kamchatka, khabarovsk territory and sakhalin, but in the most populated areas they will be weak, and the temperature regime will be close to normal during the day... the snow will stop during the day, and thermometers will show near zero , the coming night the temperature will drop to -100, and on saturday it will become a little cooler, but on sunday the temperature will drop to +2 during the daytime hours. as for siberia, there will also be light precipitation here, but only in mid-latitudes.
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however, it cannot be said that the siberian megacities are not affected by the mentioned cyclonic system; how does it affect it? in the circulation of a huge funnel in the regions. very warm southern air, for example, this is what krasnoyarsk looked like the day before. in the city, the temperature has risen to almost +6, snow is melting on the streets, and falling from the roofs onto the ice. luckily today the situation is returning to normal, the well-warmed air masses are transforming, that is , they will cool down, and thermometers will show comfortable temperatures around zero, you won’t have to jump in puddles, the next thaw will come on sunday +4. as for the european part of russia, here. the day before it was also unusually warm. this, for example, is footage from murmansk. it is clearly visible that melt water is flowing through the streets. the air in the city on thursday warmed up to +3°. it got warmer the day before and in the middle zone. in moscow, after a steady minus, on wednesday at thursday the capital's thermometers showed the same
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+3. and only in the south of european russia did the landscapes become less spring-like. it got colder in the caucasus and there were quite intense snowfalls. listen, it's snowing so much. skvet does not happen every year in december , you need to check it out on march 7th, today the situation will hardly change, except that stable thaws will return to the mountainous areas, in the rest of the territory... the temperature will be around zero, in the eastern half a slight minus, in the western half a slight plus . due to the influence of atmospheric fronts, precipitation is possible, but it as in other parts of the country, will not be intense. in moscow today it is +1, sunny, local snow showers are possible. overall pleasant march weather. frosts will return this weekend, down to -1° during the day and -8-12 at night. that's all i have. goodbye.
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it is possible to leave maternity leave early and keep child care benefits, but under what conditions, who assigns the payments and what else has changed in the rules for receiving them, maria kudryavtseva will tell you in the program instructions immediately after the advertisement. find out your credit score on the compare website or in application. it's free. see if you have any delinquencies and... keep your credit history under control, your
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credit history may be better than you think, compare, on your side. hair lacking vitality? gliskur - exceptional moisturizing, fills hair with the power of hyaluron and seaweed extract. moisturized, shiny and bouncy hair. instead of scissors? try gliskur, exclusively. 30% discount on the second or 50% on the third household appliance product. midea dishwasher for only 14,999 when purchased as a bundle with mvidio and eldorado. new yandex browser. give me nerosil. oh, it’s me, watching videos in english, and also japanese, korean. hi all. and i understand everything, just like the people. yes, he is fumbling. download the new yandex browser. be amazed at your neural powers. when you give russian lotto tickets, it may turn out that
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we will expose all fakes. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country. take russian digital solutions to new heights. there are prospects. ours are more brutal. ours will be more brutal than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product like? the rules for assigning benefits for
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child care up to one and a half years old have changed this year. how exactly, who on what terms? can receive it, we will tell you in 5 minutes program instructions. so, on january 1 , new rules came into force; they allow you to take full-time leave from parental leave without losing benefits. until the twenty-fourth year, a parent could also work and receive benefits, but he could only work on a shortened working day. now this rule has gone away, and a parent can go full -time and still get paid. child care allowance. until the child turns one and a half years old, the monthly allowance will continue to be paid, regardless of the size of the salary and type of employment. the federal law emphasizes that this applies to all types of work, full-time with part- time work, remote work, and even part-time work with another employer. how
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is the benefit calculated? will they pay 40% of average earnings? amount of care allowance. for the child depends on the parents’ salary, and the calculation of the benefit is based on the salary for 2 years of the previous year when the parent is going to go on leave to care for the child, and if in these two years the parent was also on maternity leave or child care, then he can, upon application, change the period that is taken for calculation, and the benefit will, of course, be recalculated upward. once a year, from february 1, the minimum benefit amount is indexed, as determined by the government? from february 1, 2024, the amount looks like this: 9,227 rubles per month. the maximum amount this year is 49,123 rubles. if there are two or more children under one and a half years old, the payments are summed up, but the total amount of the benefit cannot
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exceed 100% of average earnings. where apply for benefits? the benefit is paid. on the basis of an application for child care benefits, which the employee brings to his employer along with an application for leave to care for a child up to one and a half years old. the employer has 3 days to transfer the certificate to the social fund, and the social fund has 10 days to appoint payment of child care benefits for children up to one and a half years old. the social fund will pay this benefit monthly without a reminder from the employer. until the child turns one and a half years old. working parents are provided with benefits not from the state budget, but as an insurance payment. it is secured by mandatory social insurance contributions from employers. therefore, they can simultaneously receive both insurance and social benefits for the same child. for example, a single benefit for children
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under 17 years of age. the social fund will assign it if the monthly income per person in the family is not higher than the regional one. minimum subsistence level and the family will pass the criteria for a comprehensive needs assessment. what about those who don’t work? they are also entitled to benefits, but this there will be a measure of social support from the state budget. you can only count on minimum payments and you need to contact the social fund. non-working parents must choose what type of assistance to receive from the state, payment for child care up to one and a half years old, or, for example, a single benefit for children under 17 years of age. another important point: if the child was born on january 1, 2023 later, the monthly income per person in the family should be below the average per capita subsistence level in the region. an exception is made for full-time students, they have the right to benefits regardless of the income of family members. let us repeat the most important thing: working parents can now take
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full-time leave from parental leave. they will continue to receive benefits until the child turns one and a half years old. the amount is calculated based on 40% of average earnings 2 years before parental leave. non-working parents also have the right to payments, but as a social measure. support for incomes below the subsistence level. you still have questions, want to know what other help you can get from states can young parents receive? subscribe to our telegram, ask, and we will ask questions to the ministries and will definitely tell you about everything in one of the next issues. instructions. candidates for the post of president of russia are actively working with voters. special attention is paid to women these days. current issues, in particular the preservation of women's and children's health, also speak about the special contribution of women in supporting the air force fighters. details from anna voronina.
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the election race is getting closer to the finish line, time is running out remains at the meeting with voters to discuss election programs, but today the candidates and their proxies paid attention to those issues that particularly concern women. in the company of a nutritionist, dietitian and endocrinologist. the main thing is also the redistribution of money between the region and the center, because often there are no specialists, and in hospitals, the main thing is simply a lack of funding at
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the current moment, and the state of hospitals that we see, the money, the money that is now, they are only enough for maintenance, development, you need at least twice as much money, candidate for president from the communist party nikolai kharitonov. at a meeting with representatives of the all-russian women's union, he raised the issue of helping young women. the discussion was both about getting a job after graduation and about the housing issue, including for young spouses. the first couple, the first apartment, that means for the first apartment for 20 years, but no more , the mortgage should be no more than 10%, but no more , and even young people after university, well, where are they? them, well, primary capital, well, where will they get it? 3, 4, 5, 7 million. depend on the square meter, so today we are not talking, we need to talk, sound the alarm, we need to talk out loud. nikolai kharitonov noted that if it is possible to resolve the housing issue, the issue
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of employment with decent wages, this will have a positive impact on demography, he emphasized that now the birth rate in russia is too low, does not exceed 1.4. the presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation is confident that thanks to the implementation of his program the situation will be successful to correct. people. they will love, there will be weddings, there will be when they are confident in their future, in my program they played capitalism, that’s enough, almost everything is spelled out, and this program, it will be carried out from a to z, provided that our victory takes place, candidate leonid slutsky met with supporters of the ldpr today and thanked them for their active participation in collecting appeals as part of the all-russian survey “tell slutsky the truth”, from which the initiatives came. were reflected in the candidate’s election program, including the proposal to extend working hours in kindergartens, as well as opening nurseries for babies from 2 months. also today
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, leonid slutsky noted the special contribution of women in supporting fighters in a special military operation. i would like to congratulate all those with whom we interact, the leaders of volunteer associations who help people every day. schweibats, unique. ours, give ours, give our children the opportunity to feel under the mother’s ascetics, heroines who sew in the rear for care on the front line. co-chairman in sochi election headquarters of vladimir putin, vladimir mashkov met with women occupying leading positions in modern society. these are business leaders and entrepreneurs. vladimir mashkov noted the special role of women in raising the younger generation. preservation of traditions, which is why the protection of the fair half of humanity by the state is so important, which is reflected in the program to support motherhood and childhood. everything that happens in the world and everything
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that... men do, they do unconditionally for you and for your sake all the best that they do, and of course, thanks to your tenderness and support, the world is developing. well, i will note that today a series of debates on our tv channel has ended for the candidates and their proxies, now all attention will be paid to personal meetings with... russia, traditional, modern, technologically advanced, original , open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes,
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welcome to asia, this is where the heart of the continent beats, is she really a mind reader or not? premiere, anna ostrovskaya, investigator committee, she has special responsibilities. look
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, well, there’s a girl standing there trying to make money, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, look, just don’t do anything on your own, stand still, don’t move, here i am for some reason the medium is correct, watch it before anyone else, in the app or on the website. transform the world with wisdom and beauty, inspire with your perseverance and spiritual generosity, remain invariably
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charming, despite difficulties. and of course, to be the center of the family, which in russia is dedicated to the whole year. from march 8, the main women's vladimir putin congratulated russian women on the holiday. today in russia the family, its interests, demands, are the center of attention and an absolute priority. we will definitely do everything possible to ensure that families with children, including, of course, large and young families, young mothers, feel cared for and supported by the state. i want it separately. to appeal to women who are in the zone of a special military operation, performing combat missions, to those who are now separated from their families, waiting for our heroes, inspiring them with love, with joy and support, they worry about all our soldiers, helping them on the front line, in hospitals, in numerous volunteer structures.


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