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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 8, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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hangar, i heard calls for help , thank god, the three of us managed to run out, the temperature was very high, everything that was inside was destroyed, seven people were trapped, burned alive, everything burned, well, even bones, there was nothing there to know, another raid is starting, and information has also appeared that the publications stole a save with 20 million rubles, i am the director, this is mine. the company is my responsibility, he now has to live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he killed people. what caused the fire? little things brought big things consequences. why people died and how the flower business works in russia. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. dear friends, i invite you to our next release of the author’s program. sogon t
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which will be called the anatomy of betrayal or the merry widow. i look forward to seeing you at our next meeting. hello, i'm boris akimov. and i am oleg stepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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forecasters promise pleasant march weather to residents of russia, and today all weekend. ksenia levitskaya has a detailed forecast for different regions of the country. nature will give women pleasant march weather for the holiday. where in russia it is now anomalous, warm and sunny, and where it will snow, what temperature is expected in moscow. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and centrafobas. i'm ksenia levitskaya. hello, our country will have no weather disasters on international women’s day, there will be a generally calm atmosphere a distinctive feature of the beginning of march twenty- four. usually the first month of spring feels more like winter, there are heavy snowfalls and blizzards, but not this time. much of russia is currently in the grip of an extensive cyclonic system. it covers the territory from the central regions to the lena coast. but it consists of atlantic ones.
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diving into eurasia from the arctic, and such eddies, as a rule, do not have large reserves of moisture, the south of siberia and the far east , on the contrary, are covered by an anticyclone, and so here atmospheric fronts break through. in primorye, for example, on thursday the weather was still spring, local residents were preparing for the holiday, and some didn’t even have to. in this video , a group of joggers came across boxes of flowers thrown in the forest, by the way, i ’ll put a bunch of them. something to do, a little bit of this, a little bit of that, but by the evening it started snowing again in the region, and closer to night, precipitation began in vladivostok itself, visibility in the city deteriorated to 2 km. today, bad weather in the primorsky territory will continue, snowfalls are also expected kamchatka, khabarovsk territory and sakhalin, but in the most populated areas they will be weak. and the temperature is close to normal. in vladivostok, the snow will stop during the day, and the thermometers will show.
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the temperature will drop to -10 next night. on saturday it will become a little cooler, but on sunday a thaw of +2 is expected in the daytime. as for siberia, there will also be light precipitation here, but only in mid-latitudes. however, it cannot be said that the siberian megacities are not affected by the mentioned cyclonic system, how does it affect? in the circulation of a huge funnel in the regions, very warm southern air poured in, for example, what krasnoyarsk didn’t look like, in the city the temperature rose to almost +6, the snow was melting on the streets, snow was falling from the roofs. fortunately, today the situation is returning to normal, the well-warmed air masses are transforming, that is , they will cool down, and thermometers will show comfortable temperatures around zero, you won’t have to jump through puddles, the next thaw will come on sunday +4. as for the european part of russia, it was also unusually warm here the day before. here this, for example. footage from murmansk. it is clearly
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visible that melt water is flowing through the streets. the air in the city on thursday warmed up to +3°. it got warmer the day before and in the middle zone. in moscow, after a steady minus on wednesday. on thursday, the capital's thermometers showed the same +3, only in the south of european russia the landscapes became less spring-like. it got colder in the caucasus and there were quite intense snowfalls. listen, such snowfall in moscow doesn’t happen every year in december, you have to check it out on march 7th. today the situation is practically will change, unless stable landslides return to the mountainous areas. in the rest of the russian plain the temperature will be around zero. in the eastern half. a weak minus, in the western one a weak plus. due to the influence of atmospheric fronts, precipitation is possible, but it will not be intense, as in other areas of the country. in moscow today it is +1, sunny, local snow showers are possible. overall, pleasant march weather.
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frosts will return this weekend, down to -1° during the day, and -8-12 at night. that's all for me, goodbye. and with bref there is an easier way. bref - colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bref at a super price. hurry up to buy in stores in your city! home is where the family is? and in the bank house of the russian federation 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months. the most important contribution to the family. the viruses retreat when the teloron north star appears. what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual. relaxed sublime. find
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the vernelle scent to suit your mood. siot can be accelerated. ford first class. on any road and for my whole family. cherry tigo 8 pro max. dream bigger. cherry. when you're enjoying cooking, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. somat
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gold tablet with intensive cleansing formula effectively removes baked-on dirt. samat gold is our number one in effective cleansing. new yandex browser. give me neurosil. make any text better, download the new yandex browser, be amazed at your neural powers. the world of bcs investments is limitless. there are those who boldly open it , relying on the support of experts, strive further to get more. and we have something to offer them. bcs - the world of investments. are your items faded after washing? use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores color, things are like new three times longer, new, no, i wash with weasel,
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and i also draw a collection in exactly one evening, the erica clothing brand for... we use high quality fabrics, european, mostly from italy, with an original cut, but still this is a minimalist brand, and in design throughout. the company is small, less than 10 people, they make two seasonal collections a year. our overalls have been worked out with such great patterns that... the overalls are worn again for the first time in the world, that is, you can go to a party, you can go on a date, you can go to work and wear your underwear, for example, put on some kind of knitted jumper or shirt. creating a model from sketch to
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finished product, in my case a coat, usually takes about a week, but for production, in addition to the designer , several specialists are needed at once: a pattern designer. sports with technology skills, and large brands still have the master who selects the material. yes, natalya! we’re making a shirt like this today , please, size forty-four, we’re size four. one of the main difficulties the fashion industry is currently experiencing is the lack of qualified specialists, erica believes. with specialists , everything is complicated and difficult, because specialized secondary education is required for a person to receive an education. knew what designing patterns was, what technological processing meant, that is
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, everyone immediately went to higher education, and this slightly different knowledge, to promote the brand, the company uses different channels , you have two directions, these are wholesale sales and, accordingly, working directly with private clients, for example, we try to get into direct contact with people. from there are top managers of various large russian companies. at the end of last year, the brand took part in the brix plus fashion summit, which was held at various venues in moscow. its participants included 130 companies from twenty countries. a b2b showroom was organized in zaryadye park. your collection in it presented the erica zions brand. buyers from italy became interested in russian designers. they have a huge showroom in milan, where they are moving.
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the united arab emirates, that is, i think that we will still be more focused there. over the past 2 years , about a dozen russian fashion brands have entered the united arab emirates market alone. at the same time , domestic producers are earning more and more trust within the country. the textile and light industry market is today the second market in russia in terms of volume after food, that is, somewhere around annual revenue in the region of four and... 3 trillion rubles, and we are in this market, russian producers
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today occupy up to 18% of the total volume, which is why we should leave such a market further, as they say, without serious import substitution , which is talked about a lot today, this is absolutely wrong, russian fashion was able to adapt to the sanctions, according to data from ninpromtorg over the past year, light industry was able to increase production by 20%. on the territory of russia, but there are still a lot produces from the territory of russia.
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for example, this factory in istanbul produces leather goods for the fashion house of sergei efremov. let’s say we sew leather in turkey, we sew knitwear in ivanovo.
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the designer presented a new collection under the r&z brand at moscow fashion week.
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this year, moscow fashion week is taking place at several venues in the capital. here in manege there are b2b showroom and market, where about 100 russian brands from different regions presented their collections, as well as foreign companies, including including from egypt, ethiopia, brazil and china. our company comes from shanghai, we make down jackets with different fillings, we came to moscow for the first time, we are thinking about using russian materials in our products. the new collection is dedicated to sustainable development and environmental friendliness. the base is wool from the ladakh region. all models are painstakingly handmade. many people come up and
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are interested, i hope we can sign good contracts. our brand is from south africa, the main idea of ​​the collection is to use art to change reality, focus on positive thinking. we have clients in different parts of the world, i hope that the database will soon be replenished with russian buyers. our country is represented by almost all regions at moscow fashion week, says curator elena davidyan. there were more than a thousand people who wanted to exhibit models in the b2b showroom and market, but only a hundred were selected. the brand must be 3 years old, at a minimum, they must have participated in at least two shows, introduced good websites, applications and various social networks that they themselves are developing, that is, these are not just new brands that will only have to prove themselves today, but in general, which are carefully
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prepared every season, from year to year their collections already appear. professionals in their field, the moscow shoe brand duet by me has been around for 8 years, says creative director alexander gonkevich. we are here now in the b2b showroom in order to present our products to buyers, since the end client already knows, the b2c segment already knows, now we want more develop.
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everyone is so used to it, here our craftsmen receive a ready-made cut, they adapt it so that they can assemble it, they make a mark, and directly assemble the finished piece, for example, the future of a loafer is in your hands, boots in the future. the process of creating shoes consists of several stages: first the material needs to be cut, we are now observing the cutting process. shoes, in this case we are cutting suede cossack boots, first the cutting, then the blank, then the tightening, at this moment the manufacturing takes place in parallel the soles are already directly, well, after tightening , the master glues the sole, these are shoes, the finished pair goes to packaging, a box,
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no, this is not, this is not put in a box, packaging is a very important stage in fact. a lot of component materials came under sanctions and, in connection with this, difficulties arose due to the absence of them on the russian market.
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every season i see great progress, and not only our industry, textile, light industry is developing, but also folk traditions are developing. large industry events are a good way for brands to expand customer base. recently at vdnkh at the exhibition forum of russia. shows of our designers took place, among them a new collection was presented by the brand cat couture.
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the company's production is located in krasnogorsk. i started creating and generally starting to implement this project when i was pregnant, but at that time i didn’t know it yet, that is, it was in 202, and the baby was literally 3 weeks old, i started creating this project and... and this was precisely the moment when the production was created, and as our team likes to joke, the child was born and the project was born at this the moment was born completely. it didn’t take long to set up our own production , says elena. but i used the services, i was not able to create each product to perfection, so that the jacket would fit as it should, so that the trousers would fit as needed, but only in my experimental workshop i was able to create that quality. a product that i originally wanted to create. anna is now making gradations, and the skirts,
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the yoke skirt, have such a high top, with a corner in the front and back. there are more than twenty people in the couture team. here we have a whole spaceship in terms of ventilation, because there are a lot of steam generators and iron steamers. at the moment, our red collection is being sewn, this is the trend of the season, brightness, richness, this is a model, a french jacket with beveled sides, very popular, in demand, since 2021 the ministry of industry and trade has launched a project map of russian brands, it makes it possible to learn about companies light industry in different regions of the country to get acquainted with their... products in 2023 marked on the map with more than 3,500 brands, the list continues to grow.
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two cutlets with onions, special sauce , cheese, salads, cucumbers, the legendary pita, this is a big hit, big hit, only in a tasty way, period, this is the same vacuum cleaner, the top vacuum cleaner, the top headphones, and also the top choice , top quality 20% cashback on everything. functions and onizations for only 2,999 in infidio and eldorado, home is where the family is, in domrf bank
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16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. burger king tastes better when cooked on fire. what men are silent about, painful urination, erection problems, this symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. longidaza against prostatitis. this have not happened before. russian cold. 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try the real russian cold ice cream. big, incredible! taste. now there are more benefits at bigfest. and a choice of five favorite products at a very competitive price. from march 11 in delicious. and
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period. what is your dream car? the answer is very simple. it should have everything: style, dynamics and first class comfort. for any road, and for my whole family. cherry tigo 8 pro max. dream bigger. cherry. one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops. now the prices for flowers are such, it’s cheaper to buy a smartphone, mega discounts up to 50%, smartphones with communication, only in a megaphone, two bikhits at a bargain price, only at a delicious price, period.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who do you look like? well, there the girl is standing in saroslan. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. look,
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just no amateur performances. stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website. transform the world with wisdom and beauty, inspire with your perseverance and spiritual generosity, remain invariably charming despite difficulties, and of course, be the center of the family, which is dedicated to the whole year in russia. vladimir congratulated russian women on march 8, the main women's holiday putin. today in russia, the family, its interests and requests are in the spotlight and are an absolute priority. we will definitely do everything
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possible to accommodate families with children. they help them on the front line, in hospitals, in numerous volunteer structures. you again prove again what irresistible power a woman’s heart has, you give an example of perseverance, confidence that good and truth are on our side. in vladivostok , congratulations are not only accepted today.


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