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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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more brutally, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product? women amaze with their ability to do everything quickly and at the same time carefully, taking into account all the details, while solving problems, they remain charming, it is impossible not to admire them. vladimir putin said this in his congratulations on march 8th. according to the president, it is a woman who is capable of transforming the world with beauty, wisdom and spiritual generosity, this year in our the country is dedicated to the family and for the authorities the interests of russian families. an absolute priority.
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dear women, i cordially congratulate you on international women’s day. we are looking forward to it with joy and excitement. we are preparing in advance for this wonderful spring holiday. and today , in every home, in every family, the most tender, warm wishes are heard to our mothers, wives, daughters, grandmothers, and friends. you, dear women, are capable of transforming the world with your beauty, wisdom and spiritual generosity. but above all, thanks to the greatest gift, which nature has endowed you with is the birth of children. motherhood is a woman’s amazing destiny, difficult, responsible, but giving so much joy and happiness. the most important thing for any woman, no matter what profession she chooses,
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no matter what heights she reaches here, is family, relatives, friends, tireless care for children, their health, education, the desire to raise them so that they grow up worthy, successful people. this year in our country is dedicated to family. the meaning, the essence of family is , first of all, the continuation of life, the continuation kind, the history of each specific family. throughout our country, it is the family that strengthens the connection and continuity of generations, and a caring, respectful attitude towards women and motherhood is an integral part of our traditions. today in russia, the family, its interests, demands, are the center of attention and an absolute priority. we will definitely do everything possible so that families with children, including, of course, large and young families, young mothers feel cared for
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by the state, i would like to specifically address the women who are in the zone special military operation, carry out combat missions for those who are now separated from their families, wait for our heroes, inspire them with love, joy and support, worry about all our soldiers, help them on the front line, in...
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women achieve great success, separately , the head of the military department addressed those representatives of the fair half of humanity who are currently serving in the russian army. many
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work with dignity and selflessness in military hospitals and make a significant contribution to supporting the armed forces strengthening the defense capability of our country. we are infinitely grateful to you for your heroism and dedication, a special word of gratitude to the mothers of our children: you raised true patriots and valiant defenders of the fatherland who courageously and selflessly defend independence and safely. the future of our country, thank you for everything, our dear women, we sincerely and deeply appreciate everything you do for us, congratulations on international women’s day,
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hundreds of women work in special operations on the holiday, military doctors are at risk with their lives, saving wounded soldiers on the front line, here professional knowledge alone is not enough, special stamina and endurance are required, and some also demonstrate... the quality of good managers, for example, in one of the areas a whole medical platoon is commanded by a woman with the call sign squirrel. the topic will be continued by our war correspondent, anton stepanenko. are you ready to evacuate? to evacuate the wounded, go to the front line, where they were taken out of the trenches. this is done by the platoon she commands, the reception and sorting platoon.
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well, that there will be all sorts of departures, business trips , there will be bad conditions, well, roughly speaking, don’t call me, then don’t cry, she didn’t call and didn’t cry, didn’t tell me
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how they lived for a month in the ground, in a forest clearing, how she pulled herself out wounded in the field , she did what she could and even more, just to save their lives, for women in war, is this normal or what? this is rather abnormal, what do you think? i think it’s normal, why a woman, we are military personnel, there is someone to replace her, but they don’t put men in, why don’t they replace her? i this i don’t want, well, you don’t want, well, no matter how in the army, not everything depends on what you want, well, i seem to have very good authority in the regiment in terms of my work, so no one will ever replace me, don’t replace the senior operating sister elena trofimova in military...
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naturally we need to be stricter, she remembers everyone, and she remembers, because thanks to this woman.
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ukraine. at night, messages came from several regions of the country, the kharkov region, and odessa. and late the night before , the sounds of detonation were heard in the kirovograd region in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. an air raid alert was announced in six regions of the country, in some twice during the night. russian artillery in the kopinsky direction destroyed the fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces. a powerful strike with rockets on igor pikhanov will tell you the details. in the kupinsky direction of the front , the tornado-g multiple launch rocket system is preparing for combat deployment. a signal was received from the scouts that the enemy had been detected. the crew charges the installation for a large amount.
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spring off-road conditions are heavy, so the crew can quickly arrive at any given point, thanks to a modern guidance system, the vehicle is ready for battle in just 2 minutes. in a matter of seconds, modern shells of high power and flight range cover the positions of ukrainian militants, some charges explode in the air, eliminating enemy military equipment, the rest are blown up in the ground, destroying dugouts and trenches. there are several drones in the sky at once, they are monitoring the enemy, as well as adjusting the day.
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after the shots are fired, the crew turns off the installation and goes into the forest. under the cover of trees, the soldiers reload. again a formidable machine is ready to attack the enemy, specialists from the ministry of defense are destroying positions in the ssu, as well as thwart enemy attempts to deliver shells to the front line. well, basically there were columns, pickup trucks and such cargo trucks for transporting personnel in vehicles, light armored equipment of the enemy, there were no permanent firing positions, since they also calculated with the enemy, that is, the enemy cannot know from which firing position he will shoot. ukrainian militants are trying to strike civilians. for residents, the russian military protects front-line cities and towns; intelligence officers use drones to monitor the combat line around the clock contact, destroy enemy sabotage groups. reconnaissance is carried out carefully, every place is inspected, somewhere we saw that it was suspicious, we hovered, looked, the enemy is always, well, we find the enemy, this is 100%. the units of the ministry of defense work
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in a coordinated manner, this is the result of regular training at training grounds; for the threshold, all attacks end in heavy losses. we should begin large-scale preparations for some big battle, and not concentrate on cities that have no strategic value, while kiev has friends with every less and less during the day, the head of the polish ministry of defense said on social networks that his country will not send its soldiers to ukraine, they also called for common sense in france. the country's former prime minister called the threats being thrown at nato a disaster. the deployment
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of nato ground forces in ukraine poses a risk to the powers involved. responsibility is unacceptable, this is the logic of the use of force, when this logic gets out of control, it leads to escalation, which can be fatal, what seemed impossible 10-15 years ago, now is already perceived differently, and this is fundamentally wrong, this is a tragedy for humanity. they talk about the difficult situation in the armed forces of ukraine in washington, but with the allowance for the fact that the states in the conflict zone still have their own military contingent. the ukrainian army, for a number of reasons , does not feel any support now; as far as i understand, initially biden wanted there to be no american military in ukraine. due to these restrictions , the pentagon was looking for ways to cooperate with the ukrainian military, but being outside of ukraine, in this area we have achieved great results. also, as far as i know, our
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special forces are present in the conflict zone, but i can’t say anything more. despite gross violations of international law, the white house continues. well, as you can see, there is no more nord stream, so the russians must be careful. at the same time, american military experts are increasingly calling on the authorities to negotiate with russia. former un weapons inspector scott ritter said: moscow has achieved undeniable nuclear superiority over washington, so the west urgently needs return to the negotiating table. alika
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komarova, lead. and the latest news: vladimir putin pardoned 52 convicts. women, the decree is reported on the kremlin’s official website. the head of state made a decision based on the principles of humanity. first of all, the president pardoned women who have minor children. the decree also talks about pregnant women and those convicted whose relatives are participating in a special military operation. to pave new paths into space, but not to leave the ground, choose the route firmly hold the helm, don't speak loudly. but only someone in whom we are confident can make us listen, no one listened to us , listen now, vote for someone who
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can be trusted with the country, joe biden delivered his annual state of the union address to the us congress, his predecessor donald trump did not appreciate the speech, named in the first 10 minutes, the american president, according to journalists, mentioned ukraine eight times , vladimir putin six times and russia twice. our own us correspondent, dmitry, will tell you what else surprised biden’s speech melnikov. on the eve of joe biden's arrival at congress to deliver the traditional speech on the unity of the country, the perimeter of the capitalist hill was surrounded by a fence. unity is a dubious term for the state america finds itself in.
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standing: we will not leave, we will not give up, and i will not give up. history is watching, we must support ukraine, supply them with weapons
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so they can defend their sovereignty, that's all ukraine is asking for, it's not asking for american soldiers to be sent there, and by the way, i hope it stays that way, therefore, now we must unite all together to resist russia; if the united states turns away, it will put ukraine in harm’s way. at risk, europe at risk, the free world at risk. democrats interrupt his speech with applause, but they are in the minority in the house of representatives, where joe biden speaks. speaker mike johnson smiles indulgently, because the future of the aid package for kiev largely depends on him. a vigorous and formidable start, but by the third paragraph, which biden reads from the prompter, he begins to get confused. talking about trump as a threat, biden wants to call for protecting democracy from him.
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but if you want to get inexpensive medicine, you need to fly to toronto , berlin, moscow, sorry, but even to moscow, probably as expected, biden announced a special mission of the us military to create a port in the gas sector through which additional humanitarian aid will pass cargo, while the deployment of american soldiers on the territory of the enclave is not implied. still, in his state of the union speech, biden talked more about friend. in his speech, ukraine was mentioned eight times, russian leader vladimir putin six and russia twice. it is unknown whether this is
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what they wanted. americans heard from their president, but it’s clear that biden spoke about what was important to him. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskkin, news from washington. the beginning of sports news in the studio ilya kazakov, ilya, good morning, olympic champion in open water swimming, brazilian anna marcela cunha expressed concern about the quality of water in the hay. roman, yes, and this is professional anxiety, the point is that last summer , an increased concentration of pathogenic bacteria was recorded in the seine. designated for swimming, but the olympic organizer requires that the swims take place there. alexander ovechkin's goal and assist helped washington defeat pittsburgh 6-0 this morning. the russians score points in the fourth match in a row. ovechkin scored early in the second period. he took advantage of the confusion on the opponent's heel and sent the puck into an essentially empty net. a little later , the russian assisted henriks lapierre, scoring 1,532 points in the league and taking clear
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15th place in the list of the best nhl scorers of all time. a notable event of the meeting was the debut goal of ivan meroshnichenko, the twenty-year-old striker opened on his heel and beat the goalkeeper. with this win, washington is still in the playoff hunt. nizhny novgorod torpedo collapses in the first round of the khl playoffs. in the fourth match of the series, sk won 4:1 and increased its advantage. torpedo's home game did not give up from the very beginning. by the tenth minute the hosts were losing by a score 0:3. it is noteworthy that the second and third goals were separated by only 17 seconds. after that , nizhny novgorod changed their goalkeeper. ivan kulbakov came on instead of adam guska. towards the end of the first period, the hosts managed to score twice, although one goal was disallowed due to offside. the spectators did not see any more goals until the very end of the meeting; marat khairulin scored through the empty goal. this is the third victory in a row for the st. petersburg team. the fifth game will take place tomorrow in st. petersburg. if the club from beregov neva wins, the series will end and ska
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the next round of the gagarin cup will be released. lada beat the vanguard of the first round of the khl play-by-play series for the first time. the fourth match ended with the victory of the talyatinsky club 4:1. lada won its first victory in the khl playoffs since 2009. let me remind you that the talyatin team plays in the khl, having returned there in the 1917-17 season, and the last time the team reached the playoffs was in the 8-9 season, the first in the history of the khl. then the togliatti team lost to cska in the first round of the playoffs with a score of 2:3. after lada's victory, not a single series
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based on the results of the first half, the question of who the favorite was was more relevant than ever, but bayar had more possession of the ball, while the difference in shots on target was 9:4, the score was 2:0 in favor of karabakh. in the second half , bayer's leaders gradually began to emerge from the bench, and they pulled out the match. first, wirtz took advantage of a mistake by the azerbaijani defense, and already in added time, patrik schick equalized the score. as a result, the draw was 2:2, also a sensation, but not as loud as it could have been. in the vtb united league nizhny novgorod on... the match starts with the hosts it didn’t work out, the nizhny basketball players went into the big break with a decent gap of 13 points, but in the second half they managed to completely seize the initiative, there was still a nervous ending, the rune was one three-pointer away from overtime, but juvain morgan missed the shot, and ivan stepkov confidently converted tactical fouls. the hosts' center alexander gonkevich updated his personal career scoring record with 16
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points and took four. and selection in the vtb league. for nizhny novgorod, runa remains the most convenient opponent. this season volzhans they beat him for the fifth time, three times in the etb and twice in the russian cup. about sports, have a nice day.


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