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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 8, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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men's ability to do everything quickly and at the same time, carefully, taking into account all the details, while solving problems, they remain charming; it is impossible not to admire them. vladimir putin said this in his congratulations to russian women on march 8. according to the president, it is women who are capable of transforming the world with beauty, wisdom and spiritual generosity. this year in our country is dedicated to the family and for the authorities the interests of russian families are an absolute priority. dear women. i cordially congratulate you on
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international women’s day, we are looking forward to it with joy and excitement, we are preparing in advance for this wonderful spring holiday, and today in every home, in every family, the most tender, warm wishes are heard to our mothers, wives, daughters, grandmothers, friends, you, dear women, are able to transform the world with your beauty.
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family, friends, tireless care for children, their health, education, the desire to raise them so that they grow up as worthy, successful people. this year in our country is dedicated to family. the meaning, the essence of family is , first of all, the continuation of life, the continuation kind, the history of each specific family and our entire country. it is the family that strengthens.
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you prove what irresistible power a woman’s heart has, you give an example of perseverance, confidence that good and truth are on our side. dear women, you take responsibility for solving sometimes very difficult problems, achieve success, impressive results in a variety of areas, amaze us men with your ability to do everything quickly, efficiently and at the same time study thoroughly.
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persistence allows women to achieve he also emphasized the sensitivity of attention to great successes. separately, the head of the military department addressed those representatives of the fair half of humanity who are currently serving in the russian army, as well as mothers.
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today , more than 300 thousand women serve and work in the armed forces, who professionally carry out the tasks assigned to them; many are worthy. they work selflessly in military hospitals and make a significant contribution to ensuring the armed forces and strengthening the defense capability of our country. we are infinitely grateful to you for your heroism and dedication. special thanks to the mothers of our children. you have raised true patriots and valiant defenders of the fatherland who courageously and selflessly defend the independence and safe future of our country. thank you for everything, our dear women, we sincerely and deeply appreciate everything you do for us, i congratulate you on international women’s day. words of gratitude are heard on international women's day on the front lines.
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wounded soldiers remember nurses doctors, those women who gave them a second birth, one of the participants in the special operation managed to find theirs on the eve of the holiday. saviors, alexander katyuba watched the joyful meeting. thank you, thank you, he dreamed of this meeting from the very day when she carried him, seriously wounded, from under fire on her fragile shoulders. thank you very much for helping me at a certain moment to remain alive. so my father saved me, well, they stayed to serve and i kind of know, i’m very pleased, i’m very glad that you have recovered, that you are in good order. natalya gabelkina, senior nurse of a separate guards medical detachment of the tula
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airborne forces unit , saved the lives of hundreds of our soldiers from the first day in the special operation zone. well, at that moment you somehow don’t think about being weak or something simple. strength comes from somewhere, after long months of treatment, an enemy oscologist broke a nerve in his leg, vladimir khanin learned to walk again, is now in rehabilitation, a zhukov medal was awarded for that battle, he learned from fellow soldiers that his savior was in a hospital nearby, he begged release the commanders to meet them.
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the meeting, alas, is short-lived, the service does not wait, ekaterina and natalya have new patients, for our soldiers they have long become family, the sisters will always help. a holiday on the front line, even if march 8 remains an ordinary working day in the hospital. the nurses perform their duties and only in the evening they will get together to contact their families. alexander katsub, alexander malyshev, lead. vladimir putin. pardoned 52 convicted women, the decree was reported on the kremlin’s official website. head of state made a decision based on the principles of humanity; first of all, the president pardoned women who have minor children. the decree also refers to pregnant women and those convicted whose relatives are participating in
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a special military operation. powerful explosions occurred in ukraine. at night, messages came from several regions of the country, the kharkov region, and odessa. late the night before, the sounds of detonation were heard in the kirovograd region, part of the kherson region controlled by the kiev regime, in kherson itself, local authorities said, the enterprise is a critical infrastructure facility damaged. an air raid alert was announced in six regions of the country, in some twice during the night. in the kupinsky direction, russian artillerymen destroyed the fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces, and dealt a powerful blow to the tornado-g multiple rocket launcher with rockets. at the same time it was possible. hit not only military equipment, but also dugouts and trenches at the same time. it's all about different times, shell explosions, our war correspondent igor pikhanov will tell you in more detail. in the kupinsky direction front , the tornado-g multiple launch rocket system is preparing for combat deployment.
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a signal was received from the scouts that the enemy had been detected. the crew charges the installation, for a long firing range of up to 40 km , the crushing power of the russian. calls this battery a real threat to ukrainian nationalists. the weapon is powerful, it burns out the enemy, be healthy, it hits the target, the damage is massive, we’ve been working together for some time. so everything happens quickly and efficiently, the car goes on a mission, a tornado under the cover of trees goes out to firing line, the rocket launcher is located at the urals base, the powerful engine easily overcomes spring off-road conditions, so the crew can quickly arrive at any given point, thanks to a modern guidance system, the vehicle is ready for battle in just 2 minutes. in a matter of seconds, modern projectiles are fired with great power. the flight range covers the positions of ukrainian militants, some charges explode in the air,
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eliminating enemy military equipment, the rest are blown up already in the ground, destroying dugouts and trenches. it's in the sky right away several drones, they conduct surveillance of the enemy, as well as adjusting fire. after the shots are fired, the crew turns off the installation and goes into the forest. under the cover of trees, the fighters reload; again, the formidable vehicle is ready to attack the enemy. specialists from the ministry of defense. they destroy positions in the ssu, and also thwart enemy attempts to deliver shells to the front line. well, mostly convoys, pickup trucks and such cargo vehicles for transporting personnel, light armored vehicles of the enemy. permanent there are no firing positions, since they are also calculated by the enemy, that is, the enemy cannot know from which firing position he will shoot. ukrainian militants are trying to strike civilians, while the russian military is protecting front-line cities and towns. scouts using drones monitor the line of combat contact around the clock and destroy
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enemy sabotage groups. reconnaissance is carried out carefully, every place is inspected, somewhere we saw something suspicious, we hovered, looked, the enemy is always, well, we discover the enemy, this is 100%. the units of the ministry of defense work in a coordinated manner, this is the result of regular training at training grounds; for the enemy, all attacks end in large losses and flight from the battlefield. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti kupin. direction of the front. london will allocate more than $400 million for the purchase of drones for the armed forces of ukraine. this was reported by the british ministry of defense. according to their calculations, these funds should be enough to supply 10 thousand drones. the topic will be continued by alek komarova. kiev and washington are disappointed in each other. this is reported by the new york times, citing sources in the american government. they are confident that ukraine should begin large-scale preparations for some big battle, and not concentrate. on cities that do not have strategic value, while kiev has fewer and fewer friends every day, the head
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of the polish ministry of defense said on social networks that his country will not send its soldiers to ukraine, they also called for common sense in france. the country's former prime minister called the threats being thrown at nato a disaster. deployment of nato ground forces in ukraine poses a risk that is unacceptable to the powers responsible for it. this is the logic of using force when it is. as far as i understand, initially biden wanted there to be no american military in ukraine; because of these restrictions, the pentagon
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was looking for ways to cooperate with the ukrainian military, but being outside of ukraine, we have achieved great results in this area. also, as far as i know, our special forces are present in the conflict zone, but i can’t say anything more. despite gross violations of international law in the white house continue to threaten russia, the official nominated by biden for the post of sanctions coordinator. must be careful, while american military experts are increasingly calling on the authorities to negotiate with russia. former
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un weapons inspector scott ritter said: moscow has achieved undeniable nuclear superiority over washington, so the west urgently needs to return to the negotiating table. alek komarov, lead. joe biden delivered his annual state of the union address to congress. predecessor donald trump did not appreciate the speech and called it the worst throughout history. on the eve of joe biden's arrival in congress to deliver the traditional speech on the unity of the country, the perimeter of the capitalist hill was fenced off. unity is a dubious term for the state america is in during this historic election marathon. outside congress , biden was awaited by pro-palestinian activists,
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while inside there were concerns about whether he could pull off the most important speech of his career. waiting in the aisle on the way to the podium for biden was congresswoman majorie teylar green wearing a cap with with trump symbols, she hands the president a badge with the image of a girl killed by an illegal migrant, a direct hint to close the border with mexico immediately, but joe biden begins his speech with something else, now.
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russia, if the united states turns away, must unite together to resist that it will remain so, so now we will put ukraine at risk, europe at risk, the free world at risk. democrats interrupt his speech with applause, but they are in the minority in the house of representatives, where joe biden speaks, speaker mike johnson condescendingly.
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as expected, biden announced a special us military mission to create a port in the gas sector through which additional humanitarian supplies would pass. at the same time , the deployment of american soldiers on the territory of the enclave is not implied. but still, in his state of the union speech, biden talked more about something else. in his speech, ukraine was mentioned eight times, russian leader
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vladimir putin six and russia twice. it is not known whether this is what they wanted to hear from their own. president of the americans, but exactly what biden spoke about what was important to him. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. egypt and the uae have begun delivering humanitarian aid to the gas sector by air. this was reported by the arab news agency vm. jordan and the united states also sent cargo with everything necessary to the enclave. footage released by the american central command shows packages with parachutes flying overhead. city. meanwhile, negotiations to end the fighting were unsuccessful. the hamas delegation left cairo. about alarabia tv channel reported this. the leadership called the sentences frivolous.
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palestinian movement in the city of hamat, eliminated several hamas fighters and discovered an weapons depot camouflaged in a residential area. mariupol is restoring the public transport infrastructure, trams are on routes every morning , the brave train has been completely repaired, many cars were damaged during shelling, even a retro tram has appeared on the line, there are only three of them in the country. it will be an excursion, its flight will be planned according to old, and in new areas of the city. about the restoration of mariupol, irina efremova. every morning at exactly 5:30, the trams of the mariupol depot begin to prepare to enter the line. before inspecting the car,
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we turn off the section. the voltage is turned off and locksmith aleksandrenko checks every bolt. mounting, rack brake. first of all, we check the brake. leave it and press on the drum. everything is done at a fast pace, because there are 13 cars, with one mechanic , most of the employees are women, all the work is done, mechanics below, electricians above, cleaning ladies, salons, everything else , fully operational, thoroughly washed, the first tram leaves in the driver's cabin victoria yancheva, she treats this car like a friend, i really missed my job, i was very worried about my car, thank god, i returned to work, the carriage also survived , it’s still dark on the street, the only thing breaking the silence is... even early in the morning you can see that the city has truly come to life so that people can
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get to other corners of it, they are planning to launch new routes, one of them will have a retro tram throughout russia, there are three, two of these in st. petersburg, one donated to mariupol, this car will run along the route, there will be excursions, the total number of restored passenger rolling stock is 24. soon you will be able to see even more, but already now on a 10 km route that connects the ilicha plant with the center of mariupol from the tram window , instead of burnt houses, buildings are visible. a little time has passed, but at the remaining tram stops, mariupol residents see colossal changes. how has mariupol changed over the year? well, that's all. everywhere city, people are returning along with trams , everything is clean, neat , more cars are getting upset on the streets, builders
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from different regions of russia are restoring houses and social institutions, the city of twin city is especially helping, whose specialists have already completed almost a hundred objects, schools, kindergartens, seven in total pieces, they were erected in the shortest possible time in 2 months, then a health care facility, this is an adult children 's clinic, chology, children's... surgery baths, of course, two baths that have never existed before, now we are restoring them, we are introducing, then we have these facilities: a rehabilitation center for children, a pension fund, we have opened three multifunctional centers , fountains are working again near new palaces of culture and parks, in the very heart of mariupol they continue to restore the drama theater, which was blown up along with people, ukrainian militants, until the end of this they plan to completely close the thermal circuit there and stage the first performances at the beginning of next year. irina. dmitry rud, vesti donetsk-mariupol. now economic news, maria filippova joins me. maria hello, new details about the sale of yandex have become known. greetings, vera,
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shareholders from the netherlands have approved the transaction and details below. the sale of yandex to a consortium of russian investors was approved by the shareholders of the dutch yandex nv. as stated in the company's statement, the transaction amount is 475 billion rubles. the role of the buyer is closed by him. investment fund consortium first. after closing the deal, yandex managers will receive 35% in this closed mutual fund. it is expected that all necessary actions will be completed in the first half of this year. of the year. for the final implementation of the transaction , regulatory approval, presidential permission and a number of other documents are required. federal budget revenues in january-february exceeded 5 trillion rubles, which is almost 60% more than in the same period last year. preliminary assessment.
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the figures for the same period last year were exceeded by more than 70%. the ministry of finance also noted that the budget deficit for the specified period amounted to 8% of gdp. the russian government has extended the ban on the publication of oil and gas production statistics until april next year. this order of the cabinet of ministers is posted on the official website of legal acts. the publication of this information was suspended last year. the measures are valid until april of this year. such. the step is being taken to counter western sanctions pressure. rosstat does not provide monthly, quarterly and annual statistics on the production of oil, gas and gas condensate. swiss lawmakers supported the transfer of russian assets to the kiev regime. now bern will develop some kind of quasi-legal a base to physically transfer to ukraine the assets of the state-owned company of the bank of russia. it is worth noting here that the confederation has
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a relatively small share of jurisdiction. order in which we operate, and to be especially attentive to the international monetary order and the rules of law that have been respected for decades. the head of the federal reserve expects more bankruptcies of american banks this year. jerome paol warned about this during hearings in the us senate. the statement, although it concerned exclusively medium and small institutions, the history of crises shows that the domino effect may not be controllable. the chairman of the federal reserve tried his best to reassure the congressmen,
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the regulator allegedly did his best. every effort is made to prevent the fire from spreading. i'm sure there will still be bank failures, but these are small banks, if you look at the very large banks, this is not a first order problem for any of them, it is more a problem for small medium-sized banks, we are working with them in this direction, i think that it's manageable, i would use that word. this is very active work for us and for others regulators, it will continue for some time. recently, the international monetary fund, in a new report, also warned about the likelihood of a repeat of the events of march last year. then silicon velibank, one of the top twenty in the united states, went bankrupt, and two more regional banks collapsed almost immediately after it. at that time, the 2008 scenario was avoided only thanks to manual control and impressive injections of liquidity by the fed. one of the finnish municipalities will cease to exist as an administrative
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entity due to the fact that. authorities the republics closed the border with russia; this, as local media reported, collapsed the economy of the locality; in order to ensure the functioning of social facilities, for example, schools , a proposal was received from helsinki to merge the municipality with a city located nearby. they want to complete the merger in early may, but they do not support it, since it will not solve all the problems. finnish authorities began to restrict the operation of border checkpoints in november last year under the pretext of an influx of large numbers of illegal migrants from third countries. all checkpoints on the border with russia are closed at least until april 14. only two temporary ones are working and judging by the statements of the finnish ministry of internal affairs, they are not going to open the crossings there. the revenues of the soetsky canal fell by half due to the reduction in ship tariffs. this was stated by the minister of finance of egypt. on a local tv channel, he explained: the tension in the red sea is to blame. the situation there escalated in november, when the houthis, in response to
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tel aviv's military actions in the gas sector ... began to attack ships associated with israel, usa and uk. currently , most companies are wary of sending merchant ships through the soviet canal, preferring the longer route around africa. completion of exchange rates: dollar today 90 rubles 74 kopecks, euro 98 rubles 87 kopecks. that's all i have. flowers, money and fire. deadly fire at the capital's flower warehouse. the fire lasted 2,500 km. a fire at a flower base in moscow occurred on november 20, 2022.


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