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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, on the app or on the website, women amaze men. the ability to do everything quickly and at the same time, carefully, taking into account all the details, while solving problems, they remain charming, it is impossible not to admire them. vladimir putin said this in his congratulations to russian women on march 8. according to the president, it is women who are capable of transforming the world with beauty, wisdom and spiritual generosity. this year in our country is dedicated to family and for the authorities the interests of russian families are an absolute priority. dear women.
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i cordially congratulate you on international women’s day, we are looking forward to it with joy and excitement, we are preparing in advance for this wonderful spring holiday, and today in every home, in every family, the most tender, warm wishes are heard to our mothers, wives, daughters, grandmothers, and friends. you, dear women, are capable of transforming the world with your beauty, wisdom and...
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specially addressing women who are in the zone of a special military operation, performing combat missions, those who are now separated from their families , waiting for our heroes, inspiring them with love, joy and support, worrying about all our soldiers, helping them on the front line, in hospitals, in numerous volunteer structures, you again prove: what an irresistible power a woman’s heart has , you give an example of perseverance, confidence that good and truth are on our side. dear women, you take responsibility for solving sometimes very difficult problems, achieve success and impressive results in a variety of areas, you amaze us men with your ability to do everything quickly, promptly and at the same time carefully, taking into account all the details.
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you cope with a whole heap of problems and troubles, you remain charming and attractive, it is impossible not to admire you, i want to wish you true mutual understanding with those who are dear to you, as many truly happy moments as possible, success in everything that is important to you, happy holiday you, with international. women's day women inspire the hearts of men and inspire accomplishment. with these words defense minister sergei shaigu addressed russian women, congratulating them on march 8. he also emphasized sensitivity, attention and perseverance, allowing women to achieve great success. separately, the head of the military department addressed those representatives of the fair half of humanity who are currently serving in the russian army, as well as the mothers of soldiers. today
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, more than 300 thousand women serve and work in the armed forces, who professionally carry out the tasks assigned to them. many work with dignity and selflessness. in the military hospitals make a significant contribution to ensuring the armed forces and strengthening the defense capability of our country. we are infinitely grateful to you for your heroism and dedication. special words of gratitude to the mothers of our children. you have raised true patriots and valiant defenders of the fatherland who courageously and selflessly defend the independence and safe future of our country. thank you. to you for everything, our dear women, we sincerely and deeply appreciate everything you do for us, i congratulate you on international women’s day. hundreds of women work in the special operation zone on a holiday, military doctors risk
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their lives saving wounded soldiers on the front line, here professional knowledge alone is not enough, special stamina and endurance are required, and some also demonstrate the quality of good managers.
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so i’m providing first aid to... them, i’m really praying inside, the main thing is to get him through, if i start like really heavy three-hundredths, which, when i’m a medic, i’m hysterical, seeing the nature of his injury, that is, this won’t make him feel any better, because many military personnel are conscious , at least understand something, so if i start to be hysterical, it will only make things worse for them, after college i worked as a district nurse, in the fifteenth year i put on shoulder straps, there is someone like that, my mother is a military doctor, my father is a military man, brother is fighting nearby in 136.
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what do you think? i think it’s normal, why a woman, we are military personnel, there is someone to replace her, but they don’t put men in, why don’t they replace her? i don’t want this, well, you don’t want it, well, as if in the army, not everything depends on what you want, well, i use it very much a good authority in the regiment in terms of his work, so no one will ever replace me, do not replace the senior operating sister elena trofimova in military surgery since the first chechen war. 27 years of experience, with the wounded - which is better, kindly or strictly? well, when, somewhere, they are strict, well, when she needs severity, somewhere a kind word, somewhere to support, as if pleasant, but sometimes
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they are capricious, naturally, they need to be more strict, she remembers everyone, and her remembers, because gratitude to this woman for the rest of her life, which she saved. there's a lot here there were three hundred who, as soon as they even saw or heard a woman’s voice , they immediately oh woman, here they are somehow always like sister, you will help me, you will do everything for me, but also from the first day about their state awards, how about she didn’t mention her injuries, her subordinates gave her away, belka has a full iconostasis of a military medic, akin to a soldier’s set of st. george’s crosses, an order of courage, medals for bravery, for courage, for saving the dead, and there is something for that
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not only at home or at work, but even just on the street , along with warm words from traffic police inspectors who participated in the military special operation, then how happy i was to see the beautiful ladies today. happy holiday to all the women who are now watching our broadcast, i generally remember a phrase from the song: how many good girls are, they are all immensely glad, happy in anticipation of the most pleasant words of gifts, and men all over the country do not skimp on one or the other, women and girls in the far east began to receive congratulations first, and... today only girls are stopped just to check how they are in the mood when they see the employees
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everyone smiles with flowers, because i was already wondering what i had done here, i didn’t seem to have broken anything, but here’s a pleasant surprise, every girl will be pleased to receive flowers, so men give us them more often. by the way, a pleasant bonus from the krasnoyarsk police was the opening of an additional car registration window, where women were served without a queue. but serviceman ivan from yekaterinburg, it seems, decided to give women a holiday not only from himself, but also from everyone who is at these moments on the front line. he and his colleagues give tulips girls passing by, and at the sight of the fighters , even those who didn’t need to came out into the street. i really wanted to thank our military, because what... they are doing now for the whole country is more valuable than any gifts, but i can hug you,
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hug you, of course, yes, thank you, these are our loved ones, our defenders, men, why not hug them, especially such heroes, and to see gratitude in the eyes of women, joy, smiles - this is priceless for us, thank you, and such a picture is everywhere today, ulyanovsk, perm, kazan, at these moments a wave of congratulations swept across central russia and capital, for footage from pushkin square, where the our heroines event is taking place. the weather in moscow is frankly not the warmest today, but at the sight of bright spring tulips, this fades into the background. here’s a touching video from employees of the ministry of internal affairs, so strict and unshakable, at first glance, they did not hide their emotions and gave a holiday and good mood to women all over russia. let's look at the fragment. there are a huge
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number of women serving in the structure of the ministry of internal affairs, and therefore their male colleagues, of whom there are certainly more, pay special attention to them on the march holidays. a how do you like this in sochi, a flower bus in the interior pulled out onto the line, either a garden or a gendrarium, a real one, the handrails are entwined with ivy, everything is decorated with flowers. passengers will go to rozuhutor on a cheerful note, despite the gloomy sky and... drizzling rain in sochi, but the flower marathon is in full swing, the western part of russia has only just begun to celebrate, men are noticeably worried, if only they had time to congratulate their loved ones, there is no need to worry, 8 march, of course, is a holiday, by the way, already 105 years old, but still only one in a thousand reasons to please your women. denis, thank you for how and with what russian women are congratulated today on their eighth birthday. according to
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the official website of the kremlin, the head of state made a decision based on the principles of humanity. first of all, the president pardoned a woman who has minor children. the document also talks about pregnant women and those convicted whose relatives are participating in a special military operation. and as the press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov clarified, this decree is related to the discussion. in december at a meeting of the presidential council for development of civil society and human rights on the topic of amnesty for a number of categories of women. now there is a short advertisement, we will continue later, do not switch. order a free credit card with a whole year of interest-free. and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw for free. cash at any atm: not just profitable, alpha profitable! a loan with cashback from
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16% per annum. rosbank - real opportunities. slabilen can help in the morning, available in a large, convenient package. weak, i know what happens tomorrow, order nazdrav city. open a deposit with the best interest rate up to 16% per annum in smere. powerful explosions occurred in ukraine; at night, messages came from several regions of the country at once, the kharkov region, odessa, the day before. late in the evening, the sounds of detonation were heard in the kirovograd region, in the kiev regime-controlled kherson region in kherson itself. local authorities said a business and critical infrastructure were damaged. an air raid alert was announced in six regions of the country, in some twice during the night. joe biden spoke in congress for the annual state of the union address. donald trump's predecessor did not
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appreciate the speech, calling it the worst in history, and calling the performance a real disgrace. only for the first 10 minutes. according to journalists, the american president mentioned ukraine eight times, vladimir putin six times and russia twice. our own correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov, will tell you what else surprised biden’s speech. on the eve of joe biden's arrival in congress to deliver the traditional speech on the unity of the country, the perimeter of the capitalist hill was fenced off fence unity is a dubious term for the state america is in during this historic election marathon. outside biden's congress.
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conflict in ukraine, every failure of kiev and roosevelt, an aggressive start immediately about his personal failure. my message to president putin is simple, we will not leave, we will not back down, and i will not back down. history is watching, we must support ukraine, supply them with weapons so that they can flank. russia, if the us
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turns away, it will put ukraine at risk, europe is under threat, the free world is under threat. democrats interrupt his speech with applause, but in the house of representatives, where joe biden speaks, they are in the minority, speaker mike johnson smiles indulgently, because the future of the package now largely depends on him.
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americans, no billionaire should pay a lower tax rate than a teacher, a sanitation worker, a nurse, that 's why i proposed a minimum tax of 25% for billionaires, just 25%, it would raise $500 billion in over the next 10 years. even speaking about american healthcare, biden again could not help but think about russia, but here he had to admit medicines in other countries. many times more affordable than in the usa. americans pay more for prescription drugs than anywhere else. i'm going to get in trouble
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for saying this, but if you want inexpensive drugs, you need to fly to toronto, berlin, moscow, sorry, but even moscow, probably. as expected, biden announced a special mission from the american military. to create a port in the gas sector through which additional humanitarian supplies will pass. at the same time, the deployment of american soldiers on the territory of the enclave is not implied. but still, in his state of the union speech, biden talked more about something else. in his speech, ukraine was mentioned eight times, russian leader vladimir putin six times and russia twice. it is not known whether this is what the americans wanted to hear from their president, but it is certain that biden spoke about what is important... to him. dmitry melnikov and nikolay koskin, news from washington. the ravings of a madman, that’s how american journalist tucker carlson described joe biden’s passage about
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ukraine. the tv presenter called the words of the us president that kiev could allegedly stop moscow a lie. it's the most important. if you look at the numbers or at the map, it is not obvious that russia would. america's main enemy, there are other candidates, maybe it's because russia is the largest christian country in the world, maybe because the biden administration is profiting from war, this is certainly true, there may be other reasons, and we know that the war against russia will not be the only one in which we will participate. polish media are discussing the consequences of a police clash between farmers in warsaw. social networks reported that among the most aggressive demonstrators there were employees in disguise. the one that is purchased for
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employees of the security forces of poland. i note that the accounts of users who shared this information were promptly blocked. there are no official comments from warsaw yet. now to the economic news, to me maria filippova joins. maria, greetings, new details of the sale of yandex have become known. please share details. greetings vera. dutch shareholders approved the deal. and details below. the sale of yandex to a consortium of russian investors was approved by the shareholders of the dutch yandex nv. as stated in the company's statement, the transaction amount is 475 billion rubles. the buyer is the closed-end investment fund consortium first. after closing the transaction, yandex managers will receive 35% in this closed mutual fund. complete all necessary actions are already assumed. in the first half of this year , the final implementation of the transaction requires regulatory approval, presidential permission and a number of other documents. federal
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budget revenues in january-february exceeded. rubles, which is almost 60% more than in the same period last year. the ministry of finance published a preliminary estimate, with non-oil and gas revenues exceeding rub 3,400 billion. year-on-year growth significantly exceeded 50%. oil and gas revenues in january-february exceeded the trillion mark 600 billion. the indicators for the same period last year were exceeded by more than 70%. the ministry of finance also noted that the budget deficit for the specified period amounted to 0.8%. percent of gdp. the head of the ecb said that the eurozone economy remains weak, from the wording that christina lagarthe used at the press conference, only one positive conclusion can be drawn for ordinary europeans: there is a small probability that the regulator will begin to soften monetary policy a little earlier, but of course there are no guarantees. also the ec lowered its forecast for eurozone gdp for this year by 20 by 2% points to 60.
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usa, the statement, although it concerned exclusively medium and small institutions, but the history of crises shows that the domino effect may be uncontrollable. the chairman of the federal reserve tried his best to calm the congressmen. the regulator is allegedly making every effort to ensure that the fire does not
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spread. i'm sure there will still be bank failures, but these are small banks, if you look at the very large banks, this is not a problem of the first order for any of them, this is more a problem of small medium-sized banks, we are working with them in this direction, i think it is manageable, i would use this word, this is a very active work for us and for other regulators, it will continue for some time, one of these days the international monetary fund . the new report also warned of the likelihood of a repeat of the events of march last year, when silicon wally bank, one of the top twenty in the united states, went bankrupt. almost immediately after it , two more regional banks collapsed. at that time, the 2008 scenario was avoided only thanks to manual control of the fed's impressive liquidity injections. one of the finnish municipalities will cease to exist as an administrative entity due to the fact that the republican authorities have closed the border with russia.
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this, according to local media, collapsed. the economy of the settlement, it relied exclusively on russian tourists, in order to ensure the functioning of social facilities, for example, schools, a proposal was received from helsinki to merge the municipality with a city located nearby. merger they want to complete it at the beginning of may, but they do not support it, since it will not solve all the problems. finnish authorities began to restrict the operation of border checkpoints in november last year, under the pretext of an influx of large numbers of illegal migrants from third countries. all checkpoints on the border with russia are closed, at least until april 14, only two temporary ones are open, and, judging by the statements of the finnish ministry of internal affairs, there are no plans to open crossings there. the russian government has renewed a temporary ban on the export of rabs, now until the end of summer. the resolution was published on the official website of legal acts. previous restrictions were in effect from september last year to the end of february this year. the measure will ensure that domestic producers of rapeseed oil and livestock farmers are supplied with the necessary
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processed products. as before, the ban does not apply to exports to ip countries, abkhazia, south ossetia, or within the framework of international agreements for the provision of humanitarian assistance. well, at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 90 rubles. 74 kopecks. euro 98 rub. 87 kop.


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